Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 19

by Carter, Garrett

  His mental request of "ready?" was followed by nods and readys' from his wives.

  Slipping through their house silently he readied his godly power as they neared the massive floor-to-ceiling windows of their living room.

  As one of the assassins tried to leap over the wall a grim smile grew on his face as the turrets he had completed days ago did their job filling the red man with holes before he dropped lifeless to the ground just inside of their wall.

  Flames, jets of water, and skull-sized rocks flew towards the turrets before crashing against the shield enchantments he had added to their package of defensive goodies.

  As they shot back at the mages attacking them he felt a thrill of fear go through him as the attacking mages shielded themselves from his turrets projectiles before mastering the unnecessary emotion and readying himself and his wives to defend their home and lives from the dozen non-mages leaping over their walls.

  Giving the occupied mages one last look to ensure they would be out of the fight as long as his shields around turrets held he made a mental note to upgrade their targeting enchantment before rushing the nearest assassin and releasing his hold on his power.

  As the pitch-black night was lit up with he and Promena's glows his wives and he shielded their eyes as the lights of their home turned night into day for a split second.

  Driving a spike through a cowl-covered head he used the disorientation of the blinding light to his advantage and dispatched two more assassins before they showed their training and recovered from their temporary blindness.

  Hearing the shouting of his fighting wives Cade implemented the next part of their plan.

  Surrounding their bodies with his golden power he strengthened their skin and returned his attention to the short assassin rushing him from his side.

  Capturing the assassin in a mental grip he increased the flow of power to his captive's restrains as he hoped the added protection of his power would keep his wives and unborn children safe or at the absolute least alive.

  They had trained for this contingency for days after discovering they would be facing otherworldly opponents of Miranda's caliber.

  His wives were no faster or stronger but the blows that had severed limbs and broken bones during their fight with the orc mercenaries would only result in cuts and bruises as long as his power held.

  Slamming a fist in between his captive's red eyes he watched them rolling to the back of her head, the feminine grunt made him believe the cowled person was a she, which would mean he could put her to sleep and gain the evidence he needed after he and his wives killed her companions.

  Leaving his victory dance after his success in putting the woman into a coma for later he joined the battle as it swayed back and forth, proving these opponents weren't going to go down too easy.

  Catching a backhanded swipe of a blade on one of his spikes after he had tried to sneak up on one of their attackers holding Xandia at bay he used the time it took the attacker to redirect his strike to send a spike through his throat.

  Nodding to his Dia they were almost bowled over as a horse-sized Laurith sent an attacker flying with her tail.

  Seeing a sword lodged in her eye he pulled it out and healed the wound before turning to tear the groaning man apart.

  His Laurith beat him to it as she leaped over him and tore into the soon-to-be-dead man with a roar of indignation.

  Leaving her to her fun he dodged a thrown fireball as the mages overwhelmed his turrets destroying them and joining their companions in fighting him and his wives.

  Throwing up a shield over him and Xandia he sent spikes flying towards the mages distracting them as they tried to bring their powers to bear against them.

  As Nat speared her opponent through her chest she removed her long spear blade and swept it through the gurgling woman's legs, shearing them from her body with a cute growl.

  He kept his direction going against the mages, deflecting what attacks of theirs he could as his wives finished off the last of their opponents.

  He caught a flash of Mina shoving one of her blades under whatever armor her attacker was wearing, piercing their diaphragm and sending them to the ground to asphyxiate on their blood before his task keeping the rest of the mages finishing their journey over their wall took the majority of his focus.

  Bowling the shielded mages back with a thrust from his weapons he took a moment the move gave him to see Eve's growl as she finished tearing her opponent's throat out with her teeth made him smile at the warrior his pixie had become before her groan of pain after the arm of the gurgling attacker at her pretty feet dropping from a blade lodged in her stomach signaled she might not have come out of the fight unscathed.

  Running to her side after again distracting the mages with a combined thrust from his spikes he found the knife driven into her side and removed the weapon.

  Covering all possibilities he scanned her body quickly as he caught her in his arms and was rewarded for his caution as he discovered a corrosive substance just starting to make its way through her veins.

  Breaking down the poison he repaired the damage it had done and kissed his pixie on her forehead.

