Broken (Breaking the Rules Series Book 1)

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Broken (Breaking the Rules Series Book 1) Page 2

by K. Webster

When we got to the bar, I squeezed between two barstools so I could tell the bartender our order. When he came over, I drank in his piercings, tattoos, and Irish accent.

  “What can I get you two lovely ladies?”

  “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan and a Cape Cod,” I told him. He winked at me and went over to make our drinks. He was pretty good-looking, but if I ever wanted to come back to this bar again, I’d have to pass this one up.

  “When do The Remains come on?” Pepper asked, looking over at the empty stage.

  “In fifteen minutes,” the gravelly voiced bartender told us as he handed us our drinks. I pulled out a twenty to pay for our drinks, but he held up a hand, stopping me. “Ladies, I would pretty much say every drink you want for the rest of the night will be free. I just had several different guys say that they wanted to buy your drinks,” he laughed.

  I smiled and thanked him before Pepper and I made our way to the stage. We sat at a tall table near the stage as two people vacated it. Pepper pushed the still smoking ashtray away from us and brought her Cape Cod to her lips to take a sip. “This place is nice, Andi. I’m glad we came. However, I kind of feel like we’re at a meat market and we’re big, juicy steaks,” she reported, snidely rolling her eyes at the guys a table over who were blatantly ogling us.

  “Pepper, just enjoy the free drinks and attention. We’ll find some nice guys to take home later,” I teased, winking at her. She just stuck her tongue at me. I liked to mess with her, knowing that she would not, in fact, be taking a guy home. Pepper didn’t warm up to people very easily. Olive and I were probably her only friends of either sex. She was serious and bitchy. I loved it about her, but others couldn’t handle it. For as long as I’d known Pepper, she’d never dated anyone at all. If I had to guess, I’d bet she was still a virgin. And quite honestly, I thought she had a hard time finding people that could match her intellectual wit. They only bored her when they came up short.

  “Hello, ladies,” a blond-haired guy in a tight t-shirt greeted as he walked up to our table. He had a cute face and he looked pretty buff. This might work.

  “Well, hello yourself,” I purred as I leaned forward, giving him a straight view down my cleavage. His eyes widened as he stepped closer to enjoy the view from a better vantage point. Pepper’s sigh could be heard nearby.

  “What are two beautiful ladies doing sitting here all alone?” he asked, laying down his cheesy pick-up line. I winced—only slightly—because it was already turning me off. But sex was sex. As long as I kept his mouth occupied with other things, I could avoid the things that might come out of it.

  Clearly already annoyed, Pepper huffed out, “I’m going to the bathroom.” She stormed off, leaving me with Blondie.

  “Have a seat, good-looking,” I drawled out, matching his cheesiness. He grinned back at me with his perfect white teeth and sat down.

  “A woman, like yourself, and I could have a damn good time, if you know what I mean,” he suggested, promising a good fuck.

  I took a long sip of my drink and looked up at him under my eyelashes. “Is that so, handsome? Well, then by all means, I’d like to see what you mean.”

  He shifted in his chair, clearly excited at my answer. “Well let’s get out of here, beautiful,” he suggested, smiling.

  “Okay, we can get right to it. But we need to go over the rules first,” I declared, voice matter of fact, as I went into business mode. He sat back in his chair, looking at me questioningly. “First of all, it’s just fucking. Nothing more. Secondly, you get three nights of it. Just three. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. You will love every second of it. After we’re finished on the third night, you go away. Done. It’s simple and easy. Are you game?”

  His eyes had grown to the size of saucers as he just stared at me, open-mouthed and shocked that a woman would insinuate such a proposition.

  Rolling my eyes, already getting bored, I asked him one more time, “Are you game? Do you want to play by my rules?” He glanced up behind me and slid out of his chair, stalking off. What the hell? Loser. He couldn’t handle what I had to give anyway.

  Before I could start searching out my next victim, I felt the heat of someone’s body leaning behind me. The deep voice that whispered hot breath into my ear sent a shockwave right down to my core when he said, “I want to play.”

