The Harrowing Path

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The Harrowing Path Page 12

by Cleave Bourbon

  “Just like that!” Gondrial said. “Don’t put any stock into what he says.” Shey gave him a hard look.

  Rennon fell back onto the divan as Morgoran let him go, a look of utter terror on his face. He sat frozen, suspended in the moment, stunned. Kelle reached to comfort her friend, but Morgoran grabbed her arm. “Do not help him, dragon sister; he will only learn if you let him be.”

  “Perhaps we should come back another time. Morgoran is more agitated than usual,” Seancey said.

  “Devyn, I will catch you! I will not let you destroy everything we have both worked so hard for!” Morgoran sat back on the divan with Lady Shey’s help. He pointed at Seancey. “Aye, come back later, Ranger. I grow weary of your company.” His face contorted again. “The Enforcers come and will be at the gate tomorrow. Flee to Signal Hill to the north. Send the one called Trendan out to Brookhaven, but do not let him talk to his friends, for the information they give him will kill him.” He looked at Sylvalora and his gaze turned to pleading agony. She approached him and put up her hand to cup his cheek. “You have suffered so, Morgoran; if I had a wish to fulfill, it would be that you suffer no more.” Morgoran closed his eyes and grabbed her hand. “Thank you, one thousand years have finally come to an end,” Devyn heard him whisper to her.

  Gondrial motioned for Devyn and his friends to leave. Sylvalora and Lady Shey remained behind with Morgoran.

  “That is it then. Trendan rides in the morning,” Seancey stated. “What will we do about the Enforcers?”

  “We are going to do as he says?” Devyn asked. “But you said we are to disregard what he says, right?”

  “Aye, mostly, but should his words should come to pass we will still want to be prepared.” Gondrial answered. He patted Seancey on the shoulder. “I know you can handle the Enforcers, Seancey. I will prepare the mounts after the Enforcers leave the gates. We ride as soon as they are out of sight. We have to get the tome to Ianthill as quickly as possible. Shey, Sylvalora, and Enowene will stay here with Kelle, and you and I will take Rennon and Devyn with us. I am sure that Kerad will want to come along to keep an eye on Vesperin.”

  Devyn stopped, and Seancey and Gondrial walked ahead a few steps before they turned back to look at him. “What’s wrong, Devyn? You appear confused.” Gondrial said.

  “What exactly is going on here? I have felt strange ever since we entered the Vale. Something is not right here. Where is Trendan? I need to speak with him. Why is he to leave for home when we are not?”

  “What you feel is the power of the place you stand in. The Vale is a place of energies you do not yet understand. Power of...” he paused, searching for a word. “Suggestion maybe? Once The Blight regenerates, this place of power will feel like nothing. A sudden realization dawned on Gondrial’s face. “Devyn, you are able to feel the power around us? You feel the essence? You can wield!”

  “That’s it. I’m going back to Brookhaven,” Rennon stated flatly. “I’m not going with you any farther.”

  “What are you saying? Is this the way essence feels?” Devyn asked.

  “We all go with Gondrial!” Vesperin said. All eyes turned to Vesperin, who looked at his two friends with a soft expression. “Remember when I told you to ask me later of the charge Loracia gave me?”

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Rennon said, shaking his head and pointing his finger at Vesperin’s face. “You are not going to make this into some kind of holy quest.”

  “I am afraid I must go with them. I strongly suggest the two if you do as well.”

  “Why, Vesperin?” Rennon asked pleadingly.

  “Because I owe my life,” Vesperin replied. “Loracia restored it to me, and I will be going on Loracia’s quest. I cannot make you understand or force you to come along. But I ask as your best friend to help me. Rennon, I need you. Trust me.”

  Devyn and Rennon sighed almost simultaneously.

  “What manner of quest?” Devyn asked.

  Vesperin smiled. “We will find out together.”

  “What will it be then?” Gondrial asked.

  Devyn nodded. “We will follow for now, for our friend.” He glanced at Rennon, who nodded somberly.

  “I will go along for the sake of Vesperin.” Rennon said. “But I don’t have to like it!”

