Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1) Page 17

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Panaka took the seat offered to him as Artoo stayed at his side. The tables were then made ready and other women came serving a number of different cuisine.

  “Let us eat first, then we may discuss what it is that you so require of us that you had to brave this entire arduous path just to see me in person.” The Lady said to Panaka.

  * * *

  Captain Panaka, Sabé, the Lady Crystaé and Artoo Detoo stood on the highest terrace in tallest tower of the monastery. Their vantage overlooks the entire western archipelago before them.

  “You wish us to exclusively once more become the provider of the Royal Handmaidens and help you train them to become a one-woman-army?” the Lady asked.

  “Yes, pretty much.” Panaka nodded.

  “You must understand that we cannot make this public knowledge and that we can never allow such training to be held here. We travel a different road Captain Panaka.” The Lady said.

  “I understand perfectly. I just wished to get your approval to get my plan started. Aluva and I have thoroughly discussed the details, we only need more recruits. Knowing that all of the Queen’s Royal Handmaidens were trained here, I see no other place to recruit more than from here as well.” Panaka nodded.

  “The Queen is scheduled to meet the Prime Minister of Kardara a month from now. Kardara is the primary stronghold of the heart of the Chommell Patriots. It is by definition the most dangerous world in our sector for our Queen to be. The Queen can’t refuse the Prime Minister. He offers a truce and a treaty to hand over the control of the abandoned plasma mining complex to the Naboo in exchange for a concerted military effort to eradicate the entire Chommell Patriots once and for all.” Panaka added.

  “You don’t need to justify yourself further Captain. The support of Aluva and Sabé is more than enough reason for us to accept your preposition. You will have your trainees as soon as you get started.” The Lady shook Panaka’s hand.

  Chapter 18: Return to Rori

  Queen Amidala, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, Aluva, Eirtaé, Rabé, Fé, Saché, Yané and Governor Sio Bibble stood on one of the platforms at the Theed spaceport as they watch the airspeeder carrying Captain Panaka, Sabé and Lieutenant Hoff Siege’s astromech droid faded in the distant.

  Lieutenant Hoff Siege approached them and handed over the comlink to the governor.

  “Governor, Captain Olié wants to speak with you in regard to their mop up mission to the ruins of the Trade Federation ship on Rori.” Hoff said.

  “Yes Captain?” Governor Sio Bibble activated the comlink.

  “Governor, a Trade Federation Droid Control Ship has just emerged from hyperspace near Rori and demanding us to leave the moon so they could salvage their property. I told them we could not vacate the investigation site unless the orders came either from you or from Her Majesty herself.” Olié’s voice crackled.

  “Who is in command of the Trade Federation ship?” Bibble asked.

  “He identified himself as Settlement Officer Rune Haako.” Olié replied.

  “With Hath Monchar gone, Haako is now technically the second-in-command of Viceroy Nute Gunray.” Master Sifo-Dyas muttered.

  “Her Majesty?” Bibble turn for her orders.

  “No, do not let them leave. Inform Captain Olié to relay a message to Rune Haako that the Queen will be boarding their ship to confront his claim.” Queen Amidala ordered.

  “Your Highness, do you think it is wise to expose yourself to their mercy?” Sifo-Dyas asked her.

  “They will not dare to assault me directly.” Amidala said.

  “Very well, but I must handle the security arrangements.” Sifo-Dyas crossed his arms.

  “Have it arranged then, Aluva, I need to change.” Queen Amidala nodded at them and strode to their airspeeder.

  “Lieutenant Siege, contact Captain Panaka and inform him about this development, if he’s on his way back before we leave then wait for his return before taking the rest of Raid Squadron after us on Rori, if he’s not yet coming back then proceed at once to follow us. Make sure that all of your ships are primed for a tough firefight. I do not like their sudden presence here. If the Queen failed to convince the Trade Federation to leave then we will be forced to engage them.” Sifo-Dyas instructed Hoff.

