Changing Lanes (Lake Park University Book 1)

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Changing Lanes (Lake Park University Book 1) Page 13

by Christina Escue

  “Which is why you’ve become my best friend,” Gray says and lightly punches Wes on the arm. “Now, let’s practice.”

  “Yes,” Coach says and looks at Graycen. “I’m putting you head to head with Micah today. He has the highest average on the team, and I want to see how you do against him.”

  “I’ll give it my best shot,” she responds. She’s only out bowled Micah once, but I know she can do it if she sets her mind to it.

  “Joy and Xander, Brennon and Al, Wes and Ryder, Wren and Jaylen, and Nadia you’re bowling against the blind today. Got it, everyone?”

  “Yes,” Brennon says and holds out his fist to me. “Let’s do this, bro.”

  “You’re going down, man,” I tell him, and he grins.

  “Bet on it?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Let’s do this,” I say and look around. “Anyone else up for a pizza bet?”

  “Not me,” Gray says and glances at Xander. “I’m hitting the library after practice. I have a project I want to get a head start on.”

  “No date with Ethan tonight?” Ryder asks, and I can hear a little bit of jealousy in his voice.

  “No. He has a study group on Wednesdays after practice,” she answers, and I narrow my eyes. I swear if this guy is playing her, I’ll kick his ass.

  “Gabe is in that study group,” Wes speaks up and I nod at him. “He’s a year younger than most of them, but, like Gray, he took a lot of AP classes in high school and tested out of several of his first year classes.”

  “So, you’re surrounded by brains?” Jaylen asks as we’re getting our gear out. “Do they ever make you feel dumb?”

  “I’m surrounded by sexy brains,” Wes says and winks at Gray. “And no. None of them are like that. They’re all down to earth, and funny as hell to hang out with. Gabe and Gray are a lot alike, actually.”

  “Speaking of brains and swimmers from a different school,” Wren says and looks at Gray. “When are we going to get to meet Ethan?”

  “I’m not sure,” she answers and bites her bottom lip. “I wasn’t sure anyone would want to meet him.”

  “He’s part of your life, Gray,” Nadia says and looks at Ryder, Xander, and me before focusing back on Gray. “So yeah, we want to meet him.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” she tells us. “He has practice the same days and times we do, so him coming to one of our practices is out.”

  “Why don’t you invite him to the first match?” I suggest before I can stop myself. “A supportive boyfriend would want to be there anyway.”

  “He isn’t my boyfriend,” she tells me and looks at the floor.

  “Not yet, anyway,” Wes says, and she looks up at him. “He took you to his family’s restaurant on your first date, Gray. He doesn’t want to just casually date.”

  “We’ll see,” she says then walks to the approach and grabs her Storm.

  “I’m taking that as her not wanting to talk about this any longer,” Wes says, and I nod.

  “She’s officially shut y’all up,” Brennon comments and I grin at him. I can think of at least two ways I’d rather her shut me up, but I keep my thoughts to myself as I grab my favorite bowling ball and walk to the approach.

  For the next two hours, we all focus on practice, and keep conversation to bowling topics.

  “YES!” Graycen yells out at the end of the last game.

  “Damn,” Micah says and grins at her. “Two pins, really?”

  “A win’s a win,” she says and returns his grin.

  “You beat me two out of three. I bow to you, Bowling Goddess,” he says and bows deeply before raising up and grinning at us all. “I think we may just place in the top three with her skills and mindset.”

  “I think we may just win it all with the team we have this year,” Joy says as she walks to our lanes and hugs Micah. “She’s a damn good bowler, but we all make up this team.”

  “Yes, and it will take all of us to win this thing,” Gray says and looks at Xander. “None of us can do it alone.”

  “What she said,” Coach says and grins at us all. “See you Friday, everyone.”

  Gray packs up her bags, then turns to the rest of us and smiles. “I’ll ask Ethan if he wants to come to the first match, but I think you all should meet him before that. You won’t get the chance to talk much while we’re bowling, and I know you all want to talk to him.”

