Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 7

by Carter, Garrett

  "This gentleman is iron, I am going to place it inside your chests and if I find out that any of you decide to fail to hold to your word... let's just say your funerals will have very large closed caskets. If any of you want to object then I will ensure you will have your ashes spread at the location of your choice."

  Finding no objections he gave the group the same treatment as Andaria and created a few bombs in their chests.

  "One last thing, if I were you I would make sure to visit the healers guild's new clinics every few weeks or so. The iron in your chests will break down in a few years and I don't think even your large bodies would do well with that much extra in your blood. Make sure to keep to our deal and all will be well, we will show ourselves out."

  Smiling at his wives as they giggled at the panicked looks on the council's collective faces he left with a wife on each arm and a cat-sized Laurith on his shoulders as the shocked trolls asses thumped into their oversized seats.

  Flying towards Opect in an expanded Poppy Cade had to admit even if Krumash had a group of idiots running the show the city offered a very nice selection of shopping opportunities.

  After their meeting with the council the girls had requested a baby shopping spree and after creating a few hundred Procs for them to spend they had used the rest of the day fulfilling the baby shopping list Promena had sent from his wives back at their home.

  The hours spent with a literal train of baby supplies trailing behind him had been extremely enjoyable, even more so when Beth and Sabine had pulled him down a dark alley for a quickie.

  After giving them both their fill of his seed and taking the edge off of his own lust they had continued their shopping trip with a lot of giggles and smiles shared between them.

  So with a car full of baby supplies and happy wives chattering between each other Cade had thoroughly enjoyed his trip to Krumash.

  With the merchants guild on board with their mining business, whether they liked it or not, and their children stocked up for decades to come, the last two loose ends for their conquering of Zeme awaited his attention.

  Duke Jance and his army would feel his wrath and the emperor's days were numbered, they just didn't know it yet.

  Comings and goings

  The bright firey light of a meteor streaking across the sky above Curset illuminated Cade's bedroom through an open window as he made love to his goddess.

  Her scream as she reached her release hardening him further to her pleasure as his attention was drawn from the bright light back to her clenching depths.

  Leaving the meteorological events on this planet to someone not currently holding back their own release he captured a pale nipple in his lips and groaned his need into her creamy pale breast as his goddesses tight canal milked his length.

  A continent away Miranda landed with a massive blast of earth and plant debris as her body slammed through a copse of trees.


  Cursing the name of the unknown transport operator who had taken offense at her rejection of his overt sexual advances and removed the safety limiters for a more gentle landing she pulled herself out of the mound of dirt she had created during her crash landing on Curset.

  Rising and brushing dirt and debris from her red body her rage at the petty operator as she found herself nearly naked except for a few scraps of cloth that was all that remained of her armor.

  As she walked angrily towards what she assumed was a campfire she held back more frustrated curses as her training kicked in and the need for silence overrode her anger over her destroyed clothes.

  Peeking through the brush surrounding the campsite she found the area clear of any opponents but her instincts and common sense led her to believe her arrival might have either scared off the occupants or sent them to a more defensible position.

  Sniffing the air around her she ignored the wonderful scents absent of any of the foul odors she had come to find commonplace on Farth's hell hole of a planet and searched for the camps missing denizens.

  Scenting her targets that had escaped her notice for a few moments as she languished in the sweet smells around her despite her efforts, she crept towards the two humanoids huddled under a large bush.

  Spying their large green feet laying side by side she grabbed them by their ankles and pulled them back towards her.

  A bark of laughter left her as she saw the prick of the clearly male orc and the large green breasts of the other, her fiery arrival had disturbed their little getaway fuck.

  Pulling from her knowledge of the myriad of languages she had mastered in her 2500 years of life she told the two lovers to rise so she could figure out where that dickhead operator had dumped her.

  Her amusement at the situation dimmed somewhat as the male leered at her exposed red breasts and barely covered snatch.

  She was about to reprimand the idiot before the orc woman lying next to him gripped the idiot's erect prick in a crushing grip before giving him a death stare.

  Her amusement returned as the man proved he had a little common sense and gave his attention to the woman that he had just been fucking and kissed her before apologizing and rising and walking towards their camp.

