Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2)

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Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2) Page 11

by Bronwen Evans

“I appreciate that, but I’m trying to let go of my anger. I don’t want him to have that kind of control over me anymore. And he’s sick. Addiction is an illness.”

  “You’re always too forgiving, that’s why you stayed with him for far too long. Are you sure that jumping into a relationship with Kade is a good idea?”

  “I left Jason over nine months ago but really the relationship was over well before that.” Lexie’s gaze was unflinching. “I’ve learned my lesson where men are concerned. I’m taking this slow, just testing the waters. I won’t get in over my head. I’m happy to wait until Jason signs the divorce papers. But I need Kade’s help, and I like who I am when I’m around him.”

  Tom rested a hand on her forearm. “I’m glad to hear it. I know you’re tough and capable, but I’m your friend, and I can’t help worrying about you.”

  Lexie covered his hand and squeezed it. “I know, and I love you for it.”

  The right side of Tom’s mouth lifted in a half-smile. “Right back at ya. Okay. Guess we better get back to it.”

  Lexie stood. “Agreed. I can’t wait to finish painting Kade’s car. The undercoat is on but drying. In the meantime, I have some other stuff to do. See ya, boss.”

  She heard Tom chuckle as she left the office. It felt good to have confided in Tom, and she was glad that he hadn’t gotten overly protective like he sometimes did. She appreciated his concern and loyalty, but she had to stand on her own two feet.

  As she went to the locker room to change, her thoughts turned from her best friend to the man she’d left recently at the gym. Kade’s charming smile and laugh were fresh in her mind, as were the passionate moments they’d shared before she’d left the gym.

  Kade had pulled her into a storage closet in the hallway leading to the backdoor. The fire in his eyes had made her think she was in for some heated kissing, but Kade had surprised her. His assault had been slow, thorough, and devastating. She’d responded in kind, exploring his mouth and winding her arms around his neck.

  By the time they’d broken apart, both of them were breathing heavy. Need had hummed through her body and she’d had to dig down deep to find the strength to stop. If she hadn’t, she knew they would’ve had sex in that closet.

  She wanted the first time with Kade to be perfect, and she wanted to be single—her divorce complete.

  Just thinking about it created an ache within Lexie as she put on her overalls. She closed her locker door and leaned her face against the cold metal for a few moments, attempting to cool her inner fire. Then she took a deep breath and pulled herself together. She had work to do, and standing around thinking about Kade wasn’t getting it done.

  Lexie shifted her mind into work mode and headed for her mechanics bay.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The following Monday morning, Kade was driving to Bad Boy Autos just after eight a.m. Anticipation to see his finished car made it hard for him to resist putting the hammer down. Lexie had asked him not to come until they’d finished it because it made her nervous to have someone looking over her shoulder during the process. His trust in Lexie’s abilities was complete, and Kade knew that whatever she had come up with would be great.

  He pulled into the garage’s parking lot and looked at Lexie’s bay, but the door was down, so he couldn’t see anything. He got out, locked his car, and headed for the office, excitement quickening his steps.

  Entering the office, Kade spotted Lexie sitting at Tom’s desk. They were looking at Lexie’s large sketch pad, no doubt at one of her designs. Her hair, piled on top of her head in a messy bun, exposed her pretty neck. Kade wanted to start at her nape and kiss his way down to her shoulders.

  He jumped when someone clapped him on the back. “Looks like someone’s here to see his car.”

  Kade recognized Sully’s voice and smiled when he came to stand beside him. He was about to respond, but Lexie let out an uncharacteristic squeal and rushed over to him.

  “Come with me,” she commanded, grabbing his hand.

  She looked as excited as Kade felt, and he laughed as she pulled him towards the shop door. Tom and Sully followed.

  “She gets like this every time she’s showing a customer their finished car,” Tom remarked.

  “She’s worse than a kid at Christmas,” Sully chimed in.

  “Shut up, guys,” Lexie tossed over her shoulder.

