Raise the Dead

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Raise the Dead Page 2

by Briana Michaels

  Not even the Devil’s pending arrival would put a wedge between her and her wolf.

  “Turn right up ahead,” Lazarus said from the passenger seat.

  Eve bit her lip. Her palms were sweaty – probably a combo of her nerves and her body sweating out the Holy Water she leaned on all the time.

  Wiping her brow, she randomly punched buttons on the dash, “It’s hot. Aren’t you hot?” Phew, she cranked the A/C up to ten and messed with the vents so they’d point directly at her.

  Her wings were starting to hurt. She was too worked up to soften them, which meant her feathers crunched and bent at odd angles in the driver’s seat.

  “Where are we going?” she flipped on her turn signal and turned when he pointed right at the crossroad.

  “Someplace remote,” Lazarus answered. “Your wolf isn’t legal in many states.”

  Yeah, she knew that. “Remote was where I lived when you came to get me,” Eve argued. She should have stayed where she was.

  “You were too close to Holy Ground,” Laz tapped his thumb on his knee. “Which you’d know if you ever left your house.”

  “I leave it,” she wound down all the windows to get more air flow. And she knew about the Holy Ground. Where the fuck did he think she got her endless supply of Holy Water from?

  “Turn here please. Get on the highway.”

  Eve obeyed even though she didn’t know why. “I can’t outrun him.”

  “And yet you’re still going to try.”

  You bet your golden glowing ass I am, she thought. Eve hadn’t lived this long without being a resourceful bitch.

  “Are you on my side, Laz?” She needed to hear him say it.

  “I’ve told you a hundred times, yes.”

  “You’ll have to say it a hundred more for me to believe you.” Eve wasn’t a trusting woman, yet she followed Lazarus’ directions and eventually arrived at a house in a remote area in, “Pennsylvania?”

  “Your wolf is allowed here. And the Hell Hounds have kept this district malanum free.”

  Eve wasn’t scared of malanum. She fought those fuckers off on the daily. But she’d made the connection Lazarus was hinting to – no malanum around meant no Lucifer to hunt them there.

  They pulled up to an old house that looked like it hadn’t been lived in for decades. “This town no longer exists, coal fires still burn underground and the town had to evacuate,” Lazarus smiled. “It’s perfect for Anam and you’ll still have the seclusion you crave.”

  Crave wasn’t the word she’d have used. “Why couldn’t I just stay where I was?” she felt exposed here.

  “You’re the most adaptable creature I’ve ever known, Flower. Wherever you are planted, you grow. This is the safest place for you now.”

  She didn’t think that was true, but who was she to argue with the All-Knowing Cocksucker? Truth be told, he’d only ever helped her – even if it had been in strange, unconventional ways.

  Exhaling, she opened her door and swiftly let Anam out of the back of the truck. The poor wolf was slow moving today. His bones most likely hurt him. Wary, Anam looked around with his one good eye and sniffed the overgrown bushes. Then he started pissing all over his new territory.

  “Come on, Flower,” Lazarus helped her with the minimal bags she brought.

  “I hate this,” she confessed on a whisper.

  Once again, Eve was being forced into a life she didn’t want. But, like Laz had already said, she was a flower that could grow in any environment.

  Except the only one she ever wanted to be in.

  “You ready to get out of here?” Uri leaned against Lucifer’s bedchamber door and smiled. The problem with that smile was it was a nervous one.

  “The fuck are you so worried about?” Lucifer growled. “Afraid of setting me loose now?”

  “Hell no,” Uriel chuckled. “I’m just… forget it.”

  “Fine,” Lucifer went back to buttoning his shirt. He couldn’t believe this day had finally come. Freedom was only a few steps away. After fastening the last button on his black shirt, he sat on the side of his bed to pull on his shoes.

  The entire outfit had been purchased by Gabriel. Call him vain, but Lucifer was grateful for the expensive threads. He wanted his debut out of Hell to be a little more formal – even if it was only to bring his Darling Sara back a banana milkshake.

