Dumont's Harem Castle Adventure

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Dumont's Harem Castle Adventure Page 10

by Alexis Ward

  “That does explain why Sebastian seemed so angry earlier.” Sasha said. Yenette looked at her, as if she expected her to say more. “He was the one that delivered your summons to us. He’s the captain of the guards in this town, I think.” Sasha explained. Yenette nodded, but didn’t reply. There was a long pause, which caused me a twinge of anxiety. I powered through it by reaching for the pitcher of water on the end table and pouring myself a glass. Yenette spoke again.

  “All I am saying Sasha is that your neighbor is in an unstable state, and the matter concerns your lands. To be clear, I have heard no statement of hostile intent, but that doesn’t mean that certain parties won’t become hostile as the situation in Hightower’s court evolves. Just be careful, and tend to your own affairs and defenses as best you can. I would hate to see you end up in a bad spot, as your ability to defend your borders, which are also the borders of the Kingdom, could be crucially important come next summer.” Yenette said, her voice still just a bit louder than a whisper.

  “This isn’t my first time hearing that kind of talk. Are you implying that you’re expecting a war with another country?” I asked. Yenette looked back to me, as if she had forgotten that I was there, and only realized I existed again when I spoke. Her eyes narrowed.

  “And where did you say you came from again, Mr Dumont?” Yenette asked. I sighed.

  “It’s a place called America. Again, nowhere near here. I assure you, I’m no enemy.” I said.

  “I agree. He has been nothing but helpful. In fact, he confided in me a few days ago that he seeks a noble title. Which is why we’ve got Stella along, he needs training.” Sasha said. Yenette was silent for a moment, presumably absorbed in thought, then she spoke again.

  “Interesting. Truth be told though, after a moment’s reflection I barely have good reason to trust any of you with further information on this matter, but I trust the other nobles in this area, Hightower and Leto, even less.” Yenette took a breath and then sighed. “Thus we’re here. Due to the nature of my station, I can’t make any direct suggestions that would lead to conflict within my own Kingdom, but if you require aid, whether in armed conflict or in something else, you only need to send word to me in the Capital. Understand Sasha?” Yenette said.

  Sasha’s lips pressed together to form a thin line. She nodded. “I think I do. Well, this has taken a more grim turn than expected.” Sasha said as she stood up. Stella and I stood as well.

  “Ah, well, I won’t stop you from leaving. I will say that I can’t say much about the border situation. Just… please patrol it regularly and keep me posted on what you see, if you can?” Yenette said. To me it sounded woefully unhelpful.

  Sasha bowed slightly. “I will.” she said, then she, Stella and I turned and stepped back out into the hallway. Catelia stood at the end of the hall, and was happy to guide us back to the front door of the mansion. Once we had made it all the way outside to the street, and the old man had locked the gate behind us, Sasha sighed deeply. “Politics. Well, that wasn’t as bad as I expected. No blackmail or veiled threats or anything.” she muttered as we walked back toward the Inn. The snowfall had stopped while we were inside, and patches of blue showed through the gaps in the cloudy sky. After a short while we stood near the doors to our rooms on the second floor of the Inn. Sasha turned toward me. “I think I’m going to take a nap. Why don’t you and Stella wander around town, or maybe she can give you some pointers on how to use that sword of yours?” Sasha said.

  Stella nodded. I shrugged. “I suppose it’s as good a time as any.” I said. Sasha closed the door to our room, leaving Stella and I alone in the hallway.

  She looked at me, which put her in the perfect position for me to look down her loose shirt and gaze into her ample, curvaceous cleavage. “Clive? Lesson first, or fun first?” she asked.

  My eyes wandered up her chest, followed her neckline, and then fixed on her face. She seemed composed, carefully neutral, and didn’t acknowledge in any way where my eyes had been, though I was fairly certain she had noticed. “Lesson first, I suppose?” I said.