  “We do,” Ryder says, and I shake my head slightly behind Gray’s back. “How else will we get to know him?”

  “I’ll talk to him later then,” she says then smiles and walks away.

  “Dude be supportive,” Wes whispers to Ryder after she’s gone.

  Ryder nods and walks away without saying anything.

  “He’s taking her dating someone worse than you are,” Wren tells me, and I shrug.

  “Yeah, but I knew I’d never have her, despite how I feel. Had she not met Ethan he actually had a chance with her.”

  “I think you’re wrong,” Nadia says and glances toward where Gray is walking out the door. “I think, given time, she’d have let her feelings for you out. She likes you, even if she isn’t ready to admit it yet.”

  “Maybe, but she’s dating him now, and come hell or high water, I will be a supportive friend,” I say and walk off.

  Gray’s dating someone else, and despite my feelings for her, I need to move on. I can’t sit around the rest of my life thinking about the one who got away, again, so I pull my phone from my pocket and frown.

  I dated a girl last year who would be more than happy to occupy my mind, and my bed, for the next few months.

  “Dylan, how are you?” I ask as soon as she answers the phone.

  “Al,” she says brightly and I almost cringe as I’m reminded of why we ended things when we did. “I was hoping to hear from you.”

  “How would you like to go out Saturday?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Sure,” she responds quickly. “There’s gonna be a Kappa Sig party over at UF if you wanna crash it.”

  “Sounds fun,” I say, despite hating frat parties. “What dorm are you in this year?”

  “FOP,” she answers, and I grin. “What about you?”

  “Commons three,” I tell her. “Pick you up at eight?”

  “I’ll wear something sexy,” she responds and ends the call.

  I frown and shake my head. Calling her was a mistake, but it’s too late to take it back now. Maybe a couple nights with her will keep my mind off Gray. And if not, there’s always alcohol.

  “Al,” I hear Ryder say from behind me, and I cringe.

  “Yeah?” I respond, looking over my shoulder at him.

  “Please tell me you did not just call Dylan,” he says, and I shrug. “Have you lost your damn mind? You do remember what she’s like, right?”

  “Yeah,” I say then look over to where Gray is talking to Wes beside his car.

  “Then I don’t have to tell you how stupid you are,” he says then walks away.

  “Yeah,” I mutter then walk to my own car. I can’t believe I’m sinking, voluntarily, into the Dylan pit again. This time, I may not be able to get out.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Hello beautiful,” Ethan greets me when I open my dorm room door. He insisted on coming to my door tonight, and I didn’t argue with him about it. “You look amazing tonight.”

  “Thank you,” I say and look down at the black dress I’m wearing. It’s casual, with spaghetti straps, and a low neckline. It’s fitted at the top, but loose from my waist to where it hits about mid-thigh and is a lot more revealing than I’d usually wear. Wes helped me pick it out, and from the look in Ethan’s eyes, he was right to suggest it.

  “I’m going to be the envy of the guys on the team tonight,” he mutters and rakes his gaze over me.

  “Maybe I should change,” I say, and he shakes his head.

  “Don’t you dare,” he says and reaches out and runs his index finger across my bare sho
ulder and down my arm. When he reaches my hand, he interlocks our fingers and tugs me from the room. I’m wearing wedge heels that add about two inches to my height, but I’m still a good ten inches shorter than him. “When Gabe told me Wes was taking you shopping for tonight, I was picturing your usual skinny jeans and a dressy top, but this is so much better.”

  “You don’t think it makes my legs look fat?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

  “Hell no,” he says as he tugs my door closed behind me. “You look sexier than I could have ever imagined.”

  I blush, and he smiles at me. “Thank you,” I say softly as we walk out of my dorm and to his car. He opens my door for me, but when I move to slide inside, he pulls me against him.

  “I’m going to kiss you at some point tonight, Graycen,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Ethan,” I whisper as his lips brush against my neck, just below my ear.