  I shuddered at the sheer sexiness of his growled words. Please let this one be hot, I thought, because I could almost just get off on his voice alone. “Is that so? You think my game sounds fun?” I solicited, egging him on but still not turning around to see him. A big, masculine hand snaked around me and settled on my upper thigh, rubbing a thumb just under the hemline of my dress. My body shivered with need as I realized just how close his thumb was to the aching, throbbing part of me in my really short dress.

  I dropped my head to the side, allowing my hair to cascade behind me giving him full access to my neck. My bait. And just like the good little player I knew he would be, he brushed his lips up my neck to just under my ear, where he pecked me, short and sweet. Between his lips on my neck and the thumb running a delicious pattern just under my dress, I was ready for him to throw me across the table and fuck me like nobody else was in the room.

  About that moment, I saw Pepper walking back toward the table, glaring at my overt sexuality. Before she reached the table, the voice whispered, “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll find you again in a bit. We have a game to play.” And as quickly as he had appeared, he disappeared.

  “What the fuck, Andi? You looked like you were about two seconds away from letting Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome finger you in the fucking bar!” she shouted at me. Slowly coming out of my sexual haze, I spun around to look for him. There was nothing but a large crowd building around the stage. No Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

  “Pepper, I am going to fuck the shit out that man tonight,” I told her dreamily. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome dripped with sexuality and I wanted to drink it up. At this point, even if he was ugly, I’d just have him do me from behind. What?

  Before she could scold me anymore, we were interrupted by the sound of a guitar. The Remains had finally taken stage. A waitress stopped at our table and dropped off two more drinks for us. “These are compliments of Jackson,” she said to me like I should have known who that was. After we thanked her, we sat back to enjoy the show.

  “Thanks Jackson!” Pepper and I giggled to each other.

  The Remains were amazing. They were a local band that had the edginess of old ‘90s grunge bands but swoon-worthy lyrics that I’d expected to hear from more recent bands. The crowd was wild for them. After an hour of playing, they finally said their goodbyes and left the stage.

  “That was awesome!” Pepper told me, no longer pissed at me.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room. Get us another round of drinks,” I ordered as I strode away from the table. Being a thin blonde who was scantily clad, I was used to the stares of men all around. I drank it up because it did miracles for my self-esteem that Bray had managed to damage.

  Before I reached the hallway to the restrooms, I felt his eyes on me. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. I scanned the area to see if I could pick him out from the crowd. Not seeing him anywhere, I tossed my hair back and breezed into the bathroom. I couldn’t wait for my little player to find me so we could start our game. This was the first time I had actually found excitement in my game to this degree. Sure, it was fun and carefree, but something about his voice had promised a lot more than just fun. I couldn’t wait.

  I walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway but stopped to look at a picture on the wall. It was absolutely gorgeous, a stunning collection of buildings with clean lines and asymmetrical perfection. The photographer had captured the beauty of the buildings. My architectural mind wanted to continue to appreciate it, but a voice behind me ripped me away from those thoughts.

  “It’s called the Poustinia. It won The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland’s trennial gold medal in 2004-2006,” the s
mooth voice educated me. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. Between his sexy voice and his knowledge of architecture, I nearly begged him to do naughty things to me right then and there. “Close your eyes,” he said, grabbing my hand.

  Closing them, I allowed him to lead me down the hallway away from the bar toward the room that boasted an “Employees Only” sign I had noticed on my way to the bathroom.

  “Do you work here?” I asked him, eyes still pressed shut. His deep chuckle had me clenching my thighs together.

  “I’m friends with the owner. But don’t tell him what we’re about to do on his desk,” he added conspiratorially.

  I sighed at his words, nodding as he pulled me through the door, and closed it behind us. “Are you ready to start our game?” he growled into my ear, sending shivers of need down my spine.

  “Yes. Can I open my eyes now?”

  “Hmmm. There’s just something really fucking sexy about you not being able to see my face. I don’t want you to see me till after I make you come. You like that rule?” he inquired, clearly making up his own rules as we went along.

