Perfectly Wrapped

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Perfectly Wrapped Page 6

by C. M. Steele

  She leans on the open door, smiling at me and shaking her head. “Promises, promises,” she says with a smirk, then closes the bathroom door.

  I dress as fast as I can because suddenly the thought of there being a camera inside our room bothers me. I pick up my phone then head into the kitchen and start the coffee. I barely hit the button when my phone rings again.

  It’s Reed. “Hello Reed,” I answer.

  “I just got off the phone with Ed. Ms. Brock has been temporarily suspended from everything, but I need to double check with you before I make it permanent.”

  “Yes, I want her access denied, permanently.”

  I hear him tapping some keys, and then he says, “Great. It’s all taken care of.”

  “By the way, can you go through her emails? Track them for me. I have a strange and terrible feeling that her actions aren’t a last-minute thing.”

  “Yes, I can pull them and run a screening of her computer,” he adds. I pull two coffee mugs from the cabinet. They are from some of my clients for their marketing gifts.

  “Thanks. This is very important to me. If you’re busy, it can wait until Monday.”

  “I’ll run the search on my computer and save it before I go visit my family,” Reed says.

  “Thanks, Reed. Let me know what you find.” I feel a sense of relief come over me. My head is spinning with the fact that she would try something insane like this.

  I pour us both a cup of coffee just as I hear the bedroom door open.

  “Rob,” she calls out from the top of the stairs.

  “Yes, babe?” I ask as I stare possessively at her while she walks down to me. A low rumble rips through my chest, aching to take her against the wall. She looks so sexy in just my clothes. My cock throbs in my joggers as I watch her tits bounce with each step.

  “Do you have a brush?” She rubs the towel over her hair to dry it, shaking her tits even more.

  I try to focus on her question. Oh yeah, she asked for a brush. I purse my lips then answer, “Shit, I only have a thick comb. Wait. My parents stayed with me before. Let me check the bathroom down here.” I rush off to the guest bathroom and in the side drawer is a brush. “Here. I hope this is okay. My mom’s favorite kind of brush.” I hand her the thin, rough bristle brush.

  “Thank you. My hair can handle a comb, but it’s a pain, literally.” She scrunches her eyes as if feeling the pain from the idea of it.

  “Well, we need to get your things here as soon as possible, so you don’t have to worry about it again.”

  “You want me to move in?” She seems surprised as if she thought I’d ever spend another night without her in my arms.

  “We’re getting married so why not?”

  “Um…are you asking?” She crosses her arms while pointing the brush and wagging it at me.

  “No, there’s no reason to ask yet. I don’t have the ring and asking means that you have a choice. Since I’m never letting you get away from me, I don’t see the point,” I say, pulling her into my arms. The brush presses onto my chest, so I remove it from between us. “You’re mine, Rebecca,” I declare, kissing her like she deserves until we’re both breathless.

  “Excuse me, but I need my coffee,” she exclaims, pushing away from me and sitting at the breakfast bar with her coffee. “Any cream and sugar?”

  I slide the sugar container into her hands. “Let me see what creamer I have.” I look around and find the bottle of Half and Half. “All I have is this.”

  “That’s fine. It works for me.”

  “Good.” We both mix our cream and sugar into our cups. “What do you want to do today?”

  “I want to get to the bottom of this whole other baby mama,” she says, standing up and grabbing a paper towel to wipe up some coffee she splashed out as she stirred.

  I shake my head because fuck if I’m going to let Liz ruin any more of our time together. “No, for right now, I want you to clear your mind off all things her because I’ve spent too much time away from you, and I want to learn more about you.”

  “There’s not much to know about me. My parents died at the hands of a friend, leaving James to take care of me when he was just a teenager. He’s done the best that he could, but that meant keeping me locked away from the outside world so he wouldn’t freak out while he was trying to become the man in the business world.”

  “I remember your brother mentioning that you were in college. What are you studying?”