  “Governor, please inform the Advisory Council about this, try to establish a contact to Senator Palpatine, if things get out of hand in Rori, the Galactic Senate must be made aware at once. The Trade Federation has been threatening Naboo with their blockade, if they do it now Naboo will be helpless and will not survive the cut-off. The Trading Summit is yet to begin in two weeks, we can’t allow it to be postponed or cancelled.” Sifo-Dyas informed the governor.

  When the Lieutenant and the Governor had left Sifo-Dyas stood at the edge of the platform meditating. He could still feel the elusive presence of the Lady Sarc Crimos lurking at his peripherals in the Force.

  Captain Panaka’s plan for the Handmaidens will be fully ready for the next few months. The leaders of the Chommell Patriots are still on the loose and aside from the upcoming scheduled trip of the Queen to Kardara next month the early arrival of the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship sends alarms in his head.

  “I got a bad feeling about this.” Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas sighed in the wind. His words were lost in the distant horizon.

  * * *

  Captain Ric Olié supervises his men and the other techs across the wreckage of the Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship that Lieutenant Hoff Siege sabotaged and destroyed a few days ago.

  He instructed the cranes and other Utility Droids to dissect a massive section of the warship to see if there were any salvageable computer terminals inside it.

  Looking up on the far distant where the electrical storm terminates to a favorable clear sky he could see the small shape of another Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship.

  That ship was different from this one, this type of battleship is fully loaded with a great number of C-9979 landing ships, hundreds of Multi-Troop Transports, thousands of Armoured Assault Tanks, Droid Starfighters and Battle Droids.

  Ric Olié knew that a single Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship is powerful enough to invade Naboo. Due to this debacle he and every Naboo security personnel and pilots have undergone mandatory military briefings about everything they need to know about the military capacity of the Trade Federation a month earlier. Now he saw the fruit of that brain whacking sessions. He could estimate enemy capabilities by visual sightings alone.

  Turning to his pilots and crew he clapped his hands and shouted, “Alright everyone listen, to all the techs and crew please continue your work, to my pilots, meet at the plateau right now, let’s go!”

  The others relayed his orders to those beyond earshot and after a few minutes, Ric Olié and the rest of his pilots were speeding across the swamp forests back up to the mountain plateau where they landed their N1 Starfighters.

  Other Freighter and Cargo Ships lined the plateau carrying machineries and personnel for their scavenging mission.

  When Captain Olié and his pilots have settled in a semi-circle, he began informing them of their situation.

  In the middle of their strategic discussions, the voice of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas crackled in static from his comlink.

  Captain Olié moved to get a better reception before finally getting a clear line, “Captain Olié here,” he said.

  “The Queen has left Naboo atmosphere, prepare to escort positions.” Sifo-Dyas announced.

  “Alright everybody, you all heard that, let’s go, go, go!” Olié went to his starfighter and began the pre-flight checks before taking off.

  * * *

  Captain Malo Teros sailed the Royal Starship into the blackness of space, aboard were the Queen, her Royal Handmaidens, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas and the rest of the ship crew and astromech droids delivered from Nubia the day before the coronation begun.

  Aluva stood next to the Queen on the ship’s Royal Throne Room at the upper deck behind cockpit. />
  Master Sifo-Dyas entered the throne room after giving final instructions to Captain Teros.

  “Captain Olié and his squadron will join us in escort the moment we cruise close orbit on Rori. The Trade Federation ship is hiding at the Far Side of the moon. We will make contact in a few moments.” Sifo-Dyas explained.

  After a few minutes the ship’s intercom beeped and the voice of Captain Teros spoke.

  “Raid One Squadron is in full escort position. We are approaching the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship now…”

  The holoprojector blinked signaling an incoming broadcast.

  “Settlement Officer Rune Haako is transmitting!” announced the captain.

  Queen Amidala sat erect on her throne and composed her facial expression to that of measured disapproval.

  “Your Majesty Queen Amidala, I am honored to finally meet you.” Rune Haako bowed in supplication.

