Chicks, Man

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Chicks, Man Page 8

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Have I mentioned what a horrible idea this trip was? I take another hefty swig of my beer. Sixth, to be exact, while I watch with narrowed eyes as Kip, Stacey, and Hannah all participate in what seems to be the funniest conversation ever.

  I, on the other hand, am stuck on the other side of the fire, trapped by the one and only bitch stalker. When I originally sat down, I made it so Hannah would have a spot by me. But Hannah felt it necessary to create her own makeshift seat, nearly sitting on her damn brother’s lap. That left the seat wide open for yappy trap to get her sharp claws into me and talk my goddamn ear off. Hence the sixth beer.

  I slam the rest of my beer and toss it into the fire along with another log. The flames ignite, sending a soft glow into the night. Hannah’s face appears a bit flushed, probably from the two beers she drank and all the laughing. I’ve done a great job tuning out Rebecca for the last hour or so, but that could be because I’m too focused on staring at Hannah and thinking about how I want to take her over my thigh and spank the shit out of her for fucking up the seating arrangements. If she would have just sat next to me, I wouldn’t have been forced to listen to this nonsense next to me. I imagine her small little body cradled over my knee, her summer dress hiked over her perky little ass. I picture my palm spanking her porcelain skin, each slap leaving my handprint on her flesh.

  “Fuck,” I groan, swiping my hands down my face. Get ahold of yourself, Dent.

  “Fuck is right. I mean, how can someone just pick the same color polish as me when I was totally about to grab it? I told that little high school brat to get her own color. Ugh.” I twist in my seat toward Rebecca, fighting the urge to knock her off her chair. The way she ogles me makes me want to push her into the fire. “You know, the way you’re looking at me, I would think you wanted to take a tour of my tent.”

  I laugh, loud and boisterous, unable to hold back at how dumb this chick is. I lift my hand to correct her when I decide pissing her off is not in my best interest.

  “No, I’m good, but if you wanted to fetch me a beer, that’d be great.” She smiles like I just offered her a marriage proposal and pops up, skipping over to the cooler. I debate on getting up and moving my chair. Or just going to bed so I don’t have to be tortured anymore. Or simply going over and pulling Hannah off the damn ground and placing her little ass in the seat I set out for her.

  I do none of it. Rebecca is back before I can execute any of my plans. I go to grab for the beer, but she lifts her tank, revealing her stomach, and uses it to twist off the cap, then takes the first swig before slowly handing it over to me. Remind me to burn my lips off after drinking this. I thank her and direct my attention back to the fire. Or at least what’s happening on the other side of it.

  One, two, three, four gulps, I take from my bottle as my eyes lock on her. I should stop staring. I know Stacey caught me eyeing her sister-in-law. I should stop. But I can’t. The way her face lights up at anything her brother says. The way she moans, placing her s’more into her mouth, the marshmallow slightly burnt, just how she likes it. I watch her fingers brush against her chin as she wipes away some excess chocolate from her sweet bite. The way her lower lip—

  “Levi, did you want a s’more? You look like you’re salivating over there,” Stacey busts me. I blink, trying to recall what she just said.

  I feel Hannah watching me. I fight to keep my eyes off her. “Nah, I’m good.” I shake my head, finishing off my beer. I toss it in the fire, and take the time out needed to piss and get a new beer.

  The remainder of my night is pretty much the same. I drink too fast and take every opportunity to imagine doing something extremely fucking dirty to Hannah. When she gets up to go to the bathroom, I imagine finding her in the dark woods and pounding her against a tree until she explodes around my cock. When she takes a sip of her beer, I imagine her sucking me off. Every time she bends over to stoke the fire, I imagine myself behind her, fucking her into oblivion.

  It’s not until she finally says she’s tired and going to bed that I feel some relief, needing her out of my sight…then she disappears into my tent and the agony in my pants gets worse.

  She is sleeping in my goddamn tent.

  Therefore, I drink more.

  And more.

  Until I’m the only one awake. And unless I plan to sleep on the ground, it’s time to face the music.

