Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3)

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Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3) Page 6

by Jen Luerssen

  “Sebastian?” I hear Mikey shout at me like she’s been calling my name more than once.

  “Sorry, just have a lot on my mind,” I say and smile at her. “Are you sure she has enough experience?”

  “Of course, she has more experience than we had when we opened this place, and she trained in Germany, France, and Italy,” she answers and puts her hand on my arm. “I haven’t even asked how that whole sitch is going. Have you guys?” she asks making a circle with her thumb and finger while poking her other finger through the circle.

  I lean my elbow on the table and rub my eyes. “All is good, we have not been together again, thank you for the juvenile hand gesture. I think she will be great. I’m impressed with all that she’s done for us already. When her full power is released, I’m sure it will be amazing.”

  “Aww, Sebass, you missed my juvenile antics,” she winks at me and rubs her belly. “I knew Kit would work out. She is laser-focused on her goals and every reference was gushing. I’m just so happy she picked us.”

  “Me too,” I say.

  Salty Offer


  When I pull up to the winery late Monday night, the tavern lights are on and there’s a bright red El Camino parked in front. I slide my small truck next to it and when I open my door, Seawitch is there waiting for me.

  “Hey, little Hexe, whatcha doing out here?” I scratch behind her ears and she does the cute back leg kick she always does when you get in there.

  “She’s hanging with us,” I hear someone that sounds like Mikey call from the tavern porch.

  I walk over and I find Mikey and Sebastian sharing a blanket, sitting on the porch swing. If I didn’t know them, I’d assume they were the cutest couple ever. I do know them and I know how desperately Frank loves her, and I get the impression the feeling is mutual. Plus, she’s knocked up and all.

  “Hey, Mikey, good to see you,” I say because it is. She’s been gone for a few weeks now working on running her parents’ gigantically successful winery. I’ve missed having her around.

  “You too, Kit. What did you call my witchy-poo here?”

  “Ha, I called her ‘Hexe,’ which is witch in German.”

  “Which witch witch twitch,” Sebastian says and laughs at his own joke. His eyes are a little glassy and he looks very relaxed.

  “Are we sampling the goods tonight, Salty?”

  He looks right at me, “God I hope so,” he says and starts laughing again.

  Mikey pats his leg. “Such a happy drunk. We should all be so lucky. I just get more and more inappropriate with my sex comments and Frank just gets even grumpier.”

  I smile at that because how can that dude get grumpier? “I get really affectionate, regardless of who you are. Man, woman, boy, girl, dog, or cat. No one is safe from my hugging when I’ve had too many.”

  Sebastian laughs again and hands me a half-empty bottle of Zinfandel. “Here, I want all the hugs,” he says with the sweetest smile.

  “Aw, Salty, I’m way too tired, but if you want a hug, bring it in,” I say gesturing for him to get up and get in here.

  He makes a valiant attempt to get up but can’t do it without Mikey’s and my help. When he is somewhat upright, he leans in and embraces me. I’m half holding him up but it’s still a pleasant experience. “You’re the best hugger, Chaton.”

  “Merci, Salé,” I whisper back.

  Mikey helps me get him down the steps. “Can you get him to his house?” I ask her as we walk to the El Camino which I now realize is her car and man she is so cool.

  She adjusts her glasses up her nose and nods. “I’d love help if you don’t mind, I can drive you back to your cabin after.”

  “Or we could all have a sleepover!” Sebastian says clapping his hands.

  “Okay, Suzy, let’s get you home and then we can have a pillow fight,” Mikey says.

  “In our undies?” he says giggling and man he’s plastered. “Undiiiiiiieeeeeees, that’s fun to say.”

  We heave him into the car and I slide in next to him. He puts his arm around me and squeezes me to his side. “Salty, what happened to you?”

  Mikey gets in. “I quit Natale’s, I’m pregnant, and am starting a new branch of the Monkey in the city. He’s been drinking ever since I told him all those things.”