  “I wanted you to know so you weren’t surprised when it happens,” he tells me then releases me so I can get in the car. As I sit, my dress slides up a little more, and I move to fix it, but his hand reaches down before I can. He runs a finger over my milky skin for a second before he moves the hem down where it’s supposed to be.

  I look at him questioningly before he straightens and shuts my door. He walks around the back of the car, and I can see him take a couple of deep breaths before he opens his door.

  “Are you okay?” I ask softly once he’s in the car.

  “Yeah,” he answers, but doesn’t look at me.

  “Ethan, have I done something wrong?” I ask. Something seems to be bothering him.

  “No,” he assures me, and finally looks at me. “I’m attracted to you, Graycen, very attracted, and I know it’s too soon to act on it. But that dress is going to drive me insane tonight.”

  “Maybe I should go change then,” I say.

  “No, please don’t,” he breaths out. “Wes is evil for picking that out for you to wear tonight though.”

  “I told him it was too much,” I mutter, and he blows out a breath. “Or, not enough.”

  “It’s definitely something,” he says, and I frown as I let my hair fall in front of my face. He reaches out and tucks it back behind my ear then starts the car. “Don’t hide from me, please. You look hot tonight, Graycen, and I’m sure that was Wes’ plan. The only problem I have is, I may have to punch some of my teammates tonight for making you uncomfortable.”

  “Oh,” I say and look out the window as he drives through the city.

  “Graycen,” he says, and I look over at him. “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, and that keeps you from seeing how guys react to you. Trust me when I tell you, the guys on the team won’t be able to take their eyes off you.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I say and look at my hands.

  “I do,” he responds and reaches over to squeeze my hand. “I’m the lucky one who gets to show up and leave with you though.”

  “Ethan,” I say quietly, and look back out the window. “Like I told you Tuesday, I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

  “I remember,” he says. “I’m hoping that changes soon.”

  “You are?” I ask, not looking at him.

  “I am,” he answers. “Graycen, I like you, and would love it if you’d be my girlfriend.”

  I don’t answer right away, and we slip into a comfortable silence as he drives toward the UF campus. Their party is being held in the small banquet hall attached to the building their competition pool is located.

  As he pulls into the parking lot and slides into an empty space, I look over at him and smile softly. “Yes,” I say in a soft voice and he turns his head to face me.

  “Did you say yes?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. I nod, and his face splits in a wide smile. “God, Graycen, you had me worried.”

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him, and he reaches over to tuck my hair behind my ear again. I’m chewing on my bottom lip again, and he reaches over and runs his index finger over it.

  “You’re so damn adorable,” he says and leans forward. His lips gently brush across my forehead before he leans back and brushes his thumb across my cheek. “I can’t wait to show off my girlfriend to my teammates.”

  “I’ve met about half of them already,” I remind him, and he shakes his head.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he says then opens his door. “You weren’t my girlfriend then.”

  He climbs out and I wait for him to round the hood and open my door before I slide out of his car. “And that makes a difference?” I ask as he intertwines our fingers and we start walking toward the party.

  “It makes all the difference,” he says and brings our joined hands up to his lips. “You were single then, and most of them wanted to ask you out. Now, you’re my girl and they’ll leave you alone.”

  “Other than gawking at me lustfully,” I state, and he chuckles.

  “They can look all they want, but the first one who touches will get his hand broke,” he says, and I can tell he’s only half joking. “Maybe not by me, but I know Wes would beat the hell out of any of them over you.”

  “Wes wanted to beat the hell out of one of our teammates over me,” I tell him, and he frowns. “Long story.”

  “I’ve heard it,” he tells me and it’s my turn to frown. “Haven’t you noticed that Gabe has a big mouth?”

  “Yes,” I say and chuckle softly as we enter the building. “Speaking of Gabe, there they are.”

  “Let’s go say hi,” he says and tugs me gently toward the table where Wes and Gabe are sitting with a couple of the other members of the team.

  “Hey, Gray,” Wes greets me and the two guys sitting with him look up.