  "Who are you and why have you interrupted my fun? I had to fight off twelve other bitches to get that dick in me tonight, so you better have a good reason for interrupting us."

  Miranda had to admit the orc woman, who overtopped her by at least a head and out weighted her by a few dozen pounds, had some balls at least as big as the male sitting quietly in the camp.

  Letting the woman have her say, Miranda had experienced a few dicks worth fighting for in her long life, she focused instead on locating her target and path to power.

  "I am Miranda Flamberg, and I am looking for Cade Willmartin he should be on the continent of Zeme. If you can point me..."

  Cursing softly at the irritated and confused look on the woman's face she tried another tactic.

  "Where is the capital of this country?"

  A pointed finger and a look that shouted that the orc woman had other things to do, or someone to do, signaled the end of their conversation.

  Nodding in understanding of the message and the direction she needed to head in, Miranda clapped the woman on her hefty shoulder before giving the male a look of understanding as she left their camp.

  Striding through the tree line she gave the male the benefit of the doubt.

  She was beautiful she knew to think otherwise was to delude herself. That being said she didn't want to have to kill any more... forward males until she got the lay of the land.

  Spying the city that was surrounded by the usual farms found on worlds as primitive as this she hoped she could find one that could use a strong hand and back.

  Looking down her semi-nude torso she added a hope the one she found would have a set of preferably free clothes.

  Draining the blood from the heart in her hand of the would-be rapist of her third farm, Miranda had to give the goddess of changing her due.

  Her little orc creations were strong and fairly capable in combat, the fool dead at her feet had been an admirable opponent even though he didn't want to take no for an answer.

  Feeling full after her meal she picked through his home and found a set of leathers, not anywhere near as well made as her old set that had burned up on reentry, but would serve to dissuade the next handsy male she met.

  Distracted as she looked herself over she almost killed the male that stepped into the dead man's home before his hands raised in surrender saved him from having his throat cut out by the hefty knife she had found stashed with her new leathers.

  "So Drock got what was coming to him I see. You going to keep his home?"

  Giving the male a curious look after he spat on Drock's body after his first statement, she shook her head at the second before releasing the collar of his grimy shirt.

  "No, I have no interest in this broken-down building it's all yours i
f you can point me in the direction of Zeme and I would be ever appreciative if you could provide me with any information you have on Cade Willmartin."

  A bark of laughter left the man as he collected himself after the red and attractive woman in front of him released him from her mithril strong grip.

  "I would try to avoid that last part around most of my race and I have to admit I might have taken what you said the wrong way if I didn't see the results of that thought process in Drock here. To answer your question, Zeme is across the sea to the west. The travel there is usually around three weeks to a month, maybe longer if the pirates catch you. That I can help with, your second question is a little harder to answer. Though I might be able to point you in the right direction. I am Speck by the way and I hope it is nice to meet you..."

  Hope grew in her heart as Miranda received the first good news of the day as the sun crested the horizon.

  "My name is Miranda Flamberg, Speck, and it is indeed nice to meet you. Now if we can hurry along with those directions I will leave Drock's home and body to your disposal."

  A polite nod from the orc was all the response to her introduction as he walked off towards the city.

  "That was surprisingly easy, I hope the rest of them have as much common sense."

  Finding a helpful guide gave her a bit of hope for her task and provided a reason to stay around the city in the distance.

  If the people she had run into so far had no knowledge of the godling then they would soon if Farth and his group's worries were any indications.

  Following her guide, Miranda hoped he could back up his offer, her presence on Farth's world would be missed soon, and the Chaos god didn't like losing his toys.

  Crushing the blade of an ornate sword in his grip, Farth calmed himself with a supreme force of will.

  Miranda had escaped, and he was sure the coincidence of the woman going missing so soon after his meeting with his conspirators wasn't one at all.

  He lamented that he didn't kill the bitch after Machiel was done with her.

  A thought passed through his mind that returned the smile he had been wearing as he entered his toy's room.

  He might not be able to go to Promena's little testing ground of a world but a group sent to retrieve Miranda would certainly not garner the ire of Unbolge.

