Keep Me Going : An Office Romance

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Keep Me Going : An Office Romance Page 2

by Mia Ford

  I glanced up to see Soledad leaving the bathroom and close enough to hear him. She looked at the ground but the pink tone to her cheeks suggested to me that she heard everything. “I left her place right after. I don’t even remember too much about her at all.” I kept my words low as Brent watched Soledad disappear into the break room. “You know how we both feel about bar girls.”

  “She was hot, Alex, he reminded me as I shrugged. “You had a lot to drink though. That’s unusual on a school night. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. We had to celebrate Caleb’s birthday.” I offered as I led the way to my favorite deli. The water I’d been drinking helped me some today, but I needed a large cup of vitamin water and some real food. We ordered and took a seat at a small table. I sipped the drink gratefully as Brent checked his phone for a moment. “I suppose it would be nice if he thought about those of us that worked in the morning.”

  “Caleb doesn’t give a shit. He has zero responsibilities,” Brent said as I nodded in agreement. In all reality, neither of us needed to work but we enjoyed it. “He’s probably still in bed.”

  “Fucker,” I muttered before chuckling. I could go to my loft apartment and sleep tonight. I’d be just fine, but I enjoyed grumbling sometimes. A girl brought us our sandwiches and we unwrapped them, discussing the upcoming housewarming party a friend was having this upcoming weekend. Brent was more enthused about it than I was, though I’d attend. I just felt like I needed more in life, which was a joke. I worked long hours and had no time for anything that resembled a relationship. I told myself it was my mother reminding me that I wasn’t getting any younger and that she needed grandchildren. My sister Alli was just twenty-two and finishing college, so there wasn’t the same rush with her.

  I didn’t think that either of us had any potential to be a good parent. Mom was amazing with us and making sure that we had all the attention we needed since my step-dad worked long hours flying private planes for clients. He flew a lot of sports figures and actors, but I didn’t ask too many questions. I knew what was required for my own clients and he took excellent care of Mom. That was what mattered the most, since I moved out to go to college and then bought the loft when I came back.

  We headed back to the office as I sipped my refill, thinking ahead to my night watching whatever game was on, as I dozed on the couch.

  Chapter Three


  I spoke to a few people on my first day and even more throughout the week. The team I joined was amazing, creative, and loads of fun. I hadn’t let loose with friends in a few years and this was nice. It was still work but I enjoyed it, feeling fulfilled by the time the weekend rolled around.

  The only time I was nervous was when I was near my boss. I’d love to blame it on that fact alone, but he was a force to be reckoned with. Alexander was gorgeous and confident. He was the textbook alpha male which I never thought I’d be attracted to again after Keith. I felt like a teenager again when I was around him, taking in his alluring blue eyes. He had soft, tousled hair and I could see how much he worked out under those slacks that he wore. They were made for him with the way they fit.

  Alexander was perfect, and he’d never want someone like me. I was a hot mess that made myself look put together for work and knew what I was doing with the team. Around a man like that, I was lost. I thought I saw him watching me sometimes but brushed it off as just a boss keeping an eye on his new assistant.

  I got paid two weeks after I started the job and wanted to cry when I saw the amount of the check. With the money I’d traveled here with, I’d be able to move into an apartment soon. I spent my lunches at work looking at places since I didn’t want Lindsay to get her hopes up.

  I was eating a bowl of soup that was left over from dinner as I searched one day, hoping that my spotty credit wouldn’t be a problem. There were some cute places in town but anything too close to the office was too expensive. I was also worried about being close to Rosie, so she could watch Lindsay with ease.

  It was hard being an adult much less a mother sometimes.

