The King and the Coquette

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The King and the Coquette Page 2

by Tilly Hart

Dante followed my gaze and saw the source of my wince. ‘Not to worry, it’s just a shallow cut, I have some water and linen in the saddlebag.’

  ‘Don’t tell me silly maidens often require your assistance in the forest?’

  ‘No, not veryoften.’

  There was a shake to his fingertips as he touched my arm that belied his confidence. Softly, he dabbed at the broken skin before tying a strip of clean linen around it. I bit my lip as the sting intensified, but as he held my arm another feeling entirely intensified too. I was painfully aware of his touch, his warmth, and his closeness to me. His chest pressed against my outer thigh as he leaned against the horse and myself to tend to my wound. He smelled like a crisp autumn breeze, like morning dew and falling leaves and I couldn’t, shouldn’t, be thinking about how he smelled. Or his broad chest, or the thick, powerful arms. Or how he had the first little laughter lines appearing at the corner of his eyes. Or how I wanted to kiss every single one.

  I wanted to seduce the king. I needed to seduce the king. But falling for him was strictly forbidden. It would only make things harder.

  He lifted his face to mine and caught me staring. Heat coloured my cheeks as his dark eyes bored into mine, a flash of desire, of hunger, seemed to shift through them as he held my gaze. For a moment there was nothing but us. The world stilled to a single pin point. A single second. Us.

  Awareness came back first with the rustling of the trees, and the murmuring of a nearby stream, then steady sniffing and an excited bark. I tore my eyes away as the king’s brother came riding out from the trees, followed by several other men. He glanced at me, and then at his brother and smiled a knowing smile.

  ‘Everyone all right here?’

  ‘Yes, got her before she fell. The horse ran off.’

  ‘We caught him a ways back, he has burned himself out, he’ll be no good for riding. Does the lady need a horse?’

  The king cleared his throat and shook his head. ‘My horse can handle us both, she’ll not take much room.’

  It was the closeness I needed, but the thought of sharing a horse, bumping and colliding against the king’s chest sent a stream of nervousness through me. I had little time to think on it before he hoisted himself behind me, settling me back against him and looping his arms beneath mine to gather the reigns.

  I held my breath as he squeezed his thighs and sent the horse off after the others. It bunched my skirt up between us, but I wasaware of being pressed up against his pelvis. And each step brought him rocking against me with the movement of the horse. Good lord. It would be a distracting ride back to the palace.

  I straightened my back and looked coyly over my shoulder through my lashes. ‘Thank you, your Highness. I’ll be indebted to you for saving my life.’

  He smiled at me and relaxed his arms against my waist, resting his reign filled hands upon my thighs. ‘It’s the least I could do.’

  The least he could do would have been to leave me, or send someone after me. Why did he have to be so darned noble? It would only make things worse.


  The servants scurried below the viewing balcony where I stood watching proceedings. Three weeks had passed since my encounter with Simone in the woods, and despite keeping my distance, she still plagued my thoughts daily. The way she had leaned into me as we rode back to the palace, her small frame nestled between my thighs. It had felt right, so right, yet it couldn’t be. As the king I had my choice in who I would marry, there was no one above my station to object, but if the rumours were true, she had been in the bed of another man for years. I was not innocent, and as far as I was aware she had suffered no pregnancy, so her non-virginal state didn’t bother me. But it would bother the council. What woman beds a man for two years and doesn’t get caught with a child? Would she be able to produce heirs? The scandal was almost as detrimental to her for not having a child than it would have been if she had.

  Then there were the feelings that continued to well up inside of me whenever I saw her. My palms would sweat and my body ache for her touch. It was positively juvenile. I was like some lustful youth having his first sight of a prettywoman. I saw how my father loved my mother, and how Alessandra fell for Aryn despite the consequences, and I couldn’t afford to let my heart rule where my head belonged. No. The chances of ending up as lost as my father were too real a cost, and one I wasn’t willing to risk. My heart would just have to long, I’d stay as far away from the fire as possible.