  “Very well.” Stella said. A few minutes later we were in the fenced snowy backyard of the Inn, normally reserved for dogs and other small animals belonging to patrons. The snow had mostly been flattened by other people before us, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no obvious steaming piles of dog leavings around. Someone kept this place clean. Stella hung her hat on a nearby fencepost, then stepped out into the middle of the yard. “So, every motion can be broken down into attack and into defense. It is always an advantage to put your opponent on defense, keep them guessing, thus, attacking is what you’ll need to learn first. Keep in mind that blades like ours--” she drew hers with a flourish and leveled the point at me, “don’t have much of a cutting edge, so you’ll need to thrust and drive that blade through someone to do any actual damage.” Stella explained. I unslung my rifle and leaned it against the fence near Stella’s hat, then drew my sword free of its sheath and tried to mimic Stella’s stance.

  “So what now?” I asked. Stella rolled her eyes at me and ground the heel of her boot a bit deeper into the snow.

  “Now? I figured it would be obvious. Attack me. Though later I want to know about that strange weapon spear thing you’re carrying.” Stella said. There was a moment where neither of us said anything, nor did we move. “Well? Go on? Take a stab at me!” Stella said. I leapt forward and shoved the point of my sword toward her chest. In response she stepped to the side with a half twirl, and then I felt a stinging smack on my thigh as she whipped me with the edge of her rapier.

  “Ow.” I said as I rubbed my leg with my free hand. Stella moved some distance away, and took up the same ready pose again.

  “Exactly. See? No cutting edge. Otherwise that would hurt a lot more, no?” she remarked. “Well? Try again. We’re not done till you at least get close.” And so I tried and tried again. Until I ran out of breath, and then some, until we the sun sank low in the sky.

  I stood with my hands on my knees, soaked with sweat. My sword arm an aching lead weight attached to me at the shoulder. Shoulder hurt too. And legs. Over the course of the day she’d landed a retaliatory strike pretty much everywhere on my body except my face, neck and groin. In contrast, she looked much the same as when we started. Not a drop of sweat, no injuries, and no sign of being weary at all despite having done this all day. “I think that’s enough for one day. Tomorrow, no lesson. You’ll need to recover. We’ll continue this pattern, one day lesson, next day break, until my time with you is up, or you’ve learned all I can teach you. Agreeable?” Stella asked. I couldn’t do much other than nod as I fumbled my sword back into its sheath.

  “Excellent. Then let’s go wake up the Lady for dinner.” Stella said as she put her hat back on and went inside the Inn. I followed. We found a table on the quieter side of the establishment. As a serving girl approached us, Stella stood up. “I’ll go get Sasha, you just hold the table okay?” she said. As she walked away, I couldn’t help but stare at her shapely, toned butt. Her leather pants left little to the imagination. Very very little. It was a wonder she could walk in them, much less swing a sword around. Maybe they weren’t actually leather.

  A short while later Stella and Sasha returned. Dinner passed pleasantly, with little in the way of serious conversation. Eventually we all went back up the stairs to get ready for bed. The three of us once more stood in the hallway. “So… there’s no hot water in my room. Can I use the tub in your guy’s room?” Stella asked. I nodded.

  “Sure, but Clive bathes first. He smells dirty and I suspect you’re to blame.” Sasha said with a wink toward Stella as she unlocked the door. We all went inside, and I went straight for the bathroom and started running the water. The disadvantage to going first was that I got to wait for it to get hot. I got undressed and stuck a toe under the faucet. Still cold. Through the sound of running water I heard the muted sounds of Stella and Sasha talking, then one of them giggled. I waited for a
few moments, with my arms wrapped around my chest, then tested the water with my toe again. Hot, finally. I stoppered the tub, then got in.

  When I emerged a while later after I towelled off I threw my shirt back on, wrapped the towel around my waist, and stepped back into the bedroom area. Stella sat on the bed, her pants gone, her bare legs splayed wide open, with Sasha’s face pushed up against her bare groin. All of Sasha’s clothes were piled haphazardly on the floor, leaving her delightfully naked in the cande-light of the room. Sasha’s vision of my was blocked by Stella’s muscular pale thigh. Stella had her eyes closed as she gasped and moaned softly while Sasha’s head moved around slowly between Stella’s legs.