  I was looking at an apartment site when Alexander walked past the desk one day. He glanced over and read the page, leaning over as I breathed in his peppermint and woodsy scent slowly. He was all man and that scent made me feel things I thought were buried years ago. “Are you looking for an apartment?” He asked as I nibbled on my lip with a nod. His eyes scanned the selections and he frowned. “Those are terrible. You need somewhere safe, Soledad.” He reached for a piece of paper and scribbled something down before handing it to me. “I have a friend that has a complex a couple blocks from here. She owes me a favor.”

  She. Of course, it was a woman.

  I thanked him and taped the sticky note to my monitor as I scrolled down the page. Alexander was right, but could I afford to consider this place that he was suggesting? I closed the page and sipped the last of the canned soup, imagining a spacious kitchen to make homemade soup in.

  I slipped the paper into my purse at the end of the day as I got ready to leave. I’d been wondering why Carly would be so willing to help Alexander. I was jealous of her and the others that called his office or emailed him. I didn’t know why I was surprised with how hot he was as well as self-assured.

  Ugh. I needed to stop, or I needed a place with my own room. I was dying to get myself off with all these new feelings inside. I glanced up to see Alexander watching me as I slipped my purse over my body, smiling shyly. “Carly is ready to talk when you are.” He called out as I nodded, trying to appear confident.

  “Thank you. I’ll call her soon,” I told him as I glanced out of the windows to see bright sunshine. I’d been lucky with the weather lately though I knew I should have my raincoat ready to go. I walked to the elevator with some of the others, making small talk as we boarded the car. I’d been here for a month now and enjoyed it. My creativity with advertising was always something I loved and worked well with. I wish I was as confident being a mother, but I knew that Lindsay adored me. I just couldn’t give her the world quite yet.

  I got back to the hotel and we went for pizza for dinner. I got home, and Lindsay settled down with a movie while I stared at the iPhone on the mattress in front of me. Alexander assured me that I could use it as long as I didn’t get involved in anything illegal. He winked when he said that, soaking my panties as I blushed. I reached for the paper on the table beside the bed and read it again before looking at Lindsay. She was lost in Dora and I slowly dialed the number. A cheery voice answered, and I swallowed thickly. “Good evening. I’m looking for Carly Brenner,” I spoke in a warm voice as she assured me that I was talking to her.

  “Alex told me that you’re looking for an apartment,” Carly said as I confirmed that I was. She told me that she was the owner of a few complexes around the city and asked me what I was looking for.

  “I guess I’d like a two-bedroom if possible with a washer and dryer inside of the unit. I have a daughter and it’s hard enough to get clothes washed working full-time and caring for her.” I admitted as she typed something on the other end.

  “I have a great place for you. It’s three blocks from work and has three bedrooms. It had all the amenities and is spacious. Very safe neighborhood as well,” Carly assured me as I crossed my legs.

  “What is the rent?” I asked carefully, telling myself not to get my hopes up.

  “It’s eight hundred a month including utilities and cable. How does that work for you?” Carly asked as I felt my mouth drop open. That was unheard of for a place close to the office.

  “That’s actually great,” I said slowly as she asked if I wanted to come and see the unit the following evening after work. I agreed, and we set up an appointment for six. I immediately called Rosie and asked her if she could watch Lindsay a bit longer for me and she easily agreed. I told her about the apartment in a hushed voice being bold enough to ask if she’d like to move with us, assuming that everything worked out for the best. She cried as she agreed, and I was wi
ping my own cheeks as I ended the call.

  If I got this place, I could afford to do the little things for Lindsay that she deserved. I could have someone there that loved her and was rapidly becoming like a second mother to me. I bathed Lindsay and got her into bed, watching her sleep on the thin mattress as I held onto hope for the future. I fell asleep hours later, rushing in the morning as I showered and slipped into gray slacks and a new pink shirt. I slipped the only pair of heels that I owned on before dropping Lindsay off with Rosie and taking the bus to the office.

  Alexander seemed to know that I was meeting Carly after work and told me that he’d accompany me to see the unit. I stared at him from the doorway to his office and frowned. “Why?” I asked as he looked me over with what was a fleeting intense gaze.