  Kade allowed Lexie to drag him along, enjoying holding her hand. Her eyes glittered with anticipation, and her cheeks flushed. She looked sexy and cute, and Kade couldn’t suppress the hunger she created within him.

  Arriving at Lexie and Sully’s bay, he saw they’d hidden his car from sight under a tarp. He shot a frown at Lexie and gestured at the car. “You’re killing me here, and you know it. Take the tarp off.”

  Lexie and the other mechanics laughed at his cranky order.

  She wagged her index finger at him. “Not yet. Close your eyes.”

  Kade put his hands on his hips. “Really? C’mon.”

  “Really. Do it. Please?”

  The way she pretended to pout made Kade smile, and he shut his eyes. “Okay. They’re closed. Now, hurry.”

  Laughter accompanied the rustling sound of the tarp as they removed it from the car, and the anticipation was almost too much for Kade to bear.

  “Okay. You can look now.”

  Opening his eyes, Kade’s gaze took in the sight before him.

  What had been a scrap-heap Alfa Romeo Spider past its prime had been transformed into a true work of art. The racing red gleamed like a woman’s lips, flush with red lip gloss.

  Entranced, Kade followed their progress around to the front of the Alfa. The center of the hood came alive, a garden sprouting and a fountain spraying water so clear and cool, he almost wanted a taste.

  He opened the driver’s door and looked inside. The cream upholstery smelled like vintage leather when he knew it wasn’t old. The burgundy carpet with the walnut dash made the car deserve the name of classic Alfa Romeo Spider.

  A collector would pay a fortune for this car, and he hadn’t even heard the engine turn over.

  Unexpected tears took him by surprise as raw emotion rushed at him. A wall of grief, regret and love crashed down on Kade, the tears burning behind his eyes. He’d bought this heap merely as an excuse to keep Jason’s wife from throwing his addicted brother in jail. He’d never expected to love this masterpiece—or to feel the way he did about Lexie.

  A soft touch on his forearm drew his attention away from the car. He looked down into Lexie’s concerned eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Kade couldn’t speak because of the emotions clogging his throat. Even though he was a writer, for several moments, he couldn’t find the words to describe how he felt.

  Wiping away another tear, he got himself under control and nodded. “Sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting to feel such a connection to—to—a car.”

  Lexie’s eyes brightened with tears of her own. “You like her then?” she said.

  “Like? I love the car. She’s beautiful. Just like you.” He didn’t care who heard.

  Sully cleared his throat while Lexie’s face burned bright red.

  Kade motioned at the car. “This is amazing. What does the engine sound like?”

  Lexie waved him forward. “Hop in.”

  He lowered himself into the sporty bucket seat and turned the key. The little beauty gave a deep growl as he revved her a bit, but then the engine purred.

  His gaze encompassed the others present before settling on Lexie. “The car’s phenomenal.”

  A pleased and relieved smile lit up Lexie’s features. “I'm so glad you like it.”

  Kade wanted to hold her and show her how grateful he was, but that was impossible at the moment. “I don’t just like it, I love it.” He flashed her a grin. “Now, how about we go for a spin, and you can show me what she can do?”

  Lexi’s smile widened into a grin and she clapped her hands together once. “Now you’re talking! I’ll just get my

  That night, Lexi squeezed the steering wheel of her Jeep until her knuckles turned white. She tried not to panic, but it was difficult. She berated herself for accepting Kade’s dinner invitation. He wanted to celebrate the completed restoration of his car. He’d told her to wear something nice because he was taking her to a high-end restaurant.

  As soon as the words “sure, that would be great” had come out of Lexie’s mouth, anxiety had set in. How could she have been so stupid? Lexie knew the answer to that question. Their test ride had been thrilling. The Alfa had run like a dream, drawing envious gazes as they’d driven through the city and up into the hills along a winding road. The gears had shifted smoothly, with no lurching or shimmying, and the powerful engine had sent them speeding along, climbing the hill with ease.

  Driving the car wasn’t the only thing that had excited her, though. Kade sitting next to her, laughing and talking, had been just as invigorating. He’d teased her about her driving and then cringed when she’d really put the hammer down. She’d taken pity on him, and pulled over so they could switch.

