Fate's Roar

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by Jalpa Williby


  Jalpa Williby

  Copyright © 2017 Jalpa Williby

  This edition published by Jalpa Williby via Amazon KDP

  Text © Jalpa Williby 2017

  ASIN # B01N212Y43

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.

  Cover Art by: Amanda Walker

  Edited and Formatted by: Angie Martin

  To learn more about author Jalpa Williby,

  please visit her website at jalpawilliby.com.

  This work of fiction contains adult situations that may not be suitable for children under eighteen years of age. Recommended for mature audience only.


  Shout out to my family once again for their patience and support. I know I escape into my “book world” countless times, and you are left to fend for yourselves. I so appreciate your independence and understanding.

  Thank you to my amazing beta readers (Anna Baxter, Karie Deegan, Gwen Sargeant, and Heather Miller) for being the first to read this story and providing input. Taking time out of your busy schedule to help fine-tune this story truly means more to me than words can describe.

  I love this cover. Thank you Amanda Walker for your patience and capturing my vision. You are truly talented.

  I must recognize my editor and formatter, Angie Martin. I am so appreciative for your patience and wisdom.

  Last, but not least, I can’t say enough about how much I love my readers. You guys are absolutely phenomenal, and I am beyond grateful for your loyal support.

  Books by Jalpa Williby

  Fate’s Cry

  “Jalpa Williby’s Fate’s Cry is a riveting work, a compelling story with an interesting plot and solid characters…The writing is stellar, laced with colorful descriptions and engaging dialogue.”

  –Readers’ Favorite Review #1

  “It is one of those books that can't easily be put into one genre box, but it is undeniably endearing. Like I said, I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting…haunts the corners of my mind, more than a couple dozen books later.” –Backstage Blogs Review

  “Williby also mixed a dramatic crime thriller and romance into the story, so there’s plenty of action, suspense, and poignant moments. The plot is fast-paced and has a good twist. The prose is straightforward, making the reading flawless and engaging.” –Readers’ Favorite Review #2

  My Perfect Imperfections

  “An uplifting tale about a woman who voices her desires and transcends her limitations, shedding a revealing and flattering light on the private lives of the disabled.” –Kirkus Reviews

  “It's a story of love, strength, determination and, most of all, hope and will strike a chord within the hearts of readers.” –Readers' Favorite Review #1

  “Story is exceptionally well told and very authentic. Most highly recommended.” –Readers' Favorite Review #2

  “It will pull at your heart strings…I cried, laughed, and cried again. Very hard to put down.”

  –Readers' Favorite Review #3

  Loving You Hurts So Good

  “The writing is smooth and flawless and each story is incredibly sweet and touching. A highly recommended read.” –Amazon Customer

  “Jalpa Williby has written yet again an emotionally charged book.” –Amazon Customer

  “The author takes us on several different journeys of love, hurt and hope.” –Amazon Customer

  The Chaysing Trilogy

  Chaysing Dreams (Book 1)

  “The juxtaposition of the incredible with the everyday is beautifully done; Ms. Williby definitely knows her stuff. Intrigue? Absolutely. Mystery? More than I expected.” –Readers’ Favorite Review

  “The premise, the mystery and suspense and a touch of romance played a big part in keeping me engaged.” –LAS Reviews

  Chaysing Memories (Book 2)

  “I was blown away at just how incredibly good it was… this story unfolds in one heart-racing scene after another.” –Readers’ Favorite

  “I loved every part of this, from the beginning to the end… It made me cry and hope for more of this story to come. Those who love an epic love story should check this series out.” –LAS Reviews

  Chaysing Destiny (Book 3)

  “Excitement, danger, intrigue and deep emotions keep Chaysing Destiny moving quickly! A hard book to put down, it is the perfect conclusion.” –Readers’ Favorite Review #1

  “Never has any book dragged me through so many emotions…I was gripped with suspense from the first line.” –Readers’ Favorite Review #2

  Coming Soon

  Girl Behind the Veil

  Touch of the Untouchables

  Table of Contents











































  About The Author


  They were in that burning house. He could feel it. As he dove down, hoping he wasn’t too late, Shane felt the hot, crackling wind, accompanied by thick, black smoke, whipping around him. The flames rose high, daring him to come closer, hissing and roaring.

  He had no time to worry about the raging inferno. Without a second thought, he crashed through the roof of the house and plunged downward to where his brother’s ring was calling out to him. Shane wasn’t worried about his flesh being burned because he knew he would heal quickly. On the other hand, Damien and Kelsey were mere humans. All he could do was pray they were still alive.

