Ruthless: Book 2 of the Shattered Chronicles

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Ruthless: Book 2 of the Shattered Chronicles Page 15

by Ciana Stone

  Victor and Juro stood in silence as the boats pulled away from the dock. "It will be discovered sooner or later," Victor finally replied to Juro's earlier question.

  As he started down the dock to the waiting car, Victor's steps were fast and impatient. "Is the place ready?"

  Juro nodded as he opened the rear door of the limo for him. He climbed in after Victor and tapped on the glass that separated their compartment from the driver. The car pulled away smoothly.

  "Is she at home?" Victor asked.

  Juro nodded again, saying nothing.

  Victor reached for the phone, dialed, and waited for an answer.

  "Hello?" the sleepy voice answered.

  "Did I wake you?"

  "Victor?" Morgan asked. "What time is it?"

  "A little after midnight. I wanted to tell you that I will be home soon. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

  "Well… thank you." She sounded surprised and less than exuberant.

  "Has anything interesting happened while I've been gone?" he asked, wanting to see if she would tell him anything.

  "Well, uh,” she hesitated for a moment. “Just the regular stuff. You know - work and all."

  "Have you heard from your son?" He inquired and motioned for Juro to fix him a drink.

  "No, nothing yet and I’m really getting concerned. I thought sure he'd get in touch with me by now. Especially since Cord – well you know. Anyway, I’m very worried about him."

  "Of course you are. Is there anything I can do? Would you like for me to have some of my people look for him?"

  "No," she answered quickly, "I don't think that would be a good idea. If he's found out about his father, then he has enough to deal with. He'll call when he's ready."

  "Very well, then." He sipped from the drink Juro handed him. "Have you had any more visits from the government?" Since Morgan hadn't volunteered the information, he decided to bring it up himself. According to his sources, Agent Stork had paid her a visit.

  "Actually, yes. Apparently, there’s a theory that Cord paid someone to try to kill me while I was in Washington.”

  "Morgan, I'm sorry," Victor smiled as he spoke. "But why does the government think that's what he did? After all, from what you've told me, Cord went to Washington alone."

  "Yes, he did.”

  Victor heard a gasp on the other end of the line. "Morgan?" he said and got no answer. "Morgan! Are you there?"

  "I have to go," she said, sounding like she was crying. He knew all too well what had transpired. How she’d received a message that morning from Cord, telling her to come to Washington right away. The when she arrived at his hotel, she found two men in his room who claimed to with the CIA. They told her she needed to go with them to meet Cord.

  Victor knew she must be thinking about that time. It’s why he’d made the statement. So far, the information he had planted was working perfectly. "Are you still there?"

  "Yes," she answered in a tired voice.

  “Don’t let thoughts of that betrayer destroy you. You’re well rid of him, Morgan. You deserve much better."

  "I just can't believe that Cord would hate me so much that he’d want me dead. I couldn't have been so wrong about him for so long."

  "Well, maybe Cassie convinced him to do it," he suggested. "So that you wouldn't be in her way."

  "Maybe," she said, sounding unconvinced. "But I really just can't believe that he could have any part of something like that. Anyway, I don't feel like talking about this anymore."

  "Fine," he leaned back, satisfied. "I'll call you when I get in and we can get together."

  "Okay," she agreed, "talk to you soon. Bye."

  Victor hung up the phone and looked over at Juro. "I just had another idea. This is what I want done…"

  Chapter Eleven

  Cotton Creek, Texas

  Morgan kicked the heavy bag one last time then peeled off her gloves and grabbed a towel to dry her face. Not even physical exhaustion could drive away the tension. She turned and caught sight of her reflection in the mirrors covering one wall of the gym. Haunted eyes stared back at her. Hurt swelled inside her chest, threatening to send her into another fit of tears.

  “Like that’s gonna do any good,” she scolded her reflection. As much as she wanted to avoid it, she was going to have to face reality. Her husband had left her. He didn’t want her. All she could do was try and make a life for herself. It did no good to cry and grieve. That wouldn’t bring him back.

  Thoughts of Cord led her mind to the things the government claimed he’d done. Morgan refused to believe that Cord was capable of such acts. Even if he’d fallen in love with another woman, he still wouldn’t steal nuclear waste and sell it off to terrorists.

  But regardless of what she thought, the government was convinced and unless she could find a way to stop them, they were going to seize everything she and Cord had, which would not only leave her broke, but homeless as well.

  Morgan knew that for the first time in her entire life, she was completely alone, without anyone to turn to. She had always relied on Cord for her security, sure that he would always protect and care for her. Now that he’d turned his back on her, she had no one to turn to. Even Joe and Myrtle had deserted her.

  To say that she was frightened would be a major understatement. She had no idea what she would do if the government succeeded in taking everything. Her bank accounts were already frozen, which meant that the only money she had available was the money she and Cord kept in the safe at the house, and that was only a couple of thousand dollars.

  With leaden feet, she turned and headed for the shower. Just as she started the water, the phone rang. She flew into the bedroom to answer.



  Victor’s low, deep voice was unmistakable. Morgan pushed back the disappointment that the call was not what she had hoped.