  “Enough with the pleasantries, what are you doing here? You are in direct violation of the order of the Galactic Senate to stand down from approaching Naboo space until this conflict has been settled in the courts. As the ruling monarch I am empowered to give you a single warning to leave the Naboo System in a peaceful manner within the next twenty minutes.” the Queen warned him.

  “Your Highness, we assure you that our presence here is sanctioned by the Senate, here is our clearance from Senator Lott Dod.” Rune Haako showed his copy of the Senate Clearance.

  “A clearance issued by your senator is not valid unless our own senator has also signed that order. Send us a copy.” Amidala countered.

  “Your Highness, we are just merely cleaning up the mess done to you by our treacherous double-dealing former official, the late Hath Monchar.” Rune Haako persisted.

  “Rori is our moon and we will handle our own investigation, if you wish to make a claim then file a petition to the senate. For the meantime, leave the wreckage to us.” Queen Amidala did not relent.

  “Why don’t you come in on our ship and we will discuss this in a more formal means.” Rune Haako offered.

  Standing beyond the range of the holoprojector, Master Sifo-Dyas gave a slight nod.

  “As you wish.” Queen Amidala signaled to cut the feed.

  * * *

  The Royal Starship landed smoothly on the vast outer hangar on the left arc of the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship.

  Captain Teros stayed on the ship as Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas steps out first followed shortly by Queen Amidala flanked by her Royal Handmaidens.

  A silver protocol droid step down from an empty hangar transport and approached the Naboo envoy.

  “I am TC-14 and I am here to escort you to the Waiting Area. Please board the hangar transport.” The droid said to them.

  Minutes later after a mini-tour from TC-14, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, Queen Amidala and the Royal Handmaidens waited for Rune Haako to arrive.

  Queen Amidala and Master Sifo-Dyas stood on the transparisteel viewport with a view of the Far Side of Rori.

  The Handmaidens stood in poised readiness around the room, instinctively distributing themselves evenly facing the single blastdoor and making sure they were all in position to easily block any attacker from moving across the room to get to the Queen.

  Master Sifo-Dyas stood protectively in front of the Queen using his body as a human shield. His hands were on his waist within easy reach of his lightsaber.

  The blastdoor opened as TC-14 returned carrying a tray of cold beverages, behind her strode Rune Haako followed by another Neimoidian.

  “My Queen, welcome to our humble ship, please we have the best beverages here in the galaxy, enjoy it. This is our Captain, Daultay Dofine. Ah Master Jedi, welcome to our ship.” Rune Haako said playing his part of a good host.

  None of the Royal Handmaidens made a move as TC-14 placed the glasses on the table and started to leave. Rune Haako requested for the Queen to take a seat while he and Captain Dofine took the chair nearest the exit.

  Queen Amidala finally moved away from the window and sat on the opposite end of the long table. Master Sifo-Dyas stood on her right while Aluva deftly glided her way to the Queen’s right side.

  The other Royal Handmaidens casually milled around the room as if wandering aimlessly as Rune Haako began to talk about the legality of their presence in the orbit of Rori.

  “Rune Haako, we have contacted Senator Palpatine, please have your holoprojector ready for the retransmission.” Aluva said sternly.

  “But of course milady.” Rune Haako nodded to his captain.

  A waist high image of Senator Palpatine appeared at the center of the table facing the two Neimoidians.

  “Officer Rune Haako, I am here because Her Majesty Queen Amidala has showed me a copy of what you claim to be a legal clearance for your presence in our space. I have seen the copy and I regret to inform you that it is not valid without my own seal of approval. Under the Sectoral Decree 98R-T3720 any trade company properties found, recovered, involved or confiscated within local sectoral borders are automatically subject to full custody and investigation of the local government. Company owners may only reclaim such properties upon the conclusion of a local investigation. Since Naboo’s investigating on the incident in Rori, not a single Trade Federation ship may enter Naboo space, not even a single empty life-pod to the tiniest piece of a screw. Do I make myself clear Officer Haako?” Palpatine ranted.

  Captain Dofine and Haako whispered at each other until Rune Haako finally nodded in obeisance.

