Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2)

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Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2) Page 8

by Bronwen Evans

  She looked gorgeous and adorable at the same time. Her ponytail was a little unruly, cascading down her back in a thick mass of sable waves. He stifled a groan at the way her jeans shorts molded to her hips and showed off her up-to-her-armpits sexy legs. How his brother could’ve ever cheated on her…

  That’s what addiction did to you. Kade knew if he was ever lucky enough to make Lexie his, he’d never want another woman again.

  He got her attention with a brief wave and closed his Surface Pro. Since he’d gotten Lexie out of bed, he felt that he owed her his full attention, not that he’d be able to concentrate on work with her around, anyway.

  Her smile as she walked towards his table was a trifle sleepy, and Kade imagined what she looked like upon first waking in the morning. His writer’s imagination kicked in, and he saw them lying in bed together in a tangle of arms and legs. He could almost feel how soft and warm she’d be against his body.

  Snapping out of the fantasy as Lexie reached his table, Kade said, “Good morning, Lex.”

  She slid into the booth opposite him and smothered a yawn with a hand. “Morning. I need coffee.”

  “That can be arranged.” Kade motioned to a waitress. “I’m glad you came.”

  Lexie smiled and picked up one of the laminated menus. “I didn’t have any choice once my belly heard the word ‘bacon.’ I’m surprised you didn’t hear it rumble over the phone.”

  Kade chuckled as the waitress arrived.

  “What can I get you?” she asked.

  Kade motioned for Lexie to give her order and listened with amusement as she ordered a huge breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit. He chose whole wheat pancakes, turkey sausage, fruit and one egg. Lexie accepted the mug of coffee the waitress offered, but Kade declined.

  Lexie sent him a curious look as she put cream and sugar in her drink. “Don’t you like coffee?”

  “I love it, but not right before working out. It’s a diuretic, and I need lots of hydration,” he replied. “But when I’m on a deadline and have to write all night, I drink tons of it.”

  A smile accompanied a shake of Lexie’s head. “If I didn’t know you, I’d never take you for a writer.”

  He laughed because he heard that a lot, but he wanted to know why she felt that way. “Why?”

  She brought her ponytail around to drape over her chest and played with the curly strands of hair at the end. “I don’t know. I guess I think of writers as geeky people who don’t go out of their houses much.” Her eyes traveled over him. “And there’s nothing geeky about you. I mean, look at you. You look like a sexier Vin Diesel—all fast and furious—okay, no furious, actually. You smile too much.”

  Kade’s shoulders shook with laughter and she grinned at him. “I’ve never heard anyone describe me that way before, but I’m glad you think I’m sexy.”

  Her cheeks turned pink, and she rubbed her forehead. “Sorry. I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth at this time of day.”

  “No need to apologize. Compliments are always welcome, especially from you.” He put his elbows on the table and leaned closer. “You know what I can’t figure out?”

  Lexie sipped her coffee. “What’s that?”

  Kade decided to push his luck and take another risk. “Why I let Jason marry you.”

  Lexie’s blush deepened, and she set her mug on the table. “Quite frankly, looking back, I wished you’d stopped me marrying him, too.” She almost cringed at the bitterness in her voice.

  Kade’s teeth ground together in anger at the way her voice went a little flat, and he put a hand over hers. “My brother is sick, Lexie. It’s not my fault, and it’s not yours. Don’t let him make you feel less than you are.”

  Although she glanced at his hand, Lexie didn’t pull away from him and his chest puffed out. “It’s hard when he treated me like shit. It’s hard to walk in on Jason in our bed with some track bunny and not take it personally.”

  “That says more about Jason than you.”

  Her beautiful eyes welled with tears. “That makes me stupid and gullible.”

  “No. Not only are you beautiful as hell, you’re way smarter and more mature than he’ll ever be. You have an incredible work ethic, you’re a phenomenal artist and killer mechanic. Any man would be lucky to have you, and I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but you’re so much better off without Jason the addict. You deserve someone who’ll appreciate all your fine qualities.”