  “Did I call at an inopportune time?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “How are you?”

  She opened her mouth to reply with a white lie then stopped.


  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  A harsh bark of a laugh came out before she could stop it. “Wrong? Not a thing except my whole life.”

  “Let me help.”

  She didn’t expect such a reply. It both surprised and touched her. “You think you can?” She asked in a cynical tone.

  “I’d like to try.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate that, but I’m fine, really.”

  “Are you free this evening?”

  Her first reaction was to say no, but the idea of another evening of pacing the floor, staring at the phone and agonizing over her current situation was not very appealing.

  “I guess so.”

  “Excellent. I have a few matters to attend to but can be there by eight, if that’s acceptable.”


  “Wonderful. I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  She hung up the phone and returned to the bathroom. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could swoop in and make all her problems go away? She dismissed the idea as soon as it appeared. No one could solve her problems but Cord.

  Later that evening

  Morgan opened the door before Victor had time to ring the bell. His eyes moved over her body before settling on her face. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped aside for him to enter. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Yes, you can open this.”

  She hadn’t noticed the bottle of wine in his hand. “Oh, okay.”

  They went into the kitchen. She located the corkscrew and turned it over to Victor while she fetched glasses. He poured them each a glass and raised his in a toast.

  She clinked her glass to his then sampled the wine. “Hmmm, I’m not much of a wine drinker, but this is good. Would you like to go into the den?”

�It’s such a lovely evening, why don’t we enjoy it?”


  She led the way to the deck and took a seat at the table beside the pool. Victor took a seat next to her. She noticed that his glass was already empty.

  “I’ll run get the wine. Be right back.”

  “Thank you.” Victor smiled and watched her go inside. As soon as she was out of sight, he emptied a vial of the experimental drug into her glass.

  He had just enough time to put the empty vial into his pocket before she returned. She refilled his glass and added a little to her own and then sat down. They made small talk as they drank their wine. When Morgan’s glass was empty, Victor surreptitiously checked his watch.

  “I’ve given some thought to our earlier conversation and I’d like to help, if you’ll allow it.”

  Morgan gave him a smile that seemed both sad and grateful. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think there’s anything you can do.”

  “On the contrary.” Victor moved from his chair and pulled her to her feet.

  Before Morgan could speak, he took her in his arms and kissed her. At first, she stiffened. Victor pulled back. “Morgan. Look at me.” When she looked into his eyes he continued in a softer tone. “Give in to me. You want me. Give in to your desire.” Then he kissed her again.

  Morgan blinked and pulled away. How could one kiss fill her with such desire? That was the last thing she should feel right now. Her life was a complete mess. What was it about him that made her want to forget everything else and give in to her attraction?

  He moved closer and she shivered as his hand moved to caress her shoulder. The protective little voice in her head screamed a warning that went unheeded as his lips moved to the lobe of her ear and then to her neck.

  She gave herself to the sensations, forgetting the voice in her head. She couldn’t think of anything but how much she wanted him and for the moment nothing else existed.

  "Let’s take a swim." He murmured in her ear.

  "Hmmm," she sighed in reply. "If you want to. Want me to find you a pair of shorts or something to swim in?"

  He laughed and exacted another kiss. "I don't think that will be necessary."

  Victor stepped back, slipped out of his shoes and bent over to pull off his socks. When he straightened, he looked up into her eyes. She stood silently watching his every movement.

  His eyes moved down as he raised his hands tounbutton his shirt and to his surprise, her small hands were suddenly pushing his own away. She had moved as quietly and quickly as he himself might have done. His opinion of her rose in that moment, impressed with her grace and stealth.

  Morgan quickly unfastened the buttons and parted the shirt, baring his chest. She pushed the shirt from his shoulders and ran her hands down his strong arms, sliding the sleeves over his hands.

  Victor pulled the shirt free from his slacks and let it fall to the deck. His ardor grew as she ran her hands up his arms and across his shoulders. Her hands moved down his chest and over the muscles of his abdomen that tightened in excitement. Steadily moving lower, she reached for the button of his pants.

  He grasped her arms in his hands, feeling the strong muscles that lay beneath the smooth skin contract and quiver as she unzipped his slacks and pushed them down over his hips.

  The night air whispered against his bare skin, a breath of cool on his feverish body. An unexpected sound escaped him as her hand reached lower, encircling him and moving down the length of his hardness. Her hands and fingers stroked and squeezed, and he closed his eyes, relishing the sensations as she moved one hand lower between his legs to cup and stroke him gently.

  Morgan moved her hands once again to his chest, tracing over the firm muscles. She toyed with his nipples, feeling them harden under her touch.

  He opened his eyes and looked down into her upturned face. “You’re beautiful, Victor.”

  His grip on her arms tightened for a moment. "I'm glad you think so," he said smiling down at her. Then moving his hands from her arms, he continued. "Now it's my turn."

  He slowly slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders. She pulled her arms free and the dress slithered down her body like shimmering black fire, softly puddling on the deck around her feet. Victor's eyes followed the trail of the dress down her body, drawing in a deep breath of hunger as her body was exposed to him.

