Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 1

by G. Bailey

  Try To Ruin Me

  G. Bailey


  Join Bailey’s Pack




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Author Note

  Also by G. Bailey

  Stay in Touch

  About the Author

  More Books by G. Bailey…

  Try to Ruin Me © 2019 G. Bailey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Edits by Polished Perfection.

  Cover Design by Daqri at Covers by Combs.

  Photo by: Sara Eirew Photographer.

  Note from the author:

  While this is a Bully Romance, I do not support bullying whatsoever. Yes, the men in this story do choose to bully Trixy because they are in pain, and it is how they choose to deal with that emotion. It does not make bullying right, acceptable or justified.

  Trixy is not a push over, though, and this story does have a happy ending.

  This story also deals with sensitive topics, so here is a trigger warning.

  Created with Vellum

  Join Bailey’s Pack on Facebook to stay in touch with the author, find out what is coming out next and any news!

  Their brother was my best friend.

  My best friend was madly in love with me.

  Only I didn’t love him, and then he was gone.

  Now his brothers want revenge…and they will do anything to get it.

  Including ruining me.

  They want to ruin me…but I might just destroy them instead.

  Trixy Ansley.

  Starting university and making a new life was the only way to move on from the past she doesn’t want to remember. A past that wasn’t her fault, but not many know the real truth. When the Hallow brothers won’t leave her alone, secrets start coming out that none of them wanted to know.

  The Hallow brothers.

  Getting revenge for their dead brother was a good reason for following Trixy all the way to college. Their brother wasn’t the only one in love with her…but none of that matters now. They need to fix what she ruined.

  We will ruin her for what she did…because the dead can’t get revenge.

  A Dark Bully Reverse Harem Romance 18+

  Warning this is not for the faint of heart.

  “He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

  ― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

  Thick droplets of rain fall onto my cheeks just before the skies open and rain pours down on us. I don’t know why I’m focusing on the rain and not the sight in front of me, but I wish it was just the rain here with me now. My Hallow brothers all stand utterly still, mimicking the cold, empty, soulless expressions they have. My bare feet dig into the cold grass, the wind blows my hair around my shoulders, and my dress presses against my skin as I stare at them. My heart feels like it has been broken into a million tiny little pieces, and only they can fix it. But they won’t.

  “You don’t understand. You don’t know what—” I go to desperately explain everything to them, even if it means giving up my best friend’s secret. I’m in love with them, and even as I stand here in the rain, alone, my pride gone…I still love them. I thought they fell for me too. What started off as casual angry sex, a way for us both to move on from the past, soon turned into something so much more. We knew each other as kids, always watching from a distance but never having a chance to be more than acquaintances. I was David’s best friend, and I was off-limits because he loved me. I didn’t love him, and it unknowingly cost me.

  “We don’t care. It was a game. A game that came with many sweet rewards,” Gage comments, a slight chuckle following his words. The laugh is worse than anything he could tell me. Everything he told me was apparently was nothing to him.

  “No, it wasn’t just a game,” I protest, tightening my hands into fists as I remember how he looked at me back then. How he whispered he loved me only yesterday. I search each one of their eyes, hoping—no praying—to see something other than hate. I was a fool; they never loved me…it was a trick.

  “It was. We all know it, and so do you. We never loved you. How could we?” Gage asks, tilting his head to the side a bit. All those stories he told me of his past, about his father and everything else were lies to get me to fall for him.

  “You killed our brother,” Garett adds, and I know every dance, every kiss, was a lie. It was all nothing to him.

  “And we will never forgive you for that. You deserve this.” Griffin is the final one to speak, and it is the hardest one to hear. He drives the final nail in the coffin of my heart. I don’t deserve this, I know that, but they don’t. I didn’t kill their brother, but I wish I could have helped him. Even despite everything else, that will never change.

  The best thing for us all is to walk away…even if it is the last thing I want. I look once more at the building, seeing my entire class and the team laughing as my heart is broken. Crushed under pretty stars. It’s best I walk away from everything before they see me fall.

  Tears fall into my mouth, the salty taste the only thing I can focus on as Patricia and Ariel come out of the building, running to the Hallow brothers and wrapping their arms around Gage and Garett.

