Jesse: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 3 (The Beckett Brothers)

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Jesse: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 3 (The Beckett Brothers) Page 4

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  She’d always been the type of woman who had to feel something for a man before going to bed with him. That was one reason she’d been a virgin on her wedding night. Jamie hadn’t exactly swept her off her feet but they fell in love and planned a long life together. The only things they’d argued about was his smoking and her wanting to have children. Jamie told her after they were married that he didn’t want children, saying he dealt with them all day and he didn’t want to come home to them too. She’d been so hurt but learned to live without them. Now if she’d just had children, she wouldn’t be alone. All she had now was the ranch and she was going to do all she could not to lose it. It had been Jamie’s dream more than hers, but she’d loved the idea when he had mentioned it. Would he be disappointed in her for trying to change it into a dude ranch?

  Anna shook her head in answer to her own question. She knew Jamie would do the same thing if the situation were the other way around.

  Finally pulling up in front of her house, she shut the engine off, climbed out of the cab, walked up the steps, and into the house. It was so hot out. Sweat trickled down between her shoulder blades and breasts, which made her think of Jesse without his shirt. She hadn’t been able to take her eyes off his chest which was wet from his sweat and making the light smattering of hair across his pecs glisten. A single drop had rolled down his hard chest, six pack stomach, and followed the trail of hair around his belly button and disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. She wanted to follow it with her tongue, especially through that happy trail which swirled from his bellybutton down to…there.

  Groaning, she pulled a chair out and sat down. Why did you let him kiss you? Now you’ll just want more. So much more.

  “Damn it,” she muttered as she stood then walked to the fridge and pulled the door open to retrieve a bottle of water.

  It felt refreshingly cool in her hand and she was tempted to drink it down now, but she had work to do. She needed to muck out the stalls, and she knew she’d need it later. Walking out the door, she pulled it closed behind her, skipped down the steps, and walked across the yard heading for the barn.

  Rusty came strolling toward her and stopped in front of her. He removed his hat and wiped his brow with a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket.

  “It’s awfully hot today, Annie.”

  “I know. You and Wes should stay around here. The hay can wait a day or two.”

  “It needs baling cause it’s callin’ for rain tomorrow.”

  Anna muttered under her breath. Wet hay could make animals sick. “I can drive the baler if you don’t mind mucking out the stalls.”

  “You can’t do all of it by yourself. Wes or I can drive the other baler.”

  “I’ll call Jesse and see if he can drive it. You two don’t need to be out in this heat.”


  “I’m the boss. Do what I tell you.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “Yeah, you’re the boss but I ain’t helpless.” Rusty’s eyes narrowed at her.

  “That’s why you’re going to muck out the stalls.” She spun away from him and pulled her cell phone from her jeans pocket to call Jesse. Butterflies were going crazy in her stomach as the phone rang.

  “Hello, Anna,” he said in way of answering.

  Oh, Lord! Hearing that deep voice in her ear had her knees trembling. She cleared her throat.

  “Jesse, could you drive one of the balers? I don’t want Wes or Rusty out in this heat.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right there.”

  “Thank you,” she said and disconnected the call and looked at Rusty. “He’ll be right here.” Rusty stared at her until she began to fidget. “What?”

  “Nothing. You just seemed a little nervous, that’s all.”

  “Nervous? About what?”

  “Talkin’ to him.”

  Anna gasped. “I was not!”

  “I’m sure you noticed he’s a good-looking man.”

  “Rusty, I’m not dead. Of course, I noticed but I also know I’m eleven years older than he is.”

  “So? I’m twelve years older than my wife.”

  “That’s different.”

  “Really? How?”

  “Go to work,” she growled then tightened her hands into fists when he laughed and walked away.

  She spun around, walked out of the barn, and jogged across the yard to get Jesse a bottled water. How was she ever going to look at him again since he kissed her? Putting her fingertips to her lips, she swore she could still feel them tingling. It had been so very long since she’d been kissed, and she was certain she’d never been kissed like that before. She hated feeling that way, but Jamie had never made her toes curl or made her want to toss him down and go over every inch of his body with her tongue. Jamie would have been shocked.

