Never a Lovely So Real

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Never a Lovely So Real Page 57

by Colin Asher

  and Wright, 102, 105, 108, 119

  Johnson (street fighter), 30–31

  Johnson, Denis, 443

  Johnson’s club, Albany Park, 42–43, 44

  John the Barber (poker player), 428

  Jones, Gloria, 479, 483

  Jones, James Garrand, 422

  Jones, Kaylie, 479–80

  Jordan, Bill, 99, 101, 114

  Jungle, The (Algren), 358–59n, 381n

  Justice Department, list compiled by, 305

  Justice, Donald, 428

  Kadesh, Joan, 415

  Kalar, Joseph, 82

  Kalisher, Louis and Gette, 16

  Kaufman, Philip, 415, 425

  Kay, Linda, 462–63, 464

  Kazin, Alfred, 356, 358, 445

  Kelley, Robert D. G., 195n

  Kenna, Hinky Dink, 298

  Kennedy, Robert F., 433

  Kentucky Derby (1958), 372–74

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 433

  Kirkland, Jack, 333, 341, 350, 357–58

  Kisor, Henry, 465

  Klemick, Herman “Blue,” 53

  Koestler, Arthur, Darkness at Noon, 146

  Kontowicz, Amanda Leocadia, 125–27

  and Cazarian, 158–59, 163

  and Conroy, 150–51

  and divorce, 214, 325, 327, 336, 340–41, 352, 359

  and Finch, 162–63, 189

  in Hollywood, 282, 284

  and money, 321

  move to San Francisco, 190–91, 208

  and Nelson, 37, 128–31, 138–40, 152, 189–91, 196–97, 213–14, 240, 287, 328, 352, 361

  and Nelson, marriage, 140, 157–59, 163, 191, 309

  and Nelson, remarriage, 293, 294, 308–11, 316–17, 360

  and Nelson’s breakdown, 361–63

  and Nelson’s writing, 317, 341

  Korean War, 290–91, 292, 304, 317

  Kowalski, Stanley, 438

  Kozlowski, Ted, 396

  Kroch’s & Brentano’s bookstore, Chicago, 354–55

  Kruck, Red, 152

  Kuprin, Aleksandr, Yama, 134, 135, 237

  Kushner, Rachel, xiii

  Lamb, Robert, 377

  Lanzmann, Claude, 308, 384

  Larson brothers, 368

  Last Carousel, The (Algren), 441–47, 453, 465, 477

  Law, Oliver, 139

  League of American Writers, 118–20

  and Algren, 118–19, 120, 133, 139, 146, 152–53, 170–71, 314

  and Communist Party, 142–43, 146, 169

  and Conroy, 118, 119, 152–53

  and FBI, 314

  founding of, 108, 118, 120, 133

  and HUAC, 169

  and John Reed Club, 108, 118

  and Wright, 108, 119–20, 133, 139, 142

  Lebworth, Marion, 367, 370, 371, 372

  Leekley, Richard, 126–27, 128, 129, 158

  Left Front, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107–8, 147

  Lemon, Frankie, 145, 156

  Le Sueur, Meridel, 119, 126, 148, 326

  Levin, Meyer, 155, 156

  Levitt, Solly, 431–32

  Lewis, Audrey, 91

  Lewis, H. H., 82

  Lewis, Sinclair, 91

  Lindsay, Vachel, 239

  Lipton, Lawrence, 115–18, 137

  Liss, Ted, 230

  Loggia, Robert, xiii, 357

  Lowry, Robert, 278

  Luciano, Lucky, 121

  Luther (in New Orleans), 69–72, 75, 135

  Luther Luther, 69–72, 74–75, 80, 135, 327

  Macdonald, Dwight, 142n

  Macdonald, Ross, xiii, 278

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 48

  Macmillan Publishers, 393n

  Majewski, Richard, 235, 279, 332

  Malamud, Bernard, 410

  Malaquais, Jean, 219–20

  War Diary, 218n

  Malaysia Mail, 398–99, 401–2, 414, 417, 418

  Malcolm X, 407

  Malraux, André, 227

  Mann, Thomas, 447

  Man with the Golden Arm, The (Algren), 4

  cast of characters in, 270–74, 275, 279–80, 332

  critical response to, 254, 267, 278

  film adaptation of, 280–84, 287, 289, 297, 332, 335, 341, 349–50, 354, 355, 357, 369

  foreign translations of, 261, 477

  Hustler’s Heart working title, 250, 254

  manuscript completion, 250, 260

  National Book Award for, xiii, 284–85

  new edition of, 385

  paperback rights to, 277

  politics reflected in, xiv–xv, 249, 257–59, 276–77, 313, 315

  promotion of, 277, 278–79

  public reaction to, xiv, 275, 278, 351

  release of, 264, 276n, 277, 284, 344

  research and planning, 241–48, 268

  royalties from, 279, 286, 320

  screenplay for, 331–35

  stage version of, 333, 341, 357–58

  story of, 268–71, 274–75

  success of, 266–67

  text of, xi–xii, 55–56, 471

  theme of, 338

  timeliness of, 268

  writing of, 230, 231, 236–37, 246

  Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 48–49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56

