Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 1

by Carter, Garrett

  Table of Contents

  A house full

  Surprises in small packages

  Higher learning

  Loose ends

  Comings and goings

  Beheading the snake

  A little last minute shopping

  Cry baby

  Boom boom room two: dimensional boogaloo

  Communing with the sea


  Fight to the finish

  Contracts and negotiations

  Tattle tell

  Tantrums and repercussions

  The family that fights together... fights together

  Training new recruits

  Rage relief and new friends

  Come again?!

  Daddy to the rescue

  Home for the infirm

  A hard head makes a soft ass

  Bitch smacked



  A house full


  As Cade's eyes widened at the prospect of two little black-furred Mina's or Cade's running around their large home that was quickly becoming too small in his mind, his wive's burst out laughing as his confusion and, pleasant, surprise over the revelation that he was going to be a father again grew.

  Sabine and Beth slid up next to him and placed twin kisses on his cheeks before taking his hands and placing them above their wombs.

  "There are way more than two of them my love," Promena said as she took her spot above his head, placing a kiss on his brow as she finished.

  Scanning each of them he found the same bundles of cells in each of his wive's wombs, except for Nat, proof that his practice had resulted in more than just a few stained sheets.


  As he glanced at the beautiful faces surrounding him Laurith shrunk and shifted into a cat-sized dragon and gingerly situated her small body on his chest.

  "Someone broke and decided we could afford a few more bodies in our wake. I for one wholeheartedly approve of that sentiment, how about you Mina?"

  Cade's Dresk and head wife took a moment to respond to the dragon's mental question as she languished in the feeling of her mate's length filling her after so long without.

  "Hmm, yes I agree with our pet. A few extra dead enemies along our path to the conquest of this world is a fair price in my mind. My little ones will be well worth the extra blood spilled along the way."

  Her response ended with a shiver as she found her favorite spot to tease the head of her mate's dick as affirmative sounds went around the room.

  Letting the exquisite feeling of his pretty kitty's drenched depths overcome his mind for a moment Cade looked over at Promena's blushing face with a sugary sweet smile on his face.

  "And who was the one who broke my loves, who was the one who told me no to filling your wombs with my babies? Hmm?"

  As he spoke the blush on his goddesses face exploded to cover her amazing breasts, the sight of which caused his length to throb inside of Mina's depths.

  "The idea of seeing our babies a little sooner than planned might have swayed my decision somewhat but there is another reason for that decision that I feel I should explain after the make-up sex. I would hate to spoil the mood, just... be gentle my love we are still in the risky first stage of our pregnancies."

  "Though I for one need you as rough as you can give it and make sure to fill me good and deep, I need your child in me in the worst way, my..."

  Cade's face took on a shocked and curious look as Nat finished her request with a long growled-out word.

  "My Natty you will certainly get what you asked for but what the hell did you just call me?"

  Nat's face took on an attractive shade of darker green as her husband looked curiously into her eyes after her little slip-up.

  "It is a term of endearment of my race, the closest word in the common tongue would-be warrior. I kind of liked you running off to slaughter those mercenaries even if it led to me being on my back with something long and hard in me but not in a good way."

  A muted round of chuckles made its way around the group, Cade included as everyone replayed his stupid and brash decision to try and take on the group of mercenaries hired by the now-dead slavers a little over a week ago.

  "I will be your warrior my Natty, though it is kind of hard to hold that title when you keep kicking my ass in training."

  A more lively round of mirth suffused the group as he made his joke.

  "I am glad we cleared that up my warrior but I think I would like some of what Mina is getting please."

  As Mina began to bounce languidly on his length Cade pulled each of his wives in for a deep and passionate kiss before joining her in their slow lovemaking, thrusting his hips up with a soft wet smack every time their bodies met.

  Pulling her down for a passionate kiss he gave his first love in this new world long deep strokes into her soaked paradise before they both reached their peaks.

  "I love you so much my Mina, my love. I can't wait to see the beautiful babies we have made."

  Finishing his whispered words into a soft ear after recovering from their bliss Cade looked into her teary eyes before kissing her soundly once more.