  “It will be after dark. It’s storming, and I can drive you there and make sure that you arrive safely,” he insisted as I leaned against the frame.

  “I… okay then.” I’d gotten to know him a bit better over the last few weeks and understood that arguing was pointless.

  “Good. We’ll leave and get some dinner before the appointment, it’s Friday and everyone will be leaving at five tonight,” he said as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

  Holy shit.

  I returned to my desk and dropped down into my seat, playing back the last few minutes in my head. Alexander was taking me to dinner and then to see the apartment. I knew that he flirted at times with me but I took it to just be his style. I didn’t think I was special in any way. I thought back over the last few weeks and realized that I’d only seen him going out to eat with Brent. They’d been friends since they were kids and were clearly still close. Brent was an attractive man as well and seemed to know it, but I preferred Alexander’s dark looks.

  I worked through the day, partly at the desk and half a day with the team as we prepared an ad for a new attorney in town. I always felt good after talking through ideas with them and coming up with greatness. When we were done for the night, I walked back to my desk and gathered my things as I glanced at Alexander.

  He slipped on a thick trench coat and walked out to meet me as I slid on my dark purple raincoat with my gray hat. We walked together as my heart raced. I could feel the eyes of others on us as we remained silent through the elevator ride, walking out of the building to move to the parking lot.

  He opened the door of a shiny SUV for me, watching as I slipped inside. I brushed against him and shivered as he closed the door, telling my hormones to calm down.

  We left the lot and he turned left to head towards the part of town with all the restaurants and bars. I stared forward and watched as the rain fell, lost in the moment. I’d asked Rosie if it was okay to leave Lindsay with her again today and she assured me that it was. “How does Italian sound?” Alexander asked as I blinked and looked at him.

  “Great, anything is fine.” I agreed as he stared at me at a stoplight.

  “Who took away your choice, Soledad?” Alexander murmured as he pulled forward, driving for a block before he turned into the small lot of an Italian restaurant. It wasn’t a fancy building and I took it in as he shut the engine off.

  “This doesn’t seem like your kind of place.” I observed as he smirked at me.

  “I like good food, and this offers that,” Alexander assured me as he stepped out into the rain and opened my door. I felt his hand on my back as we walked toward the brick building, opening a heavy glass door.

  The smell was amazing, and I inhaled deeply. The building held some tables and booths with a red candle on every surface and warm lights hanging from the ceiling. I smiled as I looked around and glanced forward as an older man walked towards us. “Alex. It’s been too long.” He shook his hand and beamed at him as I took this all in.

  “This is Soledad. She’s new at the company,” Alexander offered as the man gave me a curious gaze. He shook my hand before leading us to a private booth in the back, assuring us that he’d bring a bottle of the house wine right away. I slipped into the seat and leaned against the cushioned back with a smile. “The team is impressed with you, you know.” I glanced at him, our gazes locking.

  “Are they?” I asked as he nodded.

  “You’re looking at a raise after this new project. That ad is going to bring in thousands and all of you deserve to enjoy it as well as the company,” he told me as I stared into his eyes.

  “Thank you.” I said shyly as he moved a bit closer to me. I blushed, and Paul came back with the wine, pouring us two glasses before taking our order and disappearing. Alexander held up his glass and I looked at him.

  “Here’s to a successful project,” he said as I picked up my own glass and clinked it against his. “I suppose we should toast the apartment as well.”

  “I don’t have it yet.” I reminded him as he smiled.

  “You’ll take it. I’ve seen the complex.” Alexander assured me as I wondered what role he played in this situation. We moved on to lighter topics as we waited for our food and he told me about his favorite dives in the city and beyond. I nibbled on my lasagna as I watched his mouth move, captivated by his full lips. I allowed myself to get lost in his kindness tonight just a little, pretending that it was more than it was.