  “Very well, we are deeply sorry for this inconvenience. We will now leave Naboo space.” Rune Haako bowed at Queen Amidala and Senator Palpatine.

  * * *

  The Naboo Royal Starship has long left the hangar of the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship. Captain Daultay Dofine moved the war vessel out of the Naboo System and instead made a small jump to Kardara, deeper into the Chommell Sector.

  A battered frigate docked into the Trade Federation ship and moments later Alle Vomm, Sheeana Fley and Gantu Onu Raltos stood by the command bridge of the Trade Federation facing Rune Haako and Daultay Dofine.

  “Where issa the Viceroy? Wessa want to talk to him!” Gantu growled.

  “Our pay no longer meets the cost of our service.” Alle grunted.

  “Two bases are already lost within a week, we’re losing men, taking all the risk while you all enjoy here with your wealth and safety.” Sheeana added.

  “You three shut up! Our Master will be making contact!” Rune Haako warned them.

  The first pair of image that appeared was that of Viceroy Nute Gunray along with Senator Lott Dod, the third projection prompted everyone to cease making any sound.

  Silence fell as the image of a cloaked figure was projected before them.

  “I will make this brief. Any more move like that without my approval and the deal is off. Do I make myself perfectly clear?” Lord Sidious growled ominously.

  “My most sincere apology Lord Sidious, I myself wasn’t aware of this. I shall reprimand them accordingly. This will not happen again.” Nute Gunray’s hologram said.

  “Make sure of it. Now stand by and await my instructions.” The image of the Sith faded before any of them could answer.

  Chapter 19: Everything Falls Apart

  “We only have one stronghold left on Naboo, if those blasted Raid Squadron discovers it then we’re done for. We’ve already suffered too much loss in this scheme and our pay no longer covers our troubles.” Sheeana slammed a fist on the wooden table.

  “I agree with you Sheeana but being angry about it won’t help our situation either. Calm down.” Alle Vomm said as he emptied his mug of ale.

  “Wessa can’t stay longer here on dessa rock, dessa Prime Minister issa having a talk to dessa Queen of the Naboo in a month!” Gantu took the entire barrel and drank straight from it.

  “It’s the least of our concern stalk-eyes. The South Base is in a vulnerable position. It has lost the protection of our forward and back-up base on the Mootoo Cave and
the Jafanara Ruins. Our entire group is now down to thirty percent!” Sheeana slumps her face on the table.

  “I say we start taking our own shots, forget the Neimoidians, forget that creepy hooded relic, let’s act on our own and profit from both sides.” Alle said.

  “You will double-cross the Trade Federation?” Sheeana’s eyes widened.

  “Dessa sounds a good idea.” Gantu said between gulps.

  “We sell proofs of Trade Federation involvement to the Naboo for a high price then we kidnap the Queen and demand a ransom to the Trade Federation.” Alle suggested.

  “The Trade Federation wanted her dead, why would they pay for her alive?” Sheeana shoved Alle.

  “The Trade Federation wanted the Naboo to believe their Queen’s life is always threatened. They needed her alive in order for their precious treaty to be signed, remember?” Alle countered.

  “Gooda point! Hic!” Gantu gave a thumbs-up sign then return to emptying the barrel of rum.

  “Alright fine, it’s a good plan but what about the Jedi?” Sheeana asked.

  “The Jedi are not immortal and all-powerful as most ignorant fools were raised to believe in their thick heads. We can contact the Lady Crimos, she could help us.” Alle said.

  “That Witch is sent there to kill the Queen, not to abduct her.” Sheeana shook her head at the absurd idea.

  “We can always convince her to help us first, once we got the credits, she can kill the Queen to her heart’s content.” Alle explained.

  “And how are we supposed to convince that Witch? What can we offer that she can’t get for herself?” Sheeana challenged him.

  “She’s been in Naboo since the coronation and so far she wasn’t at all successful in getting to the Queen right? If we can get the Queen to her then it would be easier for her to kill her quarry.” Alle grinned.


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