  “I had sparkles at brunch and then switched to rosé rosy roses. I got rice balls too.” He laughs again at himself. “Balls.”

  “Yeah, it was a slow inebriation but once he got to a certain point there was nothing I could do except throw food at him so he wouldn’t yack.”

  Mikey drives along a dusty road that goes in the opposite direction of the cabins, behind the tavern and past the big building. The road passes rows of vines and then veers away and through a tunnel. We go down a steep hill and turn a corner. When we do, the most adorable looking farmhouse is sitting on a small patch of grassy property. The porch lights are on as well as the garage so I can get a good look at the house and it’s a perfect two-story house painted white, with a huge wrap around porch and huge windows. I can’t wait to get a better look at it in the daylight.

  “This is Sebastian’s house?” I ask, still in awe.

  He is snoring next to me so the question is directed at Mikey.

  She throws the car in park and leans past drunk boy and nods. “It’s gorgeous, right? He designed it from top to bottom. The man can’t hold his wine but his taste is ridiculous.”

  We get out of the car and somewhat manage to get our now half asleep and still stinking drunk passenger out and up the stairs to the porch. “So, do we leave him here on the porch or do we have a key?” I ask struggling to hold him up. Seriously, I’m like five feet two and he’s at least six feet and twice my weight.

  Mikey jangles a set of keys and I sigh in relief. “We can just dump him on the couch, I’m not dragging his ass upstairs.”

  Once inside, we get him settled on the couch where he turns on his side and passes out. Mikey motions for me to follow her and I do, into a large open kitchen that makes me a little horny. Everything is top of the line and pretty. There’s a giant farm sink below an even bigger window that looks out on the backyard which shows more vines and a small deck. She grabs us two glasses and pours us some water. She plops down at the big farm table set in the middle of the kitchen. I sit to her left and we both drink our water.

  “I knew,” I say and she looks at me confused. “I knew you were prego the day Sebastian got back.”

  “Oh yeah, wine was tasting bad and I barfed in your bathroom?”

  I nod.

  “I’m so happy for you and Frank,” I say.

  “Thanks, I’m not sure how happy he’ll be, look how Sebass reacted,” she says pointing in his direction.

  “Nah, he’ll be over the moon happy. He talked about you a few times yesterday and I can tell he really loves you.”

  Mikey gets a dreamy look in her eye. “I miss him.”

  Suddenly, she slaps the table and turns to me. “How did you know? Are you pregnant too?” she asks eyeing me warily.

  I laugh a bit nervously. “No, but I have been before,” I say and I don’t know why.

  “Okay, I’m gonna let that one slide and file away for later,” Mikey says. “So, I want you to take over as head winemaker, so does Sebastian.”

  “What? Are you kidding? If you are, that’s pretty mean for a pregnant lady.” I’m buzzing now and 100% awake. There’s nothing I want more than to run my own wine production. Honestly, I thought it would happen a few years from now, but I’m so in love with the Thirsty Monkey and everything about it that I daydream about being the one to run it. Am I ready? Probably not, but I’d guess not many people are. It’s like becoming a parent, you’re not ready but then there you are doing it.

  “I’d never say it if I didn’t mean it. I’ve had a good feeling about you from the minute we met. Sebass would say I’m biased because you’re a woman too. Maybe, but you know your shit and are kicking ass here already. Colette
has sent me several spy texts about the improvements you’ve made.”

  I laugh and raise an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

  “Meh, don’t be angry with her, she has a little crush on you.”

  “Like I have a little one on you?” I ask laughing.

  “Definitely not as big as the one you have for our Sebass.” I choke on my water and she slaps my back as I cough.

  “You’re not wrong,” I say. “It’s endlessly complicated, though.”

  “So, simplify and live your life. You’ll be surprised how freeing it is to make decisions that make you happy.” Mikey finishes her water and puts her glass in the sink.

