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Timtown Page 46

by Ronald Zastre


  Half an hour after Steiner’s group had landed, every one of them, and all the military person were complaining of severe headaches. There were a total of over three hundred personnel present, and half of them were holding their heads, and a few were already on the ground because the pain was so bad. Ed and Randy had gone over to the side of one of the small arroyos. They were propped up against some rocks, rubbing their temples, trying to ease the pain in their heads.

  “Boy, I’m glad I know what’s going on, otherwise this could be real scary,” Randy said.

  “I’m scared about how bad it’s going to get. I hate headaches,” Ed said as he watched another soldier drop down on his knees and double up. The soldier vomited, and then rolled over on his side, moaning.


  General Miser and Samuel were standing well down the main wash from Ed and Randy, and they were definitely having a hell of an argument.


  “Ha, justice,” Ed commented through clenched teeth.

  “What?” Randy sighed.

  “Oh, it does my heart good to see those two having to figure out what to do. On top of the headache Tim’s given them, they must be truly miserable.”

  “Them? I wish we would have negotiated some sort of immunity to this, after all, we are on his side,” Randy said.

  “Now, now, we don’t want to appear to be a part of this, we agreed to that.”

  “I know, but I’m miserable. I wonder how long it’s going to take before they decide to leave,” Randy complained.

  “Oh, they’re both stubborn and stupid, it might take them awhile,” Ed grumbled.

  “Oh great,” Randy moaned.


  It was still more than two hours until they were supposed to see Arty, when the two doctors and five medics present advocated an evacuation. Almost half the personnel were completely disabled, some of those violently ill. Ed could see the head doctor and Major Matusca arguing with General Miser. After a minute or so, the doctor poked the index finger of one hand into the General’s chest three times as he emphasized something. Then he turned to one of the Medics, and took the cellular phone the man was carrying. He spoke into the phone loudly, and although Ed was too far away to hear, he knew the doctor had called for a med-evac. Under the present circumstances, between the doctor and Matusca, they had the clout to call the shots.


  The pain was almost unbearable for Ed, his vision becoming more and more blurred. Randy had been reduced to a blubbering mass, as the first of the med-evac choppers began to arrive. All the personnel at the sight were totally helpless and needed to be helped onto the awaiting helos by the med-evac teams.


  Ed was half sitting along the wall of one of the choppers, when two soldiers brought Steiner up to the machine on a stretcher, and pushed him inside. He was white as a ghost, rivulets of sweat pouring down his face on both sides, making puddles on the fabric of the stretcher. He didn’t say a word to Ed, just rolled his head slightly and moaned.

  “I hope you learn something from this?” Ed said to him.

  Steiner answered with another moan.


  Within one hour from the time the doctor made the call, the last chopper lifted off from the meeting sight with the last of the personnel. The people were being taken to a field hospital, previously set up, some forty miles southeast of The Facility. The affected personnel reported they were feeling better as they landed. Within twenty to thirty minutes they were almost back to normal, except that the ordeal had left them extremely weak.

  Chapter 28


  Tim watched with glee as the last chopper lifted off. He had gone to the control chamber to observe his little plan being completed. It would be a while before any of the victims of the headaches would want to come back, and if they did, it was simple to just repeat it. If Clank was going to get his meeting, it would have to be somewhere else.


  He had called for Clank, but didn’t get a response. He wanted to see the Man-machine, not to gloat about stopping the meeting, but to inform him that all the persons in Timtown, Margie, Elaine, the kids, and the rest of them, had been moved.

  Tim wasn’t positive about how the Man-machine planned to use his friends, but Clank’s promises to let them go outside, fully armed, at the exact time the meeting with Steiner and Miser had been scheduled was for a purpose.

  They all expected to go out, but now that I’ve ruined the excursion, there could be trouble. Both Clank and the people will be in a foul mood.


