The Chameleon Soul Mate

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The Chameleon Soul Mate Page 6

by Evelyn Lederman

  “We would not be able to differentiate between a man and an animal. A physical inspection has to be performed. An animal could be just as dangerous as an unknown person coming through the portal. We once had a giant larma beast come in from Terra Flora. He was a challenge to catch and place in the Aster Province Zoo.”

  “Wow, I would love to see it at the zoo!” Yet again the words were out of her mouth before she judged whether they should be uttered. Between oral communication and the communal pathways, she knew she needed to take better care of what she said.

  “I would love to take you, Alexia.”

  Alex swallowed, boy, did she just mess up. Did he just ask her out on a date? Was she obligated to go with him? What was she going to tell Tarsea?

  Raine must have sensed her discomfort. “I know you are still recovering. How about when you are feeling better, in a couple of days we will go. The zoo has animals from a number of different worlds and is quite a sight to see.”

  She really wanted to check out that zoo. Her soul mate was on a date, after all. It would be natural for someone from another province to go out with a couple of men when she first arrived. Raine was also very good looking.

  “I would like that, Raine.” Alex knew she sounded genuine because she really wanted to check out what animals from other worlds looked like. Deep down inside, she knew she wanted to see those animals with Tarsea by her side.

  “How about we go three days from now? We can have lunch at the zoo. They actually have a charming restaurant within the park.”

  “Sounds great!” It really did. In her former world, it would have been a perfect first date.

  Alex got up and escorted Raine to the door. He looked at her and then walked out the door. For a second, she was afraid he was going to kiss her.

  She closed the door and turned to see Leenea. Her stomach sank when she saw Tarsea’s mother. Why did she feel like she had just stolen a cookie from the cookie jar and was caught red handed?

  “I could not help but ease drop,” Leenea said. “You handled that very well. I would have come to the rescue if you had faltered.” Relief eased the knot in her stomach. Leenea had not abandoned her and she approved how Alex had managed the situation.

  “You are not mad I made a date with Raine? After all, I am supposedly your son’s soul mate.”

  “Before I married Zane, I dated many men, even though I knew Zane was my soul mate. It is all about keeping up appearances. However, there were probably better choices related to who you date. You just need to be on guard about what you say around him. He is a patrol officer, after all. It will all work out fine, wait and see.”

  “Yeah, I just have to convince your son of that.” Somehow she knew Tarsea was not going to be happy about her going on a date with Raine Narmouth.

  Chapter 9

  Tarsea arrived early, so he could have a drink before his meeting with Chartail. His time now with Chartail could be called many things, but not a date. He ordered a stoak, distilled keen, on the rocks. The liquor burned on its way down, a warmth spread through his body. Alexandra caused a different kind of heat to rush through his core. He longed to have her next to him and taste her lips. He knew they had a lifetime ahead of them. He needed to finish things with Chartail before he could take the next step with Alexandra.

  The crowd began to grow and the music became louder. He felt the bass line in his bones and ordered another shot. Tarsea grabbed some salted crisps that were in bowls along the bar and popped them into his mouth. He started to scan the bar for Chartail. She always wore bright colors and stood out in a crowd. That was what first attracted him to her. Now that he had met Alexandra, he knew what real attraction meant.

  A bright yellow flash on his left caught his eye. Chartail was wearing a bright yellow transparent blouse with a short cream colored skirt. She rarely wore the tunic and leggings that most of the Aster Province’s population wore. He made his way through the crowd and embraced her.

  Chartail smiled at him and placed a kiss on his lips. One more action he was going to have to confess to Alexandra when he saw her tonight. Tarsea took her arm and shouted over the noise in the bar. “How about us taking a walk. It is too loud in here.” He led her to the exit adjacent to the park.

  There were half a dozen paths available in each of the meeting place’s parks. Tarsea decided to take the longest one, since it would be close to abandoned this time of day. He wanted to have as much privacy as possible when he talked to Chartail.

  She started the conversation before he had a chance to speak. “I heard you found a hiker on the mountain who had fallen when you went to meet Darden yesterday.”

  Tarsea was thankful she had brought up how he met Alexandra. This would be a perfect lead into what he needed to tell her. The communal pathways were more aware of Alexandra than he originally thought.

  “Yes,” he responded, “Darden had just come through the portal when we heard a woman scream further up the path. She was unconscious when we found her. The girl had no identification on her. We decided to take her to my parents’ house and see how badly she was injured. Having woken in the hospital bed after a fall myself years ago, I know how frightening that can be.” He knew he provided the cover story they created almost word for word.

  “That was very sweet of you. I am sure the girl appreciated it when she came to and had your parents to look after her.”

  Chartail was usually clingy and tonight was no exception. Tarsea gently pulled away from her and readied himself to start the speech he had been rehearsing in his head for some time. He knew he would break up with her before things got too serious. Alexandra’s presence just pushed up the timetable and nuances of what he was going to say.