  In his duffel bag – another gift from Gabriel – was a set of fighting leathers, weapons, and his favorite boots. He had no idea what he might run into in the human realm and wanted to be prepared for anything. He planned for an overnighter to submerge himself in the environment. Uriel said he had the perfect place in mind.

  Everything’s going to change.

  That’s why he kept dragging his feet. It was the same reason Gabriel took forever to volunteer to be the first to take in the powers of Hell. This wasn’t meant to happen. This wasn’t how Hell was designed.

  Everything. Was. Going. To. Change.

  Lucifer could have let Hell fall and clawed his way out to freedom, but his loyalty to souls demanded he stay in Hell. Now he was risking it all because he had no other options left.

  And his brothers were helping him.

  The idea of the four of them working together filled Lucifer with hope but also twisted his gut. He and his brothers had been at odds for so long, to finally be on the same page felt strangely… wonderful.

  Still, Lucifer wasn’t used to sharing.

  Hoisting the duffel over his shoulder, Luce caught movement by his door and saw Sara standing there with a shit-eating grin on her face. In a pair of leggings and a maternity shirt with an adult rib cage and a little baby skeleton waving on it, she looked adorable. He approached her slowly.

  “Darling,” he cupped Sara’s chin and made sure his gaze was fully locked on hers. “I’m sorry I nearly fell off the deep end earlier.”

  “Trust in yourself, Luce,” Sara didn’t have an ounce of fear in her around him. It was one of the few things keeping him together lately.

  As the other packs gathered round, Lucifer knew it was time to get moving. Michael was laying low lately, but that was bound to change soon. Lucifer wanted to be ready for whatever that piece of shit tried next.

  If Michael wanted a war, Lucifer would bring him one he’d never fucking survive this time.

  But first… a banana milkshake.

  The thought made him chuckle. Clenching his jaw, Luce headed down the long corridor. Sara and Kalen flanked him along with Reggie and Uriel. Reggie was to stay with Gabriel, but Lucifer knew that loyal-as-fuck Gatekeeper would want to see history be made here.

  Brock and Finley’s packs lined the corridor dressed in leathers with various favored weapons strapped to their big bodies. Lucifer kept his eyes ahead and kept moving forward.

  Ten steps to the door.

  “Reggie, give Gabriel anything he needs.”

  “Yes, sire.”

  Eight steps to the door.

  “Brock, you guard those fucking gates. And keep the rotation moving.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Five steps.

  “Fin, make sure the Hounds keep on top of their training down here under Gabriel’s supervision. And make sure Con gets rest. He’s the only one who can heal anyone who gets hurt down here while I’m gone.” He’d not given Gabriel the powers of the black fires yet. That would have to come later.

  “Yes, sire.”

  Two steps.

  “Sara,” he didn’t even know what he was going to say.

  “Right behind you, big guy. Ready when you are.” She and Kalen had his back. “You gonna open that door or stand here all day?”

  One step left.

  Lucifer faced the door he’d spent so many years staring at. Reaching out, he wrapped his hand around the doorknob and twisted. Without looking back, Lucifer took one step forward and –

  “Welcome to our home, sire,” Sara tossed him an easy-going smile. “Hounds!” she hollered. “He’s here!”

>   Lucifer’s senses went into overload. Cool air blew in his face and he smelled pack, leather, cold metal, and dryer sheets.

  The basement door shut and Kalen grinned, “You ready for this?”

  “Yeah,” Lucifer cleared his throat. Fuck, his heart beat too fast in his cage of bones. He had to fight the urge to drop his bag and scent every damn thing in that basement. He was quite familiar with Sara and her packs’ scents, but the human realm had strange fragrances that didn’t always carry into Hell. Now he was getting assaulted by smells he didn’t understand.

  Climbing the steps, he watched his boots and focused on the sound of the wood creak from his weight. He entered the kitchen and was bitch slapped with the scents of coffee, wet stone, and cleaning products.

  Eli and Tanner sat at the massive kitchen table. “Welcome to the human world, my Lord.” Tanner’s smile was massive. “Beautiful,” he shoved two drink catties across the table, “here’s the six banana milkshakes you wanted.”