  The servants were cutting great bows of holly and mistletoe and fixing it to the vast staircase banisters and the edges of the upper balconies. A huge hoop was being decorated with lush green foliage ready tobe hoisted up to the centre of the room and sitabove the festivities. The winter festivities were my favourite time of year. The memories of running through the halls, darting between the adults legs and vast skirts to steal sweet treats from the heaving banquet. My four siblings and I would make a camp beneath one of the outer tables, in the darkened alcoves, and each bring our stolen treasures to feast upon together. I missed the simple days of my childhood. The camaraderie between my siblings and I, nothing to concern myself with bar my lessons and what my next great adventure would be. Those were the days.

  I heard the guards shift behind me and footsteps approaching. Diego took up a position beside me and leaned against the balustrade, taking in the view below.

  ‘Such a lot of work for a party, such unnecessary expense.’ A dark look crossed his eyes as he surveyed the servants at work.

  ‘Come now, Diego, you can’t have grown to detest the winter festival? Even your black heart must enjoy good food and wine, entertainment and holiday spirit.’ I nudged him conspiratorially and smiled.

  ‘Well, there are elements I enjoy. Just not the frivolous ones.’

  ‘Even Father enjoyed the decadence…’

  ‘Yes. And he had flaws too.’

  ‘Celebrating with your people isn’t a flaw, it was one of the few qualities which made him human.’

  Diego gave a chuckle and shook his head. ‘I shall beg to differ with you there.’

  We watched the goings on in silence for some time before Diego pushed off the balustrade and turned to face me. ‘Had any more chance meetings with Lady Simone?’

  Even her name tore through me like a river bursting through a dam. I had it bad.

  ‘No. Why would I?’

  ‘She is a fine woman, open to entertaining royalty, why wouldn’t you?’

  ‘I saw what it did to Father. I worry it would do the same to me.’

  ‘You are nothing like our father.’ His voice was a snide whisper, though I wanted to be nothing like the bloodthirsty brute my father had become. It should have been a compliment, but it didn’t sound like it coming from Diego. He blinked and shook his head, as if clearing a fog from around him. ‘You need not marry her to enjoy her company. You are the king. It isexpectedthat you to spend your time enjoying the company of fine women, both before and after marriage. Look around you, women throw themselves at you constantly, yet you turn them away. Rumours will circulate about whether it’s not women you wish to have.’

  He was right, there were privileges that came with being the king and a swarm of willing women was one of them. Yet there was only one who had caught my eye. From the most platonic of touches with Lady Simone, there were sparks between us which were ready to ignite. But could it just be a passing fancy, or would I fall into the pit of emotion I dreaded so terribly?

  ‘I don’t want to open myself up to that level of potential hurt. You saw what it did to Father. When Mother passed he spiralled and lost control of everything. He drank, he whored, he killed, and he hated us. He became a tyrant, not a ruler. I can’t risk that. I won’t.’

  ‘You sound as love sick as Alessandra did. Live a little. You are ableto enjoy whatever you want, many would kill to be in your shoes.’

  ‘You’re right.’

  ‘I know.’ He gave me a grin and began to walk away. After a few steps he turned wit
h a quizzical expression crossing his face. ‘It’s not something I’d normally invite you too, but I’m throwing a private soiree in my chambers tonight. Itwill be more than a touch hedonistic. You should come. I’ve invited Simone.’

  It wasn’t an event I’d be interested in under normal circumstances. I’d heard whispers about Diego’s parties, often filled with exotic high class courtesans and prostitutes preforming a myriad of sexual pleasures on one another while nobility gawked at them, and occasionally joined them. Diego was dark and intense, but also charming and many women found him deeply attractive. He’d tarnished many a Lady’sreputation himself. Perhaps I should see what he’s up to at these parties, a monarch should be knowledgeable about what’s happening beneath his roof.

  ‘I’ll come by.’

  ‘You’ll need a mask, I’ll have one brought to you.’

  Good god. What was I letting myself in for? It’s purely an educational visit. Not because of Simone. Not even a little.


