My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1)

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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 1

by KC Kean

  My Bloodline

  KC Kean

  Copyright © 2020 KC Kean

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN-13: 9781234567890

  ISBN-10: 1477123456

  Cover design by: KC Kean

  To My Forever & Always,

  You'll likely not see this, or even consider a dedication in your name. Yet you support me no matter what. Giving me your strength when I need it most, and your embrace when my soul calls for yours.

  Thank you for being you and allowing me to be me. While coming together and making the most beautiful us.

  I love you, it's no secret, I say it a hundred times a day.

  But to have it written in a book ... Well, that's more than infinity war!

  This world isn't flowers and rainbows sweetheart. This world is death, it is corrupt, cut-throat and complete darkness. If you want any chance at surviving, I suggest you learn to see in the dark.

  - Maverick Miller, Featherstone Academy


  Title Page











































  About The Author


  "We're here to assist with you with your transition to Featherstone Academy."

  Suddenly thrown into a world representing bloodlines I know nothing about, forcing my past I refuse to remember into the present, has my world turned upside down.

  It doesn't matter that I didn't want to go to college, it doesn't matter that I don't want to be here. I'll follow the rules or risk my life. The organisation that runs the criminal underworld is no joke.

  Apparently, I'm an Ace now, but few are happy about my arrival.

  Secrets have me wanting to run for the hills.

  Boys have curly hair, skull tattoos, big mouths and gentle caresses.

  A diamond has me wanting to make the world a better place.

  For a lone ranger, my small world just got bigger.

  What are you willing to do to survive?



  My soul aches.

  Blood, everywhere.

  My small hands tremble as I look at what I'm holding.

  "Meu Tesouro." I hear, but my eyes refuse to seek where it came from.

  This is all too much.

  Curling into a ball, I block the world out.

  Blood, seeping through my clothes, my body unwilling to acknowledge its touch.

  My heart hurts.

  The darkness surrounds me, and I welcome it's presence.

  My mind grateful for the respite.

  There was . . . no me before this, only after.

  Yet I don't remember why.

  My subconscious locking it all away.


  Leg up on the pedestal with his client now eye level with his dick, we're gonna be here all night at this rate. We've all got plans and if he doesn't stop thrusting himself in that poor girl's face, it’d be just my luck for Rafe to pop his head in. He owns Inked, the tattoo shop, and the MMA gym next door too. I can see his car parked out front from here, and I don’t want our plans to be blown.

  Well, mine will be. He couldn't give a shit what these guys are up to, but he thinks I'm corrupt enough as it is.

  "You done Marcus? We need to get moving.” I can't keep the irritation out of my voice, which only makes him smirk and try to up his game. This girl is loving it.

  "You can't rush perfection like this, Luna.”

  Perfection? Man, all he did was tattoo an infinity band on her wrist. I've been here a solid 12 hours, putting in my time to try and get Rafe to officially take me on as an apprentice so I can skip college. He won't even have a conversation with me about it, but I think if I keep showing up he'll eventually relent.

  I'm ready to get out of here, so I give Jake the eyes and he starts shutting lights off in the back. Code for everyone to get out, the unspoken rule to grab your stuff and go. Everyone starts gathering themselves like its Pied Piper.

  "Hey sweetie, you want to come hang with us tonight?" Marcus murmurs with his lips against her neck. This girl is hanging off Marcus' every word, but I can barely deal with him on his own, never mind when he's trying to get laid.

  Thankfully, Jake pipes up, "Marcus, you know the rules. No girls tonight."

  "Yeah, but Luna's coming so I thought ... "

  "Fuck off Marcus, you know the rules, Luna doesn't count. Besides, she's got bigger balls than you anyways," Jake sniggers. Oh god, nothing riles Marcus up more than being interrupted and being compared to me.

  I don’t need to be around for this, so I get to me feet grabing my jacket from the back of the chair, already heading for the door. West is observing them both from the door, aware this could escalate quickly.

  "Listen Marcus, you can call it a night now or head out with us, either way you’re leaving." West says, turning and heading out the door I follow, not wanting to deal with his usual crap.

  "You want a ride or are you taking Dot?" Jake asks, ever the organizer.

  "You can go with West in the car, I’m taking Dot.”

  "You sure you don't want someone to be your driver?"

  "I'm sure. I prefer my space, you know that."

  "I know, and you know I always gotta check." Lifting my shoulder to him I leave it at that. Jake’s always trying to care, but I don't entertain him. I show care for Rafe, that’s my limit. I don't need to add to the worry and stress I already have.

