Dragon in Love

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Dragon in Love Page 16

by Bolryder, Terry

  “Sorry, I can hear your thoughts,” Chadwick said. “I tried hard not to before, but they’re so much louder now.”

  She bit her lip. “Uh, that might be because they were held back before. I had to be really careful what I thought about.”

  “I still don’t understand that fully, but I’m trying to.”

  “And I don’t understand why you went to take him on without telling me,” she said. “When you knew I didn’t want you to.”

  “I wanted to protect you,” he said simply. “The fae were already going, and there was no way I wasn’t going to help. You’re mine.”

  “I understand,” she said softly. “But I wanted to protect you too. You understand that, right?”

  He nodded. “It turned out okay.” He grinned. “You did protect me.”

  “Only because he is exactly what I can take out. I’m the opposite of whatever he is. I suppose that’s why he couldn’t make me manifest.”

  “Right, he mentioned that,” Chadwick said, a muscle twitching in his jaw as he rubbed his hands together. “God, I wanted to kill him.”

  “He’s dead,” she said. “And now I can tell you everything if you want me to.” Though, she still felt dread at the thought of reliving all of it.

  “I heard Taylor talking about some kind of spell, but I didn’t hear much because I was honestly just walking back and forth to make sure you were all right. I didn’t want to eavesdrop.”

  “It’s fine,” she said. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you. You could have died if I did.” She put her hands over her head. “I just tried to pretend it didn’t matter. I didn’t want to think about the fact that there was still a spell on me. That he was controlling me. I just wanted to be free.”

  “We could have killed him sooner,” Chadwick said. “Saved you more trouble.”

  “You have to understand,” she said. “At first, I was just afraid that if you all knew I had chaos in me, you would interrogate me until I ended up telling and killing everyone.”

  He shoved his hand through his hair. “Makes sense now why you got so upset every time I asked what happened or every time you got triggered by something and I didn’t understand.”

  She nodded.

  “Or why you were afraid of the fae at first.”

  “I liked them,” she said. “But I liked Zareth too when I first met him. I just didn’t know what to expect, so I was wary. I also didn’t know if the way they touched me would feel like the way Zareth touched me or if they would feel his chaos on me.”

  “I understand,” Chadwick said. “You were carrying a lot.”

  “So you can see why I just wanted to have fun,” she said. “But even though I didn’t plan on getting close to anyone any more than I had to, I couldn’t resist with you.”


  “At first, because it was fun seeing you react. But then, over time, I realized it was because you were so different from anyone I’d met. Straightforward. Noble. A lot of self-control. Safe.”

  He frowned. “That doesn’t sound very sexy.”

  “You didn’t let me finish,” she said. “I liked teasing the Chadwick who never lost his temper. But the Chadwick who gave in and pinned me against a pool wall for the hottest moments of my life up to that point? That was incredibly sexy.”

  His cheeks heated as he looked up at her. How such a tall, muscular man could be so adorable eluded her, but she was happy for it all the same.

  “None of you were hurt too badly, right?” she asked, pushing off the bed to walk over to his chair.

  Chadwick’s eyes widened slightly. “No. Of course not. You fixed Flint. Boreas self-healed because he wasn’t hit as hard.”

  “And you?”

  He flushed as he looked up at her. “I was rescued by a super-powerful fairy before I could be turned into some madman’s chaos pet.” He grinned, putting an arm around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. “I guess you deserve a reward for that.”

  She nodded, straddling him and loving how close their hips were. “A girl like that, sounds like you need to put a ring on it.”

  He smiled up at her, beaming. “I’ll put a thousand rings on it. You could wear a new ring every day.”

  She laughed. “You have that much jewelry?”

  “No, but I’d buy it,” he said. “Dragons are supposed to hoard treasure, right?”

  “No,” she said. “Just one ring. We’ll find it together.” She looked down at his hand. “One for you as well. I may be a fairy, but I’m still a bit human also.”

  He smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like my always-getting-in-trouble, slightly reckless, delightfully human fairy.” He glanced at her shoulders. “So you have wings?”

  She nodded. “And you have fae blood?”

  “I guess it makes sense,” he said. “Purple dragons always led the region, and they share some powers with the oracle.”

  She bit her lip. “There’s so much to learn.”

  “All I really need to know is if I can finally claim you,” Chadwick said. “I want to see what it’s like when I finally get to mate my fairy.”

  She grinned. “I can’t think of anything better.”

  He picked her up with his hands under her thighs, supporting her as she was still wrapped around him.

  Then he took her to the bed, laying her down on it gently before crawling over her.

  He pulled off her shirt, and she went to work kicking her pants off as he stripped off his clothing as well.

  When they were fully naked, Isabella felt herself go even wetter just at the sight of him. She scanned from his beautiful face down his wide, flat chest and hard, defined abdomen.

  Slim hips with something delicious between them.

  She mewled, arching back in only her panties. At least those she wanted him to take off.

  As he slowly removed them, pulling them down her legs, she felt her heart start to beat wildly.

  She could tell this would be different. Not only because she had this beautiful, warm man forever, but because she didn’t have to hold anything back.