  Chapter 10: Plans

  Devyn did not sleep well. He tossed and turned all night, frustrated that he would not be returning home soon. Thunder boomed in the distance, and the sound rolled ominously on for several seconds, drawing Devyn’s attention to the window. He threw aside the light blanket covering him and slipped out of bed. The stone floor was shockingly cold on his feet, so he tip-toed until he adjusted to the temperature change. Upon reaching the window, he pulled the yellow drawcord to open the blue curtains. Looking out, he could see Trendan mounting up. Lightning flashed and rain began to fall. Trendan pulled his leather cloak tighter around his body as he straightened himself on his horse. Seancey struck the horse on the hindquarter and it cantered. Devyn yanked open the wooden windowpane, rattling the loose glass.

  “Trendan! Trendan, wait,” Devyn yelled to his friend.

  Trendan turned to look back at him, and Devyn could see the saddened expression on his face, but instead of answering, Trendan turned away and spurred his horse onward. A cold realization pervaded Devyn’s mind. Trendan knew something he did not.

  “This is all madness,” Devyn mumbled to himself, throwing the window shut. “I may be in the company of wielders, but I will not believe those insane ramblings of Morgoran.” Devyn found his breeches and tunic and pulled them on. “When I see Vesperin I will end all this right quick. I will drag him back to Brookhaven kicking and screaming if I have to. He never saw Loracia; it was probably just some wielder trick.” As soon as Devyn was dressed, he walked to the rose and lavender scented washroom, combed his hair, and washed up for breakfast.

  Not long after Devyn had dried himself, Rennon walked into the washroom, his long, unkempt hair tangled and askew from sleep. He smacked his lips and dumped a bowl of water over his head into the wash basin without saying a word to Devyn.

  “Did you see Trendan ride out?” Devyn asked.

  “I just got up out of bed. Did he ride off already?” He asked before he yawned.

  Devyn nodded. “I tried to call to him from my window, but he rode off anyway.” Devyn shook his head and put his hands flat on the washbasin. “I just don’t believe all this nonsense, Rennon, and I can’t believe Trendan believes it either.” Devyn shook his hands. “Yet he rode off as if he does.” He paused for a moment and sighed. “They have gotten to him. He knows something I don’t.” Devyn closed his eyes and breathed in heavily. Then he let it out speaking in an even more agitated tone. “And did you notice how Kelle was acting last night? She was so...”

  “Cheerful!” Rennon said flatly. He continued washing his hands. “You know, last night you seemed a lot more accepting of our situation.”

  “Aye, too cheerful if you ask me. I don’t understand what’s gotten into her lately,” Devyn said disgusted. He gave Rennon a crooked gaze. “I was not accepting of anything.”

  Rennon cocked an eyebrow. “Now I think something may be wrong with you. You are acting almost exactly opposite of the way you acted last night. You’re, I don’t know, more melodramatic this morning.”

  Devyn’s face soured. “Sure, whatever, don’t turn this around on me.” His thoughts went back to Kelle. “I just can’t put my finger on it.”

  “I can. She has been talking to Sylvalora.”

  “What do you mean?” Devyn asked, eyes narrowing. “What’s she saying to her?”

  Rennon grinned. “Sylvalora has been showing her how to do something with that little statue you gave to Kelle. You didn’t know that?”

  “No, what is she showing her?” Devyn asked as he handed Rennon a drying cloth.

  “How should I know? You gave her the statue.” Rennon took the drying cloth and dabbed it on his face. “Where did it come from anyway?”

/>   Devyn stammered. “I—I bought it in a shop in Cedar Falls.”

  “Well, what’s it for?” Rennon asked.

  “I don’t know. I just thought it was something she might like,” Devyn said. “The old man said it was made by the elves.”

  “That’s what he told you?” Rennon asked. “He said the elves made it?”

  “Now that you mention it, no, I don’t remember what he told me it was or who exactly made it. What are you getting at?”

  “It’s something dangerous.”

  “It did feel strange; it made my hand tingle while I held it.”

  “And you gave it to Kelle!”

  “Well, she didn’t feel anything strange about it that I recall.”