  The drain of the bathtub gurgled as the last of the water went down it and Stella opened her eyes lazily and looked in my direction. She smiled slightly and beckoned me to come closer with her free hand. Her other hand found Sasha’s hair, and she pushed Sasha’s face against her pussy, and wrapped her legs over Sasha’s shoulders. “H-hello Clive. We got started without you. Who do you want to go bathe?” she paused and licked her lips as her eyes drifted down to the spot on the towel where my caused a bulge in the fabric as it swelled. “And who do you want to stay and play with?” Stella whispered. She unwound her legs from Sasha’s shoulders, then pulled Sasha’s head up gently by the hair, up and away. Sasha looked at me and smiled, a thin trail of sexual juices stuck to the side of her face.

  “You planned this?” I asked her.

  “Maybe a little. I mean, we were going to wait for you, but Stella got… excited.” Sasha said softly. I smiled back at her. She seemed to enjoy finding me new girls to play with.

  I shrugged as the towel few from my waist, exposing my full erection to the slightly cold air. “I appreciate you Sasha. Don’t ever change. In answer to the earlier question, I don’t think either of you are going to need to bathe yet.” I said as I stepped up to the edge of the bed. Stella rolled over onto all fours, as Sasha crawled toward me and then gave my cock an experimental lick.

  “Hmm. Doesn’t taste like sweat. Approved.” Sasha said as she engulfed the tip of my cock with her mouth as her tongue lashed around me gently.

  Stella crawled a little closer then sat down near Sasha. “And what should I be doing while she entertains you then?” she asked. I pointed down to my cock.

  “Don’t be silly. Get in there and help her.” I said. Stella crawled forward and positioned her head a bit lower than Sasha’s and her tongue quickly found the underside of my shaft, and the front of my balls. Both Stella and Sasha looked wonderful from this angle. Sasha’s hair hung loose about her face, while Stella had pinned her own up in a bun. Sasha was a few shades more pale than Stella in skin tone, and Stella was a bit taller. Stella was pure muscle, but Sasha had gained a bit more curve to her hips and buttocks since we’d met. Not a bad thing, not a bad thing at all. I tilted my head back and sighed, lost for a moment in the slight airy sensations of my cock being teased by two women.

  Suddenly Sasha pushed her throat down around my cock, taking my length up to her limit. She paused like that, just for the space of a few heartbeats, then her body shook as she suppressed her gag reflex and she let me out of her mouth entirely, a line of her spittle the only remaining physical connection between us. Up until the moment Sasha withdrew, Stella continued her relentless licking and kissing against the sensitive underside of my inner thighs and my balls, her neck contorted at a strange angle as she lay on her side to give her tongue a better line of sensuous attack. Once she noticed that Sasha had stopped, she too backed up a bit. they looked at each other briefly, and then they seemed to reach some sort of unspoken agreement. Each woman grabbed one of my arms, and they pulled me down onto the bed. I fell willingly and spun on one heel into a half spin, so I landed among the plush blankets on my back.

  Stella showed no hesitation as she positioned her body over my legs, grasped my cock in one hand, and then placed a significant portion of it into her mouth. She worked her lips and tongue on me with precision and speed, slow waves of pleasure spread out from the tip of my cock to echo through my body. Sasha crawled up beside me, her face level with mine, and I pulled her into a deep kiss, our tongues mixing, along with saliva, and the lingering taste of my cock. I moved one hand down to play with Sasha’s nipple, and she sounded a muffled squeal as a pinched it, then kissed me harder, more frantically.