  I stumble through the dark campground, taking a piss, then putting out the fire. I stand outside the tent entrance for god knows how long, debating on what I’m going to find. A part of me prays it’s her naked and awake, waiting for me, while the sane part begs for her to be in a damn snow suit huddled in the corner.

  I sway, hauling the zipper down, and trip as I step over the flap of the tent. My eyes try to adjust to the darkness, curious where she is. I use my phone flashlight and find her cuddled up at the far end of the air mattress. She has a small blanket covering her bare legs, but it appears she’s changed into a pair of pajama shorts and tank top. My eyes fixate on the pink lace bra strap hanging out of her bag and my mind goes back to the supply closet and the way her plump breasts fit perfectly in my palms.

  “Don’t go there, Dent,” I mumble to myself. Hannah sighs, stretching her leg down the mattress, and I slam my eyes shut, refusing to steal a peek. I wobble, forgetting I need my eyes to see, and open one to maneuver through the tent. “Eyes to yourself, buddy,” I chant, stumbling over to the other side of the tent where my bag sits. I debate sleeping in my clothes, then decide fuck it. I toss my shirt off and drop my pants, then grab for a pair of gym shorts. Without throwing Hannah off the mattress, I crawl onto the bed as gently as possible. It’s tough since I weigh three times as much as she does. The second I lay down, the mattress causes her to slide toward the center of the bed and roll into me.

  “Fuck me.” Don’t touch her. Don’t touch her. I’m too drunk for this shit. I need to get up and sleep this off on the ground outside. I attempt to sit up when her hand moves, brushing against my side. She tucks her hand under her face, but not before leaving a trail of vanilla in its wake.

  I try covering my nose, waiting for the smell to disappear. Once it’s gone, I’m out of here.

  A few more seconds, then I’m getting up.

  Two more…


  I’m dreaming.

  I’m in my bed, consumed by the warmth of the person enveloping me in his arms. His solid chest warms my back while his arms wrap around my body, keeping me close. His fingers graze around my navel, and with each breath, they lower to my sensual place that aches for him.

  My center pulsates for him to touch me in the most shameful way, and only in a dream would I find myself acting so brazen at his subtle touch. I use my hand to cup his, pushing his thick fingers past my pajama shorts, through my soaked folds.

  I’m rewarded with an elusive groan, and his hand takes over, working me. His fingers graze up and down my center, spreading me as one slips inside. My head tosses back at the too real sensation. His warm breath caresses my shoulder as his lips consume the skin above my collarbone. God yes, this is what I’ve been wanting. Needing.

  Small whimpers of pleasure fall off my lips, rewarding me with a second finger. His hardness thrusts against my backside as I work my hips into his hand. Yes, yes...this is what I crave. I beg my conscious to never wake up.

  I’m getting close. So close. His hand speeds up, moving more aggressively in and out of me, giving me exactly what I want. Small, short pants fall from my lips. My walls start to squeeze around him. My hand lowers inside my panties, my fingers barely covering the top of his hand as I ride his motions.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet and tight,” a familiar voice moans into my ear.

  The vibrations of his words seem so real.

  Almost too real.

  “That’s it, baby. Rock your pussy against my hand.”

  God, his voice. It’s always his voice when I have these fantasies. I don’t want to open my eyes and kill my dream. It’s rig
ht there…

  “Ahhh…” I moan, breathlessly, as my orgasm explodes, clenching around his thick fingers.

  My eyes open suddenly, my dream feeling way too realistic. I’ve never had such a powerful sex dream before. I shift from my pillow, realizing I’m not in my bed.

  I’m not even at home.


  Levi’s tent.


  I scream and throw myself off the air mattress, tossing Levi off me. He must have been in a deep sleep, because while I fly off one end, he flies to the other side and flips off.

  “Fuck...fuck...what happened?” He shoots up, and I jump up and fall into the side of the tent, practically taking the whole thing down.

  “Oh my god. I wasn’t dreaming.” My voice shakes. I’m going to throw up. His gaze, still clouded by sleep, darts around. His hands scrape down his face, over his frown, and when they land on me, horror threatens to take me out by the knees. He was also dreaming. Does he know? What we just…

  His hand stalls over his mouth, and lines begin to form between his eyebrows. His mouth opens and closes, attempting to form words, but nothing comes out. But there’s no need for words. Realization is sparking him awake when he registers the scent of me on his fingers.

