Heart's Inferno (Fallen Guardians 4)

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Heart's Inferno (Fallen Guardians 4) Page 26

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  “Right then. I’ll see you later.” Riley headed back to his seat.

  Later? Kira stared at her brother’s retreating back in confusion. See who later? Obviously not her…Týr?

  Her man grasped her hand, stepped off the dais, and helped her down before walking off. She had to run to keep up with his long-legged stride. Her question forgotten, too aware now of the demons watching them—of the covetous stares the females and several males cast Týr. And that irritated her. They had no clue what he’d endured eyeing him like some damn prize.

  “Should we be leaving?” she panted.

  “Yes.” He entered a darkened cubicle away from the noise of the dining hall and let her go. The place was no bigger than a closet. A granite ledge at the opposite wall formed a seat of sorts with a padded cushion and a small window that looked out over a tiny courtyard. Týr just stood there.

  Oh, no. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, taking in his hard profile, had thinned mouth. “I know it must have been hard for you…”

  Suddenly, he hauled her to him, his mouth coming down on hers. Rough. Wild. He kissed her as if he were desperate for air, as if he couldn’t breathe. She stroked his back, soothing and calming him. Kira realized he probably needed to get his head out of the dark place he’d likely found himself in again by being surrounded by so many demons.

  His kiss grew more demanding as his tongue stroked hers possessively. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her against him, every hard muscle in his body pressing into her softer one. Need skyrocketed and she kissed him with equal fervor. His hands lowered to her bottom, and he rocked his rapidly hardening sex between the V of her thighs.

  “I want to tear off these damn clothes in my way,” he growled, his eyes wild, his tone like gravel. His fingers slipped under her top, and he tugged on her nipple, a pull she felt all the way to her core. He nipped her chin. “You drive me crazy—”

  She pushed her hands under his shirt, wanting to touch skin, desperately needing him inside her. Panted, “You do me, too.”

  Rough laughter. “I’ll do you anytime, elska. Maybe we’ll light up this place with flames of our passion, turn it to ash.”

  Her heart eased, his sarcasm remained as untethered as him.

  He trailed kisses along her jaw as he bunched up her skirt and slipped his hand under her panties, sliding a finger between her folds. “So deliciously wet—”

  His thumb brushed her clit, and a shock of pleasure darted through her core. He pulled off her underwear, pushed them into his back pocket, then unfastened his leathers. His movements were jerky, lacking his usual finesse.

  She brushed his hand aside and unzipped him. His cock sprang free. Kira wrapped her fingers around him and stroked his rigid length. He was warm, solid heat. She pushed him down onto the padded seat, then climbed over and straddled him. He bunched up her skirt, and she came down on him, the head of his sex pressing into her opening before plunging right in.

  God. She shut her eyes, the sensation of him stretching her—a damn lot of stretching—overwhelming her. It stole her breath.

  “You feel so good,” he grunted and kissed her deeply. His hands tightened on her hips, and she felt every inch of his hard length as he rocked into her, and they both found a rhythm as old as time. Their mouths no longer joined. Their eyes connected.

  He pounded into her, as if he wanted control. Harder, faster, and wilder, flesh slapping against flesh, Kira grabbed onto his shoulders. She didn’t care that he was rough, she wanted everything from him. He was the immortal who owned her heart.

  “Týr…” she whimpered, her nails digging into his shoulders, each surge taking her closer and closer to the pinnacle. He shifted, his hips realigned, his cock dragging against her clit as he thrust back in, and she cried out. His mouth covered hers as her orgasm broke, pleasure streaking through her like lightning.

  A few more uncontrolled thrusts and he groaned. The sound sexy as hell as he found his release, his hot seed spilling into her. Then he dropped his head to her shoulder, and Kira wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

  When she could breathe normally again, a wry smile curved her mouth. “I don’t think I can walk after that.”

  His breathing still a little ragged, he set her beside him and rose to his feet to zip up his pants. Then he swept her into his arms. She gasped, her hands flying to his neck. “What are you doing?”

  “I can still walk. So…” He stepped out of the alcove.