  Carrying the two bottles of water, she left the house and walked back to the barn. Jesse’s truck pulling up to the barn stopped her rambling thoughts and she watched as the door flew open and he stepped out. Biting her lip to keep the moans at bay, she stared at him. His straw cowboy hat sat low on his forehead, his white muscle T-shirt was wet with sweat, and dust clung to his jeans and boots. Sunglasses covered his beautiful blue eyes. As he strode toward her, she couldn’t stop her eyes from skimming down over his flat stomach, past his belt buckle, and landing on his fly. She couldn’t stop the groan as she stared at his crotch. His jeans cupped his sex in a snug fashion and left little to the imagination. She quickly covered the groan with a cough and handed him the bottle when she reached him.

  “Follow me,” she said and turned to enter the barn not bothering to see if he followed or not.

  They walked the length of the barn in silence, and once they stepped out the other end of the barn, she pointed out the baler to him. He gave her a nod and walked toward it.

  Damn it! Now she couldn’t quit staring at his ass. The man could be an advertisement for the jeans he wore. She watched as he climbed up onto the baler then started it up. He drove it toward her and stopped.

  “Am I heading for the field you were cutting yesterday?” When she nodded, he put the machine in gear and drove off.

  Frowning, she watched him going then climbed up on the other baler and followed him. He didn’t seem like he was interested in talking with her. It was no wonder since she’d ran off after that kiss. Anna had known she had to run away or attack him.


  Jesse had been surprised when Anna called him to ask if he could help bale up the hay, especially after that kiss. He’d done it plenty of times and knew it could be time consuming but out in the hot weather, it could drain even a young man. It was no job for someone like Wes or Rusty to be doing. They could suffer heat stroke far too easily.

  He wondered why Anna didn’t own balers with air-conditioned cabs. Shaking his head, he arrived at the field and started driving over the hay. He checked behind him to see the bales popping out the back and landing in the field. Usually, someone would then come up, toss the bales onto a truck bed, and take them to the barn. He was sure Anna would ask him to help on that task too, and he had no problem with it. Obviously, she needed the hay to sell to other ranchers and farmers. Hay didn’t sell for much but the more she sold the better. He would do his part to help her. His father would have a fit if he knew any of this.

  Shrugging, Jesse knew it would all come to a head eventually. With his father, and with Anna. Once she found out what he was really doing on her ranch, she’d kick him off for sure. Damn it! He hated lying to her, but he was in too deep now and didn’t want to leave. He wanted to help her. Fucking certifiable, Beckett.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her on the other baler working the other side of the field. She never looked his way and he knew she’d been embarrassed by that kiss. That was why he’d hightailed it out of there when he’d first arrived at the barn. He’d made a fool of himself by kissing her, but he couldn’t help it. She was so beautiful, and he wanted her like no other. Her lip
s had been so soft. Fuck! He shifted on the seat as his dick started to twitch just thinking of her. He’d been hard since she left the cabin.

  Now, he just needed to get his mind on the job then go back to the cabin. He did need to ask her about a mattress though. He was tired of sleeping on the floor. He just happened to have his sleeping bag with him in case he’d needed it. Sometimes on the way to the next rodeo, he’d stop and sleep in the back seat of his truck. If he was in areas like Arizona or Nevada, the nights could get cool even in the summer.

  He wasn’t sure who his dad was going to get to do his scouting now since Jesse had just been in his last rodeo. He was done with it and had officially retired. Getting on the back of a two-thousand-pound angry animal had worn out its welcome and his body was already feeling it. He couldn’t imagine what he’d feel like in ten years. Of course, his brother, Gage, was still working the rodeo circuit and he was thirty-one. But even Gage had mentioned retiring lately.

