Resisting You Not (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 5)

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Resisting You Not (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 5) Page 6

by Emelia Blair

  I straighten up and aim another kick at his crotch, relishing in his screams. “I’m going to take everything from you, your life, your dignity, your money. I’ll make you crawl and beg like you made all those women do. Like you made my Tracy do.”

  The dark stain in Paul’s pants is visible in the dim lighting.

  I laugh mockingly. “Did you pee yourself? How apt.” I kick him…again.

  And again, he whimpers, his voice hoarse and broken.

  “You’re going to spend a lifetime regretting even looking at Tracy.” I glance at my watch and smile coldly. “The police will be here any moment now. So, I’ll take my leave.” I crouch down, grab Paul’s hair, and yank his head up, forcing him to meet my gaze. “Remember, if you even say Tracy’s name or my name, I have enough contacts in the police force that they will make your life miserable.” My words are a soft whisper, “If I could set you up today, just imagine what else I’m capable of.”

  I turn around and dust the dirt off my pants, taking off my gloves, and stuffing them into my pocket.

  I have just rounded the corner when I hear the sound of the approaching sirens and I stroll away casually, only turning once I’m at a distance.

  Paul is being escorted into the car, two uniforms supporting him and the woman that I paid is being comforted by one of the cops as she puts on a performance that is worthy of the Oscars.

  I make up my mind to send her to one of the acting schools she’d mentioned once this whole mess is over.

  I didn’t go home straight away.

  I drink a beer or two to calm the anger raging inside of me.

  I wanted to rip that bastard’s face off. I wanted his blood on my hands. And yet, if I did that, I would have lost Tracy and Max forever.

  Max’s face when he had seen his mother had crumpled and he had grabbed my hand. I had comforted him while Tracy had sworn that she had just fallen down. But the boy didn’t believe her, and it was only when she left the room when he looked at me. “Why didn’t you save her?”

  I don’t know what sort of things Max has seen in his life that made him use this serious tone with me, sounding eerily like an adult’s.

  I had grasped his tiny cold hands and vowed, “I’ll fix this, I swear.”

  “You’ll find who did this?”

  I had run my hands over his head. “I’m going to make them sorry for what they’ve done.”

  The boy’s reaction had been to stare at me and then nod, as he clung to my neck, his frame trembling with upset.

  Now, I stare at the apartment building, steeling myself to go inside.

  Spending all these years with Caleb, he’s taught me a thing or two, the most important being to never get your hands dirty no matter how much you want to. I know he’ll approve of what I did but there is a hollowness inside of me and I wish I had gotten in a few more kicks.

  I sigh. But this was the only way I can stay near Tracy and Max, both of them having become the center of my life.

  My body feels like lead as I drag myself out of the elevator towards my apartment. I pass Tracy’s door and continue on, wanting to lose myself to the darkness of the nightmares that have become so familiar to me.

  The sound of a click makes me look up.

  Tracy steps into the hallway, bundled up in a fluffy robe. The very robe I had placed inside her wardrobe, right before they had moved in.

  Something inside of me settled upon seeing her wear something I had given her, even if she didn’t know it.

  “Where have you been?” Her tone is demanding, almost proprietary.

  I stare at her, blankly. “Out.”

  “Out where?”

  “I had some things to do,” I murmur. “Did you need something?”

  She opens her mouth and then presses her lips together.

  I hate this uneasiness I’ve caused her, that’s tainting our friendship. After I took care of her when she was beaten up, I brought Max to her. Then I ordered the two all sorts of comfort food and rented them their favorite movie, so they could feel safe and secure… to just heal together.

  I had wanted to be there as well, to sit with them, to watch over them, but I had gone back home, to my empty apartment that just felt cold. It was bad enough I’d already imposed my feelings on Tracy. I didn’t plan to rub it in her face now. And more importantly, I don’t want to hear her reject me to my face.

