hierarchy of human needs
Theory Y and
viewing leaders and followers
hierarchy of status
Higher Education Research Institute (UCLA)
Hispanic children
historical context of leadership. See also leadership context
ancient Rome
Hawthorne studies
manager as educator
theory X and theory Y
Hitler, Adolf
appeal of
as demagogue
HMOs (health maintenance organizations)
Hock, Dee
Hofstede, Geert
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover Institution (Stanford)
Horowitz, Barry
hospital administrators
conflict with physicians
as ombudsmen
HP (Hewlett-Packard)
Huang, Bryan
human relations training
humor, presidential
Hundert, Ed
Hunterdon Medical Center
Hurd, Mark
Hussein, Saddam
IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)
Ibsen, Henrik
idealism, in adolescents
in adolescence
attitude of basic trust and
kinds of
as motivators
national identity
of physicians
identity groups
identity-shifting, by Interactives
identity versus role diffusion
IFESH (International Foundation of Education and Self-Help)
Iger, Bob
Immelt, Jeff
inability to commit, in Interactives
incentives, use of, in KIPP schools
Indianapolis Colts
industrial bureaucracy
industrial-bureaucratic age
education in
family in
generativity in
identification with organizations in
leadership in
obsessive personality type in
Taylorism and
TQM and
industrial-bureaucratic social character
industrial engineers
industrial mode of production
industry versus inferiority
information technology (IT)
initiative versus guilt and anxiety
Institute of Medicine
insurance companies
integrity, sense of
intellectual skills
emotional intelligence and
knowledge workplace and
in Personality Intelligence
of presidents
interactive family
anxiety and overconformity in
autonomy of child in
child development in
intimacy stage in
interactive followers
interactive identities, fluidity of
interactive leaders
“organizational doctor,”
for solution strategies
in specific contexts
interactive personality
interactive process, in system design
comfort with global management
desire to be collaborators
distrust of parental relationships
gamer attitudes of
ideal leaders for
identity-shifting by
inability to commit in
old age and
as reluctant followers
for solution strategies
strengths and weaknesses of
tolerance of
interactive social character
bridge building and
bureaucratic social character and
detachment of
development pattern of
dislike of abusive bosses
in education
fit with projects and teams
Internet and
in knowledge work
marketing personality type in
negative life-cycle development of
in periods of transition
positive life-cycle development of
presidency and
psychopathology of
sense of identity
sibling transference and
spread of
video games and
Intermountain Community Care Foundation
Intermountain Health Care (IHC)
as exemplar of health care
Mayo Clinic compared
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
International Foundation of Education and Self-Help (IFESH)
international relief organizations
interpersonal radar
intimacy versus isolation
intolerance, in adolescents
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jacobson, Harry
James, Brent
“jams” (IBM)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jethroe (father-in-law of Moses)
college education and
effects of knowledge workers on
knowledge work
service and trade jobs
Jobs, Steve
job statistics
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Jung, Carl
Kafka, Franz
Kagan, Donald
Kaiser-Permanente (KP)
kaizen workshops
Kelleher, Herb
Kerry, John F.
Khurana, Rakesh
Kindlon, Daniel
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program)
KIPP Academy (Bronx)
KIPP Academy Middle School (Houston)
KIPP Bridge College Preparatory (Oakland)
KIPP Foundation
KIPP schools
Commitment to Excellence form
as educational management organizations
leading examples of
as models for public schools
Kissinger, Henry
Kizer, Kenneth W.
Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP)
knowledge mode of production
collaboration in
education for
transforming health care into
knowledge organizations
learning from each other
personality types in
strategic visionaries for
knowledge work
design of
empowerment in
leaders for
lessons of healthcare industry for
no need for leaders in
productivity in
social character and
knowledge workers
close ties to colleagues
empowered by expertise
jobs created and destroyed by
negative transference for
knowledge workplace
intellectual skills needed in
leader-follower relationship in
leaders needed for
as social system
understanding people in (see understanding people)
Kohlberg, Lawrence
Kohler, Reinhart
Kopp, Wendy
KP (Kaiser-Permanente)
Lao Tzu
Lappé, Don
Lareau, Annette
Lasseter, John
Lawler, Edward E.