  “I love you so hard,” she kissed him twice before taking a seat at the kitchen table with her precious treasure. “What?” she playfully shrugged at Lucifer. “Did you really think I was going to make you bring me back a milkshake? You’re Satan. Our Dark Lord and Savior. I’m not about to bark orders at my God.”

  He shook his head and relaxed a little. “I’d have brought you one.”

  “I know,” she rubbed her belly.

  Standing awkwardly in the kitchen, Lucifer wasn’t sure what to do. This space was tight and homey and smelled wonderful. But he was too antsy to enjoy any of it right now. The back door swung open and Jack stepped in with two females. They stopped dead in their tracks, their mouths hanging open when they saw the Devil standing in the kitchen.

  His body tensed; heat flared over his skin.

  “Go to my brother,” he commanded.

  They blinked, but didn’t budge. Jack cleared his throat and tugged them towards the steps to the basement. The two women nearly toppled over their own feet as they followed the Voodoo Man and left Satan in the kitchen with the rest of the Hell Hounds.

  “Well that wasn’t awkward at all,” Eli chuckled. “Want some coffee?”

  Lucifer didn’t respond. His attention was drawn to the backdoor.


  He’d forgotten what it actually looked like.

  Numbly, he worked his way around the big kitchen table and over to the screen door. Fumbling with the latch for a hot second, Lucifer pushed it open, stepped outside, and gracefully descended the three steps it took for his boots to hit grass.

  Sunlight and grass.

  Tipping his head back, Lucifer closed his eyes and let the sun’s warm rays hit his face. He stretched his arms out, and for the second time today he wished for his wings. He imagined unfurling them, expanding them to their full extent just to feel the sun upon every black feather.

  He unbuttoned his shirt with shaky fingers and peeled it off his shoulders. Dropping to his knees, he arched his back and swung his arms out wide again. His chest heaved as he sucked in fresh air. His emotions rocked him, so he buckled those bitches down and focused on the sun’s glare. It didn’t work. Doubling over, he pressed his knuckles into the ground. Holy fuck, the grass was soft. Thick and lush. It smelled so… green. Did green have a smell? Yup. It sure did. It smelled like freedom.

  No one intruded. No one broke the spell the human world undoubtedly enchanted him with. He spent the entire afternoon with nothing but grass, blue sky, and wind. Lucifer had no idea how long he stayed out there, but it was well past sundown before he stood up again.

  It was no wonder Elemental Angels stayed to themselves when they existed. Once caught in nature’s grasp, it was hard to ever want out of it.

  The sunset was spectacular. Like the sky had set fire, Lucifer watched the sun fade down into the hills far off in the distance. Behind him, the darkness of night began to encroach like a predator stalking its prey. And even after the sun disappeared out of sight, its final rays clung to the horizon until finally the stars and night ate it up and took over the glorious show.

  Creeping into its atmosphere, the gentle glow suggested the moon didn’t need as much attention as the sun demanded. Stars revealed themselves one by one and Lucifer couldn’t tear his gaze away from the Evening Star. He thought he’d never see that thing again. Looking upon it now made him feel the loneliest he’d ever been in his entire existence.

  “I wish we could have saved you,” he confessed to it. “I wish… so much for things to have been different that day, Eve.”

  Bristling, he got his emotions back into their little cage. Pining over a lost love was not part of this mission. He needed to nut-up and get a move on. Heading back into the farmhouse, he saw Sara sitting on the steps waiting for him. “Who were you talking to?”

  “Someone I couldn’t save a long time ago.”

  She gave him a sympathetic look. “Wanna talk about it?”


  “Would you like to see the baby’s room?”

  “I’d love to, Darling.” He followed Sara into the house, through the kitchen and living room, and up the steps. The banister felt smooth, but there were a few rough patches, “You might get splinters here. Be careful,” he said in a quiet tone.

  “Wolf’s got it on his list of to do’s. Don’t worry, sire. My Hounds keep me incredibly safe and comfortable.”

  He was so damn glad too. Sara was precious. As was the babe she carried.