  “When we got to my parents, we placed her in my old bedroom,” Tarsea continued. “She was placed in the bed I slept in most of my life. Chartail, I sat next to her and held her hand, waiting for her to open her eyes. I know you do not want to hear this, but I felt a connection to her before she even woke.” Tarsea knew that part of the story was fabricated, but he stayed as close to the truth as possible, so it would ring true to Chartail.

  “Wow!” Chartail exclaimed. “That was really slick! You sounded so sincere, Tarsea. We have been seeing each other for seven months now and I have been waiting for you to break up with me for the past few months. I knew of your reputation, that your relationships last three to six months and then you move on to your next conquest.

  “I even tried to convince myself that you loved me, that things would be different with us. Who was I fooling? I do not know who I feel sorrier for, me or that poor girl.” He knew she was angry, but he noted not a single tear fell from her incensed eyes.

  “Chartail,” Tarsea said, “you knew how I was before we started dating. I was not looking for a long term relationship.”

  Tarsea had to set the foundation, so Chartail would not be too surprised when he started to be seen in public with Alexandra. He could not afford too many questions or attention from her father Prime Adholm.

  “I spent most of last night talking to Alexia.” Surprisingly, that was actually true. He used Alexandra’s Troyk grandmother’s name, rather than calling her by her Terra Ginkgo name.

  “Let me guess,” Chartail said in a facetious voice, “you are about to say that you still want to be friends.”

  “We were never friends,” Tarsea responded. “We were lovers, big difference.” Not Tarsea’s finest hour in his own opinion, but it had to be said. “I liked spending time with you outside of bed, but the bulk of our relationship was sexual. Maybe if we started as friends, this could have developed into something else.”

  “So,” Chartail said, “am I being replaced by a newer model? Is she younger, blonder and slimmer? I know your type, you bastard! I was actually friends with three of your former girlfriends. They stopped talking to me when I
started dating you.”

  “She is nothing like my type, Chartail. Maybe that is why I feel different where she is concerned.”

  Tarsea knew he had to paint Alexandra in such a manner that Chartail would not be threatened by her going forward. Because of her father, she was well connected socially. He did not want Alexandra to be a social pariah from the start.

  “She is really short. I have always dated blondes, she has light auburn hair. A redhead, can you believe that?”

  He wanted to sound like a besotted fool. Odds were he did, because that was exactly what he was.

  Tarsea could tell that he had whetted Chartail’s curiosity about Alexandra. Hopefully she and his former girlfriends would see her as the one who finally brought him to his knees and made him suffer in the process. His primary concern was Alexandra’s welfare. For once he was driven by someone else’s agenda, when it came to the relationship he was in.

  “Looks like you have finally found someone who will throw you off your game. Good, I am dying to meet her and buy her a drink.” She started walking in the direction they had come. “I am going back to the bar to see if I can salvage the rest of the evening. I really do hope she breaks your heart.”

  With those parting words, she increased the speed in which she walked away. Tarsea followed her at a respectable distance to make sure she got back safely.

  “I am heading home, Alexandra. I will be with you soon.” He did not know if the soul mate channel was strong enough at this point to cover the distance. It felt good transmitting to her, even if she did not receive it. He was ready to start the next part of his life with Alexandra. Now, he just had to convince her. He knew she had a lot of reservations about their relationship. Tarsea also knew that all he had to do was touch her and her body’s needs took over.

  Chapter 10

  Alex heard Tarsea communicating he was on his way home. She smiled and laid back in his bed. Norri had spent the evening with her, telling stories about Starta and Alex’s father Blaylot. Her aunt shared 3D images of her parents and grandparents. There were pictures of Norri and her mother growing up, often dressed in the same outfits. Things weren’t so different here, compared to home where dressing twins was concerned.

  Then of course there was the visit from Raine Narmouth. She was not sure how she was going to tell Tarsea about him and the date she had set up. Before, she barely had one boyfriend. She never had to deal with juggling more than one like other girls.

  The house was so quiet that she heard when Tarsea returned. She patiently waited for him. Alex had hoped he planned to take her up on the offer she made him before he took off to meet with Chartail. She planned to erase his former girlfriend’s touch from his memory, replacing it with hers.

  Tarsea opened the door, came into the room and then closed the door behind him. He took a step toward her and then turned around to lock the door. She could not help but smile at the action. The last thing either of them wanted was for anyone to walk in on them again. That was so embarrassing this afternoon, what a way to meet her aunt!

  As he moved forward, he slowly took off his tunic. Alex stared at his incredible chest. Tarsea was all muscle and sinew, he could be an underwear model. There was little hair on his chest, just around his nipples. He had more hair that started around his belly and disappeared into his leggings. She licked her dry lips, as he came closer.

  He sat on the side of the bed facing Alex. The bed shifted as she moved closer to him. She took one hand and placed it around his back and used her other hand to explore his magnificent chest. There was nothing soft about Tarsea. He was built solid and she appreciated every inch of him. She had to taste him, she leaned forward and licked his chest. She made her way up and then started to nuzzle his neck. All of this was new to her. Never had she reacted to a man the way she reacted to him.