  Returning from his impromptu surgery he joined his wives in attacking the mages after he handed off a pale glassy-eyed Eve to Xandia.

  Smiling at his Dia and saying "she will be fine" he attacked the mages his other wives were currently engaged with.

  As a portal opened behind him he smiled as reinforcements arrived.

  As Laurith's thralls passed him in a mindless mass of twenty grim-faced individuals he ended his rush and switched back to distracting the mages with his mithril spikes, preventing them from stopping the small flood of bodies from swarming them.

  "Leave one alive."

  After his dragon wife's nod of assent, he returned to harassing the mages as the wave of bodies hit them.

  In short order, the fight was over as the mage's shields failed and one by one as they fell to either his spikes or Laurith's thralls.

  As the last mage stood surrounded, the man tried to yield as he dropped his shield.

  Blowing out a raspberry in mirth mixed with relief he dropped the man where he stood resulting in his head hitting the cobblestone path around their wall, hard.

  As the crack of his skull against their stone path signaled their victory he turned around scanning the backyard for any hidden assailants.

  Not finding any opponents he instead found his wives lounging by the pool with refreshments being passed around by Xandia.

  Giving them a questioning look with a raised brow his Dia slithered over to deliver a beverage for him.

  "You and Laurith had it handled and after Eve asked for a drink I figured everyone could do with one."

  Giving him a quick peck on his cheek she moved to return to her chair before he latched on to her arm and pulled her in for a more thorough kiss.

  Releasing her as she blushed prettily after the heated kiss he held her to him before he received a wet dragon kiss from his Laurith.

  Kissing her on the ridge above her yellow-rimmed red-eye after wiping hot saliva from his face he was bowled over as his other wives decided they wanted some love from their husband too.

  Laughing along with his wives in their dogpile of soft sweaty flesh he gave their two captives a scan.

  Finding them still unconscious he passed his love around in the form of kisses, gropes, a few pinched nipples, and asses.

  They had survived an attack from their powerful enemy and with the knowledge he was going to tear from the minds of their captives he would at least be able to keep the chaos god from interfering further in his task.

  With that in mind, and catching a whiff of himself mixed with his wives own sweaty scent he decided to voice his opinion on that particular matter.

  "So, who wants a bath!!"

  Dropping his brain dead captive to the ground with a smile on his face he kicked his next unconscious lobotomy patient in his horned head almost gently before
entering the man's mind.

  He hadn't discovered Farth's involvement in the attack on their home from the woman's mind, even after leaving her a gibbering mess in her mind after her insistence that she knew nothing about the chaos gods involvement failed to convince him.

  What he did discover was their secondary goal of killing him or Promena's physical form was given to them from the war god Machiel and Eroth the god of wisdom.

  That had given him a few chuckles as he imagined Erot with a wizard's cap and sparkly robe.

  Scouring the mage's mind with a fine-toothed comb he dedicated his full focus to unearthing Farth's involvement in the scheme.

  "He said we needed to kill you along with Miranda, and if we could end Promena's psychical form's existence along with the child he would work towards our ascendancy."

  Turning in the sensitivity of the mage's mind he ran a sharp blade formed from one of his spikes along the man's sternum, leaving a shallow cut behind that he found out was much more effective than his previous attempts at torture.

  Finding the man's mind a confusing maze of false images and black pits of white noise he had turned to the tried and true method of creating so much pain in his captive that he either talked or his heart gave out.

  Healing the mage through a dozen heart seizes and ruptured aortas had gotten him to spill his guts and provide Cade with everything he needed to put Farth ten feet under, or at least keep him out of their lives until he was ready to kill the chaos god.

  "And you are sure it was him, maybe more pain might be needed or you could just do yourself a favor and stop fighting me?"

  The look that his captive gave him shouted "WHAT!" before something reminded him of the last few hours of screaming bloody murder, namely the spike hovering in front of his eye.

  "Quick or achingly painfully slow, you pick."

  As he felt the maze of the mage's mind open to him, he gave the man a smile in his last conscious moments.

  "Good choice."

  Tearing what he needed to protect his family from the gods opposed against them he let the man's brain-dead body fall at his feet with a wide smile at a passing thought.

  "Daddy's going to be pissed."

  Striding through a massive hallway alongside his goddess Cade felt almost at peace with the nods and greeting from what he would have recently considered gods above and beyond his mortal ken.

