Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1) Page 3

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Then he heard voices, running voice pattern recognition for the given four present species, he counted five individuals voice of each species, two of which were humans, a male and a female.

  Shadows appeared at the left tunnel and the group came into Artoo’s view at last.

  Artoo automatically ran a face-recognition from his NRE database on the five, he only got three matches, the two humans were Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley, two of the most wanted terrorist leaders in the entire Chommell sector. The Neimoidian was no other than Hath Monchar, the Trade Federation Viceroy’s Second-in-Command. The filthy muscular looking Gungan and the tattooed face Zabrak in black hood and cloak remained unidentified to Artoo.

  “Wesa cannot risk bein’ seen in this attack!” grunted the Gungan, his deep voice resonating in the confines of the cave. He was tall, muscular, dark hued like the sap of a wroshyr tree of Kashyyyk, his left eye were gray with a spot of white that indicates a form of cataract, the other was obviously artificial because it strangely resemble Artoo’s own photoreceptor.

  “We already did our part. We have stolen the data from the NRE yesterday, even blow up their power generator.” Sheeana said to Hath Monchar. Her eyes were of icy blue and her skin was pale and almost sky blue. She wore a Palace Guard suit that even in her odd coloration she could still manage to blend in on the busy populace of Theed.

  “If you want us to make the delivery tomorrow, you’ll gonna have to throw us some more extras.” Alle scornfully added. Artoo recognized him. He was the one who shot him with the restraining bolt. Vomm was so average looking that no one would even think he was a terrorist.

  “I assure you all that the Viceroy will fully cover your participation for tomorrow.” Hath Monchar, grunted.

  “Whosa’s des creep anyways?” the Gungan loomed over the Zabrak.

  “Step back Gantu, you would not want to antagonize my friend here.” the Neimoidian firmly warned the Gungan brute.

  Artoo searched a match for a name of Gantu and easily enough there was a file about the Gungan, but his face in the file was different, he has no cataract and artificial eye and the skin hue is a little lighter mix of orange and green. According to the file, Gantu was half-Ottola and half-Ankura, his long record was mainly about making troubles in Otoh Gunga since childhood then into Keren, Theed and other countryside cities and villages of Naboo until he joined Alle’s group five years ago.

  Gantu ignored the Neimoidian and stepped closer to tower over the Zabrak, he was two heads taller than the cloaked one but the Zabrak matched the intimidating glare with an almost bemused stare. After a full minute, the Zabrak finally gave a faint smirk and spoke.

  His voice was unnerving. It was cold, low and menacing.

  “A Jedi chopped that eyestalk of yours. He could have killed you effortlessly. I killed him effortlessly.” the Zabrak hissed, his eyes narrowing into slits.

  Without waiting for any reaction, he turned around and left where they came in leaving the others unsure of what exactly had just happened.

  “He killed Denuga?” Sheeana gasped.

  “Shut up!” Gantu shoved Sheeana and strode out to the other tunnel.

  “Who’s Denuga?” Monchar asked.

  “The Togorian Jedi Master we encountered in Glee Anselm two years ago. We lost twenty of our men in that operation.” Alle explained.

  “Who is that creep anyway?” Sheeana nodded at the direction where the Zabrak went.

  “He is Lord Maul.” Hath Monchar stated.

  Artoo never got to hear Hath Monchar’s answer because the entire cave shook vehemently and a deafening explosion accompanied it.

  All hell broke loose.

  * * *

  Lieutenant Panaka sat on by the desk in his office and opened his computer console and started punching data search commands. He drew up the file of King Veruna prior to his supposed to be abduction last month and reviewed the detailed report he himself had filed to the Advisory Council and to the governor.

  Panaka punched in the keyword Earl of Vis Castle.

  The file immediately appeared on his screen and he started reading his own report.