  Although she’d ridden with Kade before, seeing him in command of the powerful car was far different—and arousing. The skillful way his large hands had handled the wheel and worked the gear stick had conjured images in her mind of those hands on her body. She’d concentrated on the road after that, afraid that he’d see her reaction in her eyes.

  They’d arrived back at the garage, and he’d killed the engine but made no move to get out. He’d grinned over at her. “Damn, that was fun. I knew you would do a great job, but it’s even better than I’d hoped. Let me take you to dinner to show my appreciation. And I mean to a real restaurant. What do you say?”

  Caught up in the moment, Lexie had said, “Sounds great.”

  “Good. Dress up, because the place I have in mind requires formalwear.”

  That was when Lexie had regretted accepting his invitation, but she couldn’t back out.

  Now, she wanted to redo the moment and turn him down, not because she didn’t want to go—but because she had nothing suitable to wear and couldn’t afford to buy anything.

  An idea came to her then, and she asked Google to call Kendra.

  “Hi, Lexie. I heard Kade loved his car.”

  “He did, thanks. It was a dream working on it, but I have a favor to ask.”


  Lexie mentally crossed her fingers. “Kade asked me out to a fancy dinner tonight, which is great, I think.”

  “You think? Do you like him?”

  Lexie smiled. “I do. Is that crazy since he’s Jason’s brother?”

  “I don’t think it is. From what Tom says, he’s a good guy. If Tom likes him, that says something. You know how suspicious Tom can be,” Kendra replied.

  “That’s an understatement,” Lexie remarked. “He’s so different from Jason that most of the time I forget they’re brothers. Kade is smart, considerate, and—”

  “Hot?” Kendra interjected.

  Lexie let out a laugh. “Yeah, he is. Smokin’ hot. Watching him box a few days ago was very… stimulating, to say the least. All those delicious, sweaty muscles in action…”

  Kendra broke into laughter. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  Lexie sobered as she remembered the main reason for her call. “So, I’m short on cash, and I have nothing in my closet to wear to a swanky place. Do you have anything I could borrow?”

  “Hmm. Let me think,” Kendra said. “Yes! I have some things that would work.”

  Relief loosened the knots in Lexie’s stomach. “You’re a lifesaver. Can I come over now to pick something? Kade is picking me up at seven.”

  “Absolutely. We’ll make you look drool-worthy.”

  “Thanks. You’re the best.”

  “I know,” came Kendra’s cheeky reply.

  Lexie chuckled and said goodbye. She ended the call and took the next left. During the fifteen-minute drive, she allowed her excitement about going out with Kade to grow. It had been forever since she’d gone out to dinner with anyone she fancied, and she intended to make the most of every minute.

  Kade pulled into the parking lot of Lexie’s building and turned the key to cut the engine. It seemed a little odd to be going on a date with Lexie, even though they’d kissed several times. But this felt more official, and he hoped things wouldn’t be awkward between them at dinner.

  He got out and straightened his suit jacket as he looked at Lexie’s building. The pewter-gray structure with white shutters was attractive and seemed to be in good repair. He was glad to see that she lived in an okay neighborhood. Striding to her door, Kade used the silver knocker to announce his arrival and waited.

  It had been a long time since Kade had been struck speechless, but when Lexie answered the door, she looked so incredible his brain ground to a halt and blood fled south.

  The deep purple spaghetti-strap dress she wore showed off just enough cleavage to tantalize him. It clung to her hips and ended a few inches above her knees. Her long legs, toned yet shapely, were pure femininity. He didn’t stare at her long enough to be creepy, but he trailed his gaze up Lexie’s body, taking in every luscious inch until he locked eyes with her.


  Her eyes traveled over his gray linen suit and pink shirt and dark gray tie. “Likewise,” she said.

  Lexie’s sexy grin made Kade want to rip off that dress with his teeth.

  To break the silent tension, she said, “I'll get my purse.”

  Kade stepped closer. “We could always order in.”