  “Wait-wait, they will all know,” she groaned, hiding her face against his chest as he headed back into the hall for the exit. The noise level lowered a little.

  “Don’t really care. Seems it’s expected with a formal mating announcement.”

  At his calm tone, her head shot up, worry taking hold again. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  His gaze caressed her face and softened. He pressed his lips to hers. “I’m good, elska. Only with you do I feel I’m myself again.”

  Chapter 23

  As Kira pulled on black pedal pushers, she glanced back at Týr. He stood near the first window in the bedroom and stared out into the pitch-black night where the temperamental volcano occasionally retched, sending an orangey glow across the distant sky.

  After their wild loving in the alcove, Týr appeared to have regained some of his control. If she were honest, it eased her a damn lot.

  “Before we leave,” she said, pulling on a dark green tank top in deference to the heat, “we should find Riley and see what he knows about the missing children. Wait, what did he mean by later?”

  “About that…” Týr turned to her and pushed his hands into his pants’ pockets. “He’s already got a lead. We’re going to check it out.”

  “Thank God. Can we go right now?”

  “You can’t come, Kira.”

  “What? Nuh-uh!” She shook her head vehemently, her hair flipping about her shoulders. No wonder he’d been so quiet. “I am coming.”

  His expression hardened. “Where we’re going, it’s too dangerous. I refuse to let anything happen to you. I’ll find the kids, come back for you, and we’ll leave.”

  He was so darn one-track minded. “Dammit, Týr—”

  “I have to go. The sooner this gets done, the faster we can leave this place. You’ll be safe here with Wrath around.”

  He seriously wasn’t pulling the I’m-the-powerful-man on her, was he?

  Grinding her molars, Kira glared at his retreating back in helpless frustration. But something inside her spurred her on, a feeling she couldn’t ignore. She had to be with him. Pushing her feet into a pair of black sneakers, she took off after Týr.

  Darn it, the man could move when he wanted. Undeterred, she sprinted down the five flights of stairs to the ground floor and almost crashed into a demon about to take a step up. He hastily moved aside and bowed.

  “Sorry!” she threw over her shoulder as she raced to the lobby leading outside into the muggy air. At a flash of pale blond hair amidst all the darker heads, she narrowed her eyes and dashed after him. “Týr, darn it, wait!”

  He looked back, and at the hard jut of his jaw, yep…he wasn’t happy. He grasped her wrist and hauled her outside around the corner of the building to a quiet niche. She yanked free. “I’m going with you.”

  “Dammit, Kira! This place isn’t like Earth. The demons where we’re going are extremely dangerous.”

  “I’m not scared of them. You forget, I have you, my brother, and my father—they will remember that, I’m sure.”

  “It’s because of who your sire is and what I am!” Týr’s snapped. “I’ve destroyed hordes of them. Your sire sentences the condemned to an eternity of suffering. Do you honestly think none would come after you to get revenge on either of us? They went after your mother.”

  Her heart sank. She’d told Týr what Wrath had revealed about her mother’s death. “That’s a low blow.”

  “I refuse to let anything happen to you. Wrath is here, he won’t let any h
arm come to you. You are my life, Kira.”

  Sure, she’d be safe here, but who would keep him safe? Tears of frustration burned her eyes. He was so damn stubborn. But the churning in her stomach intensified, her instincts refusing to lie still. They pounded at her to act. He needed her with him.

  “If you don’t take me, I’ll—I’ll ask Nicor.” There.

  His eyes narrowed dangerously. “Go anywhere near him, and I will kill him.”

  Kira raised an eyebrow, refusing to give an inch. Ugh, she wouldn’t ask Nicor. She’d probably ask her father, but Týr made her so mad, she’d said the first thing that came to mind.

  But dammit, she worried about him. With that darn male pride a mile-high, she pushed her point home, “The children would prefer to see a woman, it’ll make rescuing them easier. And Tomas could be there, too.”

  “Then he’s going to have to accept me rescuing him.”

  “Hey,” Riley said, rounding the corner to where they were. “What are you doing here—?” He frowned when he saw her. “Kira?”