  “I came by twice in the evening to invite you over for food but you weren’t home,” she mutters, wrapping her arms around herself.

  I feel a little hesitant, refusing to allow any hope to infiltrate through my numb exterior. “I had some things to take care of. I-I got a catering job. A friend of mine is hosting a party and he asked me for recommendations. He has staff and everything. He just needs food. I gave him your number. He’ll contact you tomorrow to arrange for samples and—”

  “Duke.” Tracy’s voice is quiet as she asks, “Where did you go tonight?”

  I seal my mouth shut. There’s something in her voice, something heavy, and I want to retreat.

  She takes a step towards me and then her eyes grow dark. “What’s that on your face?” The distance between us vanishes as if it was never there, as she reaches up and grabs my face, studying my eyes, and her voice is cold. “Who did that to you?” Her finger presses against the bottom of my eye.

  I don’t wince, although I feel the slight pain. I’m too busy drinking in her face, those dark lashes, those stunning hazel eyes, those full lips, all within my reach but not mine. Never mine. “I got into an altercation,” I confess, my tone husky.

  Her eyes harden, and then she’s grabbing my hand.

  As always, I helplessly follow as she drags me to her apartment and seats me on the couch.

  “Stay,” she orders as she heads to the bathroom.

  I watch her blankly. Maybe it’s the alcohol, which is making me a little slow to process things right now, but I haven’t moved when she comes back.

  She sits across from me and starts cleaning up the gashes on my face. “Somebody really went for you, huh?” she asks, quietly.

  I don’t say anything, not even flinching when the alcohol burns my skin.

  She’s working steadily on my face and then she says, “I got a call from one of the girls. Apparently, Paul was just arrested, as was his uncle, who’s a big shot politician. Both in one night. It’s on the news. Women are coming forward within hours of his arrest, claiming he assaulted them.”

  “Oh,” is all I say in response.

  Tracy puts a bandage underneath my eye and over my brow to cover most of the damage. “You’re lucky he didn’t get you in the eye.”

  I stiffen at her words.

  She gives me a knowing look. “You promised you wouldn’t do anything.”

  “I lied.”

  “Yeah…no, I figured that out.”

  When she doesn’t say anything, I get to my feet, feeling unsettled. “Thanks for this. I’m going to go back—”

  “Why did you do it?”

  I’m halfway to the door when her question hits me and I freeze. “What kind of question is that?”

  I hear her feet on the floor as she puts herself between me and the door.

  She is so much smaller than I am, but she glares up at me. “Stop running away and tell me.”

  My blood boils and I growl. “Because I promised Max I would protect you and this was the second best thing. And because seeing someone put their hands on you is unacceptable! Be grateful I didn’t rip his head off!”

  “You promised my son you’d get revenge for me?” Tracy asks, a bit calmly now.

  I scowl. “Yeah. What’s wrong with that? He has every right to ask me—”

  “I didn’t say he didn’t,” Tracy cuts me off. “What did you do to Paul?”

  “Nothing too bad. Nothing compared to what he did to you. He’s going to go to prison.”

  Where he’ll suffer day in and day out.

  But I don’t think Tracy needs to know all the go
ry details of what awaits him once he gets to prison.

  When she doesn’t say anything, I feel frustrated. “Look, I’m not asking you for anything, all right? I know – But you can’t expect me to watch the woman I love being hurt so ruthlessly. I’m not the type of man to sit idly on my hands. If I had the opportunity, I would have hurt him more. I was in prison for a number of years. I know how to inflict excruciating pain without being caught!” Maybe the prison reference will wake her up and she’ll get out of my way.

  However, Tracy puts her hands on my chest and pushes at me, angry now. “Don’t do that. Don’t try to scare me. It won’t work, you stupid lug!”

  I snarl at her.

  She bares her teeth at me.

  Her bruises are healing nicely and I know they’ll look better in another day or so. Will she tell Kendall or hide it with makeup?