  Lexie arched an eyebrow but still didn’t pull her hand from his. “Someone like you, you mean?”

  Kade gave her a curt nod. “Yeah, maybe. Like I said, that’s up to you. But even if it’s not with me, I hope you find happiness again with a guy who sees all those wonderful things about you.”

  She stared at him like a deer in headlights, and he could see she was about to run. He’d pushed too hard.

  Lexie rose and flapped a funny little wave in his direction as she made for the door with quick strides.

  Kade sighed as he shoved his computer in its case and followed her. She was already out the door, and he rushed to catch her before she could start her Jeep. She was just getting into it when he caught up to her.

  “Lexie, wait.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. But I won’t lie or pretend. Not with you.”

  Lexie whirled around, fear and anger shining in her eyes. “There’s nothing to talk about, Kade. I can’t do this. I’m not ready, and even if I was, you’re the last guy I’d get involved with. I know it’s stupid but I feel guilty. Your Jason’s brother.”

  Dismay made his stomach drop even though he understood.

  He wasn’t about to give up, though. “I’ll wait.”

  Lexie ground her teeth together. “What if we got together? The past would always be there between us all. Jason would be there. Do you see how awkward it would be?”

  Kade replied, “Only if we let it. Look, Jason’s had his chance. Both of us deserve to be happy, and I believe we can make each other happy. For all you know, once Jason’s clean, he might agree we should be together.”

  “Kade, what if he’s not? I couldn’t stand knowing that I caused a rift between you guys. I’d always feel guilty about it.”

  His mouth twisted in a wry smile. “You have anyway. I can’t simply turn these feelings off.”

  Lexie played with the steering wheel while she mulled over his words. She blinked in confusion a few times as she gazed up at him. Once again, he wished they could find Jason and get this situation sorted. The longer it dragged on, the more likely it was she’d freeze him out.

  “What do you want from me, Kade?”

  Kade gave her a playful smile. “Right now, I just want you to come back inside and have breakfast with me.”

  Lexie’s brows puckered. “That’s it? Just have breakfast?”

  He put a hand to his chest. “I promise. I’m starving, and I’d like your company while I eat. They have great bacon here, remember? Plus, I have news about my brother.”

  He hoped his teasing smile and coaxing made it impossible for Lexie to resist him.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “That’s culinary blackmail.”

  His smile broadened. “Whatever it takes. C’mon. I know you’re hungry, and you’ve got a full day ahead of you of fixing my jalopy. Better fuel up.”

  Lexie smirked at his bad pun. “Very funny.”

  “So, what’ll it be? Leaving with an empty stomach or filling up on pancakes and bacon and coffee…”

  “Okay, okay,” she interjected. “Let’s go eat.”

  Kade rubbed his hands together. “Now you’re talking.”

  He motioned for Lexie to precede him back into the diner, and Lexie laughed as she reentered the restaurant. They took their previous booth and their waitress came to top off Lexie’s coffee.

  “Tell me about Jason. My P.I. has nothing.”

  Kade put down his fork. “My team caught a break. They found an old girlfriend, and she told them Jason ha
d stopped by. Apparently, he was talking about checking into rehab, but she doesn’t know which one.”

  Lexie clapped her hands. “That’s great news all around. Jason gets help, and there can’t be too many rehabs in Chicago to check.”

  “If it’s a rehab in Chicago. He could have gone anywhere.”

  She shrugged and drank her coffee. “How many rehabs in the USA can there be?”

  “You’d be surprised—thousands. And with confidentiality top of their list, finding him may take some time.” Kade didn’t want to burst her bubble. Jason could have been lying to the girl. He might not be in rehab at all. Lexie, once again believed the best in everyone—even Jason, who she shouldn’t trust with a ten-foot pole.

  “I have a good feeling about this. Come on, let’s eat. The food better be as good as you say it is,” she grumbled good-naturedly.

  “Trust me. It is.”

  She speared him with mock-fierce look. “We’ll just see about that.”