  "You seem to be adapting well to this, my love. I would have thought you would be gaping at the members of my race like a tourist."

  Her smile and laugh as he formed his body into a duplicate of the floating god who passed them caused him to chuckle as indignation grew on the man's face as he saw Cade in his duplicate form pass by him.

  The cry of outrage that had begun to form on his lips ended without being voiced as he saw Promena in all her glowing silver glory and wisely decided to let the insult pass.

  "That was a first, I think I will like belonging to you, my master. So many of the gods need a little reality check now and then, and the sex isn't bad either."

  Giving their star witness to Farth and his group's transgressions a hungry smile he enjoyed her shiver of lust as he returned to his true form.

  Giving his Mira a firm swat on her well-padded ass he moved to hold his goddess in his arms as they neared their destination.

  "After seeing you in the flesh my love I think any other god or goddesses will pale in comparison. Add to that the fact I am in the unique position of possibly being in charge of the god of the cramming of sticks in sensitive places if I don't get the chance to just kill him and you see the problem with me quaking in my boots at the sight of the amazing floating asshoe over there."

  Miranda's snort of amusement was followed by Promena's as they reached the doors to Unbolge's throne room.

  "Are you guys ready to tattle to the teacher about our bully?"

  Reaching out to open the huge doors for his wives, he gave the doors a surprised look as they opened on their own.

  Walking through after offering both arms to his sexy accomplices in placing a large boot in Farth's figurative, and hopefully literal, ass he got his first look at his soon-to-be father-in-law.

  Seeing the massive man sitting on the shining throne at the back of the huge room next to their "bully" made Cade feel a little small.

  The golden-haired god sat smiling at his guest's entrance and Cade didn't use the term as he had used it with the other gods and goddesses he had passed in the hallways.

  Unbolge's powerful presence and easy smile made him want to almost add a capital G to the term, almost.

  So great was the massive man's aura of complete and total mastery of his domain that he had to give Farth a double-take to ensure he was really there.

  "Welcome to my home Cade Willmartin, I have enjoyed watching your exploits. Though not all of them."

  Miranda's bark of laughter was followed by Promena's bush as the meaning of her father's words sunk in.

  Sporting a barely suppressed shit-eating grin of his own as he watched Farth's expression sour he gave the grandfather of his kids a respectful bow before returning to the reason they had made this interplanetary trip.

  After Miranda's description of her planet-hopping adventure that culminated with her firey arrival, Promena's method of stepping between worlds seemed almost boring.

  Letting the thought of his backside burning up on reentry temper his expectations he gave his report from the dead assasins memories.

  "We were attacked by a group of assailants sent by Machiel and Eroth under the orders of Farth two days ago. I would like the chaos god and his associates censured from interfering further in my task."

  Giving his father-in-law his attention he couldn't help but see the seething rage on Farth's face in his peripheral vision as he made his request.

  "And your proof of their transgressions?"

  Opening up his mind to the god's inspection Cade braced himself as his Promena had cautioned him during their discussion of what would happen once they reached her father.

  "He will scour your mind for any and every thought pertaining to the issue of the attack, he will not be gentle nor allow any deflections from the truth. To do so would call into question his ability to judge the task set for you by him."

  He let out a muffled groan as he fought every instinct hammered into him in the past months to prevent the man from rifling through his memories.

  It didn't help that it felt like his brain was being scrambled as he was forced to watch his recent memories fly here and there as Unbolge decided when and where he wanted to spend time inspecting them.

  Catching an intrigued look from the man as he caught the tail end of the morning feeding that led to him claiming his Mira, he shrugged at the look she was his by her own choice and he had long ago left questioning his relationships.

  That way of thinking about their love was as unconducive to a healthy relationship as it was a spit in the face to his wive's wishes and emotions.

  Another more smug look grew on the god's face as he saw Cade and Promena cuddling after he had loved her to exhaustion, with his hand and hers over her womb.

  "I love your daughter."

  He thought the simple statement at the being in his mind with a little curiosity, he knew he was going to be a grandfather surely.

  With a little mental whiplash, he was given a scene of the massive man spoiling his babies rotten, with literal mountains of toys, candy, and assorted pets laid out before a room of nine cribs.


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