  Strange scents changed and grew stronger. It took Luce a moment to realize it was the smell of new construction. He’d never smelled anything like it before. Sara pushed opened a white wooden door and stepped aside so he could enter the nursery first.

  It was dark, but he was perfectly capable of seeing in pitch black. It looked wonderful. Then Sara turned on a couple little lamps and the entire room transformed from wonderful to wondrous.

  Lucifer’s heart melted. Turning in a slow circle, he studied every precious detail. From the ocean current painted on the wall with little sea turtles, to the octopus hanging over the hand-carved wooden crib, to the jelly fish that glowed on the ceiling, to the pile of the tiniest diapers known to man stacked on a changing table. Incredible.

  “It smells good in here,” he smiled.

  “It’ll smell even better when this little one arrives. Babies smell heavenly.”

  Yeah, he bet they did.

  Sara flipped on another switch and a light installed in the center of the ceiling spun around, casting shadows and movement all over the room to make it look like they were really underwater.

  Swallowing the tightness in his throat, Lucifer tipped Sara’s chin up and smiled down at her. There were no words exchanged. There was no need.

  Tanner leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed and his big bright smile glowing. “She painted all this; can you believe it?”

  Yeah, he could. Sara’s artistic talent was unparalleled.

  “Wolf carved the bed,” Tanner grabbed a remote, “I installed the jelly fish and check this out,” he hit a button and soft music started playing from built in speakers tucked into the shelves stocked with Dr. Seuss books.

  “Incredible,” Lucifer whispered.

  The three of them headed back downstairs and Lucifer felt this weird hollowness in his chest again. Then he heard a voice in the kitchen and felt guilty. He’d been so caught up in sunlight and baby blankets, he’d forgotten Uriel was there too.

  When they re-entered the kitchen, Lucifer suddenly felt awkward and out of place.

  “We have a surprise for you,” Sara laced her fingers with his.

  Why was she being this fucking touchy-feely with him? It was confusing. Maybe his sliver of his soul in her right now recognized his unease – especially with everything feeling and smelling so bizarrely foreign to him - so Sara was drawn to him without her being consciously aware of it.

  He had blankets and softness in Hell. It’s not like he lived in a fucking cave anymore.
But something about this place was just different. The human realm was a balance of good, evil, and neutral energies, which reflected in everything down to the carpet fibers and wood grain.

  “Come with me,” Jack grabbed something off a hook.

  Lucifer followed him outside – this time through the front door. Jack swaggered over to a covered car and pulled the material away with a sharp yank. The fabric slid away to reveal a shiny hunk of Oh Fuck Yes underneath.

  “This, sire, is an Aston Martin.” Jack’s grin was wicked.

  Lucifer got a hard-on just looking at it. “Introduce us, will you?”

  “Her name,” Jack practically purred as he walked around the black beauty, “is Miss Fortune. I reinforced everything and she can hop forty-five portals before screaming.”

  “Forty-five?” Lucifer was stunned. “I heard the most you ever got was thirty.” His heart skipped a beat when he opened the driver side door and slid into the seat. Running his hand over the steering wheel, he caressed it like a woman’s fine ass. “I have no clue what to do with a machine like this.”

  Uriel hopped into the passenger seat and buckled himself in. “Only one way to learn.”

  Jack knocked on the hood, before stepping back from the vehicle to join the rest of his pack.

  It took Lucifer a few minutes to get the hang of all the buttons and pedals and shit. After a few false starts and a jerky gear shift, he was able to get a feel for the vehicle and understand it better. Then he hauled ass down the driveway and up the road.

  Freedom. He never thought he’d have a bite of it ever again. And now, with the moonlight and black road stretching out before him…

  He felt like freedom was choking him to death.

  Chapter 3

  It was good to be free. Michael strolled down the bustling streets of Manhattan, admiring the view. People paid him no attention as they hurried along with their pathetic little agendas. An Angel was in their midst and they didn’t have a fucking clue. Or maybe they didn’t care. One in twenty looked where they were going. The rest blindly navigated while tapping away on their phones. Had they paid better attention they’d have realized they were in danger. They’d have seen the number of malanum hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike at Michael’s command.


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