  Jake shutters up behind Marcus, who's strolled off with his piece for the night. At least there wasn't an argument, but I don't miss the dark look in his eyes as they turn the corner. I get the tough decision he had to make there, fight or sex. Usually I’d choose sex but tonight is different.

  "You ready?"

  This comes from West. He doesn't need words. A nod will suffice and that's all he's gonna get when I'm trying to focus, now that we're finally heading out. He gives me a smirk and heads to the car. I walk over to my baby, Dot; my Ducati 916. Flame red, slick as hell and a throttle so throaty my insi
des weep with joy whilst passers-by hate me.

  She's my pride and joy, a complete fixer upper that Rafe helped me with. We completed her six months ago and I've refused to travel in a car ever since. I never miss the pride in Rafe's eyes over Dot, our masterpiece but I also don't miss the sadness, probably because he's always talking about how I don't need him anymore.

  I'm 18 in the morning, and still Rafe is the only person I will let past the walls I’ve built around myself. He saved me from the darkness, taught me how to have control over everything I wanted, made me feel safe even when I felt alone.

  Helmet on, I give Dot a little rev and take off. They know I'll want to get in the zone and get my adrenaline pumping first and a quick run with this throttle beneath me will do just that. We're heading to the outskirts of the city tonight, to an old abandoned warehouse with dodgy as hell bouncers, cheap beer and queues a mile long full of people wanting a good time that involves money, blood, sweat and tears. Men will be flashing money at all who will look, and women will wear as little as possible hoping to bag themselves a slick fucker.

  Usual Friday Fight Night means two rings, eight fights and sixteen fighters willing to risk their lives based on their skills and strength all for money, but mostly the high you get off the adrenaline pumping through your veins.

  When the clock strikes a minute past midnight, I'll be on the cards.

  Tonight, I fight.


  Getting my head in the right mindset I consider my life, remembering why I love the fight. The control.

  I refuse to remember any of my life before twelve years ago. I started my life at six, a shell of a girl, feared a hug as much as my own shadow or the boogeyman. The nightmares that played over and over every night would ruin a grown man, let alone a small child. Rafe didn't really know what to do with me, so he made me fierce.

  Rafe is pretty much my whole family, he keeps a roof over my head and food on the table. He was apparently my father's best friend since high school. Well, he drew the short straw since my mother dropped me at his front door at six years old like I meant nothing to her, like what we lived and experienced was nothing to her.

  Instead, leaving me to deal with all this shit in my own head, where I refuse to accept or acknowledge the mess that led me here. Only allowing it to haunt my nightmares. In return, Rafe gets a dead best friend and a child. Like I said, short straw.

  Rafe does everything you’d expect of a father. He is my biggest protector and supporter. He always put me first and taught me independence but if Rafe knew my plans for the night, he wouldn’t hesitate to put a stop to it and I'm not about to be caught now.

  He'd been in the Armed Forces years prior as a sniper and was beyond practiced and skilled in Martial Arts as well as weapon. So, what does he do to help a six year old girl fight through the darkness? He teaches me MMA; Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai - you name it and I'll be shocked if I can't pull something out of the bag in that category.

  I went from a scared little girl to taking Rafe down at 12 years old and I mean he's 6ft. 2" and built like he's competing for world’s strongest man.

  I still train daily, I love the feeling of being in control of myself, of feeling a move and seeing it through, feeling my center and the power I have, my senses allowing me to feel my surroundings. There is nothing like it, well except sex, give me a man that’s gonna let me ride him as much as he wants to go all alpha on my ass, and it’s a close call.

  This is the life I want, let my art flow onto skin during the day and pound it when the sun goes down, as long as I've got my bike I'm content. Money isn't an issue, my other skill set, that Rafe definitely doesn’t know about, is my ability to steal shit and people are willing to pay big for that. West knows but he wouldn't breathe a word to a soul. He's the one who named my thief persona 'Moon' as in Luna Moon, asshole, but it somehow stuck. It's even funnier that my last name is Steele, Luna 'Moon' Steele at your service.

  People look at my 5ft 7" height and seemingly small frame and stroll on by. I wear loose fitted clothing to hide my definition underneath, there’s nothing better than catching them off guard. My dark brown wavy hair is usually thrown up in a ponytail or braids and it's a rare occasion for me to wear make-up, leaving my bright green eyes bare and myself unnoticeable.

  Tonight is the first night I'll be able to fight. I've seen hundreds of them, but the owner, Murphy, knows Rafe, and as much as he lets me in to watch, he won't go over Rafe's head because he knows he'll likely lose his.