  “What if you look like a dog? Kind of unfair to let me fuck you only to find out you are ugly,” I told him snootily, hoping to egg him on.

  He pulled my back to him so I could feel his hardness against my back. I gasped when I felt the very large size of it. His hands slid around my body, settling on my tummy as he whispered his hot breath into my ear. “I’ve never had any complaints,” he bragged, nudging his hardness into me a little.

  My body shuddered because I wanted him right now. I didn’t care what he looked like. I was going to fuck his voice.

  Reading my mind, he pushed us forward until my thighs met what I presumed was the desk. Not gently at all, he bent me over so that my arms were spread across the desk, knocking papers off in the process. He nudged my bottom with his hard cock through our clothes, making me whimper because I wanted it so badly.

  “So three days. We’re agreeing to just three days, right? I can’t start this game without knowing that we both fully understand the rules,” he said in a very businesslike manner, as if he was going over a contract.

  “Yes. That’s how the game is played. We get to be each other’s plaything for a whole weekend and then we can go back to our lives come the start of the week. Are you going to fuck me or not?” I demanded testily, ready for him to plow into me.

  Not saying another word, I heard the jingle of his belt and the sound of his pants falling to the ground. I shivered with excitement. Slowly, he eased my short dress up over my hips and grabbed a handful of my ass.

  “Woman, you are sexy as hell,” he growled, once again rubbing himself against me. This time, the friction of his naked hardness against my thin thong had me shuddering. I was so wet and he hadn’t even touched my clit.

  He hooked his thumbs in my thong and slid it down my legs, letting it rest at my ankles. I heard the ripping of a condom package and my pussy began to throb.

  “Oh my God, I can’t wait any longer. Please, just fuck me already!” I exclaimed eagerly, wanting him inside me. Not waiting for any more commands, he spread my sex and teased the entrance with his tip. I pressed backward to him, begging him to push it in. Finally, he groaned and shoved it all the way in, causing me to yelp out in delight.

  My body took a moment to accept his size but then began clenching, wanting him to continue. He quickly started pounding into me. His hand came around and found my clit. As he thrust into me, he began a rhythmic pattern on my swollen nub that was quickly sending me toward the stars.

  “Oh my God, I’m about to come,” I shrieked as he continued to work me over. Within moments, my climax took over and I shuddered around his throbbing cock. He grunted, and I could feel his own climax course through him. He collapsed on top of me, his heart pounding against my back. Inhaling the sent of my hair, he said, “What’s your name, sexy?”

  “Andi. And that was amazing, Mr. Whoever You Are,” I praised, short on breath.

  His loud chuckle vibrated through me, causing me to begin to throb again for him. “Jackson. And that was really fucking amazing,” he agreed.

  I smiled, finally looking around to notice all the papers we’d shoved off the desk. Oops.

  He lifted back off of me and slid out, involuntarily causing me to tremble at the loss. I could hear him pull his pants back up behind me and drop something into a trashcan—the condom I presumed. Stepping back behind me, he reached under me and pulled me up off the desk. His hands grabbed my dress and pulled it back down over my ass. Sighing, I started to bend to pull up my thong, but he stopped me by squatting behind me. Instead of pulling them back up, I saw his big hands lift my feet up to completely remove them.

  “My prize,” he laughed.

  Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed to see the face of my lover. Spinning around before he could stop me, I drank in his beauty. He was stuffing my panties into his expensive suit pocket. When his brown eyes met mine, my knees weakened a bit. Oh my God. Tall, dark, and handsome was the understatement of the year, Pepper. This man was a god. His longish dark brown hair was perfectly styled on his head, making him look very GQ. Chocolate brown eyes studied mine as I greedily looked him over. The five-o’ clock shadow on his face was sexy as hell. And his lips. God, I couldn’t wait to put mine on them. The nice suit showcased a very tall, fit man.

  Suddenly dragging me out of my thoughts, he uttered, “Like what you see?”

  His cockiness caused me to roll my eyes at him. “I guess you’ll do,” I shot back at him, matching his tone. He arched an eyebrow and his laughter boomed in the office.