  Shane allowed his senses to take over, and within seconds, he was standing next to both of their bodies. Snatching them up in his arms, he flew out of the burning house, making sure to cover them with his own body in order to protect them from the flames. As soon as he had them a safe distance away from the blazing building that was on the verge of collapsing, he placed them down on the ground.

  “Damien! Come on, open your eyes!” Shane was desperate as he shook him. He wouldn’t allow his brother to die like this.

  Shane could hear Damien and Kelsey’s heartbeats, but just barely. If only Damien hadn’t decided to become a human, he would already be healed. Pushing the thought away, Shane forced himself to focus on th
e current situation. He had to get Damien and Kelsey help before it was too late.

  When he heard voices not too far away, Shane leapt back up to his feet. Carrying Damien and Kelsey in his arms, he sprinted toward the sound. Within seconds, he was standing behind tall bushes, watching a woman and a young girl next to her.

  “Mom, I’m worried about Aunt Kelsey.” The young girl stared at the fire, looking terrified at the sight.

  “It’s okay, Samantha. Help is on its way. Besides, Damien is with her, so I’m sure they got out,” the mother said, trying to reassure her daughter.

  “How could they have? Look at the fire, Mom! Damien was shot, remember?” The girl was pulling on her mom’s shirt, trying to hold back her panic.

  Shane cringed when he heard that Damien was shot. He had smelled blood, but wasn’t sure what the injury was from. He was at least glad he saw a man’s dead body in the woods as he was approaching the house. He presumed that body must belong to the lunatic serial killer that had been after Kelsey. Realizing he couldn’t afford to waste another second, he shifted into his human form. While still holding Damien and Kelsey in his arms, he approached the woman and her daughter.

  As soon as the woman saw him, she instantly pointed her gun at Shane. “Stop where you are. I’ll shoot.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m Damien’s brother. Kelsey and Damien need your help.” Shane placed their bodies down so the woman could get a closer look.

  “It’s Kelsey!” the young girl exclaimed, and she began to run toward them.

  Her mother grabbed her from behind and held her back. “Stop, Samantha! We don’t know this person!”

  “Please, they need help,” Shane begged as he kneeled next to his brother. What if this woman refused to help? Should he take Damien and Kelsey to the nearest hospital? Shane knew there wasn’t enough time for that, though. They were barely hanging on. He should just grab the woman and make her help.

  “Help is on its way. Don’t move!” the woman commanded, the gun still pointing at Shane. “There’s a crazy killer on the loose.”

  “You don’t need to worry about him anymore. He’s dead. I saw his body with my own eyes,” Shane assured her. “I can’t stay here. You need to help Damien and Kelsey. They’re barely breathing.” Shane was just about to use his powers to force the woman to cooperate, but he noticed she lowered the gun and walked toward him, still holding her daughter’s hand.

  As soon as she approached them, the woman collapsed next to Kelsey. “Dear God,” she whispered. “It’s the smoke inhalation.” Immediately, she started CPR on Kelsey.

  Following her lead, Shane began to do the same with Damien. When he felt the young girl standing close to him, he glanced up at her. Wide, amber eyes with tiny gold specks stared back at him in awe. For a split second, he was lost. In that instant, time had stopped, and he had to fight hard to maintain his focus. What was it about this innocent girl who was watching him so intently?

  Knowing he had to ensure that the mother and the daughter forgot about him, he used his powers to get into the young girl’s head. He decided that soon as he was done with her, he’d do the same with her mother. Since she was busy with Kelsey, the mother didn’t notice Shane whisper to the girl. “You will not remember seeing me. All you know is somehow Damien and Kelsey were able to get out. When I count to three, you will close your eyes. One, two, three.”

  The young girl did not close her eyes. Instead, she watched him curiously. “Are you a superhero?” she whispered.

  Shane shook his head in shock. His powers hadn’t worked on her. How could that be? It was impossible! He tried it again, but the girl continued to resist his powers. He could even feel some type of a barrier in her mind—a barrier he couldn’t break.

  “Why are you naked?” she asked out loud.

  “Samantha!” her mother scolded as she continued desperately with CPR.

  Shane had completely forgotten about his appearance. When he had shifted into a human, he didn’t have any clothes he could put on. It was the least of his priorities given the circumstances.

  “I’m sorry, but I must go,” Shane said to the mother. “I believe your help is almost here. At least Kelsey and Damien are breathing a bit stronger now. I would appreciate it if you don’t mention me to the authorities. Please just tell them they were able to get out from the burning house, but soon passed out.” Shane’s acute sense of hearing could already hear the emergency sirens in the distance.

