Dumont's Harem Castle Adventure

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Dumont's Harem Castle Adventure Page 2

by Alexis Ward

  I pulled away from the kiss. She giggled as I scooped her up into my arms and then sat down, laying her down on one of the fur pelts near the fireplace. “The floor can work too.” I whispered. The embers from the fire kept this spot pretty warm too, so that was a plus.

  She rested her arms by her sides, her legs slightly apart, her moist pussy visible even in the dim lighting. “Please, take me?” she whispered. I knelt down, my knees between hers, and pushed her legs open wider with my hands. The tip of my cock easily slid into the opening of her pussy.

  She gasped and her fingernails sank into my back as I entered her. Her hips rose up and pushed against mine as I buried myself fully into her tight hot core. I propped myself up on my elbows and my hands played gently in her short platinum blonde hair. As I slid my hips back and started to thrust in her, her little gasps and moans increased in volume. My fingers clenched at her hair as she lifted her head and sank her teeth into my shoulder.

  I felt her slim body buckle and convulse underneath me as she climaxed. Her pussy clenched and writhed around my cock as I suddenly came right after her, my come filling her up then spilling out down the inside of her thighs, mixed with her own sexual fluids. For a long moment we just lay there, kept warm by one another’s body heat, basking in the pleasant post-climax glow.

  She fell asleep at some point later. I made sure to carry her to the bed and tuck her in beside me. She curled and snuggled against me as I pulled the covers over us and very shortly we were both fast asleep.

  Chapter 3 - The Destroyed Caravan

  The next day we set out hunting, my with my rifle and a large knife, Sasha with her spear, bow, and a quiver of arrows. For days we ate slim rations, ranged far through the forests, and spent our nights having mindblowing sex. But we found no large game that fit Sasha’s requirements, though we subsisted just fine off of dried vegetables, along with rabbits, squirrels and other small game we caught as we travelled.

  Eventually we moved beyond Sasha’s usual hunting grounds, and came to what she referred to as the “old road”. “I normally don’t venture this far. The humans here are cutthroat and dangerous. Slavers are the only ones I know who still travel this road.” she said as we stood at the treeline, the road visible about twenty paces away from us. It was made up of chunky, broken stones, though Sasha assured me that in her grandfather’s time, he had sworn it was all made of a single solid strip of stone.

  In the distance we heard a clatter and a rumble that echoed across the snowy expanse of forest. As with any unusual sound, we paused to listen before moving any further. Suddenly Sasha put a hand on my shoulder and shoved me down into a seated position, then crouched down as well. “That’s a vehicle of some sort. Which can mean only one thing.” she whispered.

  “Slavers?” I asked.

  “Correct. Unless there has been drastic change in this area since I was here in summer.” she said.

  A short while later a horse drawn cart came into view, travelling down the old road toward us. It looked like an old covered wagon, two men in armor sat on the driver’s bench, and a pair of old horses pulled it slowly down the road. The covering of the wagon billowed in the wind and I caught a glimpse of metal bars, like those of a cage, hidden beneath the canvas. “Huh, they don’t normally travel in such small numbers. What should we do Clive?” Sasha whispered.

  “If there’s someone in there, we should rescue them. But I can’t tell from here. We should get closer.” I said. Sasha and I spread out and crept through the brush down the hill toward the road. It was fairly easy to keep pace with the slow movements of the wagon. Sasha was closer to the drivers, her spear drawn, and I was near the back of the wagon. I made sure the bulk of the wagon would block the driver’s view of me, then sprinted forward and peeked under the canvas.

  A girl with pink hair and black eyes stared out at me from inside a cage. Most of the wagon’s space was taken up by this cage which appeared to be a part of the wagon’s design. The girl looked malnourished and dirty, she wore nothing but a crude cotton shift that went down to her knees. Her hands and wrists were bound with thick, coarse rope. It was a wonder she hadn’t frozen to death at these temperatures. She looked at me, but didn’t say anything. “Hey, you want out of here?” I whispered.

  She nodded and glanced down at her tied wrists and ankles, then back to me.

  “Okay. I’ll be back. Just need to take care of your captors.” I whispered. Then I let the canvas fall down and peered around the corner of the wagon to where I had last seen Sasha. The wagon creaked and clattered as it bumped along the uneven road. A brisk walking pace was all it took to keep up and stay within arms reach of the wagon.

  Sasha crept alongside the road, moving between bushes and rocks. She glanced my way and caught my eye. I pointed to the front of the wagon, then dragged my thumb across my throat in what I hoped was a clear enough communication of “kill them”. I had no kindness in my heart for anyone that would tie up and cage a person against their will. I sprinted around the side of the wagon opposite of Sasha and drew my knife. I could hear the drivers muttering to one another. Mainly about how cold it was, how bad a run it was, to only catch one saleable slave.