  “Shit, what the—?”

  The scent of me lingers against his lip, and I jump headfirst into panic mode.

  Oh god! I need to get out of here!

  “Oh shit, Hannah! I…shit, wait, I thought I was—”

  “Gah! Don’t say another word!” I grab for my shoes and throw down the zipper to the tent. It snags on the fabric, getting stuck. Because of course it does. I yank and pull as a lifetime of awkward seconds pass. As soon as it frees, I stage-dive out of the tent. What in the ever loving—?

  “Hey, are you okay? I heard you scream.”

  I scream again, nearly coming out of my skin. Stacey jolts with a start at my reaction. “Oh, Jesus all mighty, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to be out here.”

  “I was trying to get some breakfast started. You okay?”

  Absolutely not. “Yeah, fine. I saw a spider. Freaked out. Probably gonna have to take the whole tent down.” Stacey peers over my shoulder at the tent, then back to me. There is no doubt my face is flushed. I mean, I did just have an orgasm. GAH!

  “Yeah, sure. Okay. Is Levi up?”

  Oh, he’s up. “Yeah, could be. Not really sure. I wasn’t paying attention…”

  Just then, his head peeks through the opening of the tent, followed by the rest of his body. I throw my eyes everywhere but in his direction.

  “Hey, Levi. Hear you have a spider. We have spray if you need it.” My mind suddenly forms this image of myself spraying repellent all over Levi, hoping he stays away…or maybe should I spray myself? Who even initiated that? I’m getting flustered all over again just thinking about it. I need space. Tons of space.

  “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”

  “I’m just gonna go take a leak.”

  We both whip our heads in each other’s direction.

  “Oh, you go then.”

  “No, it’s fine. You go.”

  “Well, someone go. Geez.” Stacey steps in, breaking up the battle of who’s going to run and hide. Since I can’t imagine having to stick back and deal with Stacey’s curious inquiries, I volunteer and take off into the woods.

  Slipping on my flip flops, I grab my towel, tanning lotion, and sunglasses. As soon as I step out of the tent, the sun almost blinds me, so I drop my shades from the top of my head and peer over to my right where everyone seems to be huddling.

  “All right, everyone, double check you have your life jackets. You don’t want to kayak without ’em.” Kipley instructs everyone on the rules of the lake while I head to the Tahoe to grab my kindle and headphones. I close the door—and jump fifty feet backwards, practically denting Kipley’s SUV.

  “Jesus, Levi!”

  “Sorry. I thought you saw me.”

  “I didn’t.” I push off the Tahoe and start walking back toward the camp. Kipley is snapping Stacey’s life jacket on, while Rebecca attempts to put hers on backwards. I shake my head. What an idiot.

  “We’re getting ready to leave. If you don’t change your shoes, we’re going to miss the kayak excursion.”

  “I’m not going on the excursion.” At that, Levi stops, but I don’t. I keep walking until I get to my brother and hand him his keys.

  “And why exactly aren’t you going?” he continues to dig.

  “Who, Hannah?” Kipley laughs. “She hasn’t gone near the river since Chase knocked her out of her kayak that one year.”

  Levi’s eyes shift back to me in question, but I ignore them. I slide my glasses up my nose and throw my backpack over my shoulder. Leaning in, I give my brother a kiss on the cheek and tell him and Stacey to have fun. I don’t bother wishing Rebecca well since I hope she floats off a waterfall…not that there are any.

  I continue my walk through the pathed woods, which eventually lead to the open lake. When I make it to the clearing, the sun shines beautifully over the water. The old deck in need of a slight makeover makes me smile. The memories that have been made throughout the years. Good and bad. The place where I got my stupid Hannah Banana nickname, to our family competitions of who could hold their breath the longest under water. It makes me wish my mom had been able to join us for this trip, but with her donating her free time to the local flower shop, she sadly had to decline Dad’s offer.