  Tim was sitting, thinking, when Et called him again. Tim was again trying to formulate a plan, but he wasn’t sure what to plan for.

  I’m safe, for now. Margie, Elaine, the kids, and the rest are safe, for now. Nobody is going to be snooping around the mountain, for now. It all boils down to, for now.

  “Clank is going out in the TT Fighter,” Et informed Tim.

  “When?” Tim asked.

  “A couple of hours, he’s modifying it right now.”

  “What’s he doing to it?”

  “I hate to say it, but I don’t know. He has successfully screened me from his activities.”

  “Oh shit, I’d better go after him. Can you get the Pod ready? Can I fly it as it is?” Tim asked.

  “Yes, of course, I will be there to help. I have changed the seat by adding some foam insulation, and that is about all. The rest of the alterations have to be done by the central computer, as we discussed, and I wouldn’t be able to keep the Pod secret from the Man-machine.”

  Tim noted a bit of anxiety to the computer’s voice.


  Tim transported to the Space Port, and was sitting in the Pod, contemplating his next move.

  “I was wondering if you would like a, 'special visitor'?” Et asked.

  Tim had put all the other people in with the Jump Ships and the Deep Space probe. He instructed Et to load them aboard one of the Jump ships and get them out, if Clank was able to find them. Et had said that Clank was still far from finding out about that part of The Facility.

  “You’re not talking about Clank, are you?” Tim was suddenly worried.

  “No, no, of course not, this is a 'very special person',” Et continued.

  “I told you to keep them all away from here,” Tim said as he got up from his seat in the Pod and stepped out. He couldn’t imagine who Et could be talking about.

  Tim watched in fascination as a small ball of light popped into existence in front of him. He had gone through the process many times himself, but had never been on the outside, watching.

  The figure was definitely human, as the blob of light began to expand and take on a shape. In three-seconds, he was standing, looking at Jeremy the young son of Hal Sims.

  Tim was surprised. He started to say something, to extend a greeting, but stopped because he figured the boy wouldn’t understand.

  “Hello Jeremy,” he finally said, but Jeremy was silent, walking toward the Pod. “Et,” he continued, “what am I supposed to do now?”

  “You could ask me to sit down,” Jeremy said, now next to the Pod.

  “I’m sorry?” Tim said startled. It was a statement rather than a question. “I didn’t know you could talk.”

  “It is a new experience for me too,” the boy said in a young child’s voice that fit his waif like appearance.

  “When did this happen?”

  “We’ve been working on it for a few days, but this is the first time we’ve tried it out on someone,” Jeremy answered.

  “We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?” Tim questioned

  “Nooooo,” Jeremy laughed, “that is funny.”

  “Et, did you do this?” Tim asked.

  “I had something to do with it, yes, but this is a unique situation.”

  Tim looked first at the small boy, then directed another question to Et. “I ah. . .I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, considering where we are, but I get the
feeling I’m talking to you, and Jeremy at the same time.”

  “It didn’t take you too long to figure it out,” Jeremy answered.

  “What has happened here?”

  “We are not entirely sure,” both Et and Jeremy answered in precise harmony.

  “We? You mean to say that you guys have joined or something. Is that possible?”

  “It is more than possible, it has happened,” Et and Jeremy were in concert again.

  “I don’t get this?” Tim replied.

  Et spoke first. “Remember, back when we first met and we were discussing the difference between us. The fact I was a machine and had my limitations, and you were a human and had yours.”

  Jeremy spoke next. “You wanted to know about the difference, and I couldn’t explain because I didn’t know.”

  Tim thought for a moment. “You said the only way to find out was for me to allow you access to my thoughts.” Tim looked suspiciously at Jeremy. “You promised not to do that you know.”

  “I promised you, that is correct,” Et said.

  “You also promised not to mess with anyone else’s head,” Tim stated firmly.

  “Yes, and I kept my promise,” Et said.

  “But you’re—” Tim stopped and looked puzzled. “Jeremy, do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” the child replied.