  Suspecting one of his underlings that had risen so far in the ranks of his armies might be able to easily dispatch the few members of her race that Unbloge would be willing to overlook on his daughter's world he sent a message to Machiel and Eroth.

  Machiel's forces were the best in the cosmos and Eroth's mages would be an excellent addition to a retrieval force.

  With a few adjustments to their orders, with Unbloge well out of the loop, he might be able to remove some if not all of the impediments to his plan.

  If they succeeded in at least removing Cade Willmartin from that equation then the ongoing plan to separate Unbolge from his immense power would have more than enough time to come to fruition.

  As the god of warfare and wisdom sent their affirmative replies his smile returned, his toy might have inadvertently solved all of his problems.

  Beheading the snake

  Flying over the amassed army below him Cade had a quick flashback of his less than intelligent decision when he had tried to deal with the horde of orcs on his own.

  Smiling down at the massive army arrayed against his domination of this world he almost felt bad for them as he readied himself to give them the last bad day of their lives.

  Collecting the thousands below him in an adjustment to his usual full-body grip, he glued their feet in place as he gave them a warning message.


  As the seconds ticked down and the men found their feet firmly held in place a fair few laid down their weapons and placed their hands atop their heads.

  The rest and majority of them fought Cade's control and almost overwhelmed him before their time was up.

  The now-familiar glow of his eyes grew as he took from the men below what they had traveled so far to take from him and his wives.

  As the massive wave of energy flew into him, Cade compressed and compacted the fruits of his labors.

  As the last of the less intelligent men were converted into energy to power his path into godhood he flew down from the high perch of his floating platform and landed in front of a disbelieving Duke Jance.

  "Duke Jance I believe I had made myself very clear the last time we talked. I was nice and let you live to deliver your message and you repay my kindness by bringing an army to my doorstep. Now how am I going to respond to such a smack in the face of common decency? I could use your fat pompous ass to fuel a few enchantments or..."

  Looking around at the smiling soldiers with their hands firmly glued to their heads, Cade wondered how well-liked the duke was.

  "Does anyone have any grievances they would like to air?"

  The massive hate-filled grins on the few dozen men who had survived his initial attack answered his question.

  "I think I will leave your execution to the men you clearly haven't treated well, your excellency."

  Coating his last words with as much sarcasm as possible he made a seat on his platform and rose to optimal spectating height and sent the men chomping at the bit the go-ahead to carry out his sentence.

  As they descended on the sobbing duke Cade had a moment of petty glee, if this was going to be the caliber of men he was up against then this world would fall to his might in weeks.

  Enjoying his Mina's soaked depths as she rode him slowly Cade couldn't help pulling her down on his length for a long passionate kiss as her legs shook around his middle.

  "Cum for me my Mina, my love."

  Groaning into her soft furry neck as she ground herself on his dick she did the same into his as she came undone around his swelling member as her right rippling channel pulled his orgasm from the depths of his soul.

  As his pulsing length filled his pretty kitty with his seed he wrapped his arms around her as his orgasm seemed to continue forever even as she moaned hers out into his shoulder.

  Returning from their bliss with chests rising and falling with the intensity of their shared release, her clawed hands pulled his face to hers and her soft lips captured his for long moments before he leaned back on his still hard length.

  "That was amazing my love, but I want more and harder."

  As she lifted herself off his flexing dick Cade groaned in need, he wanted more of her as well.

  His lust and love for his Mina overwhelmed him as she presented him with her round ass and dripping nether lips.

  Rising and aligning himself he thrust into her depths with a groan of pleasure as a muted smack along with the ever delicious feeling of his pretty kitty's tight canal stretching to accommodate his length caused his dick to pulse before he gave his Mina exactly what she asked for.

  Making long hard strokes into her drenched depths he felt an overwhelming love for his Mina as his wife, Dresk, and mother of his kits.

  Confessions of love and appreciation flowed from both of them as they approached their peaks, culminating in a mutual orgasm that took her breath away for long moments and forced the muscles of his body to clench involuntarily with its intensity.


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