  Extracting his still hard length from her depths was an exercise in self-control but with the added help of Nat's shove to Mina's side toppling her from her perch, he managed it before the impatient orc woman mounted him with a groan of pleasure.

  "You know what happens when I cum my warrior, Promena, if you could protect the others after he loses his mind a little I would be ever appreciative."

  He missed his goddesses affirmative nod as she dropped her amazing ass and delectable pussy on his face before his Natty began her task of relieving him of his seed.

  As he began to dine on his goddesses drenched entrance Cade let the thoughts of the future pass from his mind, he had six incredible women to sate and he was up for the task.

  Rolling his sleeping Sabine off of his chest gently Cade gave her a smile as his heart ached with the love he felt for the sweet woman as she cuddled up to her best friend and wife Beth.

  Rising from the bed he gave a now human-looking Laurith a light smack on her ass that caused the dragon to grumble cutely in her sleep, making his heart seize once again with love for his fierce dragon mate.

  Kissing his goddess awake, Cade gave his beautiful wife a hesitant smile as her eyes fluttered open after her little nap.

  "Hello my love, I must say there is something about your slow deep technique that makes me almost not jealous of the rough handling Nat received, but I believe that isn't the reason you are up."

  A long yawn followed her words as she sat up and gave the burgeoning god who was to be her husband her full attention as he sat next to her.

  "Give it a few more weeks and you all will be jumping me as much or more than I do all of you. Tony was more than a little needy when we were having Vance though with Candice I had to watch myself. But yes my love the other reason besides the baby fever, I would like to know why we decided to grow our family at this stage."

  Promena exhaled a tension-filled breath as she sat back on her elbows that ended with a chuckle as she followed her husband's eyes as they stared at her exposed breasts.

  Her chuckle devolved into a short fit of giggles as she saw his sex-slick member rise.

  "Horn dog."

  Her simple words caused Cade to give his own chuckle that caused his length to bob, pulling Promena's lusty gaze with it.

  "Yes I am, and in a few months, you will be glad for it or dread the little monster, but back to the conversation."

  "You know of my father's task for you but I haven't told you specifically of my other less... desirable suitors. One of them is the self-proclaimed chaos god Fart
h and I think I need to tell you the whole story before I tell you why I have allowed your seed to grow in our wombs, besides the idea of carrying your child that is."

  Her snarky smile and soft lips against his had Cade ready to love his beautiful goddess to sleep once again but his curiosity and the need to have his growing family safe tempered those urges as he sat back and waited for his Promena to speak.

  "It all began with my father's decree that he was stepping down from his position as the leader of our race..."

  Leaning against their bed with a blank expression on his face, Cade listened to his Promena as she finished her story of how he came to be on this planet as a riot of emotions churning inside him.

  On the one hand, he felt a small amount of impotent rage at the situation he found himself in, a pawn in a much larger game than he could have ever imagined.

  But on the other aircraft carrier-sized hand, if not for the machinations of the gods in question he would still be an old man without the love of his life, traveling across the country to visit his kids and spoil his grandbabies, only then to return to his empty home and empty life.

  Looking at his goddess he wouldn't change what he had been through here on Curset for this world or the other.

  "So this Farth is going to make our lives difficult?"

  His question caused Promena's face to scrunch up with apprehension.

  "He already has, hasn't he?"

  Her exhausted breath answered his question before he moved up the bed and sat back against the headboard of their bed, jostling their sleeping wives a small amount.

  "Come cuddle up with me my love I don't think this story will be all that quick and I need you in my arms while I listen."

  Smiling at her husband she crawled into his strong arms with a naughty giggle as his still hard length creased the cheeks of the ass he loved so much.

  Sighing in contentment and glad for the fact he kept his hands away from any spots that would cause her to put off this long overdue talk she began her explanation of the reason she could no longer help her husband with her godly abilities.

  The summons she received from her father as she watched the love of her life build homes and hospital clinics with inspiring if slightly optimistic words caused a vague sense of dread to flow through Promena.

  Looking at the man she had chosen out of billions and the two women who she had grown to think of as sisters she simply said "one second, please" before she returned her full awareness to her godly body.

  Striding through the doors to her father's audience chambers she noted the lack of the usual bustle of gods and goddesses about their business before she turned her attention to the two people on the dias at the back of the massive room.