  “You really are something, Andi. I’m going to enjoy playing our little game,” he growled. He quickly leaned over and brushed his lips against mine but never gave into the full-on kiss I knew we both wanted. Pulling away as fast as he swooped in, he instructed, “Go to your friend. I will come get you in a little while and we can get on to the next round at my place.”

  Winking at him, I tossed my hair back and strode out of the room, not giving him the satisfaction of an answer. Tonight was off to a great start.

  A dark two weeks…

  Today I finally dragged myself out of bed and showered. Even I was offended by my smell. Pepper told me that I should be using my time to study for my finals next week. Quite honestly, I could care less about them.

  Bray texted me again today, once again begging me to forgive him. It wouldn’t be so hard if he would just go away. But no. No, he needed me back because he suddenly “realized what a mistake I made.” Too fucking bad, Bray.

  Curious while in the bathroom, I weighed myself only to discover I’ve lost ten pounds. Oops. I’m not going to tell Pepper about that one.

  How am I going to recover from this? I don’t feel like this hole in my heart will ever close up. It feels as if I’ve been cut and am bleeding internally. I wish there were a way to numb my pain. How do people get over having their hearts ripped to shreds? I honestly have no idea how to stop the pain.

  “Did you fall in?” Pepper asked, smirking when I walked up to our table.

  “Oh Pepper, you have no idea how happy I am right now. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is named Jackson. He and I just had the hottest freaking quickie in the backroom,” I exclaimed and started to laugh when she made a face.

  “Andi! Are there any bounds to your sexcapades?” she frowned at me.

  “Pepper, don’t be jealous. That sexy man just banged the hell out of me over the desk and stole my panties. Dare I say he’s a keeper?”

  “So he’s the new weekender I’m guessing?” she inquired, picking at her nail.

  I sighed as I took a sip of my drink. “Yes, he’s the new weekender. Don’t worry though. We’re going to his place. You can sleep peacefully tonight, my friend.” She looked up at me with concerned eyes.

  “Andi, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. It isn’t safe to just run off with a perfect stranger you met in a bar, you know.”

  “Pepper, please. It will be fine. He is a nice businessman, looks really successful, knows about architecture. It’s not a big deal. I promise,” I assured her calmly.

  She sighed as she conceded finally. Smiling, I grabbed her hand. Pepper was a great friend. Always concerned and looking out for me. I loved that girl. Putting on her bitch face, she shot out, “Now, don’t get any STDs or pregnant. I swear, Andi, your vag is going to fall out one day!” Giggling, I kicked her under the table.

  After a couple more drinks, she hopped off her stool and gave me a hug. “Andi, I am getting out of here and grabbing a cab home. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome has been looking at you for the last fifteen minutes like he wants to devour you and it’s making me kind of nauseous. Be safe and call me if you have problems. Love you, babe,” she waved goodbye as she headed out of the bar.

  As I watched her leave, an arm snaked around my shoulder. Smiling, I turned to say something sassy to Jackson but frowned when I realized it was just some guy who thought he had ownership over me now that my friend was gone. Hell no. Before I could rip his balls off with my words, he was jerked away from me.

  “She’s mine tonight, buddy,” Jackson growled from behind me.

  I laughed at his bold words. Actually, I believe he is mine tonight.

  “You ready, Andi?” he questioned, pulling my hand into his.

  “Why yes, Jackson. I’m ready to continue our delicious game,” I confirm, looking into those dark eyes. They darted to my lips momentarily, so I licked them for good measure. Immediately his eyes met mine again.

  “I think I’ve finally met my match,” he growled, pulling me towards the exit. I smiled, thinking about how I’d affected this man. A man who looked like he led powerful meetings and had an army of employees under him. It was empowering when I could get men like this to eat from my hand. If only Brayden could see me now. Stupid fucker lost his chance long ago.

  When we stepped out of the bar, the chilly air whipped around me and I immediately missed my panties. We reached the curb to call a cab—or so I thought. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when a black sedan pulled up in front of us. Jackson opened the rear door so I could get in. Once I got inside the posh interior of the car, he closed the door and got in on the other side.


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