  As Jesse baled his last row, he glanced over to see her finishing her rows too. His shirt was soaked with sweat. He removed his hat and swiped his forearm across his forehead then stopped the tractor, took his hat off, and pulled the T-shirt off over his head. He laid it out on the seat beside him then turned the tractor to head back to the barn. Anna was ahead of him. His chest had sweat rolling down it by the time they reached the barn. Driving inside, he stopped behind Anna, climbed down, and walked toward her to help her but she jumped down and turned to look at him, but then quickly turned away from him. She obviously had a problem being around him when he had his shirt off. Taking a deep breath, Jesse returned to the baler to retrieve his shirt. It was damp but he removed his hat, and pulled it on.


  Anna turned away from Jesse when she saw him striding toward her with his shirt off. His chest gleamed with sweat and she had to bite her tongue to keep from groaning. He might be younger, but he was such a man that she had to keep reminding herself that he was too young for her, and nothing could ever come of her letting him kiss her again. She didn’t need a broken heart and she had a feeling if she let Jesse kiss her again, it could lead to more and her heart would end up in pieces. He was only here for the summer and she’d never been into flings. Jamie had been the only man she’d ever been with.

  Hating the thought of Jamie not thrilling her, didn’t mean she’d hop into bed with any man. No matter how hot or sexy he was. She’d always known something was missing but she loved Jamie and would never hurt him by telling him she needed more. Her sister thought she was crazy to live that way but Anna had never been able to tell Jamie what she wanted in bed. He’d been so old-fashioned when it came to sex. He always had to be on top. The one time she suggested she be on top, he’d given her such a look of shock that she never mentioned it again. Her sex life had been boring to say the least.

  Glancing at Jesse from under her lashes, she’d bet he wasn’t boring in bed. Would he let her be on top? God! She had to stop thinking like this. Besides, she’d be way too nervous to go to bed with him. What if she did, and then disappointed him? Anna mentally shook her head. It would never happen.

  “Do you want me to help load the hay?” Jesse asked from beside her.

  She jerked and turned to look at him. “I can’t keep asking you to help out and not pay you, Jesse.”

  “I don’t mind helping and you don’t have to pay me. I’m happy to help.” He smiled at her.

  She blew out a breath. “I could use the help. I don’t want those two out there too much. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so we have to get it done today.”

  “All right. When do you want to go?”

  “I suppose now. Let me get the truck with the trailer.”

  She turned to walk out of the barn to get the truck and trailer. You have to stay away from him and yet you’re going to spend more time with him, and you know he’s going to take his shirt off again! You are crazy, Anna Tipton. Absolutely crazy.

  Shaking her head, Anna climbed into the truck, started it, and drove into the barn.


  Jesse watched as she pulled the big truck into the barn. When she stopped it, he opened the passenger side door, climbed into the cab, and glanced over at her.

  “Don’t you like air conditioning?”

  “This truck doesn’t have air. It’s old. Fresh air is good for you,” she said without looking at him.

  “And the tractors we drove today?”

  “I sold the other ones and bought the ones we used.”

  “I see,” he murmured.

  Jesse knew she had money problems but he didn’t realize just how bad it was. If she was selling equipment, hay, land, and cattle, it was worse than he thought. He looked over to her again.

  “Why don’t you just sell the ranch, Anna? Wouldn’t that be the best solution?”

  “I can’t. Jamie loved this ranch. I can’t do that to him.”

  “What would he want you to do? Would he want you to let the bank take it?”

  Anna slammed on the brakes and looked over at him. “I really don’t see where it’s any of your business.”

  “I apologize. I didn’t mean to overstep. I’m just curious.”

  Anna blew out a breath. “I’m sorry, Jesse. I shouldn’t have said that. This ranch was Jamie’s dream and I’m going to do what I can to keep it. If it comes down to it, I’ll let my parents help me.”

  “Your parents?”

  “My parents have money and are always offering to help, but I hate taking their money.”