  “I’m working on my gen eds right now, but maybe later I’ll be sure what it is that I want to do.”

  “I think we all go down that road.”

  “Did you have a hard time picking a major?” She asks, setting her cup back on the counter.

  “Yes and no. I’ve had indecisive moments when I was in college, but I knew I wanted to be in business. I hit the jackpot early in my career before I finished and wasn’t sure I wanted to graduate.”

  “What did you do?” she questions.

  “I still finished and made money on the side.” My stomach starts letting me know that I need to eat, so I ask, “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” she answers, rubbing her belly. It’s then that I remember we’re having a baby. Fuck, I’m being a lousy father already. I’m going to be a dad. That thought thrills me more than it should. I’m ready and willing to make a hundred little ones with her.

  I slip my hand around her waist, then help her sit on a chair. “Shit, I can’t let you and our baby starve. What do you like?”

  “What do you have?” she asks, looking toward the fridge.

  I just went to the store the other day because I was starving, and I didn’t want to deal with people. I hit up Jewels as soon as it opened and like two people besides the workers were there. “I’ve got the works. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast all to be made.”

  “Yum. That all sounds good.”

  “Good. Then we’ll have it all. I’ll get it started while you tell me about the baby and when our next appointment is.”

  “You want to come to a doctor’s appointment?” She looks shocked, but she better get used to it because I want to be involved in every way.

  “I want to be at all of them. I can’t say that I’m not a little jealous that James found out before I did.”

  “Well, if I wasn’t shot at, you might have learned it first,” she admits.

  “Fuck, how the hell could I forget about that? Any news on the bastard?” A pain in my chest grows when I think that I could have lost her. James told us about it, but at the time I hadn’t known Rebecca was his sister. They came after Rebecca and James because they had a tracker in the car that was meant to be in Winter’s things. Winter and whoever she was with were the targets. Instead, they shot Rebecca.

  “They are all in jail pending their trials and such. Some have pled guilty while others are ready to fight it out in court. I just want it to be over.” She’s nervously nibbling on her bottom lip. I stop what I’m doing and come around the counter hold her.

  “I want to shoot all of them. I could have lost both of you,” I growl out, squeezing her tightly. I pull back and kiss her lips. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

  “You have no reason to be sorry.” She kisses my chin and sighs, “I’m the one who left you.” Rebecca looks up and smiles and pushes back to sit in the chair. She takes a drink of her coffee, then adds, “Besides, my brother kept me well protected.”

  “Yes, and I need to have a talk with him. I’d hate to ruin our friendship over this, but like I said before, I won’t let anyone come between us. And I mean that.” I owe him big time for protecting her. I know she’s his sister, but if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have her.

  “I hope James is okay.”

  “He wasn’t that mad as he could have been, but then again, he knows that I was struggling before I saw you sitting there. We had lunch over a week ago.”

  “I thought he was too calm about it. Now that makes sense, but I want to give him a call.” She h
ops off the chair and rushes to get her phone. I whip out all of the ingredients ready to start breakfast. By the time she comes back in the room, the food is half done.

  “It smells so good in here,” she moans, making me want to turn off the burners and bang her brains out on the counter. She’s standing by the entrance to the kitchen in just my clothes. Fuck, I could get used to it.

  “Everything okay?” I ask when she just stands there watching me cook.

  “It’s good. Very good. Seeing you cook in just a pair of joggers is so sexy.”

  “Woman, I need to feed you before I fuck you again, so don’t tease a desperate man,” I warn her. I flip the silver dollar pancakes then ask, “So did it go alright with James?”

  “Yes, James says that I could do a lot worse. He still wants to talk to you, but I told him that it’ll have to wait because you and I have a lot to talk about.” She reaches for the plates and puts them on the counter, so I can load the food and then all hell breaks loose when she can’t hold back her first case of morning sickness. Oh well, time to order some food without bacon.