  She didn’t have to tell him everything about her past, but she didn’t have to worry about it holding back her future.

  She could just be with him and be herself and explore this new world and her new powers.

  And Chadwick, as he kissed her neck and sent little zings of pleasure through her, would always be beside her.

  The best dragon. The best lover. The best friend.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as he slowly began to push into her.

  No condom between them, all she could feel was hot, hard skin. Stroking slowly in, allowing her time to accommodate to the tight, white-hot fit. He was so thick he was right against every spot even without moving.

  She gasped as she felt pink flames blare inside, threatening to consume her as he slowly began to move. He pulled out slightly, then pushed in, letting out a small groan when they were fully together. So hot, so wet, so tightly joined she couldn’t tell where he began and she ended.

  And she just wanted to be like this always, making him make that face as he tried to control himself, pulling in and out of her, hard body flexing, eyes always checking that she was okay.

  Always giving her that tender expression.

  But she also loved when his eyes filled with heat, with hunger, as he began to slowly move faster.

  Staring into the amethyst depths, she could almost swear she saw his pupils change, flickering for a moment to large slits.

  She could swear she heard the echo of the roar of a dragon.

  And as she felt tension building in her to a breaking point, she felt pink tendrils of pure warmth and power burst out of her back.

  Her orgasm flooded her, making it impossible to think. He jerked and came with her, his whole body going tight as he thrust through his orgasm, urging her release on and on.

  She was gasping, her body feeling unlike it ever had, and she felt her magic, entwining
all around with his, merging and flowing into her heart in little knots that let her know they would always be a part of each other.

  “I vow to you,” he said softly, “to always be with you and protect you. To keep you safe. To love you. To always be at your side. Be mine, Bella?”

  “Yes, I’ll be yours.” She could barely think straight, still shaking from orgasm and with his body still over hers. She could see the magic all around him now, flooding the room. Like she’d been blind before. “And you’re mine?”

  “Yours,” he said, burying his face in her shoulder. His scruff tickled her cheek, making her giggle.

  “I love your ears, by the way,” Chadwick said, reaching up to stroke one. She gasped as she felt his long touch. She reached up and felt the elongated point. “And your wings.”

  “Thank you,” she said, embarrassed. Oh God, she really was a fairy.

  It should have been more of a shock, but she’d been told she was one by Zareth for so long. Still, she was glad she was a fairy since it was her powers that had finally been able to break Zareth’s chains.

  She was glad to be anything if she could be with Chadwick.

  But the best part was just the fact that he accepted her as herself. He always had.

  “So we’re mated from your side too?” she asked once they’d both gotten ready for bed and crawled under the covers together. Her wings and ears had faded, and she and Chadwick were both too tired to do anything else. “I’m not sure how it works for dragons.”

  “The dragon in me conceded to my fae blood, I suppose,” Chadwick said. “All I know is that normally, I would share blood with a mate, but you and I are mated. And I guess it’s good that you don’t need a dragon power because you have your own.”

  She smiled. “I guess I’ll have to get the fae to teach me more about how to use them.”

  Chadwick frowned. “I’m sure we can do our own research.”

  “Aw, are you being a jealous dragon?”

  Chadwick shrugged, pulling her into his arms so they were facing each other on the bed. “No, just a dragon in love.”

  “That’s okay, I guess,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat. “Since I’m in love with my dragon.”

  “Good. Now turn off the light and let me hold you all night so I know that you’re finally mine.”

  She laughed and did just that.


  “The fae what?” Trevor blustered, standing up off the couch and pacing in a furious circle.

  “It all worked out. At least, we think so,” Isabella said, relaxing against Chad as she spoke. He liked whenever she did that.

  Petra, Trevor’s mate, just smiled up at him, sending a long-suffering glance in their direction.

  Chad knew she was probably used to this by now, knowing how Trevor got whenever he heard of his friends being in any kind of danger at all.

  It was one of his better qualities.

  Trevor and Petra’s return from their honeymoon had been relatively uneventful. That was until he’d asked what had happened while they were gone.

  “I’m not mad…” Trevor put a hand on his forehead, his blond hair slightly shaggier around his face than normal. It was good to see his partner relaxing for a bit, even if he was back with all his overprotective fervor on full blast. “I’m just… surprised. About everything.” He turned to look at Chad, slightly stressed. But when his gaze moved to Bella’s, it softened. “I’m glad someone around here had some sense to go save you.”

  “Hey, I’m right here, you know,” Chad said with a scoff.

  Trevor ignored it. “If I’m not going to be around, then at least there’s a badass fae who’s got your back.” He turned away from them, frowning, and Chad stood up, coming over to his friend.

  They’d worked together for so long they were practically brothers. Closer than brothers. A bond forged through harsh times and friendship.

  And now, with the fae here, with both of them mated, the world was changing rapidly.

  But it didn’t change the fact that they were double dragons.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you, Trevor,” Chad said calmly, standing near his friend, but not touching him. “It all happened so fast. And you were enjoying time with Petra. I figured you deserved a break.”

  The tension in Trevor’s shoulder’s lessened, though he still stood stiffly. “Hm.”