  Following the abdication of King Ars Veruna to his throne and the Advisory Council’s decision to hand over temporary rule to Governor Sio Bibble while a vote is being cast to decide who will succeed the crown, King Veruna himself with the help of Captain Maris Magneta and his trusted Second-in-Command, me, Lieutenant Panaka, arranged for the secret transfer of the abdicated King to the castle of the Earl of Vis in the Western Ranges of Naboo.

  For the following weeks Captain Magneta and I have kept secret the whereabouts of King Veruna from everyone including the Advisory Council, the Governor and the Senator.

  Captain Magneta was summoned back to Theed to oversee the security for the announcement of the King’s successor. I was left to protect King Veruna.

  The day before the announcement I was personally making my rounds when King Veruna has asked me to accompany him for his daily game. I called the Captain and relayed the King’s instruction and he gave me the clearance under the condition that we do not let Veruna out of our sight.

  The King was a little put-off that time and took my comlink and ordered Captain Magneta to have us out of his tail so he could focus on his game. The Captain was compelled to obey and we did as told.

  I was left to rely on the tracking beacon embedded in the King’s ring. We monitored him closely but out of his sight. Until he reached a cave, enters it and from there we lost the signal.

  I looked up at my datapad about the mapping of that cave and was assured that the entrance was the only exit and the length of the cave doesn’t extend any longer than half a kilometer. So I and my men waited.

  It was sundown when we started to get suspicious. We stormed in, searched the cave and found nothing. I reported the situation to Captain Magneta and no later than an hour he arrived with more search party. We began a more thorough search and this time we have the proper equipments to do so.

  We search for a full week until one morning King Ars Veruna strode out of the foliage carrying his kill, five zalaacas. He recounted to Captain Magneta and to me what happened to him.

  Note: The following pages are the complete report of King Ars Veruna about his weeklong disappearance.

  Panaka stopped reading and rubbed his eyes and slumped back on his chair.

  “It has to be. That’s the only time any of us lost sight of the King. That has to be the time when the switch was made.” Panaka muttered to himself. His chrono beeped, reminding him that he has to get back to the astromech droid.

  Panaka drew out his blaster as he saw two guards were down on the floor at the entrance of the Palace Security Dome. He knelt to feel their pulse… nothing.

  Dread filled his gut and was not surprised to see that the astromech droid was gone. Down on the floor he saw a spent bolt-gun.

  Panaka picked up his comlink and alerted Captain Magneta.

  Chapter 3: Behind the Queen

  Darth Maul left Gantu and the others and strode past startled and gawking Gungans and humans through the labyrinthine tunnels of the Mootoo Cave. The Zabrak only slowed down when he made the last turn and entered the farthest and largest natural antechamber where the bigger starships are usually grounded.

  At the moment the underground hangar was empty save for one sleek Sienar Star Courier that its former owners preferred to call the Sith Infiltrator. Lord Maul on the other hand had named her Scimitar.

  His small portable holopad beeped and Maul took the call. A six-inch holographic projection of his master took form and addressed him without preamble.

  “Destroy all records there that would compromise the Sith and leave enough trail to hint them of Trade Federation involvement then go. Return here at once, a squadron is on its way there now. Before leaving Naboo, make sure Hath Monchar is delayed for a few hours before allowing him to flee off-planet back to Rori and do not forget to also make sure that once Monchar leaves Naboo his ship
is to be spotted.” his master commanded brusquely.

  “Yes my master.” Maul bowed as his mentor Darth Sidious ended his transmission.

  The makeshift office holding the underground facility’s main computers are just at the next passageway behind him. No rush. Lord Maul returns his gaze at the beauty of Scimitar. Her elongated nose looms before him like an aimed tip of a javelin. The folded wings added an ominous touch to its smooth gleaming exterior, as if it was an ethereal apparition of a silver monster from the unknown cosmos.

  The ship reeks with the palpable touch of the dark side of the Force. It’s very existence and presence is a mute testament of her Sith lineage.

  The design itself were patterned from the ancient T-class long range personal cruisers used by Sith Lords during the New Sith Wars, the most notable example of it was the Valcyn of the dreaded Darth Bane.