  Chapter 15


  It’s the next morning when I get a call from Reed. “What’s up?” I’m getting dressed because we have to go over to James house and get her things. Then arrange for her belongings to be packed and moved to the condo. I eventually want us to buy a home in the suburbs for our kids, but there’s too much going on to even think about it at this moment.

  “I need you to come to the office. There’s a lot of emails that are concerning.”

  “Shit, I’ll be on my way soon,” I blurt out.

  “Great, and if I was you, I wouldn’t leave your girl alone. Liz can’t be trusted,” he warns.

  “She’ll be with me. I’m not letting her out of my sight.” There’s no way I would leave her unprotected. I’m hiring a team of security by tomorrow.

  “Good. See you soon.”

  I call out, “Rebecca, are you dressed? We need to head into the office.”

  She steps out of the bedroom in a towel and says, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  “Okay. I need to make some calls.” I run up the stairs to steal a kiss. “Fuck, I wish I had time to show you what you do to me. I love you, Rebecca.”

  “I love you, too,” she says, cupping my cock through my jeans. I growl and try to walk into my home office, trying to fight off my arousal. She gets me stiff all the damn time even when she’s not around. I better make sure I hide it around James because I’m not that much of an asshole. I call my lawyer who thankfully is going to meet us there. I’m going to need to give them bonuses for this. They all should be spending time with their families. The office is actually closed until after New Year’s Day. Next, I call James.

  He picks up the phone out of breath. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I can call back.”

  “I’m just getting out of the gym. I was wondering if you were going to buy my sister all new things to avoid speaking to me again.”

  “Ha. No, we’re going to stop by today if that’s cool.”

  “Sure, it’s her place too,” he says.

  “It was,” I mutter. She makes me feel so damn possessive, I can’t think straight, and I’m a dick to him instantly. “Anyways there’s another reason I’m calling. Liz called Rebecca and started lying her ass off to her.”

  “What? What the hell did she say?” He’s just as pissed as I am.

  “She told her that she’s six months pregnant with my kid. Fucking lying bitch.”

  “Damn, I hope Becca knows that she’s nuts.”

  “I told her, but you know it’s going to linger in the back of her mind. Mason was right. I should have fired her when he noticed her behavior was too much for an assistant. I never gave her an ounce of interest, but this is crazy. I don’t know what she expects is going to happen. What could she possibly be thinking?”

  “That is what is so scary about it. She could have tried to sabotage the relationship from a distance or some shit, but she’s going direct. She wants to separate you two, and she wants you to know it. Keep my sister safe,” he demands.

  “I’d give my life to protect Rebecca.”

  “You will if something happens to her.”

  I run my hand over my jaw, unable to handle thinking of someone taking her away from me. “I know. And it probably won’t be at your hands. I’m telling you she means everything to me.”

  “I get it. I remember how pathetic you and Mason looked. I didn’t know who was worse. He may have been drunk, but you looked so damn miserable it was scary.”

  I chuckle, “Thanks. I hope you find a love that makes you feel that miserable.”

  “Why?” he scolds.

  “Because finding the one can take all the pain away when you’re together,” I point out, packing up my laptop into my case to take it with. I want to have everything we can use to make sure Liz is dealt with. I can’t risk letting her behavior slide. If what Reed has is as fucked up as he believes, then I need the cops involved. I don’t want to put Rebecca through any more shit.

  “Fuck, you sound like a soppy fucking Hallmark card. I’m getting off the phone. What time are you coming?”

  “By two, assuming all things go as planned.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

  I hang up just as Rebecca knocks on my door. She knows that she doesn’t have to know, but I tell her to come in anyway. “Shit, you’re not Rebecca. How the fuck did you get in here?” I roar, stepping around my desk and moving toward the door. She blocks it and turns the lock. I hope to God that she came in here first, and Rebecca’s safe.

  “Of course, I’m not her. How can you choose her over me?”

  “You were never an option Liz. I don’t know how you got in here, but you need to leave now.”