  I grabbed a handhold and swung up onto the side of the drivers bench and plunged my knife into the man’s throat with no hesitation. The other man cried out and reached for a sword at his hip as I withdrew the knife, blood spraying from his companion’s neck onto all three of us. The man I had stabbed fell forward off of the wagon and there was a sickening crunch as the wheel crushed some part of him. The other man pulled his sword free as I lunged toward him, then gasped as an arrow punched through his neck from behind. The man let out a horrible gurgling noise, then slumped down on the driver’s bench. I ran my knife across his throat to hasten his end. Even with bad men, there was no point in giving them an unnecessarily painful death.

  The fight, if it could be called that, was over before it started. Sasha grabbed the reins of the horses and pulled them to a stop while I picked through the dead men’s pockets till I found a ring of keys. A moment later I was at the back of the wagon, trying each key on the cage’s lock in turn till I found the right one and heaved the heavy metal door open wide. The girl looked up at me and held up her bound wrists. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. I took one of her hands in mine and carefully cut her free of her bonds, her wrists first, then her ankles. I put away my knife and helped her to her feet. “Do you think you can walk?” I asked.

  She nodded and rubbed her arms into her shoulders as she shivered. I led her out to the front of the wagon where Sasha was busy digging through the dead slaver’s belongings underneath the driver’s bench. “Any clothes or blankets in there?” I asked.

  Sasha held up a blanket and a long coat to me. I handed them to the silent girl and she bundled up in them. Sasha then pulled out a small pouch from the bottom of a backpack. “Bingo. Coins. I’ve also grabbed most of their food. We’ll need it to get back home. Also, we shouldn’t linger here. There’s no telling when more people will show up on this road. My grandfather said it was a cursed place.” Sasha explained.

  I nodded. And the three of us proceeded back up the hill and into the woods. I followed Sasha’s lead and we moved straight toward home, our hunt abandoned. The pink haired girl remained silent and seemed okay with letting us lead her. Though she didn’t really have much of a chance of surviving out here without proper tools, so sticking to us was her only practical option.

  That night Sasha spread out an extra blanket we had taken from the slavers on the ground and lit a fire nearby it. Using some long sturdy sticks she erected a crude slanting wall that formed half of a tent, which reflected heat from the fire back toward us and provided a little protection from the wind. She did not try to mount me that night, though it was clear from the little gasps she made and how she clung to me as she slept that she probably wanted to.

  The pink haired girl slept a little ways away from us, but still within the confines of our
makeshift shelter, close to the fire. I watched as she rolled over to face me and met my gaze. Huh, guess she wasn’t asleep. “So… can you talk?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Well, we can work around that I guess. We’re going back to Sasha and I’s place. If you’re willing to help out with some chores, you can stay with us as long as you like. But remember you’re free now. You don’t have to stay, we can always give you some supplies and walk you into town. The people along the coast are nicer, so Sasha says. Slavery isn’t legal there. How does that sound?” I asked.

  She grimaced and pursed her lips. Maybe I should stick to yes/no questions.

  “You want to stay with us for awhile?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “Good. Are you warm enough? There’s another blanket in Sasha’s backpack if you need it.” I asked.

  She nodded again and scooted a little closer toward me, till her forehead was inches away from touching my chest. “You can be as close as you want. It is really cold after all. No creepy expectations on my part. Okay? You’re safe now.” I said.

  She pushed her head into my chest and I felt her sob soundlessly as her tears soaked into my shirt. I wrapped an arm around her, unsure of what else I could do. After some time, she quieted down and drifted off to sleep.

  I awoke in the middle of the night to the feeling of a hand working it’s way into my pants. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at Sarah, who was wide awake, straddling my hips and naked from the waist down. To my right, the mute girl had rolled over in her sleep and was a few inches away, still unconscious. Sarah smiled when she saw that I had woken up, and moved her hips against mine. Her question seemed obvious, if unspoken. Then answer was yes, of course. I reached down and pulled my half hard cock free from my pants.

  A short while later she lay beside me, exhausted by her own climax as my seed flowed slowly from between her legs to soak the blanket beneath us. We drifted off to sleep. The next time I woke up, it was to Sasha again, but fully clothed in the morning light as she restarted the campfire and worked on heating up breakfast for everyone.

  Chapter 4 - Prepping for the Trip to Town

  It took us about three days to get back to Sasha’s house. Our house. Sasha was eager to get prepped for a trip to town, even if we hadn’t quite gotten as much in the way of furs to trade as she had hoped. While she loaded our bags with goods to bring to market, I focused on helping the new girl get situated. Sasha had opened the larger cabin to both of us, after a little hesitation.

  It was decorated in much the same way as the small cabin, furs, weapons, and little bits of art made of carved wood and bone. There were three bedrooms, one for each of us, though Sasha had confided privately that I was welcome to visit her room at any time. The mute girl stopped in the main room, and pointed at a pad of paper that was next to a quill and a bottle of ink. I looked at her and she waved one hand at me and pointed more emphatically at the pad. “Are you asking to use that?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  I shrugged. “Go ahead. I don’t think it’s particularly special to Sasha or anything. Can you write?” I said.

