Dragon Slayer 4

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Dragon Slayer 4 Page 24

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Easy, man, easy.” Adath knelt beside me and took the wounded man’s hand. “What happened to you?”

  “Fire goblins,” Orten gasped. “Hundreds of them, ambushed us in the forest, half a day’s ride to the southeast.”

  “What?” Adath’s eyes flew wide. “What are fire goblins doing so far from Riamod’s land, and in that number?”

  “Don’t know,” Orten said, his voice weak from fatigue and blood loss. “Grendis sent me…to bring word…they need help. They’re holed up…in Dead Man’s Cave. Fighting to…hold off the goblins.”

  “Shit!” Adath’s face went pale. “Hundreds of fire goblins against a few dozen Blackguards and recruits. It’ll be a miracle if they managed to hold out this long, even in the cave.” He frowned and turned to me. “I don’t have enough men to spare, and there’s no way we’ll make it there in time. I hate to ask you to do more, given that you’ve just come back from beating Curym--”

  “We’ll do it,” I told him without hesitation. “We’ll go save them.” There was no way I’d let a few fire goblins hurt my friends. A good night’s sleep can wait a little bit longer. “Irenya, why would there be fire goblins on the move? I thought that Riamod controlled them?”

  “She… did,” the redhead said as she tapped her finger on her chin. “They have a simple social structure though. It’s possible that one of the shamans have taken control of the groups and is organizing them.”

  “How many fire goblins were in your-- I mean Riamond’s land?” Letharia asked.

  “Hummm, I think a few thousand spread throughout the borders,” Irena answered with a shrug. “I’m not sure I remember all of it.”

  “So, this could be a serious problem,” I said as I thought about the damage that an army that size could do against the weakend forces of Whitespire. We had just recovered from the battle against Zaddrith and Curym.

  These goblins were definitely a threat, but Riamond’s minions weren’t the only ones who where now free from control. Frodsar, Emroth, Zaddrith, and Curym all had minions that would now be free of their control.

  Who knew what they would all do if left to their own choices?

  I turned to Rizzala, who was crouched beside Adath. There was no doubt in her dazzling green eyes, only the fire of anger and the warrior’s spark of eagerness for battle.

  “I’ve got your back,” she said with a firm nod.

  “Good,” I replied as I stood and drew my axe from its sheath and looked at the other women. “We need to go investigate these goblins, but I’m thinking that this just might be the tip of the iceberg. We might have a serious problem on our hands.”

  “I will help,” Arieste said as she smiled at me.

  “Me too!” Irenya said as she leaned into Arieste. “Wherever you go, I go.”

  “I would like to help also,” Letharia asked with a meek smile. “If you will have me, of course.”

  “Of course I will,” I said as I gave her a smile. The slender brunette had proved to be a wonderful ally, and I was looking forward to getting to know her better.

  “I go where the Dreamkey goes,” Kyanne said as her eyes fixed on the pouch where I kept the magical device.

  “Good,” I laughed. “That means you’ll be helping us along the way.”

  Rizzala, Irenya, Arieste, and Letharia all laughed, and I felt my chest warm with pride. These beautiful women were all great friends, and I knew I could solve any problem and defeat any evil with them at my side.

  “Let’s go kick some goblin ass!” I said as I lifted my axe in the air, and my friends cheered along with me.

  End of book 4.

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  A letter from the author:

  Dear reader, if you REALLY want to read the next Dragon Slayer novel- I’ve got a bit of bad news for you. Unfortunately, Amazon will not tell you when book 5 comes out. They also won’t tell you when book 6, 7, or 8, etc... are published. You’ll probably never know about my next book, and you’ll be left wondering what happened to Ethan, Arieste, and Irenya.

  There is good news though! There are three ways you can find out when my next book is published:

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  Like Harem themed novels? You will love Michael-Scott’s International best selling Star Justice series! It’s about a weretiger space marine and his crew of beautiful women kicking ass across the galaxy.

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  Editing by Daniel Schmitz, Ginger Earle, Nick Kuhns, Diane Velasquez, Jacqueline Miles (who also edits my audio books), Holly Lenz, Cody Elyko, Jay Taylor, Lucas Luvith, Anthony DePaolo, Kenneth Smith, Alex Hyde, and Zach Summers.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright 2018 by Michael-Scott Earle




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