  “I have a key. You gave it to me,” she exclaims as if I’m supposed to believe her

  “I never gave you my keys, and you know it.”

  She waves her free hand and shrugs. “Okay, so you left them in your coat, and I had them copied while you were at a meeting.”

  “Get out now. I’m going to call the cops,” I threaten.

  “Get out? How can you be so mean? Don’t I mean anything to you?” Liz whines. Her wide eyes looked coked out. Fuck, she’s high as a kite or some shit. She looks crazy.

  “Have you lost your mind?”

  “No. I’m perfectly normal. You’re the one who’s lost it. Cheating on me with that little whore. I should kill you both,” she screams, pointing a small gun at me.

  “Put the gun down,” I command her. She’s got tears in her eyes, but I have no sympathy for her. I begin to slowly walk around from behind my desk. She backs up, but she still has the gun aimed at me. Fuck, I’m trying to think quick because she’s out for blood for nothing. I hear the sound of Rebecca coming down the stairs, and I can’t warn her, but it does distract Liz long enough for me to charge at her knocking her down. A shot rings out so deafening that I can’t hear, but I manage to easily pull it away from her. She tries to claw at me, but I grapple with her, twisting her arms around her back.

  Rebecca tries the door, but it’s locked. “Babe, call security. We need the police. I have her secure.”

  “Okay,” she shouts, running away from the door. About ten minutes later, Liz is taken into custody, fighting, spitting on the cops as she’s led out the door. I wrap Rebecca up in my arms as tightly as possible. We give a statement to the police and leave the condo. I have to get us out of there. Knowing that she had easy access to either of us made me glad that she came after me first.

  “I love you, Rebecca. I’m sorry that I had someone that crazy working for me.”

  Chapter 16


  The stars must be aligned for the crazies this month. I’m glad tomorrow is the start of the new year. I can’t take any more of this. First, I’m shot, then some nutty broad tries to kill my man, and I’m sure I was next. She admitted it the second we saw
each other as the cops dragged her away. I’ve never seen someone so rabid. She practically foamed at the mouth.

  Tonight, I’m just looking to ring in the new year with my Rob. The locks on the condo have been changed, and the apartment searched for any hidden devices. There were several, one which caught Rob on his knees eating me out. Luckily all of them were removed and destroyed. Every file traced and also deleted. It’s a pity because it’s so damn sexy. The cops believe that’s what set her off. Seeing him lose control with me sent her obsession into overdrive.

  I dig through the closet for my shoes which are still in a large box. Most of my things were moved in four days ago, but we haven’t had too much time to unpack. As soon as I have them, I step back into the bedroom and listen to the shower, knowing Rob is in there completely naked. Damn, I get so excited picturing his strong, firm muscles with water pouring over them, especially his long, thick cock. I’m addicted to it. I’d sneak in there, but he’s been on edge, and I don’t want to scare him. Yesterday I saw a brief glimpse of fear before relief when I walked into his office. Rob has talked about it at least a couple of times, and I’m ready to follow him anywhere.

  We’re on our way to Mason and Winter’s wedding. As we countdown, they will say their vows. “Rob, are you almost ready?” I ask, slipping on my dress for the night. It’s a midnight blue satin dress that hits mid-thigh. Since we’re going to be with a married couple and my brother, I doubt Rob’s going to freak, but I can’t wait to see his face when he sees me.

  “I’ll be out in ten minutes,” he calls out.

  “Okay, I’ll be downstairs.” I finish up my makeup in the bathroom downstairs because the lighting in the bathrooms is fabulous. When I step out, he comes down the stairs with his mouth wide open.

  “Fucking holy shit. You look incredible,” he groans out, biting on his lips and running his eyes all over my body. He steps closer, inches from me and growls like an animal. My body heats up, burning for him.

  “Thank you. You’re pretty sexy yourself,” I confess. He’s wearing a tailored suit that molds to his frame.


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