  This Sith Infiltrator was a prototype for Raith Sienar’s advance Star Courier project but the actual design came from Darth Tenebrous himself, the Master of Lord Plagueis the Wise.

  It was in a way a gift of Darth Plagueis to him since it was handed over to his own master, Darth Sidious with a suggestion that the Sith Infiltrator be given to his apprentice, which was no other than him.

  Maul took a deep breath and languished at the stale air for a full minute before going to the makeshift office. He ignited his twin bladed lightsaber and began hacking at the terminals, his seemingly wild slashing were in fact precise, deftly cutting through metal casings and destroying memory banks after memory banks.

  The power surged and scattered little fires were ignited by the sparks. Maul took out a datachip containing several records of Viceroy Nute Gunray’s first set of meetings with the leaders of the Chommell Patriots Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley in Wayland a year ago; a few days after Chancellor Valorum ratified the new Taxation Laws.

  He threw the chip on the fire and waited until the heat reach the core of the data chip and before the fire could totally obliterate the file it contains, Lord Maul lashed out his hand and use the Force to extinguish the fire smoldering the chip. Then he drew to the dark side and crushed the computers to mask the trace of lightsaber marks.

  Darth Maul crookedly grinned at his handiwork. He had left enough partial data in there to implicate the Trade Federation. Deactivating his lightsaber, he went back to the hangar and boarded the ship casually. He took his time once inside, checked on his ship’s monitors and activated the advance radar and instantly saw on the console the bleeps representing the Royal Naboo Space Fighters.

  The expected time of arrival is five minutes and counting.

  At one minute before ETA, he began to power up the engines while concentrating at setting the navicomputer with the coordinates provided to him by his master.

  By the time the RNSF began the bombing, Lord Maul was ready to leave.

  * * *

  The first barrage of proton torpedoes detonated on the upper cave levels and shook the entire mountain. Some of the Gungans and humans darted for their heavy duty anti-ship weapons while the others opted to flee.

  Three dozen Naboo N1 Starfighters shot past the Egotto Mountains and made a wide arc for another pass. The moment the second volley of proton torpedoes were fired the three squadrons split their formation. The first continued for the third pass while the two squadrons went inside through the largest cave opening by the eastern face of the mountain.

  Once inside the twenty four starfighters mowed down the rebels who were at first made their futile attempt and opened fire at the incoming ships.

  Two ships found their way into the lowest and largest antechamber, spotted the lone Seinar-class ship and fired. The pair of torpedoes exploded on the left wing which shook the entire ship. Fortunately the shields were partly activated during the detonation and the ship suffered no fatal damage.

  The two pilots decided to make another hit and flew their ships around to get another shot, this time for the kill.

  Darth Maul was thrown on his console during the first impact and as he started to get up he tasted blood from the split on his lips.

  The Zabrak snarled and darted out of his ship.

  The two starfighter pilots saw a single figure running out from the ramp of the ship. As they were coming on closer they both pushed the button and the second double pair of torpedoes started to fire off.

  But before either of the two realized what has just happened, the four torpedoes exploded before it left their ships. The two starfighters exploded only a dozen meters from Lord Maul.

  The Sith watched in bloodthirsty hunger as the burning pieces of the ships rained down around him. Suddenly another pair of starfighters emerged from behind him, the Sith leaped and landed on the tail of the first ship.

  The green astromech shrilled an alarm but Darth Maul slashed his crimson blade on the droid’s domed head then he ran to the canopy and strikes down through the glass and into the skull of the pilot.

  Maul then leaped to the second ship flying up and behind and as he was in mid-air the Sith Lord stretched out his hand holding the lightsaber. The blade pierced the nose of the starfighter and their movement caused the beam to continue cutting through the side of the fuselage and under the left wing.

  Darth Maul tucked and rolls as he fell on the uneven ground and looked back in time to see the doomed starfighter crashed onto the cave wall by the far side of the underground river and exploded.