  His meaning was clear, but although he could see it tempted her, she resisted. “Oh no. You’re not getting off the hook that easy, buddy. I’m not missing out on a fancy meal. Besides, I put too much effort into dressing up to stay home.”

  “You’re right. I want to show you off.”

  Lexie got her purse and locked up. “Okay. Ready.”

  Kade offered his arm. Lexie took it and let him lead her to the car. He opened the door and shut it for her once she was seated.

  On the way to the restaurant, they chatted about everything but what was important—what the hell were they both doing and where was tonight going.

  The fancy eatery, Chez Ramone, intimated Lexie as soon as they got out of the car at the valet station. It had been years since shed been to such a swanky place.

  Kade warned the valet dressed in his crisp uniform that there would be dire consequences if anything happened to his car. The young man’s eyes had gone wide when he realized he’d get to drive the beautiful sports car, but he hastily assured Kade that he’d take excellent care of the vehicle.

  Taking Kade’s arm again, Lexie felt proud to be with him as he led her inside. They were shown to their table after only a few moments, where Kade helped seat Lexie. She wasn’t used to anyone doing that for her, and it felt a little awkward. Nice, but strange.

  She felt like a princess as she looked around. Small crystal chandeliers hung throughout the dining room, and candles were lit on almost all the tables. The lighting was low, and the candle flames created a warm, intimate ambiance. White tablecloths with gold lace overlays covered the tables, and silverware gleamed on their surfaces.

  Any moment now, she expected the manager to show up and give her lessons on which silverware to use for each course. That thought prompted her to run a fingertip over a fork lying in front of her. This is the salad fork, right?

  Through her eyelashes, she looked across the table to see if Kade was watching her. To her surprise, he was also studying the table settings. He looked just as perplexed as she was. His left eyebrow arched as he picked up the tiniest fork, which tickled the hell out of her. A giggle slipped out before she could suppress it.

  Kade looked over at her with a sheepish grin. “I’ve never understood why the hell they use so many forks. One is all I need.”

  “Exactly,” Lexie said. “One knife, one spoon, one fork. They do the job just fine. Heck
, I’ll even use a spork if that’s all they have.”

  As though conjured by magic, a maître d’ seemed to materialize by their table. “Good evening, sir, madam. I’m Jared, and it’s my pleasure to be your server tonight.”

  Kade regarded him with a bored, sophisticated expression. “Very good, Jared.” He motioned at the silverware. “There are too many forks on here.”

  Somehow, Lexie held back a snort over his playacting.

  Jared’s forehead creased. “Too many forks, sir?”

  Kade nodded. “Yes. That’s what I said. I would prefer that you take away all but the biggest forks for myself and my beautiful dining companion. Or better yet… do you have any sporks?”

  Lexie lost it at the shock on Jared’s face. A loud peal of laughter escaped her, drawing the eyes of several diners. She didn’t give a rip. Kade also laughed, and Jared’s mouth curved up in a small, uncertain smile, not sure what the joke was.

  She followed Kade’s lead when he started gathering up the “extra” silverware. He took hers and handed it all to Jared, who looked like he wanted a crevasse to open in the floor and swallow him up.

  His face turned red as Kade patted the metallic bundle now gripped in his hands. “There. That’s much better. Thanks.”

  “Yes, um, you’re welcome. I’ll just get rid of this and be back in a moment.”

  They dissolved into quiet laughter as Jared went on his way, neither able to speak for several moments.

  Lexie took a tissue out of her purse and dabbed tears from her eyes. “Good thing I wore waterproof mascara, but that would’ve made it totally worth ruining it.”

  “I just couldn’t resist.”

  “I’m glad.” Lexie rearranged her remaining utensils. “I wonder if he knows what a spork is?”

  That set them off again, and they were still laughing when Jared returned. They calmed down as he gave them the wine list and menus. With a stiff smile, he left them to deliberate on their meals and retreated again.

  “Wow. Someone’s got a big stick up his ass,” Lexie commented as she perused the beef selections.


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