  The mother stood back up and blinked several times, as if trying to decide. The young girl stepped closer to him and said, “Thank you for saving Aunt Kelsey. We will keep your secret. Right, Mom?” She looked up at her mother, waiting for her to agree.

  Shane contemplated whether he should use his powers on the mother to make her forget seeing him. He quickly changed his mind, though, not wanting the burden of keeping his secret to solely fall on the young girl.

  He took a step closer to the mother and daughter team. “My name is Shane. I’m Damien’s younger brother. Please take care of my brother and Kelsey. I will come to the hospital as soon as I possibly can.”

  The mother nodded. “I’m Sofia, and this is my daughter, Samantha.” Sofia still seemed hesitant, but relieved that Damien and Kelsey were out of the fire.

  “Aunt Kelsey calls me Sammy. You can call me Sammy, too,” the young girl softly chimed in.

  Shane’s attention fell on her once again. He threw her a slight smile and said, “Thank you for being so brave, little Sammy. And thank you for keeping my secret.” When the sirens were becoming louder, he turned back to the mother. “I must go.”

  Without another word, Shane turned and disappeared into the night. All the while, he could feel the young girl’s haunting eyes boring into him.


  “Give me a break, Kelsey! I’ve had to put up with my big bro all these years, and now you’ve been on my ass just like him!” Shane shook his head. He’d had enough with the same old lectures.

  “If your brother says anything, it’s because he loves you, Shane. We both do. Besides, we owe you our lives. We count our blessings that you were able to find us in time and get us out of that fire. I know it was ten years ago, but it feels like yesterday. You and I both know Damien had a hard time when he realized he had to be transformed back to a gargoyle to save his life, but trust me, he thanks his lucky stars every day. Don’t ever think Damien doesn’t realize what you did for him.”

  “I’m his brother, Kelsey. I’d do anything for him.”

  “I know this, and he would do the same for you. Because we love you, we can’t help but worry about you. You wander around doing everything you’re not supposed to. All these years I’ve known you, nothing has changed. It’s like you’re waiting for karma to bite you in the ass.”

  “I’m here to visit my nephew and niece. Where are my buddies?” Shane tried to change the subject.

  “Damien took Ryan out flying, and Tori is fast asleep,” Kelsey answered, smiling.

  The kids, Ryan and Tori, were named after Kelsey’s late brother and sister. Both were born as human, but soon after birth, it was obvious they were developing some extraordinary gifts. For example, Ryan, who was now almost ten years old, had an acute sense of hearing, vision, and scent. He also was faster and stronger than kids his age. Tori was only five years old, but she was just as fast as her brother.

  Shane knew that when Ryan had turned seven, Damien and Kelsey had explained to Ryan he was part gargoyle. Damien had shifted into his full gargoyle form for the first time in front of him, and to everybody’s surprise, Ryan took it all very well. He actually thought his dad was some type of superhero. They had also instructed Ryan that nobody could find out about it, and they would tell Tori when she was older. So far, Ryan had embraced his gifts and kept the secret, even from his own sister.

  “Maybe Damien can wait around for me next time? I’m sure Ryan would wanna go with his Uncle Shane sometime. I’d show him how it feels to r
eally fly.” Shane laughed, knowing Damien was probably very cautious with his son.

  Rolling her eyes, Kelsey said, “You could just go find them, Shane. I’m sure they’re out in the country somewhere. You can easily use your scent to locate your brother.”

  She was right, of course, but he had something else he needed to do first. “Yeah, maybe tomorrow. Got some plans tonight.”

  “Plans? Really, Shane? How many different girls have you been with this week already? All humans, I presume?”

  Shane smiled. Lately, he had a taste for human females. Why did that make him the bad guy? “First of all, you don’t know what my plans are tonight, my dear sister-in-law. But if you must know, I’ve only been with three different girls this week. Not bad.”

  Kelsey laughed. “I beg to differ, but I guess it’s not too bad for you.”

  “In my defense, I’m in my prime. I’m only twenty-four years old in human age. What else do most normal males do at that age?”

  “I think your extracurricular activities surpass the definition of normal, Shane.” Kelsey rolled her eyes and hid her smile.

  “So I’ve been told.” He smirked as he entered Tori’s room and approached her while she slept peacefully on her bed. With her dark, curly hair tousled around her face, his heart leaped, filling with love. Softly, he caressed her cheek with his finger.

  “Love you, my little princess. Sleep well,” he whispered. He then came back out to the living room. When Tom, Kelsey’s cat, rubbed against his leg, he bent down to pet him. “Hey, boy, how have you been? How old is he now, Kelsey?”


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