  I felt a constriction around my cock and broke off from my kiss with Sasha to find that Stella had forced her mouth down all the way, her nose pressed up against my lower belly as a thin trail of drool ran from her mouth down my inner thigh. She lifted her head up about an inch or two, just enough to pull some air into her lungs through her nose, then dove back down on my cock. Her fingers dug into my thighs as the tip of my cock pressed against the back of her throat repeatedly. Sasha’s hand found my chin as she threw one leg over my torso, straddling me, and then positioned her breasts over my face. I took the hint and took her nipple into my mouth, I heard her gasp and moan as I lightly grazed her nipple with my teeth, then worked slow circles around it with my tongue. “Please fuck me.” I heard Sasha whisper. Her voice echoed faintly through the haze of arousal that clouded my mind. I released Sasha’s nipple, full prepared to make her wishes a reality, preferably all night long.

  I reached down grabbed Stella gently by her hair bun to get her attention. She slowed the pace of her throatfuck and turned her eyes up toward mine. I gave her hair another insistent tug and she pulled her mouth off my cock, then gave it an affectionate kiss. She made no move to wipe away the mixture of her saliva and my precum that flowed freely from her mouth. In fact she dipped her head back down, and licked a few of the messiest spots of my cock clean with her tongue. Then she looked at me again. “Did you need something else?” Stella whispered. I nodded.

  “Trade places and get your pussy up here. It’s Sasha’s turn down there for a bit.” I said, hoping there would be no arguments, or any hints of jealousy. Wonderfully enough, there weren’t. Stella gave my cock one last affectionate peck of a kiss, then crawled up next to me as Sasha, still straddling me, wiggled her way downward and lined up my cock with the dripping opening of her own pussy. “Well, go ahead and get on it Sasha, it’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” I felt Sasha ease the tip of my cock into her pussy as she moaned with pleasure. She sank down till her hips rested on mine, and then wiggled and ground herself against me, moans and gasps for breath escaping her lips with growing frequency as she drove herself toward her own climax.

  I looked toward Stella, who sat facing me, her knee practically against my cheek. She looked down at me and shrugged. “I’m here Clive. Now what?” she said coyly.

  “Now swing one leg over my face and get your pussy up here. After the treatment you gave me with your mouth, I can’t just leave the favor unreturned, can I?” I said. I punctuated every few words by bucking my hips violently, which thrust my cock deeper into Sasha, causing her to grunt and groan with pleasure. Stella did as I asked, and sat with one knee near either of my shoulders, her pussy tantalizingly close to my mouth. I lifted my head and dipped my tongue into her pussy. On contact, I felt her body shiver slightly, and she placed her hands on the headboard of the bed so she didn’t fall over.

  As I increased the intensity of my movements, I felt Stella climax. Her body shuddered and shook, but she managed to hold herself upright even during this, though her hips bucked wildly and she pulled her pussy away from my mouth. Meanwhile on my cock, Sasha continued her rhythm with abandon, lost in her own sensations and oblivious to the rapid rise of my own burgeoning climax. I timed it perfectly, and Sasha collapsed down atop me, her energy as she finished slightly before me. I convulsed and felt my seed spill into her. Stella dismounted my face, and the three of us collapsed into a comfortable tangle of bodies and limbs. We drifted off to sleep, thoughts of bathing entirely forgotten.

  Chapter 13 - New Developments at Castle Trevarthan

  The next morning we began the short two day trip back
to the Castle. We pushed our way through the crowded streets of Doubel, the Winter Festival still in full swing around us, and then exited through one of the smaller gates in the wooden outer wall. The days passed quickly. Wake up, walk, at lunch, a small bit of sword practice with Stella, and at night, wildly fun threesomes before sleep. Sasha had procured a canvas tent before we left town, which made our late night romps a bit easier and more private. We took the long route around to the Castle, partially to lengthen and enjoy our peaceful time in the woods and partially because I wanted to see how the walls were coming along, and how those we had left behind would handle seeing people approaching the Castle. Hopefully they’d at least posted someone to stand watch.

  On the afternoon of our fourth day of travel we approached the gates. From a distance, the walls looked taller, healthier, bricks laid in perfect rows. I could see little helmets moving back and forth among the crenellations where the walls remained undamaged. As we got within about two hundred paces of the main gate, which still lacked any door, portcullis or other means of preventing access, I heard someone shouting the native tongue of the goblins.


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