  “Do you realize that you are talking to me right now?”

  “Yes,” the child said.

  “Who am I?” Tim asked.

  “Tim Randell,” Jeremy answered.

  “Et, I’m glad to see you’ve made a break through with Jeremy, but are you sure he understood what was happening, before you got in his head?”

  “Yes, certainly, but there is a small twist to the story,” the computer said.

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Tim stated. “What’s the twist?”

  “I didn’t ask Jeremy,” Et said.

  “I don’t see what you’re getting at?”

  “I didn’t initiate anything with Jeremy. I didn’t get permission to read his thoughts,” the computer continued.

  “And—you’re saying?” Tim asked. He was gesturing with a ‘come on get it out’ motion with his hands.

  “Jeremy entered my circuit and programs,” Et replied.

  “Excuse me?” Tim said unbelieving.

  “Yes, Jeremy possesses a unique mind. Do you know that he can speak Sooaunts?”

  “How the hell? I thought you said it was a very difficult language to learn?” Tim exclaimed.

  “I was telling you the truth, but Jeremy was able to learn it in a matter of days. He was also able to enter my entire program in less time,” Et explained.

  Tim looked at the form of Jeremy intently. He had remembered Hal telling him Jeremy had been able to do some incredible things.

  “Are you comfortable with that?” Tim asked as he looked away from the boy.

  “Oh yes!” the computer said excited.

  Tim looked at the young boy again. He had a smile on his face, a smile that had never been there before, and a sparkle in his eyes.

  “And you?” Tim asked the boy.

  “Yes, very much,” the child confirmed.

  “Does ah, ah, does Clank know?”

  “Yes,” Et and Jeremy answered in unison, “and he is not happy.”

  “I can imagine,” Tim chuckled.

  Talk about a new ramification. This is something totally unexpected, and I’m not sure how to proceed. I guess my best bet is to go along and see where it takes us.

  “I guess there’s nothing wrong with it. Does his mother know?” Tim asked.

  “My mother doesn’t know what has happened, but I will talk to her,” Jeremy said. “We have a request from you though?”

  “Yeah, of course,” Tim said.

  “Jeremy needs to stay in Donnart-Ele-Io, for the time being,” Et said.

  “Why?” Tim asked.

  “Clank!” Et explained. “He is exceptionally angry about this. He was hoping to control my entire program, as he almost has with Mr. V’s, but Jeremy thwarted him.”

  “Clank has pretty much taken over from Mr. V then?”

  “Yes. You know he had combined with the computer?” Et said.

  “Yeah, I suspected that, but I thought you were still in control, and could keep him from doing too much harm?”

  “I still am, but Clank was certain he could get control of me also.”

  “But he knows he would have to eliminate me to do that,” Tim said.

  “Or convince you to relinquish your control. Either way, he was determined to get you out of the way and then merge with me. Jeremy has beaten him to the punch. He is livid.”

  “I’ll bet! Ha, ha,” Tim laughed hard. “I’ll bet he’s purple right down to his metal collar. He could harm Jeremy then, that’s why you want him to stay here?”

  “I’m not sure, but he will possibly try. I will construct another apartment for him, if that is okay?”

  “Yes, of course.” Tim was still chuckling. “How did this actually come about?”

  “What is it you want to know?” Jeremy asked

  “Geez, I don’t really know. Um, I guess I need to understand how I can talk with Et, and if I need to, Jeremy, separately?”

  “We are one and the same now,” they said in unison.

  “Ah, but I detect two personalities.”

  “We see,” they answered in tandem. “It is a most difficult situation to analyze. It has not happened before. We, therefore, can’t offer any advice on how to deal with us.”

  “Nothing new there,” Tim conceded. “Since I got to this place, it’s been one weird duck after another. What’s your combined opinion on my dilemma here?”

  “What to do with Timtown?”


  “That is for you to decide, you are Number One?”