  She picked up the pad, unstoppered the bottle of ink, and wrote hastily. She held up the paper for me to read: “Of course I can write dummy. My name is Tabitha. I was sold into slavery because I knew a little too much about Lord Leto’s accounts and his shady land deals.” she wrote.

  I nodded. “Interesting. Shady land deals?” I asked.

  She scribbled on the pad and flipped to the next sheet of paper. “Yes. He was purchasing land, then turning right around and selling it for profit faster than the King’s law allows. Unfortunately, I have no proof of this. His men took my account and record books at the same time that they took me.” she wrote.

  “Well, it sounds like there’s an opportunity there to be investigated later. For now, let's worry about the trip into town.” I said. Tabitha seemed pleased to have her own room, and passed out in her new bed almost as soon as she laid down. I busied myself exploring the small selection of books in the living room to pass time.

  A short while later Sasha had finished preparing her goods, she carried them in from the shed and set them just inside the door. “How’s she doing?” she asked.

  I put down the book I’d been reading and shrugged. “Decent enough I think. She passed out almost immediately. I don’t think she’s used to much physical activity.” I said.

  Sasha gestured to the three packs, laden with furs and packages. One was distinctly smaller than the other. “I tried to take this into account, though I’d still like to get moving tomorrow. Help me make dinner and then we’ll wake her up? Did she speak at all or anything?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, she took your notepad there and wrote. Has real good handwriting. Didn’t elaborate on why she couldn’t talk. No scars or anything, so maybe she was born that way.” I shrugged as I stood up and followed Sasha into the kitchen.

  A while later Sasha slipped into Tabitha’s room to wake her up. She didn’t come out for a bit, which struck me as odd. By the time they emerged I was busy eating my second helping of beef and vegetable stew.

  “It’ll take us a few days to get to town, but it’s all downhill. Once we’re out of the higher elevations, things will be a bit warmer, and we’re more likely to encounter rain than snow. We’re taking the long way because I doubt either of you are very good at proper rock climbing. Questions?” Sasha asked.

  Tabitha and I both shook our heads. “Excellent. Then eat your fills and get some sleep.” Sasha smiled a big smile, then drank down all the broth remaining in her bowl in one go. We ate in comfortable silence for the most part. Again, it was easier to lose myself in the immediate surroundings and problems than to contemplate how I had found myself in this alternate reality, with two beautiful young women as my only companions.

  Later that night, as I was about to drift off to sleep the door to my room opened, someone slipped inside and then closed it behind them. “Sasha, that you?” I whispered into the dark.

  I could feel her crawl onto the bed as her fingertips brushed against mine, then she grabbed my hand and held it to her face. I explored her features slowly as I realized something. “Tabitha? Why are you awake?” I asked.

  I felt her shake her head against my hand. “Right. Uh… you came in for a reason. You wanted to see me?” I asked.

  I felt her nod. “But you don’t need to talk… otherwise you’d have brought a candle in... “ I murmured as I felt her hand trail down my thigh beneath the blanket.

  I felt her pull my hand away from my face and kiss my palm, then there was a brief gust of cold air as she pulled the fur blankets away and crawled into my bed next to me. As she pulled the blanket back up, I felt her press against me. Specifically, she was completely naked. And so was I, it was how I always slept when I could get away with it. I felt her push up against me as her hand explored my chest. The sensation of her skin was overwhelming, and I felt my cock harden in anticipation. “You… Uh… I mean, is this okay?” I whispered.

  I felt her push her face against my neck in response, and her teeth bit down into my neck gently. With a bit of my flesh still caught between her teeth, she nodded her head. “Ow ow. Too hard.” I said. I felt her immediately soften her hold on me, then she let go and moved so that she was looking down at me, her head slightly tilted to the side, the tips of her hair tickling my face.

  “I think maybe we’re going to have to talk about this later.” I whispered. She shrugged, then pushed her lips to mine. Her tongue found its way into my mouth and our saliva intermingled as I savored her unique taste. A thought occurred to me and I put one hand on her forehead and pushed her away for a moment. “Wait, is Sasha going to be mad about this?” I asked.

  Tabitha shook her head vigorously, then stopped and beamed a smile at me in the near complete darkness. Was this what they had been discussing while Sasha was in her room for so long earlier? I guess I would find out later. Tabitha
threw one leg over my hips and straddled me, her moist pussy coming into contact with my hard cock, which pushed any contemplations of the future far into the back of my mind.

  I wrapped my hands around her slim waist and pushed my erection against her wetness. I must have gotten lucky, because with a twist of her hips, my length slid inside her. She didn’t make any noise, other than a long exhale as my cock sank into the tight depths of her warm, wet core. Her hands clamped down on my shoulders as she tucked her head down and landed a few more bites on my neck, a little more gently than before, as I’d requested.

  We quickly established a rhythm of thrust and counter thrust. Judging by her wetness and enthusiasm she was enjoying herself. Her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly open as I pushed in and out of her while she rocked her hips. As I reached up and squeezed one of her large breasts in my hand she shuddered uncontrollably and her fingernails dug into my shoulders as she came.


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