  She was the fuel to my flame and if I wasn’t careful, we’d both go up in smoke. It had taken everything not to pull her off my horse and kiss her in the forest those few weeks ago. Being in a room dripping with lust would be dangerous.

  But be there I would.


  Near darkness shrouded Diego’s grand chambers, with only a few candles lighting the performers. Elegant sheaths of material draped from the ceiling to the walls, softening the hard lines of the room. The furniture had largely been pushed to the sides, with great cushions of silk decorating the floor for people to lay or sit upon. Warmth pricked my skin as I meandered through the bodies which writhed in the candlelight. everywhere I looked there was naked flesh, decorated with jewels and bangles, but not a scrap of clothing upon any of the performers.

  It was impossible to avert my eyes completely, but an uncomfortable heavy feeling settled in my gut. I was in Diego’s domain now. And it wasn’t a place to feel safe.

  The courtiers wore over the top, elaborate ceramic masks to hide their identity. Though many were still identifiable, if not by their hair colour, then by their body shape or demeanour.

  I shouldn’t have come. But I had little choice. Diego’s guards had arrived at my door with a mask and ball gown in hand and an invitation I had no option but to accept. He had sought me out upon my return to Latania, offering a hand of friendship despite my disgraced reputation, and I’d been so eager to accept. The invitation to court had been nothing but a ruse. One which I was to pay for dearly.

  Rounding a corner, I almost ran into a couple painted in shimmering gold, they were nude but for the gold paint, and she was busy on her knees before him, bringing his impressive manhood to attention with her mouth. My jaw dropped, and I averted my eyes. I wasn’t a prude, but this was pushing me way beyond my comfort zone. Maybe I could give Diego’s goons the slip and head back to my own quarters. I‘d do his bidding, but not like this.

  I made my way between the swaying sheets and golden candlelight, dodging bodies both nude and clothed, noble and under coin alike. I neared the entrance when a hand shot out across my vision and slapped against the wall in front of me. With a squeak I jumped backward and glanced up at the obstacle.


  My legs turned to jelly under his hard stare and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

  ‘Going so soon, little bird?’

  ‘I..’ I couldn’t admit the truth. ‘I just needed a little air. It’s so hot in here.’

  ‘Mmm. As it should be. Can’t have the whores writhing about in the cold now can we? It does nothing for the men’s presence.’ He raised an eyebrow and looked over at one of the gold-painted men, who brazenly stroked a woman against the wall.

  ‘It’s too much, Diego. I don’t want to be here.’

  ‘You have little choice, remember?’ His lip lifted in a snarl as he dropped his voice and leaned closer to me, his heat stifling me.

  ‘I know. Not like this though, please?’

  ‘I’d have thought a woman of your character would be perfectly comfortable here, you are amongst your peers.’ There was a dangerous glint in his eye. He enjoyed toying with others.

  ‘I’m not a whore.’ My cheeks flushed and anger welled in my stomach, my fists clenching at my sides.

  ‘You were fucking the Prince of Dostland, weren’t you? Opening your pretty thighs while he decorated you with dresses and finery, jewels and chambers. I’d say that makes you a whore little bird.’

  ‘It wasn’t like that. We were both lonely and—’

  ‘I don’t care. You know why I brought you here, now get on with it. Or the stakes will raise. How desperately do I need to make you sing before you do as you’ve promised?’

  ‘Don’t. Diego, please? I will seduce him.’

  ‘I know you will. But you need to do it tonight. I do not suffer from patience, my dear, and you need to put that sweet face to use. Dante likes sweet, innocent and pure. Someone who entices him but isn’t an overbearing bitch. Make it happen.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘Tonight?’ I gulped and nodded reluctantly. ‘There’s a good girl. He’ll be in the crimson and gold mask, studded with rubies about the brow.’

  Diego stalked off into the throng as I leant back and caught my breath. How could a man so attractive be so dead inside? Seething with darkness. I took a moment to collate my thoughts, piecing together a plan. I needed to get close to the king and then get him on his own. In a room so filled with people, how could I get him to myself?