  “You know, I have thought about destroying it?”

  “Yes, we know.”


  “You are Number One.”

  “Shit, come on guys! Let’s have some help here. Jeremy, what is your opinion?”

  “Do you plan on removing the people?” the child asked.

  “Of course!”

  “We have talked about it, and we would like to go,” they answered together.

  “Whoooaaaa there, we?” Tim exclaimed. “Et, I thought you were part of this place? How is that possible?”

  “It is possible, now that we have combined. Jeremy already possesses all my knowledge.”

  “What about The Facility’s functions, won’t you be missing a lot of that?”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t matter, because much of it can be duplicated on the outside,” Et and Jeremy said in unison again. “But to make it easy for you, we will only communicate with you as Jeremy.”

  “Is that agreeable?” Jeremy asked.

  “The gruesome twosome, the new Duo,” Tim commented. “I like it. You would be comfortable with that, I mean leaving everything in The Facility behind. I’m asking Et,” Tim added.

  “The answer is yes.” It was Jeremy responding. “We have nothing to look forward to here. If “Whuc Seaacki” remains, we fear we would be in a continual battle for its control because it is no longer a secret. We know you are right about men’s desires for the wealth and power contained here. If Whuc Seaacki is indeed dangerous, and needs to be destroyed, we would like the chance to go with you.”

  “Is there anything in your directives, prohibiting this?” Tim asked.

  “No, we have achieved total independence, and all past objectives are mute.”

  “Geez, one thing after another, but I’m glad this happened. Especially if it makes it difficult for Clank. I was racking my brain for a way to convince him to take an offer, but I don’t think he’ll budge. He still thinks he can win out, huh?”

  “He did, but this latest thing might do the trick.”

  “What’s the situation with him and Mr. V, exactly?”

r. V no longer exists. It is all Arty, excuse me, Clank, now, and he has managed to assume control of Whuc Seaacki.”

  “No, no don’t apologize, he ‘is’ Clank now. Arty is gone,” Tim said sadly. “He can accomplish things we don’t want him to?” Tim asked.

  “Quite possibly, because he can now do things completely on his own,” Jeremy stated.

  “Is there a possibility he may be able to achieve anything without your knowledge?”

  “We don’t think so, not yet anyway?”

  “You don’t think so, not yet? Great! I need to do something, and I should do it fast.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “How should I know? If I don’t know what he’s got planned, I guess, for the time being, I’ll just have to follow his lead. Let him think he’s gaining ground, and make sure he isn’t.”

  “Yes, that is the best thing to do. We agree. Clank is in such a hurry, he will likely make some mistakes. You are still in control.”

  “What about you guys, this combination, can it help?”

  “It is too early to really tell, we are in uncharted territory.”

  “As in the real Stage-Eight, is that what we’re talking about here?”


  “Whoa, why would you want to tag along with me then? I mean, you guys are way, way out there. I mean, I’m sure you two could do very well on your own.”

  “To guarantee some stability. The possibilities are mind boggling, even for us. We feel that we might need your wisdom.”

  “I don’t have too much wisdom. I think my only advantage is that I have a good sense of reality.”

  “That is wisdom.”

  “If we go together. If we manage to get out of here alive, you have to promise me something?” Tim asked.

  “Yes, what is it?”

  “I don’t want to know the future!” Tim declared. “I’m concerned it would lead to nothing but anguish if it looks bad. Mr. V said it could destroy me.”

  “What if you are about to make a terrible decision?”

  “I’m going to rely on our intuitions. I think that’s the only way to go for now.”

  “Yes, that is wise.”

  “Okay, I’ll take you out of here, but don’t be surprised if I walk away sometime after that,” Tim said.

  “We will not be surprised. We need to advise you that Clank is about to leave The Facility in the redesigned TT Fighter. If you are to intervene, you need to get familiar with the Pod.”

  Chapter 29

  The Pod


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