His Boss’s Daughter

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His Boss’s Daughter Page 3

by Ford, Mia

  Chapter Four


  “This place is amazing, isn’t it?” Rebecca shrieks, somehow managing to make herself heard over the music by almost everyone. I nod along even though I’m not quite sure that I agree. It’s okay here, but I certainly wouldn’t describe it as amazing. But Rebecca is tipsy as hell, even worse than me, and she’s having the best time. “Woo!”

  “Hey, miss.” All of a sudden, there is an unwelcome pair of arms around my waist. I don’t mind being touched, but when it’s invited. Not by someone who just thinks that because I’m out drinking in a sparkly mini skirt, that it’s okay to put their hands all over me. “How about you let me buy you a drink, you pretty young thing.”

  I spin quickly and push him off, giving him the death stare. It doesn’t matter that this guy is actually pretty good looking, I’m annoyed by him now. He’s dared to cross my barrier without being asked.

  “I don’t want a drink. I can buy my own.” I wave my cocktail at him. “So, thanks but no thanks.”

  He pouts out his bottom lip, pretending to be really hurt by what I’m saying. He doesn’t give a shit though, not really. I’m just the latest girl that he’s trying it on with. He just wants to get laid.

  “Oh, don’t be stuck up. Let me buy you a drink. I just want to get to know you.”

  “Well, that’s exactly what you should have done before you put your hands on me.”

  He rolls his eyes now, as if me wanting control of my own body is something for him to be irritated by. This man just keeps getting worse and worse. No, not man. He’s about the same age as me, so a boy. Childish.

  “Okay, well I’m sorry, princess,” he says with sarcasm dripping off his tongue. “I didn’t mean to offend…”

  “So, maybe next time you speak to someone, you start off by being friendly, rather than an ass.”

  “You women… you all want equality, but you want old fashioned treatment as well. You cannot have it all ways. Either it’s one or the other, you can’t cherry pick the way you want to be treated.”

  I lean in real close to him, I actually think he assumes I’m going to apologize which is ridiculous, and I whisper in my very famous seductive voice. “The only thing I want is for you to fuck off.”

  He yells a string of abuse at me as I go, but I don’t hear anything. I could have stood there and argued with that ass all night long, but there’s no point. He doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. I wouldn’t be able to change his mind however hard I tried. He thinks that he’s right and that’s all there is to it. If there’s one positive lesson that my dad has taught me over the years, it’s that you cannot argue with stupid.

  “Idiot,” I mutter to myself as I walk. “What an idiot. All of them here are.”

  I think that’s the problem. There isn’t anyone that I can have a decent conversation with. Not even Rebecca now that she’s on the way to being wasted. Any minute now, she will find a guy and that will be the end of it. She likes this sort of idiot, she isn’t bothered whether they are childish or not, as long as they are hot…

  It doesn’t help that I have just one person in mind, they guy from last night. Reece hottie Moore. Wow wee. Not only was he hot as hell, but he has this sext smoldering thing going on that really turned me on. He didn’t want to admit it last night, not even to himself, but there was something sizzling between us last night. Something intense and sensual. I caught a flash of it in his eyes every so often and it was delicious.

  Mmm, I might have to encourage my dad to invite him over for dinner again. Admittedly, it isn’t the easiest to seduce him at my house with my father around, but I like a challenge. I want to crack him.

  There’s a mystery to Reece, I can sense it, and I want to know more. It isn’t like I want to dive into the depths of him, because then we might accidently end up as something a little too serious, but I do want to scratch his back while in the throes of passion and unleash whatever it is inside of him.

  A little gorgeous shiver races up and down my spine as I think about him. He really was something else. How the hell I managed to not just jump across the table to pounce on him, was something else. Still, I’m not worried. Somehow or another, I will get what I want in the end. I will get that sexy man naked…

  “Oh, of course.” I wave my hand in the direction of the dance floor to my friend, who has her arms wrapped around a sexy stranger and her lips crashed against his. Rebecca is lost to me now, just like I predicted. “Great.”