  Kade laughed and took a swallow of his water.

  Forty-five minutes later, Lexie’s stomach hurt from laughing at the funny childhood stories Kade told her. They were so amusing that she didn’t mind that they included Jason. They reminded her of the Jason she’d fallen in love with—before he’d got hooked on coke.

  “Needless to say, I got spanked over that one,” he concluded the current story.

  Lexie held a hand to her abdomen. “I’m not surprised. I would’ve killed you for putting Comet and dishwashing liquid all over the kitchen floor.”

  Kade made a placating gesture. “I thought I was helping Mom clean.”

  “In the middle of the night?”

  “I was only seven. Give me a break.”

  Lexie chuckled as she thought of her ex-mother-in-law. “I can just imagine Jackie’s face when she came downstairs in the morning and found all that goop dried on the linoleum.”

  “She hit the roof, and Dad turned my butt red in a hurry. I never tried to clean again,” Kade said.

  Lexie jumped when the alarm on her cellphone went off. Several other patrons in the diner glanced at her while she stabbed at the dismiss button. “Sorry about that,” she said.

  “Is seven a.m. your normal wake-up time?” Kade asked.

  Lexie brought up her work email account on her phone to check on the status of a couple of the parts orders she had placed for Kade’s car. “Yeah. Why?”

  Kade smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”

  Lexie’s eyebrows lifted. “Next time?”

  “Yeah.” Kade snatched the check.

  “Kade, I can pay for my breakfast,” Lexie protested.

  “No, no. I promised to pay, so I am. No arguing.” He sobered a little. “I really enjoyed myself.”

  “Me too,” Lexie said, meaning it. “I’m glad you invited me, even if you woke me up. The bacon made up for it.”

  Kade grinned. “I knew it would. Well, I guess I’d better get to the gym and let you do whatever you do before work.”

  He got out of the booth, and Lexie followed. “It just depends on my mood. Usually, I go for a run, but I think I’ll skip that this morning. I’m too full.”

  Kade went to the register, paid the bill and returned to Lexie. “Maybe we could go for a run together sometime,” he suggested as they started for the door.

  Sudden nerves made Lexie’s stomach sour a little. “Maybe.” She quashed her needless uneasiness. “We’ll see.” She flicked a coy smile at Kade before going out the door.

  It surprised her when he followed her to her car.

  “Are you afraid you won’t be able to keep up with me?”

  His challenging question made her turn around and arch an eyebrow. “Are you trying to bait me into running with you?”

  “Is it working?”

  Lexie crossed her arms over her chest. “Nope.”

  “You sure?”


  Kade held up a surrendering hand. “Okay, but let me know if you change your mind.”

  Her eyes widened when Kade leaned towards her. She froze as his lips grazed her cheek. The faint scents of citrus and syrup reached her, making her hungry for something other than food.

  As Kade straightened, their gazes collided and held for what seemed like long moments. She caught his minute glance at her mouth, and her brain screamed, Kiss me! Her breathing became shallow, and she stomped on the caution that tried to rise to the surface.

  Fisting her fingers in Kade’s gray t-shirt, she hauled him against her and pressed her mouth to his.

  She let out a surprised moan when he instantly responded. His hand settled on her right hip as she ran the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip. Suddenly, it felt like it was a hundred degrees out when he delved his tongue into her mouth. Winding an arm around his neck, Lexie pressed against his broad chest. The contact made her nipples grow taut.

  Kade’s fingers dug into her flesh a little as the kiss intensified, sending a thrill through her. She wanted to lose herself in him, to feel desired as she hadn’t in so long. She moved her hand up the back of his neck, liking the feel of his smooth-skinned head, and an intense urge to explore the rest of him washed over her.

  Fire lit inside Lexie as he plundered her mouth, the heady taste of him making her almost drunk with lust—no, it was more than that. Hell yeah, she wanted him. She should let him go, but she let herself linger a few more moments, enjoying the feel of his stubble against her chin.

  “Hey! Get a room, you two!”