  Murphy’s excuse has always been my age but when I was here last Friday, I somehow convinced him that after midnight it’s fair game. I don't know if I'll be up against a girl or a guy and I don't really care. I just want to feel it, the pumping in my veins, the buzz in the air and the sweat running down my back

  Fuck I’m ready for that feeling. Glancing, I see I’ve dropped my speed. My mind focused on the ring a little too much. I turn on to a quiet road, no one's out here at this time and you can pick up some good speed heading towards the warehouse.

  I focus, considering my emotions. I feel determined, excited, and confident, not even a single ounce of me feels nervous or afraid. I live for this. All my training and sparring with Rafe and the guys at the gym, on a daily basis has me ready.

  Rafe says I can get destructive sometimes, out of control. It's like certain words can be said and I lose my sight, all I see is red and my fight or flight response goes into overdrive. Rafe and West think it could be set words that are a trigger for me but hell if I've been willing to figure it out. I know of one phrase but even thinking about it rattles me. All I know is I have no control in those moments and that scares me more than the nightmares.

  Pulling up to the Warehouse I park next to the car, Jake and West hovering, not wanting me to enter on my own. It wouldn't make a difference to me but right now I appreciate the fact that they're a barrier between me and anyone wanting to hold a conversation. A nod from West and we're heading in. A familiar face is on the door.

  "Hey doll face, how's my favorite girl tonight?"

  I can't help but slightly smirk and roll my eyes at him which earns me a megawatt smile, all teeth, and he lets us through knowing I won't respond.

  West and Jake fight here every Friday while they usually pull someone in to babysit me but not tonight. Tonight, we're all heading in the same direction and my anticipation kicks up a notch.

  "Sorry Luna, there's only one set of lockers here," says Jake with a quick look over his shoulder.

  I don’t say a word, I just continue to follow. It’s irrelevant. West has my gym bag from the car, and I won't be intimidated once we get in there.

  This place is already grinding, music blasting through speakers everywhere and bodies pressed together like their lives depend on it. I'm being overlooked right now, no make-up on and my ass isn't hanging out. No one's glancing at me in my all black outfit consisting of my skinny jeans, leather jacket and combat boots, just how I like it.

  Following Jake to the right, the volume lowers slightly, and I see the locker rooms up ahead. It's 11pm and the next fights starts in fifteen minutes. Each match starts at fifteen past the hour. There are two rings, so they always run both at the same time. I can't tell how the last matches ended but they're all clean and ready to go again.

  Murphy’s rules are minimal to say the least. No weapons, tape your hands and the referee will only step in if you’re about to be knocked out. Anything else goes.

  Jake is up next. West will fight in the other ring at quarter past midnight like me. I haven’t checked who any of our opponents are, because it doesn’t matter. Although Jake will read the board out loud in the locker room anyway.

  Jefferson and Holmes are also up next, they barely have any brain cells left between them based on the amount of times they've pounded the shit out of each other, and they're dirty as hell. All because back when they were teens they fell into a love triangle with some girl. Ten years later and they're still brawling
and the girls nowhere to be seen. Boys should have learnt to share. Stepping into the room the light feels like it's burning my retina compared to the dim setting outside.

  "Sweet cheeks, if it's dick you're after you'll have to wait outside till I've finished."

  I've not seen this guy before but West slams my gym bag down breaking my eye contact with the guy and easing some of the tension from the room. I keep my facial expression neutral and stare him down. Nothing riles a guy more than a silent woman. They expect us to be all catty and shit.

  "Oh shit," calls Jefferson, "You're the Steele on the board for tonight huh Luna? Does Rafe know about this?"

  "Steele? Are you fucking me? I show up here tonight and y'all think I'm fighting a little girl? What kinda place is this?"

  Who even is this guy?

  I haven't moved a muscle, not even to respond. I just keep my poker face in place and stare him down. Refusing to rise to him baiting me.

  "Man, Murphy wouldn't agree to let someone fight if he didn't think they could, and if it's Steele you've been brought in for, it’s because it would be too personal for any of us."

  Wow, since when did Jefferson ever talk sense.

  "You’re all serious?"

  Taking in how nobody’s moved and I'm still staring him down he shrugs, "Your funeral sweet cheeks, I'm going to socialize."

  Jake squeezes my shoulder like I need the reassurance. I want to shrug him off and tell him to piss off, but I don't, wanting to remain calm and unaffected.

  "So, you've had the pleasure of meeting my opponent tonight, who are you guys fighting?" I ask.

  Jake glances at the board whilst West gets comfortable, "West has someone by the name Horton."

  "And you?"

  "Seems like Tommy's trying to join the big leagues"

  What? Oh fuck, seems tonight couldn't get any crazier.


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