  Marquand, J. P., 372

  Marshall Plan, 262

  Marx, Karl, 85

  Das Kapital, 103

  Marxists, 145, 249

  Masters, Edgar Lee, 239

  Matamoros, Mexico, Algren in, 327–28

  Mather, Cotton, 303

  Matthiessen, Peter, 479, 483

  Maxwell, Bess, 53

  May Day parade, New York City (1935), 115, 120

  McCarran [Internal Security] Act (1950), 255–56, 305

  McCarthy, Cormac, xiii–xiv, 476

  McCarthy, Joseph, 287–88, 290, 304, 306, 315, 324, 382, 406, 419

  McCarthy, Mary, 142n

  McCormick, Kenneth:

  and Algren’s finances, 215, 312

  and Algren’s paranoia, 387

  and Algren’s speech, 311–12

  and Algren’s writing ideas, 214–15

  and Chicago: City on the Make, 300

  and Chicago photo book, 287

  and Doubleday, see Doubleday and Company

  and Man with the Golden Arm, 230, 236, 246, 250, 254, 260, 267, 278–79, 284

  and National Book Award, 284

  and Neon Wilderness, 217

  and Never Come Morning, 214

  and Somebody in Boots, 324n

  and Walk on the Wild Side, 320–21, 340, 342, 343, 349

  McHugh, Clementine, 61

  Mendel, William, 324

  Menominee tribe, 383

  Merkin, Richard, 469

  Meyer, Frank, 153, 432

  Midwest Writers’ Congress, 107–8

  Millar, Kenneth, 278, 313

  Minneapolis, Algren in, 63–66

  Missoula, Montana, writers’ workshop in, 340, 341

  Mola, Emilio, 132

  Moody, Dwight L., 298

  Moretti, Francis, 395–98

  Moscow show trials, 142, 143, 153, 258, 315

  Motion Picture Association of America, production code of, 280, 331, 349

  Motley, William, Knock on Any Door, 239

  Mouloudji, Marcel, 391

  Mussolini, Benito, 132, 139

  Myrdal, Gunnar, An American Dilemma, 237

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 447

  Nation, The, 301, 311, 313, 322n, 355, 410

  National Book Awards, xiii, 266, 284–85, 313

  National Endowment for the Arts, 468

  Nation of Islam, 407

  Native Son (Algren; working title), 106–7, 164n

  Native Son (Wright), 164–67, 170, 171

  Algren’s response to, 165, 166–67

  and Chicago school, 183

  dedication to Algren, 165

  sales of, 168, 176

  story of, 165–66

  NATO, 262

  Nazi Youth, 132

  Nelson Algren
(Cox and Chatterton), 75n

  Nelson Algren’s Own Book of Lonesome Monsters (Algren, ed.), 380, 410

  Nelson, Herbert U., 312

  Neon Wilderness, The (Algren), 4

  critical reviews of, 220–21, 222

  growing popularity of, 222, 301

  original title So Help Me, 217

  paperback edition of, 358, 381n

  promotion of, 390

  readers’ response to, 229, 230

  reissue of, 380–81, 390, 486

  stories selected for, 215–17, 221

  theme of, 338

  writing of, 212, 214

  Nettleton (landlady), 88, 89, 90, 92

  Never a Lovely So Real, source of title, 299n

  Never Come Morning (Algren), 4, 172–85, 307

  “Biceps” (section), 187–88

  cast of characters in, 173–74, 180, 257, 329

  and censorship, 356

  and Doubleday, 214–17

  and FBI investigation, 198

  French edition of, 261

  lyricism of, 180

  narrative of, 175, 176–80, 181–82

  novelty of, 180–81

  paperback edition, 250, 264, 319n, 381n

  public and critical responses to, 182–85, 187–88, 196, 198, 214, 233, 351

  reissue of, 380–81, 486

  research for, 180, 219, 247

  theme of, 337–38

  and World War II, 176, 184

  writing of, 172–74, 175, 176, 216, 218, 336, 374

  New Anvil, 147, 150, 151, 161, 170, 318n

  Newberry Library, Chicago, 250

  New Criticism, 357n

  New Journalism, 374

  New Masses, 84, 100, 109, 113, 146n

  New Orleans, Algren in, 67–71, 75, 78, 87

  New Republic, The, 84n, 125, 146, 187, 301, 355

  New York:

  Algren in, 343, 344

  Cherry Lane Theater in, 357

  New York Daily News, 471

  New Yorker, The, 230, 356, 432, 452

  New York Post, 147–48

  New York Public Library, 346, 406n

  New York Sun, 113

  New York Times, 113–14, 137, 182–83, 221, 267, 277, 287, 290, 355, 356, 358, 393, 419, 446, 452, 460

  Nieh, Hualing, 426

  Nin, Anaïs, 427

  Nixon, Richard M., 432

  Nonconformity: Writing on Writing (Algren), xiii, 317–22, 338, 486

  North Shore Health Resort, Winnetka, Illinois, 362–65

  Notes on a Sea Diary: Hemingway All the Way (Algren), 417–19

  Oakland Tribune, 182

  O’Banion, Dean, 41

  O’Brien, Msgr. Dennis P., 20

  O’Day, Anita, 295

  Ogburn, William, Social Change with Respect to Culture and Original Nature, 54–55

  O’Hara, John, 447

  O. Henry Award, xiii

  O’Rourke’s Bar, Chicago, 50

  Orwell, George, Nineteen Eighty-Four, 276

  Other Carter, The (Algren; unpublished), 468

  Pablo (writer), 427

  Pacific Sun, 446

  Packard Motor Car Company, 16, 17, 19, 98

  Page, Geraldine, 469

  Panic of 1893, 12

  Paris Review, 75n, 297n, 343, 357n, 415

  Parker, Charlie, 385

  Park Manor, Illinois, 19–20, 22, 23–25, 27–28, 32, 34

  Partisan Review, 109, 142n, 148, 224, 385

  Paterson, New Jersey:

  Algren in, 452–55, 459–64

  Carter and Artis’s trial in, 465–66

  history of, 460–61

  racial issues in, 461–62, 465–66, 473, 474

  Paul the Apostle, 249

  Paychek, Johnny, 173n

  Peltz, Dave, 295, 352, 361, 362–63, 368–69, 371, 395–98, 485, 486

  Philippe, Charles-Louis, 294n

  Phillips, William, 142n

  Pikowsky, Theodora, 151, 152, 153, 163

  Pintauro, Joe, 477, 483–84

  Podhoretz, Norman, 55n, 356

  Poetry, 126, 146, 161, 193, 325n

  Pottawatomi nation, 9, 298

  Potter, Jack, 325

  Preminger, Otto, 331–35

  Algren’s distrust and dislike of, 331, 332–34, 335, 350, 387, 414, 445

  Algren’s film treatment rejected by, 334, 355

  Algren’s lawsuit against, 335, 345, 354, 359, 370

  and film rights to Man with the Golden Arm, 331, 332–34, 335, 370

  film version of Golden Arm produced by, 341, 349–50, 354, 355, 357

  Prescott, Orville, 356

  Priest, Roy R., 95

  Prix Formentor, 388

  Program for Community Anti-Communist Action, A (US Chamber of Commerce), 249

  proletarian literature movement, 83–85, 91, 100–101, 107, 118, 133, 142, 289, 356

  Providence Journal, 182

  Publishers Weekly, 446

  Pushcart Prize, xiii

  Pynchon, Thomas, xiii, 409

  Rahv, Philip, 142n, 219

  Rahway State Prison, New Jersey, 448, 450–51

  Ramparts, 423

  Random House, 279, 465

  Red Channels, 289

  Red Scare, see Communist Party

  Reed, Lou, xiii

  Reinhardt, Ruth, 382

  Reporter, The, 356, 393

  Riccardo’s, Chicago, 50

  Risberg, Charles August “Swede,” 27, 34

  Robbe, Angelo, 315

  Roberts, Bob, 280, 282–84, 289, 297, 317–18, 331, 332, 333n, 341, 359, 387, 414

  Robinson, Edward G., 258

  Rocke, Gilbert, 145

  Rolfe, Edwin, 289, 290

  Ronstadt, Linda, 483

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 266, 284–85

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, xv, 303, 313, 314, 320, 345