  Kade jerked, breaking contact with Lexie and banging his head on the car roof. A giggle escaped her lips, partly to cover her embarrassment. What must he think? She was definitely sending him mixed signals.

  He grinned as he pointed his hand in the general direction of the male voice that had shouted at them and flipped the guy off. “Sounds like someone’s jealous,” he remarked.

  “I guess so.” Lexie cleared her throat when she heard a breathy note in her voice. She didn’t want him to know how much he affected her. “Thanks for breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Lexie resisted looking at Kade’s mouth because she was afraid that she’d kiss him again. They’d already put on enough of a public show, thanks to her. “Well, I better get to work.”

  Kade brushed a kiss to her cheek and withdrew. “Okay. Have a good day.” His smile caused her pulse to falter. “I’ll be in touch about the car… and other things, too.” He winked and turned away from her.

  She admired the view as he walked to his car. If his ass looked that good in jeans, she could imagine how much better it was when he was naked. Realizing she was staring, Lexie admonished herself and started her car.

  Kade looked back at her, and she waved at him before leaving. Lexie’s insides jangled as she drove. She hadn’t had the desire to kiss a man in a long time.

  For six months, she’d fended off numerous passes and turned down dates, except Pace’s. The dinner had been nice, but no spark. She’d had fun, but she’d had no desire to jump Pace’s bones as he kissed her good night. Pace was now firmly in the friend zone, more like an older brother. And he’d headed back to Europe yesterday. So what made Kade different?

  And why did it have to be her ex-brother-in-law who piqued her interest?

  Lexie groaned and almost banged her head on the steering wheel. Then she saw that the clock on the dash read seven-fifteen a.m., and she turned her mind to the thing she understood the most—work.

  “Get your rear in gear,” she muttered.

  With a huge breath to clear her jumbled mind, Lexie headed for work and an Alfa that needed some final touches.

  Chapter Ten

  Sitting in the lunchroom, Lexie tried to concentrate on drawing up a preliminary design sketch for a new customer, but it was tough going. She hadn’t heard from Kade for two days, which was odd.

  Suspicion crowded her brain, making her temple ache. Had Kade found Jason? But why would he hide that from her? She dismisse
d that idea because it didn’t square with what she knew of Kade.

  Besides, Sully was a great judge of character, so his approval of Kade went a long way with Lexie. She chided herself for acting like a teenager with a crush. Jason had once told her that Kade always retreated from the world when he was writing a big article, or if he was on a tight book deadline. Most likely, that’s what had happened.

  Lexie glanced at her cellphone sitting on the table next to her. She tapped the end of her pencil against her lips as she contemplated texting Kade. Images of their fiery embrace the other day danced in her mind. Kade’s thorough exploration of her mouth had left her aching for more.

  Her temperature started rising as she remembered Kade sliding his arm around her waist, hauling her against his chest. She chuckled about being shouted at by that guy and at Kade’s reaction.

  It was a good thing they’d stopped because Kade’s growing arousal beckoned. Damn, but she’d almost reached down to caress him through his jeans.

  Her smile broadened. It felt good knowing that she still had that effect on a man. Jason’s cruel words and lack of interest had dented her confidence in the bedroom.

  She sighed as she gazed once more at her cellphone, as though it could help her decide whether to send Kade a message. Before she chickened out, she snatched the phone up, found Kade in her contacts and hit the call button.

  Kade had been up most of the night again, and it seemed like he’d just gotten to sleep when his phone rang. Growling at the intrusion, he fumbled around for it on his nightstand, but it wasn’t there. Rolling over, he spotted it on the floor near the bed. He grabbed it, and woke up fast when he saw Lexie’s name on the caller ID.

  “You’re up early,” he greeted her. Her answering chuckle made him smile.

  “I’m taking you up on the offer of going for a run.”

  Kade rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed. Looking at the phone, he saw that it was close to noon. He yawned as he realized that he’d slept for six hours. Rubbing his eyes, he asked, “Now? Aren’t you at work?”


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