  “Bye, loser,” Ariel says, grinning because she won them after all, just like she said she would when the game was all over. She knew about it this whole time and most likely was sleeping with them too. I look into each one of their eyes, and some silly part of me thinks they might just regret this. No one is that good of an actor, not even they are, but it is too late now. I forgave them for the bullying before, but not this time. They took it too far. With all the strength I can find, I turn and walk away from the Hallow brothers and their pathetic existence. It’s what I should have done the first time I saw them again.

  Except I should have damn well run as fast as I could. The Hallow brothers are nothing but evil with a pretty face.

  David Hallow is a nasty drunk. As his best friend, I don't have a choice when it comes to the decision of who is going to get him home from the party. Luckily, I'm used to David and his drinking by now, and I haven't had more than a lemonade tonight. I watch as David trips on nothing and slams into the fireplace, knocking off the vases and photo frames on it. They
smash onto the ground into dozens of pieces, but the loud music covers the sound, so drunk teenagers in the room hardly notice. This mansion, which I have no clue whose parents it belongs to, is a gorgeous home. Or at least it was until this party. Now there are spray painted dicks on the walls. I dodge a couple who are too busy eating each other’s faces off to notice me as I make my way to David, knowing it is time to drag him home. I shake my head when I see a guy peeing in the fireplace as I get closer, and David is laughing as he watches.

  "Trixy-dixy! My girl!" David cheerfully shouts. He always calls me that, even though I'm not his girl, and he knows it. David has a new "his girl" at least twice a week, and I'm the girl that has to explain to the ones that are clingy that David will never call them back. He is an asshole. Times like this, I struggle to remember why we are still friends. Oh yeah, we grew up together, and sometimes he can be normal. These days, those sometimes are few and far between though.

  "It's time to go home, David," I shout to him, nodding my head at the door. He sighs an overdramatic and long one before grinning at me. His black hair is spiky, and his jaw smooth, but I wouldn’t call him handsome exactly. He is rich and pays well for his stylist to make him look like a model. Everything from his designer clothes to the way he walks screams money.

  "You just want to get me into bed, don't you, Trixy?" he asks, his beer breath blowing over my face as he talks. Ugh, disgusting, both his statement and his breath.

  "Nope, I want to leave you on your sofa because that is usually as far as you get," I reply to him, and he glares down at me, but rather than replying, he lets me drag him by his hand out of the room. We walk out of the mansion, avoiding the smirks of guys staring at my chest even though it is covered in a modest dress. We walk down past the cars, and some of them are bouncing up and down even though they aren’t moving. I don't even look in them as we get to my car, and I open the door. David practically falls into my leather seat, and I cringe.

  I love this car. It's a shiny, brand-spanking-new, red convertible Mercedes Benz and my seventeenth birthday present, along with a bunch of driving lessons. It took me three months to pass my test, and luckily my parents pay the insurance, which I bet is a fortune on this thing. After David is fully in the car, I mentally pray he doesn't throw up on my seats, before shutting the door and going to my side. I glide in the seats, pressing the button to start the engine before putting my seat belt on.

  I turn on the A/C before looking at David to check he is alright. He watches me, his whole body turned to face me with a big, stupid grin on his face. David isn't the super handsome boy next door, no, his brothers are that. He has three older brothers, triplets, and he hates them. I don’t blame him, they are all sexy as sin, and somehow David turned out with more charm than good looks. His brothers are all assholes with no personality once we hit high school. I swear David could charm anyone except for me into bed. David has midnight black hair, bright blue eyes and a lean body. I know he tries to work out, but he never has shown any muscle on his body despite the fact he is strong. I don't see him that way anyway; he is my best friend, a brother to me in every way. I'm not sure he feels that way though, and it seriously creeps me out when he looks at me like this.

  I've changed over the last year. My recent maid keeps making sure I know about it by commenting about my appearance every time she sees me. I went from having a little baby fat due to my addiction to sweets, to losing it all for some odd reason. Oddly, all the baby fat went to my boobs and ass. The rest of me just got skinny. I also got brave and let my maid drag me to the hairdressers, where they shaped my waist length blonde hair to make my face seem more defined somehow. I used to just let my hair go all over the place.

  I clear my throat, pointing at my seatbelt so he will do his, and he smirks before doing his seatbelt. I pull out of the parking space and start driving down the long driveway before coming out onto the road.

  "You're leaving me," David tells me, and I shake my head at him, not pulling my eyes off the road.

