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His Devil's Chains

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by Linzi Basset

  His Devil’s Chains

  Club Devil’s Cove - Book 5

  Linzi Basset

  Copyright © 2018 Linzi Basset - All rights reserved

  His Devil’s Chains

  Copyright © 2018 Linzi Basset

  Editor: Kristen Breanne @ Your Editing Lounge

  Published & Cover Design: Linzi Basset

  Proofreaders: Marie Vayer, Melanie Marnell & Janine Janse van Rensburg

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, business establishments, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Linzi Basset has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book/Book only. No part of this e-book/Book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Warning: This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.


  Author’s Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Excerpt: His Devil’s Vow

  Club Devil’s Cove Blurbs

  More Books by Linzi Basset

  About the Author

  Stalk Linzi Basset

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  Club Devil’s Cove is a spin-off from Club Alpha Cove, featuring Rhone Greer and Keon LeLuc, the powerful brothers of Ruark Greer and Bracus LeLuc,

  Please note that books 1 & 2 must be read in sequence. Although the rest are stand-alone novels, featuring the protagonists involved in the series, they are best enjoyed in sequence. For easy reference, please find the blurbs of all books at the end of this story.

  WARNING: Please note there is a rape scene in Chapter 17 that could be a trigger for some readers.

  In His Devil’s Chains, book 5, we meet Jack Blackmore, a devilish Dom and Jordan Clark, his trial sub … an inevitable disaster … or was it?

  “Keeping my eyes on you, Sir, just as you ordered. I don’t happen to have a rubber spine, so unless I want to slip a disc in my neck—”

  Jack Blackmore was an enigma, a man who had seen enough death and destruction to last him a lifetime. As for love? Well, he’d been there, done that. He preferred his role as Master Black at Club Devil’s Cove where he called the shots with no strings attached.

  She was known as the Brat of Club Devil’s Cove. Jack couldn’t keep his eyes off her ... er ... chest. And who could blame him? She had the most stunning ‘rack’ he’d ever seen on a sub to date … but she was trouble. Despite her affinity with him, Jack had no intention of unshackling the chains that held the pieces of his heart intact, especially since he didn’t trust her as far as he could throw her, and that was something he had no intention of doing. Not when he would much rather feast on her ... er ... charms.

  “I will push your boundaries where and when I want ... just because I can.”

  Jordan Clark was caught between the job and her uncontrollable desire for the devil Dom who had turned her ovaries into Olympic gymnasts every time he was near. Who could blame them? He had the physique of a Viking warrior and his … er … ‘tool’ was … um … big! She had to remember she had a job to do. He had never been part of the plan, but her inner submissive craved to be dominated by the formidable Dom. The lines quickly became blurred, and she forgot that he was the job.

  While Jack and Jordan danced the tango of lust and passion on a foundation of lies, the Sixth Order struck violently. No one was prepared for the devastation wrought as the world suddenly grew dark and destitute.

  One defiant choice led to torture, masks removed, truths revealed, and death came knocking.

  Who lived ... and who died?

  A suspenseful continuation of Club Devil's Cove.

  Editor’s note:

  Mystery, danger, sex, and kink all wrapped up into one hot little … er BIG … package called His Devil’s Chains. Action and malevolent plans will keep you on the edge of your seat as emotions run high and libidos run higher. Jordan and Jack will pull you in and hold you captive. A true guilty pleasure if I’ve ever read one.

  Wishing you all well and trust you will enjoy this story.

  Best Regards

  Linzi Basset


  Club Devil’s Cove

  If you liked Club Alpha Cove - this is the series for you!

  Club Devil’s Cove is situated on the secluded, private Estate of Rhone Greer at the edge of Harmony Hall Park on the banks of Broad Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River in Washington DC. His best friend Keon LeLuc is co-owner and together they built a BDSM club to offer a safe and secure environment for members to practice their kink.

  In this series, we meet Rhone Greer and Keon LeLuc’s friends, Jack Blackmore, Max Shaw, Lance Talbot, and Ethan Brodie. Under the disguise of their company, Precision Secure, they run undercover ops for the President of the United States. Along the way, we meet their friend, Governor Alex White, Mistress Pamela Seeger—who is in charge of the club’s legal aspects—Bruce Rickett, Keon’s cousin, war veteran Richard Almar, and the Club Manager, Wade Moore. Everyone as dominant and powerful as the other.

  During this series of take-no-prisoners suspense novels, we come to know each of the Senior Masters—big, dominant men and their strong, sassy women, along with their kinks, as they carry on with their lives and fight against the pernicious grasp of crime syndicates, corruption, death, and violence they are exposed to.

  s Cove is situated on the secluded, private Estate Catch up on Club Alpha Cove if you haven’t read it yet. Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

  Click here to start reading now:

  Chapter One

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  “Fuck! What was that for?” Jordan Clark squeaked. She took a precautionary step back from the mammoth, muscled body of Master Black, one of the Senior Masters at Club Devil’s Cove. The frown he bestowed upon her was as black as his name.