  I lay my towel on the deck, feeling the heat below my feet from the hot sun, then place my earbuds in my ears. The upbeat sounds of my favorite artist play in my ears as I lay my head down—

  “Room for two on this deck?”

  My eyes fly open, the sun blocked by a tall, built, gorgeous problem. “What are you doing here, Levi? I thought you were kayaking?” I sit up, the annoyance in my voice evident.

  “I was. But I didn’t feel well. So, I came back.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  He shrugs, dropping his towel next to mine. “Thought some sun and relaxation would do me good.” Ugh, he is not planning on staying here with me all day! “Unless you’d rather be alone.” He stands there waiting for a reply. I want to say yes, I would love to be alone. Spending the day with him says no relaxing will be had. My nerves are already going bonkers, and my body is tense simply from him standing here. And god forbid if he dares attempt to bring up this morning.

  He’s surveying me with those deep emerald eyes. Nothing says he’s here to bust my chops. Maybe it’s just me all worked up and overthinking. Maybe we can pretend this morning didn’t happen.

  What morning?


  “No, it’s fine. Have at it.” I scoot my towel a little to the right so he can fit his on the deck. He nods and smiles, adjusting his towel. We don’t speak for some time while he sits and stares off across the lake. I would ask him what’s got his attention, but I get it. The view is breathtaking. It’s when I place my earbuds back in and lay back down that he breaks the silence.

  “What happened with Chase and why you won’t go kayaking?” I remove my earbuds and sit back up. “You don’t have to tell me. I’m just curious.”

  “I almost drowned.”

  He pulls his eyes away from the lake to connect with mine. There’s an intensity in his stare pleading for me to explain.

  “It was when I was eleven. We all went on the kayak trip like we did every year. The whole family, and of course, that year, Kipley had his whole gang with him, minus you. I think you may have had a game that weekend. Anyway, we were all on the water and Chase thought it would be funny to flip me. We were in a low current so it wasn’t like I couldn’t stand if I wanted to. He rocked my boat, the usual Chase taunt. I wasn’t afraid to flip, but when I did, I became stuck. My foot had been caught on the beach bag I jammed in the front of my boat.”

  “Jesus Christ, Hannah.” I shrug away his distress. It was a long time ago. “Tell me. What happ

  “I tried to free my foot, but it wasn’t budging. I banged on the boat, but you know Chase, he probably got a bigger laugh at the fact. Either way, time passed, and thankfully, right when I ran out of air, they figured it out. Ben came under and grabbed me, pulled me out, and gave me the ol’ mouth to mouth.” I pause, embarrassed at having to admit that.

  “Hannah, Jesus, I’m so sorry.”

  “Pfft. Don’t be, it wasn’t a big deal.” But in reality, it was. There was more to the story I chose to keep to myself. The fear that consumed me thinking I was going to drown. The anger at how someone could be so cruel. Chase didn’t seem guilty in the least bit. He laughed it off, claiming I was probably faking to get attention. Poked harder by saying it was my way of getting Ben to kiss me. The humiliation on top of the fear that took over my wellbeing…I’d never been able to put myself back in that boat. I loved kayaking, and after that day, I hated it.

  “Either way, it’s in the past. Water under the boat.” I wink, trying to make light of the situation, but his hard stare says he finds this anything but humorous. “Not funny?” I smile at my super lame pun.

  “No, not funny.”

  “Oh well. I was never headed for a career in comedy.” He studies me for a quick moment, then lays down on his own towel, closing his eyes. I can’t help but admire how handsome he is with the sun basking on his skin. Birds flock over the calm lake, the chorus of chirping blowing in the small breeze, a sweet smell in the air from the wildflowers growing along the water’s edge. He seems so peaceful here, like he always did when we were kids. My emotions start to take me back to a time when my world revolved around him. My silly, magical world of dreams that carrousel around the fairytale of my version of a happily ever after. Silent laughter seeps from my eyes as I gaze down at him, curious if my feelings were ever visible to him. Would he laugh away my crazy childhood fantasy? I pull my eyes away, forcing myself to leave those long-buried emotions at rest.


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