  “You told me you loved me and you ran away!” She hisses at me. “You coward!”

  I freeze at her words and open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

  “And then you kept on avoiding me!” she continues, hurt in her voice. “I hate you.”

  Her last statement is said with tears in her eyes.

  I suddenly feel helpless. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry!” I try to touch her.

  Tracy pushes my hands away. “Why did you hide from me?”

  “I didn’t – I mean, I didn’t think you loved me. Or that you wanted a man in your life at all. I didn’t want to burden you with what I felt,” I try to desperately explain. “Tracy, I’m an ex-con, I’m a simple driver. I have no ambitions in life. I didn’t think you’d want that in a partner.”

  “You’re no deadbeat!” she says, fiercely. “And I don’t care whether you went to prison or if you were born in prison. You’re an amazing man and I’m lucky to have you in my life. You treat my son as if he were your own, you take care of me, even when you don’t have to. You took care of us these past two days. Do you think I’m blind? Do you think that I don’t know who furnished Max’s room or that Kendall never told you anything when you came looking for me initially? You think I don’t know what you’ve done for me and what you keep on doing for me without asking for anything in— r-return?” Her voice breaks.

  I engulf her in my arms, begging her, “Enough. That’s enough. I’m sorry. Just stop crying.”

  “I’m not crying!” She hits my chest with her fists and then gives in only to bury her face in my chest, sobbing.

  I don’t know what to do.

  Finally, when she lifts her head, she gives me an angry look. “I love you, okay? So, stop running away.”

  My whole body goes still at her words. “What?”

  “I love you, Duke.”

  I stare down at her, unable to comprehend this cocktail of emotions whirling around inside of me. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  I blink at her, dazed. “You love me?”

  “Yes.” There’s a smile on her lips now, “I love everything about you. I love how protective you are, and how funny, and how loving. I love how you make me laugh and how you adore my son. I love that you’ve become family to me and Max. I love—”

  I smash my mouth down on hers, absorbing her next words, drinking her in. My kiss is rough and hard as if I’m trying to leave my imprint on her.

  Her hands go around my neck and she opens her mouth, allowing me more access.

  My hands go to her waist and then I’m picking her up, her legs wrapped around me.

  Her bedroom isn’t very far and I lock the door before pushing her against it, kissing her even more fiercely, “I won’t let you take it back!”

  “I don’t intend to.” Tracy’s voice is a little dazed but she clings onto me, not letting me kiss her as she tries to catch her breath.

  My hands move through her hair, as my heart beats wildly and something warm bubbles in my chest. “I’m going to marry you, you know.” I tell her. “And we’re going to give Max lots of little brothers and sisters. And we’re going to open up a catering service called ‘Duke’s Tracy’.”

  Tracy is watching me, with affection in her eyes, as I detail all our plans and she laughs. “You’ll have to take me on a date first. The rest can come after.”

  I lift her up and she’s light as I whirl her around. “I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world, Tracy. I’ll give you everything you ever wanted.”

  She laughs, giddily as I make all these wild promises.

  I know that she thinks I will never be able to fulfill them, but I plan to achieve every one of them.

  We fall onto the bed and she wraps her arms around me, dragging me in for another kiss.

  My hands run over her body as they ache for her skin and then the robe parts as her moans turn into whimpers and whines—as I explore her body so thoroughly over the next few hours, claiming it over and over again until she’s mindlessly begging for more.

  And then I give her more.


  Bliss is a new feeling to me and I bask in it to the best of my abilities.

  Tracy’s first catering job goes very well and she’s thrilled when it lands her a few other gigs. She’s making ten times what she did at any of her previous jobs.

  Most of my free time is either spent at her apartment as she cooks, while Max and I play video games. I’ve taken on the duty of enforcing the homework rule and the kid is surprisingly okay with it.