  “I have a good feeling about all of us and the bliss about to head our way,” she says leaning against the counter, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “Cheers to that,” I say.

  “So, you’ll take the job?” she asks. “When I say that, I mean when Sebass is sober and asks you officially tomorrow and you pretend it’s new information?”

  I laugh again. “Yes, that.”

  She sighs in relief. “Oh, thank fuck. I’m going to sleep in the guest room. See you in the morning?”

  “You’re not driving me back?” I ask her thoroughly amused.

  She laughs. “Oh shit, I totally forgot.”

  I tap my temple. “Pregnancy brain.”

  Her eyes narrow in interest. “Hmm,” she hums and then picks up her keys and walks to the door, I follow her.

  Before I leave, I turn to Sebastian’s passed out form on the couch and bend down to kiss his forehead. “Don’t choke on your own vomit while we’re gone, I need you around,” I whisper.

  Mikey drops me and I am filled with nervous energy. I’m about to get the job of my dreams. After my trip home today and a long talk with my dads, I also may be closer to happiness than I was yesterday.

  Salty Trip


  I feel like I swallowed a few socks filled with sand. The sun is streaming into my living room, where I am fully clothed on my couch. Hooray, me!

  My eyes are barely open but I can make out the person sitting across from me in one of my wingback chairs. “Mikey, why did you let me drink so much?” I ask and it comes out in a half whisper and half cough.

  Thankfully, she has mercy on me and hands me a large glass of water. I gently sit myself up and drink some water like I should have last night.

  “You know once you switch from ‘the sparkles’ to rosé there’s no stopping the Sebass love train of inebriation,” she rudely teases me.

  I swallow down the rest of the water and wipe my hands over my face. “Am I correctly remembering Kit witnessing my drunky times?”

  “Yep, and it was the cutest,” she says. “Don’t worry though. I got her home safely and said absolutely nothing about the job offer.”

  “So, you told her everything?” I ask knowing Mikey can’t hold any news in. I’m shocked she’s made it this long without telling Frank about the baby.

  “Yep, momma blabbed.”

  “What did she say?” I ask dying to know.

  “She said she would tell you and act surprised when you asked her today.”

  “So, she said yes,” I say.

  “Of course, how could she give up the chance to be the youngest female winemaker in all of California? She will officially dethrone me. It’s devastating yet rad.”

  “You’re certain she can handle it?”

  “More certain than I was about myself,” she says and then gets up, refills my water and drops some ibuprofen in my hand when she returns.


  My headache is gone, I’ve eaten a bowl of Kix, two sausage patties and some chicken fingers from my freezer and I’m feeling so much better. I’m sipping on a large cup of coffee when Kit knocks on the open door of my office.

  “Hey, Salty, you wanted to see me?” she asks and it seems like she’s holding back laughter.

  “You look like you want to say something first,” I respond then sip my coffee.

  Her smile is mischievous and cute. “Oh man, do I have questions.”

  “I apologize if I said anything out of line while I was drunk last night. I’m not a good day drinker.”

  “It’s all good, Sparkles,” she says with a giggle.

  “Is it weird I may like ‘Sparkles’ better than ‘Salty?’”

  She shrugs and drops into the seat in front of me. “They are for different occasions,” she says. “I love your house.”

  Goosebumps rise up on my arms. That house is my dream place. The fact that she loves it fills me with relief and joy. My reaction is out of nowhere so it’s hard to hide. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Nope, not like it, love it. Granted, I haven’t seen the whole place but what I did see was magical. I’m a little jealous.”

  “Wow, it’s nice for someone else to have a similar reaction to it that I have. I wanted something classic and modern at the same time. Like an old school farmhouse with heated tile and built in surround sound. It has a hot tub and a secret room too.”

  She fans herself with a folder on my desk. “Jeez, you’re going to make me swoon. A secret room?”