  I have a choice. Do I immediately give up and head home or do I go and get one more drink from the bar? Give this night five more minutes chance? Since my father is waiting for me at home with a grimace undoubtedly plastered across his face, sticking this out for a little longer is definitely more appealing.

  I stomp towards the bar. I don’t want any more unsolicited advances, so I need to make my mood clear to the world. I would just like one drink by myself, without the pain of talking to a stranger.

  Wait. All of a sudden, my heart stops beating. I caught something then in the corner of my eye and it has me struck. I turn my head slowly to see if I really did see what I thought I saw. Maybe it’s just because I’m thinking about him that I thought I saw him… oh my God, it’s real. He’s really here. This is happening.

  There isn’t even a question of what I do, I instantly change my direction and I head towards him. There isn’t a chance in hell that I’m going to pass up the opportunity to see Reece out of my home. This is fate, this is my chance. Destiny is pushing us together, making it clear that we need to end up naked…

  “Hey there, Reece.” I lean on his shoulders, pushing up onto my tip toes. “How’s it going?”

  He turns, confusion in his eyes, and he sees me. “Oh right, Alexa. You’re here.”

  “You don’t have to sound too happy about it.” I giggle girlishly. “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Alexa, this is Cody.” He points me to his friend, who is also pretty handsome. But he doesn’t have the same x factor that Reece has. “And Cody, this is the Admiral’s daughter, Alexa.”

  Cody raises one eyebrow and smirks. See, he can sense the chemistry between us! Reece can only avoid it for so long. Then he will be in my arms and I will have control of him. If only for a night.

  “I’m going to the bar.” Cody excuses himself instantly. “What do you two want?”

  We both order our drinks, then we’re left alone. The sexual charge between us is screaming. I’m surprised the whole night club isn’t on fire with all the electricity bursting from the pair of us. This is really something.

  “So, how’s it going, Alexa?” he asks while stuffing his hands awkwardly into his pockets.

  “Oh, it’s good.” I brush my hand over his arm, basking in the sensual glow. “Really good. I’m having a great night, aren’t you? This place is… well, it’s indescribable, isn’t it?”

  I smile sexily, letting him know that I’m really talking about us rather than the night club. From the way he rocks from foot to foot, he gets it too. I like that my presence unnerves him. This is all really good stuff.

  “It’s… yeah. I don’t know much what to say about it either.”

  “I don’t think your friend is coming back, you know. The drinks are out the window.”

  “Why do you say that? Cody isn’t usually one for… oh.”

  As soon as Reece sees Cody chatting to a woman, he knows it. He’s had the same treatment as me. Ditched for the possibility of getting laid. This is fantastic, it makes it even better for us. Now, we can be alone.

  “Well, that’s okay, isn’t it?” I grab his hand. He’s so shocked that he almost snatches it away. Almost, but I can’t help noticing that he doesn’t. “Me and you can make the best of this night and have some fun.”

  He nods numbly, seemingly having lost the ability to speak, so I take advantage of that and tug him towards me. I pull him all the way to the dance floor, and start moving. I shake my hips, turning into a sexual goddess bef
ore his eyes. I think Reece is starting to see why I always get what I want.

  He moves awkwardly. It seems like it’s been a very long time since he was last out, which is fine by me. It means that I can easily captivate him and have him under my spell. And he definitely is. His eyes have glazed over and everything. I move against him, grinding ever so slightly against him. Not enough so that he can be all dramatic and kick up a stink about it, but enough that he feels something.

  I bet he’s hard, I think with a smirk. I absolutely guarantee it. And he doesn’t know what to do with it.

  I want to reach forward, to grab him to see. If this was any other person then I would already, but I don’t think that it will go down too well with him. He’s skittish and jumpy and I don’t want to push him away.

  When Reece looks at me, I run my tongue along my lip, practically winking at him as I do. If he doesn’t pick up on how I feel about him right now, then I’m afraid he never will. But he does. He can’t just see it.