  Why am I always in such deep shit with this man when all I want is to have him fuck me until I turn into a silly dilly?

  “If you need to ask, it seems we have a bigger problem than I thought.” Jack’s deep growl flowed through her mind. It toggled the submissive deep inside her. Her shoulders slumped at the realization that, once again, she had disappointed him.

  It seems I’ll never crack it as a submissive. Maybe I should just throw in the towel and give up.

  Yeah right, as if that’ll ever happen. Not until you’ve got what you came here for, Jordan.

  Jack frowned
as he watched her fiddle with her fingers. He’d never seen this bratty sub uneasy. Her lashes fluttered to cover her eyes.

  “Eyes,” he snapped irritably.

  Her gaze rose to meet his. Like always, he felt peace when he gazed into their forest green depths, lighter than the moss leaves but darker than a stormy sea. It was an unsettling feeling, especially as his instincts warned him that the enticing little seductress was hiding something. The vertical lines between his brows cut deeper. “Why are you here, sub?”

  One eyebrow curved upward in question. Her pulpy mouth turned into a pout. Jack knew what was coming before she opened those lips that always seemed to hold him captivated.

  “Well, Master Black, if you need to ask, we have a bigger problem than I thought.”

  Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

  “Owww! Fucking hell! That hurts,” she wailed. She gave him a reproachful glare as she rubbed the red welts on her thighs. She was beginning to hate that crop.

  “Present!” Jack’s deep voice bellowed through the dungeon, drawing the other members’ attention to them.

  Without thought, Jordan obeyed. She spread her legs wide and clamped her arms behind her. With her ass pushed out and her tits tilted forward, she stood in the desired position expected by a Dom when his sub awaited his attention in Club Devil’s Cove.

  Jordan was miserable. Things weren’t going as planned. At first, when she’d arrived at the club, she had maintained a low profile until she realized the Senior Masters gravitated naturally toward bratty subs. She’d taken her cue from that and sassed off against every Dom who crossed her path. Pretty soon, she’d made a name for herself as the Brat of the club.

  Fat lot of good that did me. He still ignores me like I’ve got the goddamned plague.

  Except, of course, when she deliberately pushed the wrong buttons and the Doms called him to punish her. However, being punished all the time didn’t have the desired result. The one time she’d been brave enough to approach him and had blatantly propositioned him, she’d ended up as a piece of fucking furniture to the mighty Master Razor for daring to “top Master Black from the bottom,” as he’d called it. It had been the most humiliating night of her life. Especially when Master Black had joined them in the examination room for a demonstration and promptly used her ass as his footrest! As if that hadn’t been enough, he’d punished her by making her masturbate without spilling the three drinks on her back for glaring at him. Which of course, ended in ten strikes from his bare hand on her buttocks for failing.

  Jordan held her breath as Master Black circled her. She had no idea why he’d singled her out; she had just arrived when one of the club coordinators had called her to him. He had no reason to punish her, not yet, anyway. Her breath hitched when he traced the upper curve of her breasts with the edge of the crop. The dark green corset she was wearing had been pulled tight for optimum effect and pushed her breasts upward to the point of popping out.

  “Hm … it seems these little buds are begging to come out and play,” Jack drawled. He pushed his finger into her breast, flattening it before he moved it upward, effectively forcing the demi cup of the corset down to bare her breast. He repeated the same with the other.

  Jordan bit her lip, aware of how her C-cup sized breasts jiggled in response. She could feel his eyes rake over her tits which were now woefully exposed and stood brazenly naked to his gaze.

  It wasn’t fair that she was so attracted to him. Not under the circumstances. He wasn’t a classically attractive man, but he had a magnetism that Jordan couldn’t resist. She’d been drooling over him from first glance. His shoulders were massive and tapered into a narrow waist and hips. She had been fantasizing about how it would feel to have his amazingly powerful thighs pressed between hers. His abs were bared by the open leather vest and rippled under her glance. Jordan licked her lips, imagining running her tongue over the strong lines of his torso.

  Fuck, he looks so yummy!

  A rush of sensation inflamed her loins. It wasn’t a foreign feeling—not when he was near. She always experienced pricks of lust that needled the pit of her stomach in his presence. His eyebrows rose, mocking her. It gave him such a rakish look that Jordan was overcome by the effect he had on her; something she had not bargained on happening when she’d accepted the job.

  Oh god. She fought the urge to close her eyes and give over to the desire that swamped her.

  Jack was one of the most popular Masters at Club Devil’s Cove. How couldn’t he be? With his striking, manly features that spoke of a man who took what he wanted. No sub was able to resist the way he turned his nonchalant gaze to anoint whoever he was looking at with the power of his presence. His high cheekbones and square jaw seemed to have been crafted by a sculptor which only added to his roguish look, and was embellished by a neatly kept boxed beard. She craved to explore the powerful architecture of his shoulders under her hands as he flexed his hips into hers.