  The Sith Lord gave another hiss of contempt at the fiery remains of the ship before running back in his cockpit and flew the Scimitar off the Egotto Mountain.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo toppled down along with tons of empty metal crates on the wide uneven cave floor. Sheena and Alle half drag, half carried Hath Monchar where Gantu had gone earlier and several humans and Gungans alike ran frantically in every direction, scrambling for exit or hiding.

  Artoo struggled to move the crates off of his cylindrical body and after what seems forever he finally got loose and managed to get himself erect once again and started to roll off where the others had gone.

  The cave continues to shake as distant and nearby explosions competes with the deafening sirens of security alarms. It took Artoo awhile to finally orient himself to the right tunnel and emerge on an underground river. Three Gungan submarines were tethered by the makeshift docks while the fourth was already halfway towards the sharp turn some half click away from him.

  The Gungan subs were not designed to accommodate an astromech droid and Artoo also doubt if he could even get to open the bubble hatch at all. He was at this dilemma when another ship flew low from the other side and after the receding sub ahead.

  Artoo made a quick scan of the fast ship which suddenly faded in his optical sensors. Baffled the droid only got a partial read, a Seinar-class ship and to his calculation according to what data he acquired, possibly equipped with a rare, illegal cloaking technology.

  He was still at the docks platform hesitating from jumping into one of the subs, staying or flying off after the others when a pair of N1 Starfighters zoomed past the underground river straight to the sharp turn and faded in the dark, the booming thunder of their engines still echoing loudly in the confines of the cave.

  Then the cave ceilings began to crack, tons of long sharp stalactites began to fall like thrown spears destroying the Gungan subs and the docks platform. Artoo was forced to use his jet boosters to avoid being thrown off the dark unknown river.

  Artoo finally had no choice but to fly onwards after the others halfway there another N1 Starfighter flew from behind and slowed into a hover a few meters parallel to him. The canopy opened and the pilot called out to him.

  “You there! What’s your I.D. code?” the pilot shouted.

  Artoo sent a burst transmission about his registry number, the pilot was relieved to learn that the astromech was one of theirs so he punched something in the console and the burning astromech droid behind him was ejected, hit the cave ceiling with a loud bang and fell in ruins at the black ri

  “Get inside, my guidance systems are not working, I need your help to get out of here.” The pilot said.

  Artoo flew closer and slowly inserted himself on the droid slot behind the canopy. The internal arm locked in on his body as the canopy closed and they both flew off.

  Artoo quickly began working, fixing the burnt out night vision sensors, sonar radars and began guiding the pilot through the pitch black tunnel. After a few minutes a white spot finally appeared ahead and began to grow bigger into a cave opening with its black river falling off as a waterfall.

  The N1 Starfighter shot out of the hole and flew vertical deftly squeezing its way on the treacherous cliff walls and then finally out of the Egotto Chasm, one of the distinct landmarks in the deep jungles of Eptto.

  Artoo and the pilot gave a cry of relief as they emerged on the moonlit dawn. Behind them the Egotto Mountain shook and crumbles inward from some areas as the Mootoo cave beneath it was finally destroyed. Dozens of other N1 Starfighters flew in formation of the ship where Artoo is and reports of success filled in the com as the pilots began reporting to Artoo’s pilot.

  “Yellow Lead, we have captured several humans and Gungans trying to make a run in the forest, but we could not find any of their leaders.” Another voice crackled in the speakers.

  “Copy that Commander, they must have used a Gungan sub and went to the core.” Artoo’s pilot acknowledged.

  Moments later Keren City became visible ahead and the pilot finally addressed Artoo.

  “Thank the Force you were there the moment I am in need of an astromech. My name is Ric Olié, that poor droid is R2-A3, he’s been with me since the Academy days.” Olié’s voice trailed off with unspoken memories.

  Artoo replied with a series of beeps and chirps.

  “Please to meet you, R2-D2.” Ric smiled.

  Captain Magneta and Governor Sio Bibble were at the Keren District Hall waiting when Captain Ric Olié, Lieutenant Panaka and Artoo Detoo came in a few moments after they arrived.


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