  Fuck, I bet those rough hands will feel good against my skin. I shiver excitedly. I bet he’s incredible.

  I don’t know how it happens. I’m so fixated on him that I don’t notice until it’s too late, but my heel shoots out from underneath me. I must slip on something I suppose, because my dancing is on point. I know because these are my tried and tested moves. I don’t ever fall, this isn’t part of the plan. And now I’m screwed…

  Just as my stomach falls out my ass and I know that I can’t stop this from happening, a strong pair of arms scoop underneath me, catching me instead of the floor. A strong, warm pair of arms that feel incredible. My pulse immediately races faster, a warmth swells in my stomach, I get the strangest feeling ever.

  “Oh, Reece,” I gasp. “Thank you so much. I don’t know how that happened…”

  “I think you might have had too much to drink. It’s time to get you home.”

  He’s being a little patronizing, and also misconstruing what I’m saying, that didn’t happen because I’ve had too much to drink, but I don’t fight him on it. He wants to take me home, and I know what that means. Damn, that worked fast, I knew that I was good, but I didn’t know he would be such an easy nut to crack. I can’t keep the pleased smile off my face when I think about the incredible way this night is going to end.

  Chapter Five


  What the fuck? I don’t know what to do, this is crazy. That’s two nights in a row now. Two nights ruined by fucking Alexa. She is exactly what I thought she was, a brainless party girl. A hellish nightmare. She even looks like one today in the tiny tight top and the short ass skirt showing way too much. Heels that are sky high. I’m pretty sure that her father didn’t see her leaving the house tonight, he wouldn’t have taken it. She might be technically an adult, but I bet he doesn’t see it that way. I can just imagine him flipping.

  If Cody wasn’t so determined to pull, and to make me do the same thing, then I would be having a good night with him, not here with this girl, trying to work out what I should do with her.

  I need to do this for the Admiral, I tell myself determinedly. I need to help him, like he helped me.

  I won’t ever tell him that I saw his daughter in a night club, never mind that I took her in a cab home, but it’s the right thing to do anyway. He would be happy to know that I looked after her if it ever came out.

  “Wow, it’s quiet out here,” Alexa giggles as soon as the cold air hits her. “Compared to in there.”

  “Yeah, well I guess that’s… I don’t know. Par for the course, I suppose.”

  “Par for the course. You talk funny.” She laughs once more. “It’s cute though, I like it.”

  “Hmm.” I narrow my eyes at her, wondering if she’s taking the piss out of me or not. “I see.”

  Something funny happens to my heart as I catch her eyes. I don’t know what it is, but it feels kinda nice. I think it just must be because she’s so hot. But she’s obviously hot, not in a subtle way. Not my type. And too young as well. Christine was the same age as me, and that was easy… most of the time. It’s probably the booze as well. I’ve had a few drinks, so that’s skewed my judgement. This isn’t something real…

  No, it can’t be. I don’t even know if I’m ready to move on, never mind with someone so inappropriate. Someone whose father has been such an amazing person to me, no way. Not a chance in hell.

  “Right.” I cough awkwardly, forcing my eyes away from her. “Let’s get a cab.”

  “Yeah sure, let’s get a cab. You’re going to come back to my place, aren’t you?”

  I gulp, trying to ignore the way that her purring words make me feel. This really is insane. I don’t even like this girl, I certainly don’t feel anything for her. This is probably a game, she’s playing me like crazy.

  “I’m going to make sure you get in okay, for sure.” I nod. “I think it’ll be better if I make sure you’re okay.”

  I manage to get a car to come over to us and I guide her inside. I can’t fully tell if she really is this drunk or if she’s play acting to try and get me to come with her. But it doesn’t matter, this isn’t going anywhere. I watch her reel off her address, then lean my head back against the head rest while we drive. I’m exhausted. Not physically, but it feels like this is taking all of my emotions and draining them. Fucking Alexa, again.