  Tarsea gently pushed her into the mattress and came down to cover her body. He reached for her face and brought it up to his, so he could kiss her lips. Alex got lost in his incredible caress. His tongue invaded her mouth and possessed her being. She could not put two thoughts together, as he continued to deepen the kiss and explore her mouth with his skillful tongue.

  Alex felt him adjust his position and he started to pull the lightweight tunic she wore to bed over her head. She raised her upper torso to help him remove the material that prevented them touching skin to skin. Before she could feel self-conscious about the size of her small breasts, Tarsea had his mouth on one and his hand massaging the other. He sucked and pulled on the hardened nipple. She was doing everything in her power not to scream in ecstasy. God that felt so good. Alex had been with other men, but never felt the rush of sensations she was feeling now. It had always felt awkward before.

  Tarsea muttered something and moved to her other breast. He assaulted that breast as he did the other. The hand that had been working on her breast earlier was moving down her side and going into the sleep shorts she was wearing. He invaded the panties and worked a finger into her tender folds. Before she could cry out loud, his mouth left her breast and covered her mouth with a scorching kiss. A second finger entered her and they both worked their magic. He had a rhythm going and she was lost in the primal mating dance his fingers were performing. The fire was burning inside her, ready to explode as he increased the tempo. His mouth captured her scream as she fractured into the first orgasm of her life. She never thought she would experience the height of passion. The reality of it was more than she imagined possible.

  “Are you all right, Alexandra? I was getting a lot of words from you through the soul mate link, but I could not seem to stop what I was doing.” His words pulled her out of her sensual fog. Her brain had been overwhelmed by his touch and what he had just done to her.

  Tarsea rolled off her and pulled her into his arms as he lay on his side. She rubbed her nose across his wet chest and took her tongue to yet again taste him. He tasted so good, she could not get enough of him. Salty goodness!

  “I didn’t know I was transmitting anything. I was kind of lost in the sensations you were bringing out in me.” She managed to mutter those words as she continued to savor his taste.

  “Your body was very responsive to what I was doing, but your mind started throwing off a lot of static when my fingers were bringing you what I hoped was pleasure.”

  Oh my god, he was talking about what he had done to her. She was caught between embarrassment and elation. There was an intimacy about the words, she had problems dealing with mentally. Alex knew she had to find words to describe how she was feeling, so he could not take random words ricocheting out of her brain the wrong way.

  “I am fine, Tarsea. My mind and my body are not always in sync when it comes to men. You are the first man I have met who seems to get a reaction from both. It’s usually just my mind reacting and my body staying neutral. Well, my body certainly reacted tonight to you and what you were doing. My brain must just be in a state of shock that my body has finally responded to a man.”

  “We are a telepathic people, Alex. I have to listen to your mind, as well as your body. I do not want to go any further until your mind comes to grips with what we are doing.”

  “How about we take a shower, while my mind is dealing with all these emotions and sensations?” Alex whispered the proposition in his ear. Her body was still craving every powerful inch of him.

  Tarsea laughed and brought her closer to him. It felt good and natural to be next to him in bed. She had known him for only two days, but it felt like she had known him her whole life.

  “I think you need a good night’s sleep and we will talk about showers, as well as brain and mind harmony tomorrow. You worked your brain hard today, experimenting with all the different channels. I could feel its fatigue along with the static. When we are finally together, I want it to be an experience your body and your mind can cherish.”

  She could not argue
with what he was saying, although she wished she could. As much as she tried, she could not reign in her brain and the experience she just had with him.

  “I won’t pretend to be disappointed, but I understand what you are saying.” Alex snuggled next to Tarsea. “Just don’t go yet. Why don’t you keep holding me and tell me how things went this evening.”

  He brought her further into his body and tightened his hold, she liked being this close to him. As he spoke, he made little designs on her back with his fingers. She figured he did not even know he was doing it.

  “She was naturally upset. I do not have the best track record with women and long term relationships. Chartail said she was expecting me to break up with her, but reality is a killer when it actually happens. I described you to her and she said she hopes you break my heart. Oh, she also said she will buy you a drink when she meets you.”

  “Time to come clean,” Alex said, “how did you describe me?” She was dying to know.

  “Well,” Tarsea laughed, “I actually told her the truth. That you are a fiery redheaded pixie who is always making demands. For once in my life I got to know a woman rather than jumping into bed with her.”

  “She bought that?” Alex asked. “We’ve only known each other two days.” Although they had talked, she wondered what they just did. It certainly felt like jumping into bed to her.

  “Alexandra, you are my soul mate!”

  “So you keep telling me. But the world doesn’t and shouldn’t know. Your mother told me they dated other people to keep up appearances for a while.” She could feel his body tighten next to her.

  “You talked to my mother about this?” Alex almost laughed at the look of horror that crossed Tarsea’s face. Alex swallowed hard, the moment of truth had come. It was time to fess up.


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