  “Not tonight, sub,” Jack drawled. The amusement in his gaze yanked her from her dreamlike state. His voice sounded as if it were grating over steel, yet it was smooth and evocative at the same time. Every syllable strummed at her clit to stand at attention.

  Jordan’s tongue flicked out to wet her suddenly dry lips. It felt like she’d swallowed half the Sahara Desert, for goodness sake!

  “Not what?”

  He flicked his fingers over her straining nipples, watching with a satisfied grin as her eyes flared in reaction.

  “I’m not going to fuck you. I might never, for that matter,” he said in a pensive tone.

  Jordan struggled to suppress the bloom of a chill that began to crystallize across her pinched face, but hiding her disappointment from him was a moot exercise. Those damn, probing, onyx eyes of his saw everything. The widening of his smile attested to that.

  “I wouldn’t bet on that, Master Black,” she said.

  “Ah, let me guess. You intend to seduce me with your sultry voice and sexy body.”

  “Something like that.”

  Her voice had turned throaty and shot to his groin like a well-aimed arrow. She had the kind of beauty that demanded attention. He dragged his hawkish gaze over the graceful bone structure of her face that had an underlying gentleness. The way she carried herself, with grace and poise, always made him think of royalty. Her plump, rose-colored lips were pursed in what appeared to be mid-kiss. The slight hint of moisture on her lips made them glisten in the dim light. Jack had to suppress the desire to give in to the pulpy fullness of her mouth that beckoned him to lean in and take possession of it. Her emerald eyes stared back at him, and it was like they pierced his soul and derived all the thoughts and feelings he kept very close to his chest. She blinked; the different shades of green streaked through her eyes as they came alive like flickering flames. They appeared to cast a spell on him.

  His eyes narrowed to crinkled slits.

  Her lips curved into a seductive smile.

  She tossed back her hair. The liquid-gold shimmered in the light as the long tresses tumbled over her shoulders. Without conscious thought, Jack found himself running his fingers through the luxurious silkiness; and almost like water, the strands seemed to flow over his fingers. He had the insane desire to bury his face in her hair.

  Jack visibly shook away the absurd feeling. He buried the emotions that had surged through his body as he studied her, deep in the recesses of his mind.

  He had not just experienced a sense of possession. Fuck no!

  “We digress. I asked you a question, Emerald,” he rasped.

  The color of her eyes had been the first thing that had sprung to mind when she’d been asked what her club name was. The way Jack rolled it around on his tongue to sound like a caress, caused a ripple of pleasure to undulate down her spine.

  “Do I need to repeat the question, sub?” Jack drawled. The clapper of the crop lazily flicked back and forth over her nipples.



  “Ehm …” Jordan flailed around in her mind to remember what he’d asked. It was no easy feat, especially as each caress of the hard leather over the taut nubs caused a radiant heat to flood and pool in the lateral walls of her abdominal muscles. His ever-watchful eyes exacerbated the excitement that his taunting caress elicited.

  Question? Think, Jordan. Oh, yes, what am I doing here?

  “I’m at Club Devil’s Cove to enjoy the pleasures all the Doms offer, Master Black,” she quipped with a sweet smile.

  “All the Doms, sub?”

  Jordan watched his eyebrow curve into another slow rise. She squirmed, suddenly uncomfortable with the way his eyes were boring into hers. Brooding, with such a direct glare she could swear he saw right into her soul. That, with the lazy blink of his eyelids, he acknowledged he’d known her secret. It left her feeling disconcerted and wary. The pink tip of her tongue glistened against the fullness of her lower lip.

  “Of course, Sir.” She brazenly winked at him. “I mean, this club offers a variety of spice.”

  “A very astute observation, Emerald.” He leaned closer, leveling a glowering look on her. “If what you claim is the truth, why is it then, sub, wherever I turn, I find you underfoot?”

  Jack cocked a derisive brow as he watched her eyes take a slow journey down the length of his body. They came to rest at his size thirteen boots.

  An impish smile curved her lips upward. “You have to admit, Master Black, you have some big ass feet.”

  Crack! Crack!

  “Oww! Fucking hell!” she cried out as Jack landed perfectly aimed strikes against each nipple.

  “You are sorely trying my patience, Emerald,” he barked. His tone vibrated in warning.

  The strikes to her nipples had been hard and stung the bejesus out of them, but it hadn’t hurt, not nearly as much as the hits on her thighs had. Although she did her best to ignore it, each painful throb of her punished breasts caused her clitoris to swell and turned her labia slick with moisture. She breathed in deeply, cursing the brat inside her that didn’t know when to keep the fuck quiet.


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