  "I'm going to university, and I promised to still call you," I reply, trying to hide my excitement that I start university in a month. It's in London, England, and I've always wanted to go there to live near my favourite aunt. She has an apartment in the city above a bakery she owns, and I've visited many times over the years. I don't know if I will return home to Colorado after university, but I doubt it. My parents spend more time on trips around the world than they ever do at home with me. All my memories growing up are of my nanny, who passed away last year from cancer, and the Hallow brothers. David and his triplet brothers were the only real friends I had, at least the only ones who didn't try to use me to get money. They are all stinking rich anyway, though his brothers left for college last year, so it is just David and me left. Now it will soon just be David, who didn't pass high enough on his exams to get into the same university as me, and he is going to a local one with his brothers instead.

  "I don't want you to go. Stay here with me, Trixy, you know you want to. You are going to be all alone in London, and you never do well on your own," he tells me, and I've heard nothing but the same thing from him time and time again. Rain starts showering the car as I flip the windshield wipers on and then my blinker to turn into the Hallow brothers’ house. The big metal gates have an H in the middle of them, and the built-in scanners scan my plate before the gates open.

  "I'm not discussing this anymore, David. I don't want to. I'm going, can't you be happy for me? Please?" I ask him, wishing he could support me on the biggest decision of my life instead of going against me on it. I don't look at David as I pull up in front of his house, the lights outside shining, and someone is standing under the porch. "Who is that?" I ask as I turn the car off, but David is already getting out the car into the pouring rain. I climb out myself, running to the porch where David and a girl from our school are. She is in the same year as us, but I can't think of her name off the top of my head. She doesn't look at me though; she is fixated on David as tears run down her face.

  "I'm pregnant, and it is yours."

  "What the fuck did you just say?" David spits out, tripping on some of the gravel driveway. The rain has pushed all his hair down his face, and he looks furious as he stares at her. The girl is pretty with long black hair, big eyes and a small figure. Though right now she looks like a scared little girl, and David isn’t making the situation any better.

  "I'm pregnant and have nowhere to go. My parents kicked me out, and I'm keeping the baby. I just want your help," she says, her voice shaky and nervous. “Even if it’s only for one night, so I can find my feet.”

  "How do I even know it's mine?" he asks before he coldly laughs. I barely recognise the sneer on his lips or the look he gives her.

  "You were my first, and I told you that. You didn't care though and dumped me the next day. I've stayed well away from guys since that experience," she replies, and it almost makes me smile. This girl has some backbone underneath it all at least. I feel sorry for her because this is a bad situation to be in. I’m sure David will let her in and—

  "I don't care. Fuck off," he tells her, pushing her shoulder as he storms to the door, and she nearly falls over.

  "What?" she says in shock.

  "David, why don't we all go inside and chill for a second? It might—" I try to interrupt, but the look he gives me when he turns my way almost scares me, and it certainly stops me from talking. I didn’t think David was this drunk; he was just tipsy, and he should be sober enough to have some brain cells working.

  "No. Just get rid of her," David angrily tells me, and when he looks at my face and how shocked and upset I am, he seems to calm a little before he turns to the girl. "If you want an abortion, I will pay for it but nothing else. Make up your mind and come back later." The upset and shock on the girl’s face turn into disgust, and I feel the same thing. What a dickhead move to make. David doesn't notice as he walks to the door, pushing it open and going inside. The rain pours down on the house and my car, wh
ich is the only noise until I hear David put some music on inside. I just stare at the girl who is shivering, pregnant and alone.

  I have to help.

  "What's your name? I'm sorry, I should know," I gently say, walking over to her. We went to school together, but she was a year younger than me and transferred late in the year. As far as I remember, she was nice to everyone and always kept to herself. I’ve never been good at names, but I’m sure hers began with an L.

  "No, you shouldn't be sorry, we never spoke so how would you know? It's Lottie Sparks. I'm sorry you had to see that," she says, sniffling. “I’m sorry this embarrassing moment is how we first talk. This is a mess, and what am I going to do?” She bursts into tears, and I step closer, pulling her into a tight hug because she really needs one.

  “My aunt always used to say that even when there are times in our lives that seem like the world is ending and there is no hope, you shouldn’t give up. Hope comes from the most unlikely of places, and the world only makes the path through life difficult for the ones who can handle it,” I say, having no idea what else to say, but that always stuck with me. I’ve told myself it a million times when my parents wouldn’t answer any of my calls or when my nanny died suddenly.


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