  “And we’re still going to work together. And if you and Petra want to move out, find somewhere else to—”

  Trevor whirled on him, golden eyes blazing with indignation, and he jabbed a finger at Chad’s eye level.

  “Who said anything about moving out? This is our house too! Besides, someone’s got a keep an eye on you two crazy lovebirds before any more shenanigans happen.” He folded his arms imperiously, staring between him and Bella but reserving his sternest look for Chad. “Can’t say what’s going to happen around here.”

  Bella giggled, easing the tension even more, and Trevor’s frown broke into a smile that he attempted to contain.

  Before anyone knew what was going on, Trevor was laughing, holding his side as Petra and Isabella joined in. Chad felt unable to suppress a chuckle at seeing his formerly grumpy, stubborn partner laughing so heartily.

  Finding a mate had clearly been good for him.

  Chad suddenly felt rough arms pulling him into a hug, and he hugged Trevor back, grateful for a friend like him, even as they both had new priorities in life.

  Their mates.

  “I’m just glad you’re safe, man,” Trevor said, clapping him on the back.

  “Thanks for understanding,” Chad said, and they let go, returning to their new partners, the women that were their all.

  But Chad had to suppose that if he’d been gone for a week, only to come back to hear that Trevor got caught up in a nearly disastrous encounter with chaos fae, he would find it fairly stressful.

  “Don’t worry, Trevor. Chadwick’s got me around,” Bella said, wriggling her eyebrows suggestively at Chad.

  “I can see that,” Trevor exclaimed. “Honestly, the only part that makes me smile more than the fact that he is mated is the fact that we both mated amazing, strong women.” He nodded to Petra, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his side.

  “I’ll make sure no harm comes to him.” Isabella agreed with the gold dragon.

  “We will. Though if it’s a mission, then I think I—”

  “Still right here, you know.” Chad interrupted, throwing his arms up. It both amused and irked him sometimes when Trevor got stuffy about being the one with a magical shield in their partnership. “Just because I’m a purple dragon doesn’t mean I can’t hold my own.”

  Trevor just shrugged. “Sorry, knowing there’s dangerous, magical shit out there makes the dragon in me go into work mode.”

  “Yes, well, I think there’s still time to figure out all the details,” Petra interjected, seeming to calm Trevor with just her presence. “And congratulations to both of you, obviously. Sorry my husband got a little ahead of himself after hearing what he’d missed.”

  Only then did Chad notice that Petra and Trevor were both wearing wedding rings, and he clapped his hands together.

  “You got married while you were gone? That’s amazing!”

  Trevor flushed slightly, looking embarrassed. “It was a small thing. Just us two. Wanted to make it official,” he muttered, twisting the thick gold band around his finger while he stared at the giant, glittering stone on his mate’s finger.

  “We should definitely celebrate!” Bella cheered, getting to her feet. “Oh my God, it’s so pretty,” she added, coming over to Petra and appraising the diamond.

  Suddenly, the little box in Chad’s pocket felt like it was burning a hole in his pants.

  “Oh, you’re so nice. Thank you,” Petra replied earnestly. “I said I didn’t want something extravagant. But you know, dragons.”

  “Do I ever,” Bella said, sending a seductive glance in Chad’s direction that he was cer
tain no one else would have noticed.

  Damn, his princess was everything.

  “Dude, you need to step up your game,” Trevor said, coming alongside Chad and slumping a heavy arm on his shoulder.

  “Step up my game? It’s not like I’ve been running our area without you and watching the fae at the same time.”

  “Yeah, well, they’re Taylor’s problem now. Though, I heard they’re going out soon. Damn, then they’ll be the world’s problem too,” Trevor said thoughtfully.

  “I think they’ll be just fine.” As he spoke, Chad couldn’t resist turning the little leather box in his hand, nervous about when he was going to finally pop the question. Meanwhile, Petra and Bella had moved from talking about wedding rings to the fae and what it was like to be a fairy.

  Trevor’s weight shifted, and when Chad looked over, he realized that Trevor had seen his fidgeting.

  “Wait. Is that?”

  Dammit, Trevor had probably heard his thoughts. It was hard not to after so much time together, Chad supposed.


  “Is that a ring in your pocket?” Trevor tried to whisper, but it came out more like a quiet shout. Suddenly, their mates’ eyes were on them.

  Everyone in the room froze.

  “What did you say?” Bella asked.

  “Nothing.” Trevor immediately tried to redirect, looking panicked for the first time since he’d come back. “I was asking if there was… a thing… in his pocket. A work-related thing.”

  To his credit, Trevor had never been a good liar.

  By the end of his sputtering, Trevor just gave Chad an apologetic look and wandered back to Petra, leaving Chad looking squarely into curious, emerald eyes.

  “A thing, is it?” Bella raised an eyebrow at him, a smile curving the corner of her lips.

  Well, his cover was blown. So Chad figured there was only one way to get out of this situation without lying harder.

  He got down on one knee.

  Someone gasped, though it could have been Trevor for all Chad knew. All he could feel was overwhelming, overpowering love for the woman that was his entire world. As he produced the small box from his pocket, Bella covered her mouth with both hands, looking shocked and in wonder at the same time.


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