Lawrence, David
LDS Hospital
ability to attract followers
bridge-builders (see bridge-building leaders)
changing views of
development of
as entrepreneurs
fear of boss
for health care organizations
ideal, descriptions of
Interactives’ views of
for knowledge workplace
networking leaders
operational leaders
as “organizational doctors,”
personality of (see personality)
poor, bureaucrats as
relation to followers
sibling leaders, collaboration and
types of
visionary (see visionary leaders)
willingness to follow
wrong leader for situation
The Leader (Maccoby)
leader, becoming
developing Personality Intelligence
developing Strategic Intelligence
reasons for
understanding people and
avoiding challenge of
farming-craft social character and
by force
importance of understanding people
in industrial-bureaucratic age
industrial-bureaucratic social character and
inspirational, need for
kinds of
knowledge work, social character of
literature on
moral values of organization and
nature of
partnership, example of
power as motive for
studies of
support for wrong leadership
in world of knowledge workers
leadership competencies
leadership context. See also historical context of leadership
change in
modes of production and
leadership education
leadership personality
leadership systems
leadership teams
League of Nations
Lee Kwan Yu
Lemne, Carola
Lenkerd, Barbara
levels of moral reasoning
Levin, Dave
Levinson, Art
Lewandowski, Linda
liberty, as purpose of republic
life cycle
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindahl, Göran
linear thinkers
Linna, Väinö
Lippmann, Walter
active, understanding and
deep listening
and responding to others
listening heart
Little Dorritt (Dickens)
Little Orphan Annie
Lombardi, Vince
The Lonely Crowd (Riesman)
Long, Huey
Machiavelli, Niccoló
applying methodology of
on leadership personality
Madison, James
management by objectives (MBO)
Mandela, Nelson
Manlius Torquatus
Mao Tse-Tung
Margolies, Richard
marketing personality type
as bridge-builders
in education
identity-shifting in
in presidency
Maslow, Abraham
massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs)
maternal attachment
Mayo, Charles
Mayo, Elton
Mayo, William
Mayo Clinic
as exemplar of health care
IHC compared
MBO (management by objectives)
McElroy, Ed
McGregor, Douglas
McLaughlin Report
challenge of finding
meaningful goals
need for
in work
medical mode of production
meditation and prayer
Melville, Herman
Mencken, H. L.
Méndez Arceo, Sergio
Merton, Robert
Messier, Jean-Marie
Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920
Microsoft Corporation
lMilan, Salvador
Miles, Paul versus
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center (Penn State)
Mitchell, George
MITRE Corporation
Mitretek Systems
MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games)
modes of production
industrial mode
knowledge mode (see knowledge mode of production)
leadership context and
manufacturing mode
medical mode, transforming
social character and
Mohr, Julene
“money” incentives
monotonous work
Montessori programs
moral authority of U.S.
moral reasoning, development of
moral values
Mormon Church
Mother Teresa
mother transference
academic theories of
of followers
Hawthorne studies of
hierarchical patterns of
improvement of common good
in KIPP schools
for leadership, power as
need for meaning and
in Strategic Intelligence
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
multiple transferential relationships
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Nanny 911
Napoleon Bonaparte
Narcissistic Leaders (Maccoby)
narcissistic love
narcissistic personality type
Bush as counterfeit narcissist
as charismatic visionary
empathy and
preferred in education
presidents as
as strategic visionary
National Academy of Education
National Coalition on Health Care
National Education Association (NEA)
national health care policy
national identity
National Leadership Commission
natural leaders
NEA (National Education Association)
negative life-cycle development
negative transferences
Nelson, Bill
networking leaders
New England Patriots
New York Giants
New York Times
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations)
Nicholas I (Czar of Russia)
Nixon, Richard M.
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
nontraditional families
Normann, Richard
Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs (NPFS)
Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH)
creation of
expansion of
organization of
Obama, Barack
objectivity, cultural value of
observation of personality types
obsessive-erotic personality type
obsessive personality type
in administration
in education
in history
as operational implementers
in physicians
variations of
occupational therapy
Oedipus complex
Office of Professional Standards, U.S.
Ohno, Taiichi
old age, Intera
ctives and
Oliver Twist (Dickens)
Olson, Jim
Omidyar, Pierre M.
O’Neill, Paul
The One Minute Manager (Blanchard and Johnson)
online town meetings (“jams”)
operational leaders
demands upon
identification with
knowledge organizations
moral values of
traditional, transferences in
organizational culture
“organizational doctors”
educators as
in health care industry
leaders as
“organizational glue,” parental figure as
organizational stress
The Organization Man (Whyte)
Orr, Brian
Oxford University
Page, Larry
Palmisano, Sam
Pappelbaum, Stan
parental figure, as “organizational glue,”
parental transferences
bureaucratic social character and
in education of disadvantaged children
mother transference
paternal (see father transferences)
physician as parent
shift to sibling transferences
Parker, Joan
Parsons, Richard
participation, as motivation
Partners HealthCare
past resentments
paternalistic leadership
paternal transferences. See father transferences
changing character of
core principles of patient care
importance of educating
service to, importance of
pay incentives, as motivation
Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883,
periods of transition
Perón, Juan
personal development
personality. See also social character
archetypes of
“Big Five” personality traits
efforts to understand
The Leaders We Need, And What Makes Us Follow Page 29