  Chapter Four


  I watched Soledad the entire time at the restaurant closely, taking her in. She was more than beautiful as she smiled at me. It was always sweet but shy and I wondered if I intimidated her.

  She enjoyed her dinner with hesitation, sipping her wine on controlled sips. I wasn’t surprised when Paul brought the bottle over since it was his habit when I came in, but he brought a good bottle this time. I wanted her to enjoy it and the entire night. I told her about other restaurants I liked, and she nodded, not offering too much in return. I sensed that she didn’t get out too much and leaned back, sipping from my glass. We hadn’t talked too personally, and I considered crossing that line a bit tonight.

  Soledad picked up the cloth napkin and pressed it to her pink lips as I set the glass down. “How old is your daughter, Soledad?” I watched as warmth crossed her face, seeing how much she loved her little girl.

  “Lindsay is four. She’ll be five in six months. I can’t believe it.” Her voice was low and filled with awe as she stared off into space for a moment.

  “You’re twenty-three?” I asked as she stared sadly at me, nodding slowly. “So young to be a mother.”

  “Life happens. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me,” Soledad assured me as I nodded, not doubting her words. This was the way my own mother looked at me and I respected her immensely in this moment. I also wanted to take her under my wing, them under my wing. I wanted to take care of everything for them and I wasn’t sure where this was coming from. I was never like this with a woman, much less someone with a child.

  “Is her father involved in her life?” I asked as I watched sheer terror cross her face.

  “No. Not for years,” Soledad told me before taking a large sip of wine. I watched her choke it down along with another one, wondering if he was the darkness that I saw in her eyes. We finished our meals and I paid at her protest before leading her to the car. I got her inside safely, closing the door gently as I stood there and breathed in the remaining hints of citrus from her perfume.

  I drove us to the complex, entering the code as Soledad looked around in disbelief. “There’s no way these go for eight hundred,” she murmured as I parked in a spot near the office. The complex was newer and quite luxurious, and she was absolutely right. Carly owed me a favor for so many recommendations of renters over the last few years and I knew that it was a ploy to get me into her bed again.

  “She’s the owner so she can work a deal,” I assured her easily as I got out and opened her door. Soledad followed me to the office and I opened the door, gesturing for her to walk inside. I saw the pale blonde woman stand as she took us both in, her eyes a little hard on Soledad. “Hello, Carly.” I greeted her in a bit of a cool
tone, so she would understand that this was nothing more than business.

  “Alex, good to see you. You must be Soledad,” she smiled and walked forward to shake hands with my employee, forcing it. That was all she needed to do. “I can’t wait for you to see the unit.”

  She shot me another look as she reached for a set of keys and I held my hand out. “I’ll take her. What number is it?” I asked as Carly stared at me.

  “I should really join you. It is my complex,” Carly argued as Soledad let her eyes pass between us.

  “Of course, but I am familiar with the layout,” I insisted as Soledad shrank back.

  “Thirty-six.” Carly told me, and I nodded and looked at Soledad. I gestured for her to walk with me, placing my hand on her back as we left the spacious office. I turned to go to that part of the smaller complex and we took the stairs up as Soledad looked around.

  “Is the top floor a good idea? Lindsay can be loud sometimes,” she worried aloud as we reached the door.

  “I’m certain that the units are insulated well.” I told her as I unlocked the proper door and let it swing open. Soledad walked in with a gasp and I smiled at her.

  “This place is beautiful. It’s too much for us,” she whispered as she looked around the sunken living room. I walked along quietly as she took in the chef’s kitchen slowly and then the large terrace that overlooked the city. Soledad seemed to stumble down the wide hallway as she looked at the three bedrooms, all of which had their own bathroom and large closets. “I can’t pay so little for a place this nice.” She turned to face me as her eyes searched my face in the light from the hallway. “What did you do to get me this? Have you slept with her and she wants you back?” I heard the jealousy in her voice and stepped into the room as she moved back.


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