  I nod. “Although, the hot tub is not in that room,” I say stupidly like she wouldn’t figure that out. “Mikey says she already offered you the job even though she doesn’t even officially work here anymore?”

  I huff out a laugh. These people are definitely not your typical business owners and I love it. “She did, in the same breath she told me she was knocked up.”

  “She gets to the point. I’m happy for her and I’m sure Frank is going to be ecstatic.”

  “Right? She seems to doubt that. He’s so gone for her though. They’ll be awesome parents.” She looks down at her lap and something flashes across her face but it’s fast and she recovers. “Of course, I’ll take the job, Sebastian, if you’re as sure as she is.”

  “It probably would have been a year or so but I would have offered you the job eventually. You fit in here, and know your shit,” I say and mean it. I wouldn’t give in to any pressure by Mikey if I didn’t think Kit could actually handle it. “Fortunately for you, we are jumping right in. I have a special lecture I’m giving at Davis on Thursday and they are having a job fair on Friday. Just in time to find a new intern to replace you.”

  “I’m in, I can’t wait to find some greenies to torture,” she says rubbing her hands together.


  I thought bringing Kit with me to Davis would be a good idea, it’s not. Being in a car with her for two hours with her eyes, hair, and delicious smell has been torture. She has been playing with her hair for a while and has just put it up in a ponytail. So now we can include her graceful neck. Her eyes have been a light mossy green all morning and she smells like cinnamon and sugar. She has on a form-fitting purple sweater dress, lacy tights, and high black boots. I’ve never noticed a woman’s clothes more than I’ve noticed hers. It’s a chilly November day so she is also wearing her pretty coat and delicate black leather gloves. Her outfit is professional and neat and also giving me a boner.

  The ride isn’t too bad with only a bit of traffic so we are able to check in to our hotel before my lecture. I got us each our own room, of course, but they are adjoining.

  “Adjoining rooms, huh?” she teases. “Are you sure that’s kosher, Salty?”

  I pick up her small suitcase and walk to the elevator, ignoring her. We get on the elevator and it closes and we are alone in a small space again. Kit takes her coat off and drapes it over her arm. The dress enhances her curves and the color makes her eyes a fiery green, almost like they have a little yellow in them. Maybe rooms next to each other aren’t kosher but I don’t give a shit.

  I am still ignoring her when we get off the elevator and walk to our rooms. Her hand goes out to me and I drop the key card and her bag handle in it. She looks at me, hand on hip. “You okay there, Salty?”

  “Just fine, I’m going to lie down for a few before I have to go to t
he school. Are you coming along for the lecture?” I ask her and I don’t know why. I’m sure she would be happy hanging here for a while. She’ll only distract me in that fucking dress.

  “Um, like I’d fucking miss that,” she says, kisses my cheek and lets herself into her room.

  Once I’m in my room, I close the curtains, take my pants off and lay on the bed. Less than a minute later, there’s a knock on the door I’m staring at from my bed. I get up and without putting my pants back on I open the door to Kit’s room.

  “Oh jeez, Salty, put some pants on,” she laughs. She has taken her boots and tights off so there’s only the fuck hot dress and now my boner in my boxers. I turn to hide it and climb back into my bed.

  “Did you forget something?” I ask, trying to not look directly at her pretty legs and to calm myself down.

  “Nah, I’ve just never shared a room with a friend before. My dads would always get a suite so I had my own room, but never adjoining, it’s fun,” she says and her eyes sparkle. “I’m sorry, you did say you were going to nap. I’ll go back.” She starts backing up and beeping like a delivery truck.

  “It’s fine,” I say smiling. “You can stay.”

  She stops holds out her finger for me to wait and then runs back into her room. She saunters back in, sits in a chair, and put her feet on my bed. “You may regret letting me stay when I remind you of the last time we were alone in a hotel room.” She wags her eyebrows and I take a pillow and place it over my now harder dick. Why did I ask her to come on this trip again?


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