  At their standoff, Týr growled, “She’s coming along.”

  Relief flowed. It wasn’t a victory like he probably thought. Not only would he need her, the children and Tomas would, as well. God only knew what they’d endured.

  Apparently, Riley wasn’t swayed. He cut Týr a grim look. “You know what we could face—hell, could? It’s a damn-freakin’ yes, we would!”

  No, no, no.

  “I’ve made my decision,” Týr countered, cutting her a hard stare. “You come, you better be prepared for shit to fly. Getting the children out is all that matters.”

  She was okay with that. She’d hunted demoniis enough times with Echo back in the day, even if she had been scared as hell at the time. And she could fight if need be…and kill if she had to. Her stomach heaved. Awesome.

  Riley shook his head. “Let’s go.” He vanished in a stir of air.

  Týr drew her into his arms. “Remember what I said. And stay close to me.”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around him, face buried in his chest as he dematerialized them.

  Several minutes later, they reformed near the edges of a town. Curious, Kira glanced about, taking in the quiet place with its squat, gloomy buildings, a few with dim light barely illuminating the darkened windows. A faint hiss had her pivoting. Cautiously, she eyed the churning portal Riley had opened.

  “It’s better away from the crowds at the citadel, and faster,” he said, stepping through the dark, shimmering gateway. The thing swallowed him.

  Determined not to show Týr her nervousness, Kira gritted her teeth and stepped through the coalescing blackness and out into the inky night on the other side, near an outcropping of jutting rocks. Hot air enclosed her, and she almost gagged at the dense, acrid, sulfuric air.

  “Dear God, how does anyone breathe in this place?” she gasped, pulling her damp tank away from her stomach. Then she forgot her discomfort and stared wide-eyed.

  In the distance, massive iron gates set in equally high walls surrounded the gloomy buildings built near the craggy, granite hills. Torches burned brightly. Tall twin watchtowers built from the same granite overlooked the buildings on either side. Chunky, ragged stalagmites rose from the rocky ground and dotted the rest of the spine-chilling landscape.

  “What is this place?”

  “Mount Algolaith,” Týr said, his tone terse. “Remember, we get the kids and get out.”

  “Wait…” Riley held out a hand, his focus shifting between the two watchtowers on either side of the sprawling buildings. “I’ll be right back.”

  With preternatural speed, he disappeared. Kira rubbed her shaky palms down her pedal pushers. She had so many questions about this place, but she kept silent. Týr stood beside her like a statue in the dark, his expression a mask, but his eyes were narrowed and fixed on the gates manned by two ginormous black demons.

  Týr fought the urge to pace as they waited. Kira stayed silent beside him, staring wide-eyed at the building, her skin gleaming with sweat from the intense heat. But worry knotted his gut. He put a hand on her lower back, and she cast him a quick smile. Though his concern remained, pride took hold that she would brave this hellhole and want to help rescue the kids. Still, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

  Riley appeared moments later. “Seems they have a great batch of fresh prizes secured in the back. We need to take out the towers.”

  “Fresh prizes?” Kira hissed. “The damn asses!”

  At the male sauntering alongside Riley, Týr narrowed his eyes. “What the hell’s he doing here?”

  “He knows this place.”

  “No way,” Kira gasped. Before Týr could stop her, she darted across. “Damon!” She threw her arms around the male.

  “Hello, beautiful,” Dare drawled. He banded an arm around her waist and kissed her.

  A red haze took over Týr’s barely leashed anger. Before he could haul her away, and rearrange the bastard’s face, Kira jerked free. “Wait, you’re not Damon.”

  “And that pleases me rightly so. Never wanted to be the dullard, or his twin truth be told. But fate’s a fickle bitch. By the way, Dare at your pleasure, beautiful.”

  Týr had had enough of his bullshit. He grabbed the horny bastard by his shirt, pushed out between clenched teeth, “You don’t want your head where it is, go ahead, flirt with her.”

  The male cocked brow. “Yeah?”

  “Dare, cut the crap,” Riley bit out, his gaze still on the building. “That’s my sister, Kira, and his mate.” He hitched a thumb at Týr. “We have work to do. Let’s roll.”