  Then I spotted him. Across the room the king entered quietly, without the fanfare his arrival would usually warrant. In his mask and his relaxed attire, he could have been just about anyone. I’d have known those muscular arms and thick chest anywhere though, after having them draped about me, they were all I had thought about for the past few weeks. I still bore the healing cut on my arm from the runaway horse, but the impression he’d left on me had cut much deeper. At night, when I was alone in bed, I could feel the press of him against me, smell his scent, see his dark eyes and full lips. The thought if seducing him was as thrilling as it was terrifying.

  It was time.

  Dante sat on a wide, red cushion, large enough to seat three or four people. He looked as awkward as I felt amongst the scenes of debauchery. A woman lay prone before him, dripping with honeyed fruits over her entire torso. The sweet, golden liquidslathered her from neck to thighs. I moved quietly through the throng and sat next to Dante, his mask obscuring all but his eyes. I’d have known them anywhere.

  He glanced at me as I sat beside him, his eyes widening below the mask in recognition. With my white blond mane, hiding my identity was near impossible, and I hoped that it would benefit me here. With a deliberate movement he turned back to the fruit-laden girl, and I followed his lead.

  One of the golden men, a behemoth of ripped muscle approached the girl and knelt beside her. Slowly he began to devour the fruit, piece by piece. As his lips met her neck, she sighed and arched toward him. With one strong hand he pinned her hip down to the floor, fruit juice bleeding between his fingers as he did.

  His mouth moved lower until he took one swollen nipple in to his mouth. The girl moaned and tilted her head back; the candlelight caressing the sheen of her honeyed skin. I shifted beside Dante and cleared me throat. It wasn’t just distracting; it was getting me ruffled to see the svelte woman beneath the hulking man, trembling at his touch. It had been months since I last felt the touch of a man, and it had never been so fraught with passion like the two before me. I’d never felt the burning heat that seemed to pass between them. Maybe they were just wonderful actors, or perhaps something had been missing for those years.

  I picked up one of the many fans which lay on tables nearby and opened it, fanning the heat from my neck and decolletage as I continued to watch, transfixed by the scene before me.

  He was moving south now, his mouth grazing the slim lines of her stomach and nipping at her hips. She
was all but squirming beneath him, a puddle of pure lust in his hands.

  ‘Please.’ Her plea was soft, but her voice filled with desire as she lifted her hips to him. A satisfied grin crossed his honey strewn mouth, and he reached back up and kissed her, his mouth taking hers like he owned it. She whimpered and pressed her body into his, not caring about the people watching, or perhaps spurred on by them. He fisted a hand in her thick locks and pulled back to look at her. His other hand slid between her legs and I almost felt the moment he touched her. Her body went rigid, and she gasped loudly before relaxing into his touch. I was painfully aware of howhot and bothered I was, whilst sitting close to the king. Embarrassment flooded me as I let out a squeak when the man ducked down and thrust his mouth upon her sex. Dante turned his masked face to me, and I felt his gaze prickle across my skin. The girl squirmed beneath the golden man’s tongue, his fingers pressing into her hips and holding her to his face.

  Then a jolt of desire shot through me as Dante’s finger brushed over the back of my hand. How could so small a touch affect me so? But affect me it did. I bit my lip beneath my mask and trained my eyes on the two writhing bodies before me. His fingers had joined his mouth at the apex of her thighs and she was moaning loudly as he continued to tease her. Dante’s hand discreetly grazed up my arm, touching the spot where he’d tended my cut, and continuing across to my waist. His touches were gentle, unbearably so. I wanted to throw myself into his lap and let the passion that simmered within me escape.

  The girl let out a toe-curling squeal as her body shook beneath the man’s tongue. He held her down and continued to taste her as she squirmed.

  Too much.

  It was all too much.

  I was too hot, too bothered, too close to Dante.

  I needed to get out.

  I stood dizzily and headed for the balcony, ducking through the curtains and breathing great heavy breaths of early winter air. As I finally gathered control of my breath, I tilted my head to the stars and closed my eyes. What was I doing here? I should never have come.


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