  What the…? All of a sudden, I feel something on my knee. A hand. I part my lips, ready to tell her to get off me before this takes some kind of strange turn, but only silence comes out of my mouth. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. Even as her fingers slowly creep up my thigh, I can’t seem to stop her.

  It feels good. That’s the main problem. It’s been such a long time since I’ve been touched by anyone and it feels too damn good for words. The closer she gets to me, the harder I become. I almost want her to overstep the boundary and to just grab me already. I need her hand on me, touching me, stroking me, sending me to heaven.

  Shit, I’m becoming breathless, my head is spinning. If I’m not careful I will lose my mind. As my eyes slide closed, I try to remember who this is, who her father is, what this could mean… but I can’t seem to connect the dots. My body is overtaking my mind, it’s sending me around the bend.

  Oh! I suck in a deep breath as she brushes my length. She feels how hard I am, and she knows that’s all for her. I wonder if that will be enough for her, if she just wants to prove that she can get me hard. I might not know too much about her, but she seems like the game playing type. Someone who gets off on manipulation.

  But fuck me, her fingers feel incredible. The way she’s stroking me outside my trousers, all gentle and sweet, but also sexy and filthy as hell, is nearly making me explode. I don’t know how much longer I can keep it together.

  No! my brain suddenly screams at me. No, no, no. Don’t move on like this. It’s all wrong.

  “S… stop,” I stammer, while shoving her hand away. “No, don’t do that. I don’t want…”

  “You don’t want me to?” She sounds angry and incredulous. “Don’t give me that. I know you do.”

  A heat flames in my cheeks. I don’t know if the cab driver is listening to us or not, but if he is it’s pretty obvious what’s going on. He probably has all kinds of judgements about this. I know I would.

  “Stop it, Alexa, this is ridiculous. You have had far too much to drink.”

  “Are you serious?” she squeals. “You’re now going to judge me for being out and having fun?”

  I don’t like the way this sounds. It’s like I’m trying to be her father or something. I might be a little older than her, but that’s definitely not my intention. I just want her to… I don’t know, behave herself.

  “I’m not saying anything like that, I just don’t want you to do anything that you’ll regret.”

  “I’m not a child.” She folds her arms across her chest. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “I know, I wasn’t saying that, I just…” Urgh, the words aren’t flowin
g out of my mouth right. I don’t know how to change that, I’m not quite sure what I should do. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think that…”

  “I get it, alright. I don’t need you to explain it to me. I completely understand, you’re just…”

  “I’m what?” I shrug, rising to the bait. “You don’t know what I am at all.”

  “Yeah, and you don’t know me either, yet you think it’s okay to make judgements about me.”

  “That isn’t what I was doing. I’m actually trying to be helpful…”

  “Yeah, well I don’t need your kind of help.” She rakes her eyes up and down me, clearly unimpressed.

  “Fine, then I won’t bother trying to be a nice person then, because that’s all I’m doing.”

  She turns and faces out the window, but the air is still fully charged. There is something there, and it’s weird, but I can’t seem to resist it however hard I try. It isn’t anything to worry about, I definitely don’t feel the way I did when I met Christine, this is just… I don’t know. It’s taboo, and I suppose that makes it fun.

  “I’m sorry, Alexa, I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just worried about you.”

  “I don’t need anyone to worry about me, thank you very much.” She spins around to look at me, her eyes flashing with rage. She’s a little scary like that. “I am quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  I can’t help but smile at that. “Yeah, I guess I don’t doubt that at all.”

  We turn a corner and she tips over, spilling her bag over the seat. One of the items that she scrabbles around, trying to grab is her cell phone, but I get it first. Without really thinking about what I’m doing, I type my number into it. It’s a stupid thing to do and the voice in the back of my head screams at me, but I don’t stop.

  “Just er, call me if you get ill during the night.” I hand it back to her. “Okay?”

  “Ooh, so are you going to come and rescue me?” she giggles. “I like the sound of that.”


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