  Ross, Sam, 119

  Roth, Philip, 410

  Rothstein, Arnold, 34

  Rowland, Christine, 145, 231, 295, 309–10

  Rowland, Neal, 145, 231, 295, 309–10, 362–63

  Royko, Mike, 438

  Rubenstein, Serge, 332

  Rushmore, Howard, xiv, 143, 258, 304, 315, 364, 382

  Rusk, Ralph L., 284, 285

  Ryan, Jim, 452

  Sabusawa, Mari, 287

  Sag Harbor, Long Island, Algren in, 478–79, 482, 483

  Salinger, J. D., 171n

  Sanctuary, 109

  Sandburg, Carl, xvi, 55, 134, 135, 183, 230, 239, 262, 292, 295, 300–301

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 227, 261, 380, 392

  and Beauvoir, 224, 233, 238, 240, 252, 255, 290, 384, 385, 386, 389, 407n

  No Exit, 237

  Saturday Blade, 28–29, 32

  Saturday Review, 221, 300, 355

  Schaefer, Otto “Doc Otty Ollie Snake,” 149

  Schultz, Rabbi Benjamin, 249

  Scipion, Robert, 261

  Second City Theater, Chicago, 485–87

  Selassie, Haile, 132

  Seldes, Timothy, 321–22, 345–47

  Seven Stairs bookshop, 266–67

  Seven Stories Press, 322n, 370n

  Shakespeare, William, 49

  Shay, Art, 287, 295, 297, 324

  Shulman, Max, 392

  Sigal, Clancy, 334

  Simon, Daniel, 486

  Sinatra, Frank, xiii, 341, 432

  Sinclair, Upton, 356

  Sinclair station, Texas, 72–75, 80, 327, 445

  Siporin, Mitchell, 145

  Sky, 413, 414, 417

  Smith, Bessie, 302, 385

  Smith, Buell, 194, 195n

  Smith, Stuff, 295

  Society for the Suppression of Vice, 346

  Somebody in Boots (Algren), 1, 75n, 121, 128, 133, 138

  critical reviews of, 113–14

  as The Gods Gather, 86–87, 89

  as The Jungle, 358–59n, 381n

  paperback edition, 323, 358

  promotion of, 109, 127

  revision of, 287, 324–25, 336
/>   sales of, 114, 116, 119, 188

  story of, 109–13, 134, 135, 257

  writing of, 106–8, 171

  Somerhaus, Jake, 28, 29, 30

  Sondergaard, Gale, 290

  Southern, Terry, 51, 343–45, 415, 426

  Spanish Civil War, 132, 133, 139, 141–42, 145, 153, 168–69, 388, 439

  Spector, Herman, 83

  Sports Illustrated, 372–74, 390

  Stalin, Joseph, 107, 142, 146, 153

  Standard Coffee Service Company, 68–69

  Stanwyck, Barbara, 403

  Steffens, Lincoln, 118

  Steinbeck, John, 182, 187, 319, 356, 432

  Stevenson, Adlai, 325n

  Stevenson, Ellen Borden, 325n

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, A Child’s Garden of Verses, 32

  Stoicism, 48–49, 51, 52, 57, 63, 134

  Story, 81, 85

  Strachey, John, 100

  Straus, Roger, 349, 354, 358, 364, 367, 387

  Styron, William, 51, 55n

  Subversive Activities Control Board, 305

  Sullivan, Mrs. (housekeeper), 410, 411, 422

  Sul Ross State Teachers College, Texas, 89–90, 91–92, 95

  Sutton, C. R., 95, 96

  Sweden, Jews in, 7

  Szthmary, Louis, 454

  Tabet, Caesar, 303–4, 316, 353, 364

  Tadday, Sergeant, 195

  Taft, Donald R., 54–55, 56

  Targ, Bill, 442, 446

  Terkel, Studs, 50, 355, 395–97, 438, 439, 485

  Thede, James, 427

  Thompson, Hunter S., xiv

  Thoreau, Henry David, 322

  Time, xiii, 267, 278

  Torn, Rip, 469

  Torrio, Johnny, 41

  Touhy, Michaela, 438

  Tower, Whitney, 373, 374

  Trenton State Prison, New Jersey, 459, 462, 466–67

  Trivers, Paul, 287, 289

  Trotsky, Leon, 107, 142, 143

  True American Business and Social Club, 154

  Truman, Harry S, 256n

  Twain, Mark, 306

  University Club of Chicago, 354

  University of Chicago, 287

  University of Chicago Press, 403

  University of Florida, Gainesville, 452

  University of Illinois, 45, 47–51, 47, 52–53, 364

  University of Missouri, 305–6, 311

  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 431n

  University of Ohio, 424

  University of Washington, 381

  Uptown Arrows, 39–40

  Valjean, Jean (fict.), 95

  Vanguard Press, 101n

  and Gods Gather/Somebody in Boots, 85–87, 106–7, 108

  Van Sickle, Wigfall, 94–96

  Venereal Disease Control Project, 186–87

  Vian, Boris, 384

  Vian, Michelle, 261

  Vietnam War, 425, 426, 427, 429–31, 433, 445

  Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., 427, 447, 479, 480

  Walker, Bill, 149

  Walker, Margaret, 146, 170n

  Walk on the Wild Side (Algren), xiv, 5, 352, 421, 482

  completion of, 343, 344

  and Doubleday, 342, 343, 345–47, 349

  and Farrar, Straus, 349


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