  “Great, you had better get it from her. It’s probably some kind of foul talisman. Sanmir had a stone he brought from Darovan that he used to mix in with potions to increase their potency. He used it many times, but he wouldn’t let me touch it. He said it would only serve one master and was not something to be trifled with.”

  Devyn became worried. “You think the statue may be affecting Kelle in some way?”

  “Could be. I would get it from her as soon as you can.”

  Devyn nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”

  Rennon tossed the drying cloth aside. “Let’s go find Vesperin. I think we should talk to him without the wielders nearby and find out what really happened to him.”

  “Aye, I was thinking the same thing. Let’s get out of here and get back to Brookhaven, the sooner, the better.”

  “Now that’s the Devyn I know,” Rennon said enthusiastically.

  Devyn and Rennon walked briskly through the long corridors of Morgoran’s tower and found Vesperin eating breakfast in the dining hall with Lady Shey, Sylvalora, and Kelle. Devyn sat down beside Kelle, and Rennon sat opposite him. Servants appeared with fruits and bread for the two newcomers.

  Devyn lightly kissed Kelle on the check as he settled next to her.

  “I was wondering when you might be joining us, Devyn. Did you sleep well?”

  “Not particularly,” Devyn said. “I tossed and turned most of the night.”

  “Well, you have a lot on your mind I would imagine,” Kelle said.

  Devyn leaned in close to Kelle’s ear. “I need to speak with you alone as soon as possible.” Sylvalora looked up sharply at Devyn, and he started for a moment. “Are you all right, Sylvalora?” he asked and then immediately scolded himself for being so bold.

  “Fine as a spring day, good man Devyn, why do you ask?”

  “You just seemed concerned for a moment.”

  “I am concerned you are not sleeping is all, Devyn.”

  “Aye, perhaps I am a bit jumpy. I apologize.”

  “No need for apologies. Just try to get some sleep tonight. Perhaps have Rennon prepare you a sleeping powder?”

  “Aye, that’s a good idea, Sylvalora, I will.” His words felt stilted.

  “Good,” she said.

  There was a long, uncomfortable silence while they ate their breakfast.

  “Vesperin, don’t you have morning prayers to attend?” Rennon asked.

  “I already attended them.”

  “Good, I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

  “With what?” Vesperin asked.

  “Something,” Rennon said uncomfortably.

  Vesperin stared at him for a moment. “All right. I will help you. When and where do you wish to meet?”

  “We can go right now.” Rennon pushed himself away from the table. “Are you finished?”

  Vesperin nodded and pushed away from the table. “Aye, let’s go. I’m curious about what you’re up to.”

  “Come on, Kell; let’s go with them.”

  Kelle smiled at Devyn’s invitation, excited to be included. “Aye, let’s go,” she said.

  “If you will excuse us, my ladies,” Devyn said, rising from the table.

  “Of course,” Lady Shey said.

  Devyn grabbed Kelle by the arm and held her hand as they raced behind Rennon and Vesperin out of the dining hall.

  “What is all this about?” Vesperin asked suspiciously. “Why are you two acting so strange?”

  Devyn waited until they were well down the hall before speaking. “We are leaving. These wielders have done something to you both.”

  Rennon sighed. “Oh, that was subtle, Devyn.”

  “My father put me in charge of this trip, and as far as I’m concerned, I still am in charge, and I say we go back to Brookhaven.”

  “Don’t be a fool, Devyn,” Vesperin said, stopping in the corridor. “I told you, Loracia has given me a vision.”

  “What vision, Vesperin, a trick of the wielders?”

  Anger flushed over Vesperin’s face. “I would know the difference. I am surprised at you, Devyn. I will not force you to come along, but I’m staying. You’re paranoid.” Vesperin left in the opposite direction. Kelle released Devyn’s hand and followed Vesperin.

  “Well, that went well,” Rennon said.

  “Come on, let’s find Gondrial. I have a plan,” Devyn said.

  “What kind of plan?”

  “You’ll see. Come on,” Devyn insisted.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Rennon said, following Devyn down the corridor.

  Rain still fell steadily as Devyn and Rennon entered the courtyard. Devyn spotted Gondrial at the gate beneath an outlook platform. He appeared to be looking through a battlement at the muddied road leading deeper into the Vale.