  Trepidation unlike any she had felt for thousands of years filled her as she saw the smug look on Farth's face before it was wiped away as her father Unbolge looked at the chaos god with an irritated glance.

  Turning to look at his daughter a huge smile grew on his face before he embraced her.

  "My daughter it is good to see you and as much as I wish this meeting was taking place under better circumstances..."

  The quick look of disapproval Unbolge gave the chaos god caused Farth to flinch before he continued his explanation for his daughter's summons.

  "Farth has brought to my attention that your prospective husband might be receiving a small amount of help in his task past what could be expected from a human."

  Casting a look of irritated rage at the smug god in question she began her explanation.

  "I have provided MY husband with a few clues, yes, but he has used those tiny bread crumbs to ascend faster than even I would have expected. The one word I used as a clue and the first time we had sex are the only things I would even think would be off-limits, are they father?"

  As she aimed her honeyed smile at Farth, daring the chaos god to suggest her body wasn't her own or that a single word had created a god, Unbolge suppressed a chuckle at the tattle tell.

  "No my daughter, I don't think you having relations with one who has in a very short time proven to have quite a few godly characteristics would constitute the end to his task and I think Farth would agree that it takes more than a single word to teach a god to absorb the essence of the universe. Farth do you have any other questions to ask or can my daughter return to her hus... prospective husband?"

  Farth's mouth slimmed into a harsh line as he contemplated a way to disrupt Promena's little deal with her father before an idea struck him.

  "I do agree my... objections were a little misplaced my lord but I would like to take this Cade under my care and introduce him to a few of the other gods that have voiced their concerns over your choice to let a... human join our ranks. I feel that a conversation between him and a few of the louder dissenters would help smooth over such concerns."

  Both Unbolge and Promena's faces fought to remain professional as Unbolge realized he couldn't put the idea down out of hand. He knew of a few of those, loud, opposers to his daughter's plan and he risked war denying them their due.

  Promena fought her own internal battle to find a way to keep her Cade out of Farth's hands long enough for him to have a chance to survive the inevitable confrontation.

  Taking a chance and pushing the bounds of her father's favor she looked into the future fervently, flying down timelines in her mind until she found one that would at least result in them surviving the inevitable fight, she just hoped the pain and suffering would be worth it.

  Unbolge's eyes widened for a split second as he looked at his daughter as she pushed the bounds of courtesy, no one other than he, his departed wife, or his daughter when they were alone was allowed to pierce the veil of time when in this room.

  More than a few of their numbers had succumbed to the schemes of others, to their detriment, if they allowed others to gain the advantage of foresight during their disputes.

  Only his own doubts about Farth's ability to lead in his place gave his daughter the ability to use it so blatantly.

  "I will allow this discussion to take place when my husband has completed his task."

  Farth's jaw clenching was a sight to see as Promena maintained her aloof attitude while she silently prayed her father would support her decision.

  "I would make every effort to ensure your... Cade would return to you in good health if you would just allow this one thing to alleviate our concerns."

  A smug smile broke through Promena's facade of aloofness as she beat the chaos god at his own game with her next question.

  "Farth, how would a human fare on your primary planet?"

  A thrill ran through her as Farth's face grew pensive.

  "Badly... but with his abilities, he would most likely survive the trip with negligible mental scarring."

  Promena held the victorious look off her face as she gave her father a disapproving stare.

  "It seems that my future son-in-law isn't yet ready to allay your concerns Farth, though I can't in good conscience allow you to help him further with your godly abilities my daughter. He will either stand on his own and gain them himself or he will fail and Farth or another of my choosing will fill the void I will leave with my passing from this plane of existence. You know now my daughter the feeling of love for another that can last eons. I ask you to not keep me from mine, your husband, ahem... prospective husband knows of my pain. Now if there is nothing else, return to your tasks my daughter and Farth I would like some time alone with my thoughts."

  Unwilling to walk out of the chamber with the chaos god at her side Promena kissed her father on his cheek and turned to Farth gracing the man with a scathing look before she again split her awareness between her godly body and her physical one on Curset and returned to her own separate tasks.


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