  With only a narrow strip of wispy lace covering the dark patch of hair, she was a fantasy come to life. Her tawny, sun-bronzed skin seemed to glow in the pale light, her sumptuous breasts delighting his eyes. The flush, firm round globes were pinnacled with full dusky nipples that longed to be kissed.

  Tight sinewy muscles traveled down the length of her torso, her belly flat and hard. Below the tiny waist her hips flared out slightly, the sinuous curve giving her the look of lean power and grace. Her legs gave evidence of both agility and strength, long hard muscles running the length of her thighs. All the physical elements combined into a harmony of sensual appeal.

  Insatiable lust burned through him as he feasted on her with his eyes. She was even more beautiful than he remembered, if that was possible.

  With a movement like quicksilver he reached out and snapped the thin band of silk that encircled her hips. He pulled it free, tossed it aside and took her in his arms, their bodies meeting in a feverish embrace

  Victor broke the connection and ambled over to the edge of the pool, proud and uninhibited in his nudity. In a fluid motion he dove, slicing through the clear water. His long form glided smoothly along the textured bottom. His head broke the surface on the opposite side. Leaning back with his elbows propped on the rim of the pool behind him, he watched as Morgan moved toward the edge of the water.

  Gracefully she submerged beneath the sparkling surface, her dive carrying her forward in a flowing line. She rose from the depths and slowly waded toward him, her body emerging inch by inch.

  Her long hair clung to her skin, streaming down across her breasts with sparkling beads of water dripping like gems down her body. Like Venus rising from the sea, he thought as he watched her draw near.

  She stopped before him, reaching out to gently run her hand along the side of his face and down his neck. Her fingers worked their way back along the nape of his neck. Moving closer, she reached up and raked the fingers of both hands through his hair, allowing her breasts to skim the skin of his chest just once.

  Victor felt like he was about to explode. He had started this with only revenge in mind. Now it was more. Morgan excited him more than he thought was possible. Even the feel of her hands in his hair aroused him. He closed his eyes, giving in to the pleasure.

  Morgan pressed herself lightly against his hard body, dipping her hands beneath the surface of the water to grip him firmly. His eyes flew open and he engulfed her in his arms, kissing her urgently. With her clasped firmly to him, he turned and pinned her securely against the side of the pool.

  His hands wrapped firmly around her arms as he sank down into the water. With firm pressure he forced her arms back, causing her breasts to thrust forward as her shoulders angled back. He captured one nipple between his parted lips, his tongue circling the sensitive tip, teasing it as he held her captive in his grasp.

  Morgan gasped at the torrent of feeling that raced through her body as his mouth performed its magic on her. Near orgasmic sensations flashed through her as he held her in place.

  A sudden sense of panic rose at her loss of control, causing her to struggle in his grip. This was wrong. She wasn’t supposed to feel this way. The need to reclaim command of her own body, had her trying to wiggle free from his hold.

  A momentary reprieve came as he abruptly lifted her up and placed her in a sitting position on the edge of the pool in front of him. A smile spread across his face as he stood and lowered her down on her back. Bending over her, he ran his tongue down her body, his hands preceding its path.

  He took hold of her legs just above her knees and pulled her slightly forward so that her hips
hovered over the water. With slow deliberate care he forced her legs apart, looking down wolfishly at her.

  Flushed and uncomfortable at being so overtly displayed, not to mention being a little disconcerted at his strength, Morgan made a move to push herself up, attempting to break free of his hold.

  Her struggle was ineffective. He spread her legs wider apart and lifted her. His tongue plunged, penetrating her wetness and eliciting a moan as she yielded to the onslaught of pleasure.

  She was almost at the point of release when he unexpectedly lowered her hips down. Morgan felt as if a maelstrom was swirling within her. She cried out as he reached between them to guide himself inside her.

  The cry transformed into a moan of pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his hard body and pulled him even deeper, abandoning herself to the feelings and losing herself in the sensations. Flowing with one another in complete abandon they moved in a primitive dance of desire.

  Time and time again he carried her into the abyss, her orgasms shaking her with their fierce intensity.

  Victor fed off her passion like a starving beast, savoring her lust and allowing it to become part of him. She moved against him in complete uninhibited desire, carrying him dangerously close to losing control, then backing off to begin again.

  Time ceased to exist as they lost themselves in one another. The sounds of the night were punctuated by their harsh breath and moans of pleasure and passion. He held on as long as he could, finally reaching the point that he couldn’t stop the climax that built within him.

  As an orgasm began to claim Morgan, Victor pinned her to him. Held tightly within her wet, pulsing center he erupted, and waves of ecstasy washed through him.

  After a few moments he laid her gently back on the deck and looked down at her. She lay limply on the cool wood looking up at him. It was a moment of epiphany for him. He no longer wanted his revenge to include destroying her.

  Much to his surprise, he was falling in love with her. Now his goal for Morgan Windwalker had changed. Victor was determined to make her fall in love with him. Even if it meant keeping her drugged until the emotions were real.


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