  “What are you looking for, Gondrial?” Devyn asked as they approached.

  “Not what, but whom. I believe the Enforcers are near. I have sensed their presence since first light this morning.”

  “How?” Rennon asked confused.

  “How do you think they track other wielders if they are not wielders themselves?” Gondrial asked. “They are out there somewhere, searching.”

  Devyn shuddered. “That is disturbing news. Why do they hunt their own kind?”

  “They may be wielders, but they are not well known as such. They are deceivers to themselves as well as to those they hunt.”

  “I don’t understand,” Devyn said.

  “That is precisely the idea, Devyn. The Enforcers want the average peasant to stay in the dark because it furthers their cause and protects their secret. They have no honor; they are betrayers. They have agreed to serve in order to save their own skins and condemn their brethren.” Gondrial squinted. “There.” He pointed through the battlement. “There are five of them, in full armor, heading this way.”

  Devyn squinted but saw nothing but the falling rain. “You can see that far out?”

  Gondrial cut his eyes briefly at Devyn without changing expression. “Of course,” he said. He pulled up his hood and spun around, swinging the heavy, dark green cloak behind him. “Now we see if Seancey is half as intimidating as he would have us believe.” Devyn and Rennon shrugged at each other and then quickly followed Gondrial.

  Gondrial entered the left-most guard tower, followed closely by Devyn and Rennon, and shouted out into the darkness, “Seancey, five Enforcers on the horizon,” he paused. “Seancey, are you up here?”

  “I hear you, friend Gondrial,” the large man replied. “And I suppose you want me to handle them?”

  “Not at all. I thought I might wake Morgoran, unless, of course, you just happen to come down from that tower,” Gondrial said.

  “Of course I will take care of them,” Seancey said in his booming voice.

  Gondrial turned and almost tripped over the two boys standing directly behind him. “You two had better get out of the way; Seancey is somewhat clumsy in the dark.” Devyn and Rennon quickly exited the steps. The big man hastily climbed down the stairs to the gate and opened the peephole. “I don’t see anything,” he said.

  “Just wait, they will come,” Gondrial replied.

  After a few moments, the hooded riders came into view, riding down the road to the Vale.

  Seancey climbed onto the battlement at the side of the wooden gate and waited.

  “Hail, keepers of the Vale of Morgoran, the Enforcers require entrance.”

  “Who goes there?” Seancey retorted.

  “The Enforcers,” the voice barked back. “Open your gates!”

  “Hold,” Seancey roared as he opened one side of the gate. “Enter and state your business but do not pass the threshold until your business is approved, understood?”

  “Understood, Guardsman,” the voice said.

  The first Enforcer came through the gate, his cloak blowing to and fro in the wind and rain. He rode a jet black stallion, and after he entered through the gate, he threw back the hood of his cloak. The Enforcer’s face was gaunt and pale, and his brow was furrowed in a permanent scowl. His eyes were mere slits, and his armor was unkempt and dirty. Devyn shivered uncontrollably. The man was the most evil appearing person he had ever seen. He cringed as the Enforcer narrowed his eyes at him. He was thankful Seancey was there to deal with him. The Enforcer gave Devyn another menacing look before turning to Seancey. “I am Captain Row Praf of the Enforcers. I am here on business. There are wielders here, and I mean to find them.”

  Seancey laughed. “Aye, there is a wielder here. Congratulations, you have discovered the worst kept secret in Symboria.”

  The Enforcer fixed a disapproving stare at Seancey. “Not he who is blind and maimed. I speak of the others I have followed here.” He shifted in his saddle. “I am here to enforce the law. The heretics will be apprehended.”

  Devyn suddenly felt strange as if he could not breathe, and then he noticed Seancey seemed ten feet tall and strangely ominous.

  “There are no wielders here but the blind one,” Seancey thundered. The horse shrank back, and Devyn felt Rennon back away as well. Seancey seemed immovable and imposing. “You will turn away from this peaceful vale and search elsewhere!”

  The Enforcer had a surprised look on his wrinkled face. “If you will not admit me, I will come by force.”


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