  Tracy rarely lets us help when she’s cooking but I love watching her bustle about, some dance tune playing on the speakers as she moves her hips and works.

  The only downside is that during mealtimes if Caleb is home, he wanders over under the pretense of looking for me, and then he stays to get fed before dragging his own girlfriend back to his apartment.

  “Those two are freeloaders,” I complain to Tracy.

  She just kisses my cheek, lovingly. “So are you, but I still keep you around, don’t I?”

  “That’s because I’m good in bed.” I trail after her.

  Kendall shoots us a look from the couch where she’s watching something on the phone. “Ew. Who even says that? You’re sick.”

  Tracy snickers.

  I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. “You’re going to let your friend pick on me?”

  “I can’t help it when you make it so easy.” This is her way of consoling me.

  I glare at her as she escapes my hold and my hand goes to my pocket where a ring box is nestled.

  It had taken Max and me a whole Saturday afternoon to shop for a ring for Tracy. It took us fifteen shops, two burgers, four ice creams, and a toilet break to finally agree on a ring for her. The little brat has an eye for these things.

  Caleb is happy as well.

  It’s rare to see my friend so content, as he teases Kendall. I’m seeing a whole new side of him which is interesting. I’ve never seen him this laid back.

  Things are going well but then they always are in the eye of the storm.

  It starts with catching a man following me around for a couple of days but he always disappears before I can nab him. And then comes a call from Kendall about bringing the car around, something about Elise, the company’s receptionist, going into labor. But as soon as I cut the call, I feel a shove from behind me as I’m pushed into an alley and straight into a knife to my gut.

  I recognize the man holding the knife as Arthur, Tracy’s previous landlord. He gives me a grotesque grin as he twists the knife, one hand over my mouth. The pain is so excruciating that I can’t even fight back. And then something heavy crashes into my back and I crumple onto the cement. I see a glimpse of the metal back as it makes contact with my back again and then I try to breathe through the pain.

  “Touch my woman, will you?” the man hitting me with the bat screams, sounding deranged. “Where is that two-timing whore?!”

  I don’t know how many times he hits me but my consciousness is fading in and out. I don’t remember when they leave me but I recall Cale
b’s voice, cold with anger and hands on me as I’m lifted into something, and then my world goes black.

  The first thing I see on waking up is a white ceiling.

  The first thought that hits me is that everything hurts. The second thought is that my hand feels numb.

  I turn my head with some difficulty and see dark curls spilling over the white hospital bed sheets, and a familiar hand curled around mine.

  Tracy’s sleeping while holding my hand.

  I open my mouth to say something, maybe call out her name but the only thing that comes out is a croak.

  However, that is enough to rouse her from her rest and she quickly raises her head. Her eyes are red and puffy and she immediately picks up the glass of water with a straw and brings it to my lips.

  I’m grateful for that. The water eases the scratchiness of my throat and I ask, “What happened?”

  She strokes my hair, her hands shaking. “You were attacked. They broke four ribs and they nearly broke your spine and you were stabbed really bad.”

  I want to ask questions but recounting everything sounds difficult for her. “How long have I been out?”

  “Four days. They put you in a medically induced coma,” Tracy says, unable to stop touching my face. “I was so sure you’d die. And then they said that you were out of danger and Max has been coming everyday. And I’ve been staying here overnight. The doctors didn’t want to allow it but Caleb managed to convince them otherwise.”

  “Did they manage to catch who—?”

  Tracy pales as she nods. “Yeah. They kidnapped Kendall and Caleb found her. One of bad the guys is dead. I didn’t ask who.”

  My head is hurting along with my body, so I watch her, silently, waiting out on saying anything else.

  She finally says, “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” I echo, confused.

  It seems to take a physical toll on her to meet my eyes as she explains, “One of the men who attacked you, he was Max’s biological father. He went to the diner and they mentioned you. Then he tracked you down and, well, you know the rest.” Her eyes are shimmering with tears.


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