  “Damn,” the one named Greg says and grins at me. “You looked hot in those jeans and that tank top you were wearing last week, but damn, you’re smoking now.”

  “Pop your eyes back in your head, Greg,” Ethan says and tugs me against his side.

  “You two together now?” The one named Oakley asks, looking between me and Ethan.

  “Yep,” he answers then leans over and kisses my temple.

  “Officially?” Gabe asks, and I nod. “Hells yeah.”

  “Damn,” Oakley says and shakes his head as he grins and looks at Greg. “Missed our chance, bro.”

  “Dude, Gabe would have kicked our asses if we’d have made a move on her,” Greg says and grins at me. “Not that it wouldn’t have been worth it.”

  “Leave her alone, guys,” Ethan tells them then looks at me. “Want something to drink?”

  “Sure,” I answer and smile at him.

  “Come on, let’s see what we have to choose from,” he says and tugs me toward the table that has food and drinks on it.

  “Ethan,” I say softly once we’re away from the others. “Am I some sort of prize among the UF swim team? Did you ask me out to win some sort of competition or something?”

  “Hell no,” he answers, shock registering in his voice. “I asked you out because I like you, Graycen. You’re smart, and funny, and adorable as hell, and we have a lot in common. Do you really think Gabe would let us do something like that? You’re Wes’ friend, Graycen, and Gabe loves Wes. He’d never do anything to mess up his relationship, and something like that would really mess it up.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say and look at the floor.

  “Don’t Graycen,” he says as he tips my chin back up with his index finger. “I know you’re not used to the attention you’re getting, and I understand you have doubts about it all. Please don’t doubt that I like you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize again. “I’ve never had guys react to me like they have been since coming here.”

  “I know,” he says and bends down to press his forehead to mine. He closes his eyes, and inhales deeply before opening them and pulling back a little. “Come on, let’s get something to drink then go somewhere we can talk.”

  “But, your friends,” I start, and he shakes his head.

  “I see t
hem all the time,” he says and kisses my forehead before stepping back. “I want to spend time with you, Graycen.”

  “Then, how about we go on another date?” I ask and he smiles at me. “Just you and I.”

  “That sounds awesome,” he says and takes both my hands in his. “Saturday afternoon, after you get off work?”

  “Perfect,” I tell him and step closer to him. I go up on my tip-toes and brush a soft kiss across his lips. He groans softly and pulls back slightly.

  “I want to kiss you, Graycen, really kiss you,” he breaths out. “But not here.”

  “Later,” I say and step back. “Before you take me back to my dorm.”

  “Yes,” he says then releases one of my hands and tugs me toward the drink table. “Until then, let’s enjoy the party.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” I say and smile at him.

  For the next two hours, we talk to his friends and I discover that Oakley and Greg are his two best friends on the team. Gabe is a year younger than the three of them, but he’s pretty tight with them all, and seems to enjoy being part of this crowd.

  “Ready to go?” Ethan asks me when some of the guys on the team start getting rowdy.

  “Yes,” I answer and grin. “I have to be at work at seven in the morning.”

  “I know,” he says and kisses my forehead before turning to the guys. “Graycen and I are heading out. She has work in the morning, and I have to meet my dad and step-mom for brunch.”

  “Ah, come on,” Greg says and winks at me. “We were about to hit the Kappa Sig party.”

  “No thanks,” Ethan says, and they frown at him. “Frat parties aren’t Graycen’s scene, and I definitely don’t want to go without her.”

  “You can go,” I tell him softly, but he shakes his head.

  “I would so much rather spend time with you,” he tells me and turns back to the guys. “Don’t drink too much, and don’t drive if you do.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Oakley calls out as we turn to walk from the building.

  “You worry about them,” I say softly.

  “Yes,” he responds as he leads me to his car. “Last year Oak nearly got expelled for getting into a fight at a Kappa Sig party. He’d been drinking, heavily, and picked a fight with a guy twice his size.”


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