  He wasn’t sure what to say. If her parents were able to help her, why didn’t she let them instead of going through this every month? Mentally shaking his head, he had to admit he did know that feeling. He hated asking his parents for anything but they all had money now and with him and Gage owning the boot factory, along with what they’d inherited from their grandparents, the Beckett family was set for life.

  “I can understand that but sometimes we all do things we don’t like.” He couldn’t have said anything truer. The fact that he was lying to her about why he was on her ranch was proof of that.

  Anna nodded and started driving again. He knew he had no business asking her such personal questions but he wanted to know about her. She intrigued him and he’d never been so attracted to a woman. As she pulled into the field where the hay bales lay, he pulled his leather work gloves on.

  Once she stopped the truck, he opened the door, stepped down out of the cab, and walked to the bales beside the truck. Picking up a bale, he tossed it onto the trailer. Anna had climbed onto it and slid the bale to the front of the trailer. They worked in silence.

  Once they cleared an area, Anna would jump down and drive the truck a little further. It was really a job for more than two people but with it being so hot there was no one else to help. Neither Wes nor Rusty needed to be out in this stifling heat.

  A half an hour later, Jesse took his hat off then pulled off his gloves, laid them on the trailer, then pulled his T-shirt off over his head and tossed it inside the cab of the truck by way of the open window. Sweat rolled down his chest and his hair was damp on the ends from the sweat on his neck. Taking a deep breath, he placed his hat on his head, pulled his gloves back on, picked up a bale, and tossed it onto the trailer. Anna slid it next to the growing stack.

  He began muttering under his breath about her. She was so beautiful, but he knew once she found out the real reason he was here, she’d be kicking his ass off the ranch and hating him. Hell! He should have just left the first day. Why hang around?

  “Because she makes your dick hard just by looking at her and you want her like you’ve never wanted another woman. You need to just get the fuck out of here,” he grumbled as he picked up a bale and tossed it. The bale hit Anna full force and knocked her down. “Shit! Anna, are you all right?”

  He leaped up onto the trailer and kneeled down beside her. She was flat on her back with her eyes closed. He took his glove off and touched her face. Her eyes fluttered open an
d she stared up at him with a glazed look in her eyes.

  “I’m all right,” she wheezed. “Just knocked the wind out of me.”

  “Hell, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” He stood and put his hand out to her. “Let me help you up.”

  Anna placed her hand in his but when he started to pull her up, she gasped and grabbed her side then laid back down.

  “Just lie still for a minute and try to catch your breath. I know having the wind knocked out of you can hurt like hell. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right. It’s not like you did it on purpose, Jesse,” she said as she closed her eyes.

  He crouched down beside her. “I think we should get you back to the house.”

  “No. This needs to get done.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Her eyes opened and she stared up at him. “You can’t do it by yourself.”

  “Sure I can. It will take longer but I can do it.”

  “I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.”

  Jesse pulled his other glove off and kept an eye on her. She had her hands on her side as she tried to get her breath. She looked up at him and he could see pain in her eyes.

  “I don’t think you’re going to be fine for a while. I may have really hurt you. Where did it hit you?”

  “On my side,” she said as she ran her hand over her right side.

  “Shit, I hope I didn’t crack a rib. I tossed it pretty hard.”

  “No shit, Dalton. You knocked me on my ass.” She tried to sit up again but gasped in pain.

  “Okay, that’s it.” He stood then reached down and picked her up. Walking to the side of the trailer, he laid her back down, jumped down, then lifted her again, and carried her to the truck cab. She hissed in a breath as he set her on the seat. He looked at her white face.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll drive back slow.”

  “Jesse, this has to get finished. It’s going to rain.”

  “I’ll take care of it after I take care of you.”

  He closed the door then ran around the front of the truck and climbed in then started it up and drove back toward the house. Every time he’d hit a bump, he’d glance over at her. She was pale with sweat beading on her upper lip, and he knew it wasn’t from the heat. Pulling up to the house, he hopped out and ran around to help her out. Rusty and Wes appeared beside him.


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