  “Ah, Wrath’s offspring then, hmmm...”

  “So, you condone places like this?” Kira shot Dare a dagger-like stare. “Monsters trafficking innocent children?”

  “Let me put it this way, unless it concerns me, myself, and I, I don’t usually trouble myself at all.” A shrug, but something dark and fierce burned in his violet eyes. “However, I’ve come to the conclusion that children will always be the helpless little pawns used in games played by all. Besides, I’m bored, and I wanted to see which of these two—a Sin’s heir and a hotheaded Guardian—would take on those scumballs in the arena and win. Want to make a bet, sweet Kira? Me, I’m going for the hothead.”

  Kira bit her lip as if to hold back a smile after that bullshit deluge. Before he ruined this operation by staking the ass, balls first, to a stalagmite, Týr pulled Kira close, relishing her little gasp as she hit his chest. He let their molecules scatter.

  Reforming a few feet from the rush of demons swarming into the place, he scanned the area for more threats. Hell, this entire place screamed peril. As they made their way over the rocky grounds toward the guarded gates beyond, the demons’ red gaze flickered over their little group before dismissing them.

  Týr frowned. No one stopped them?

  Dare has his uses, Riley telepathed him.

  “You know,” Kira said, speaking to the rat-fucker again. “Damon never mentioned that he had a twin, but then it’s not like he ever talked about himself—”

  “Here.” Týr cut off her convo. He handed her the iron dagger he’d swiped from one of Wrath’s armed guards earlier. “When you use this, make sure it’s to kill.”

  Her eyes wide, she nodded, palming the weapon like a fighter would, understanding that stealth and quiet were now required. She fell silent as they swiftly moved around the looming stadium walls toward the back. Screams and yells echoed, weapons clanging as demons cheered on the fight in the arena.

  Týr froze, his breath jamming in his throat. He shut his eyes, trying desperately to mute the old roars in his head, when a hand settled on his back. Just her touch, and the oppressive darkness and voices holding him prisoner receded. His gaze met hers, and she smiled. No words, just a smile, and he realized that she understood.

  Yeah, he had his moments, but he wasn’t beaten. He hadn’t been in three and a half thousand years, he wouldn’t let that shit get him down n
ow. Not when he had a new life to look forward to with this incredible female at his side. Now to rescue the kids and get the hell outta this shitpit.

  Eyes hardening, Týr looked around him. Dammit. He couldn’t dematerialize since he didn’t know the layout of the damn place. The buildings at the far side formed a semi-circular pattern and faced the foot of the crags, probably to conceal their fucking vicious activities.

  “Dare, you know what to do,” Riley’s low voice drifted to Týr.

  “On it.” The male vanished without even a quip to Kira.

  Riley slipped into a large room and quickly tackled the guards manning the place. Týr grabbed the other and sliced his throat before he yelled. Then he let power shoot through his palm and into the rapidly regenerating demon, burning him to ash in seconds.

  At the sounds of a scuffle behind him, followed by a feminine grunt, Týr spun around, his breath cementing in his lungs. And then he gaped.

  “Don’t ever touch me like that!” Kira glared at the two demons on the floor, writhing to break free of glimmering red strands netting their bodies. She rubbed a hand over her chest making Týr want to gut them open.

  The harder they fought, the deeper the threads sliced through their flesh. Blood soaked their clothes. Before their screeches alerted everyone, Týr flung two arrows of fire into them. Like a snake, it slithered beneath their skin, and the shrieks started. The demons heated like lava. Týr hastily shoved Kira behind him as the bodies exploded into blazing, charred lumps that fell to the ground, disintegrating seconds later.

  Kira stared wide-eyed at him. “I knew you could summon fire, but that?”

  “I am fire, elska, I can do almost anything,” he drawled, so damn grateful that she could handle herself. Then, he arched a brow. “What about you and those threads?”

  “I didn’t know I could do that…” Her gaze rushed to where the demons were now a pile of dust. “I got really mad when they grabbed me. I wanted to kill them, and then that happened.”


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