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Crossroads Page 10

by Alexie Aaron [Aaron, Alexie]

  “Have either of you spoken with the woman since the attack?” Mia asked.

  Murphy looked at Burt, and he said, “I reached out, but she hasn’t responded yet. Stephen has a gut feeling that her attack and the lumber truck losing control are connected. But, right now, it’s just a theory.”

  “I think, until you have more information or a commitment from the woman in question, you may want to put this on the back burner and concentrate on the Glynn haunt. Have the woman and her son moved out of the premises?” Mike asked.

  “They’re living with me temporarily.”

  Mike raised his eyebrows.

  “I thought it would be a good idea, considering the house can be made ghost-proof,” Mia spoke up. “Also, we can’t afford to put her and her son up in a motel, which would have to be guarded by Enos or Murphy. We are already two men down.”

  “And a van,” Mike added, directing the jibe at Mia whom he sensed was covering for Burt. He didn’t like the new Burt/Mia relationship. He wondered how Ted felt about it.

  “I talked to Alan, and since Mia is listed as a driver on the PEEPs insurance, there will be a payout,” Burt told him. “Until then, we will rent an SUV.”

  “Why was she driving it in the first place?” Mike asked.

  “Excuse me,” Jake broke in. “Mia, you’re being summoned to the nursery.”

  “Thank you. Ted will have my vote if a vote is needed,” she said and fled the room, stopping only for her shoes.

  Outside, Jake called Mia’s phone. She picked up. “There is no nursery call. I’m sorry, but I thought you needed an excuse to get out of there.”

  “I did. Why is Mike being so brutal? He has a beautiful girlfriend and a side career on Wheels Up, which we are being inconvenienced by.”

  “Burt’s grinding his teeth. I think this has more to do with you and Burt being nice to each other. The guy is jealous. I have to get back.”

  Mia took her time walking into the house. She found Ralph and Bernard looking through a decorator’s catalog.

  “Is the meeting over?” Bernard asked.

  “For me it is. What are you two doing?”

  “We’d really like to redo the apartment but can’t agree on a style,” Ralph said.

  “Are you going to totally redecorate?” Mia asked.

  “Yes, everything is going to go but our photographs, and I’d like to keep a few of the paintings,” Ralph said.

  “Can you give me a good price on your sofa and chairs? I’d like to swap out the ones in the aerie, bring them up to the third floor for the boys to use, and put yours in for company.”

  “Those wingbacks would look lovely in front of your fireplace,” Ralph said. “I won’t sell them to you, but you will have to pay to have them moved.”

  “Deal,” Mia said. “Just let me know when.” Mia yawned. “I think I’m going to go and nap for a while. It’s been a rough twenty-four hours.”

  Ted received Mia’s text that all was well. He was feeling a little rough around the edges himself and would love to be out of the office and napping with his wife.

  Burt was talking about some future business, and Audrey had already signed off. Jake disconnected Mike. Enos and Murphy walked into the garage. Cid got up to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Ted asked.

  “I have to get some sleep. I’ll be here in two hours, and we can load the truck and wire the place before I have to be back to serve dinner.”

  “Why don’t you just let Ralph and Bernard sort that out. They are here to help us,” Ted said.

  Cid nodded. “I want to cook for your parents tomorrow night. I have everything purchased.”

  Burt looked at the two. He knew about the party last night. He also considered that they had no idea they would be called upon to perform today. “Cid, I need you as a cameraman for a walkthrough tomorrow afternoon, and then I can schedule you off until the midnight shift. Will that be enough time?”

  Cid smiled. “Yes.”

  “Thanks,” Ted said to Burt. “I know that my parents think that they are coming to help, but the facts are, they are causing more work. My mother fusses, and Dad just looks for chances to escape the noise.”

  “You have a great support staff in house. Don’t be afraid of calling upon them when you’re at wits’ end.”

  “Burt, I was at wits’ end at the hospital when I was watching my wife and Doc Walters watching the porn that was being delivered to Cid’s phone as he was vomiting his guts up.”

  “That reminds me,” Cid said. “Jake, I’ve blocked the number, but can you trace the texts? I don’t remember any Kittykat at the bar last night.”

  “Will do. What do you remember?”

  “The Big Bear Lake Bar and Grill, watching Lazar take Chambers for a ride at the pool table, and then nothing until Ethan all but carried me into my house early this morning.”

  Jake brought up the pictures. Ted gawked. Burt ran around shutting the blinds.

  “Mia wasn’t kidding when she said Wonder Woman was almost in costume,” Ted said. “I’m lucky they weren’t on my phone.”

  “Looks like Kittykat stopped after Tom flashed his badge,” Jake said. “I’ll work on this and get back to you.”

  “Jake, take down the pictures,” Burt requested.

  “Please,” Cid added. “I’m headed to bed. Adios, amigos.”

  “Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar,” Ted replied.

  “Mia saw those?” Burt asked Ted.

  “She and Doc Walters were having a great time making fun of them. I know the jokes were at Cid’s expense, but it seemed to calm the doctor down. Evidently, something happened last night at the hospital involving Mia. Father Santos eluded to it when he arrived at the bar. I asked him, and he said it wasn’t the time to speak of it. Later, I was too drunk to get back to him. I’ll ask Mia about it after my nap.”

  “I imagine something happened. When I left Mia, she had two broken legs, and she would have never been able to wear that nice outfit here today,” Burt said.

  “I thought maybe Idra healed the legs,” Ted mused. “I have to admit, I’m just holding on to consciousness right now. We’ll sort it all later. Jake, you’re in charge of all things tech. Oh, and call and see if Ethan’s available.”

  “Aye, aye, Cap’n.”

  Enos walked back into the office. “Ted, did you get a chance to fix the camera?”

  “No, but I did recover the photo stick. It’s in my top drawer in an envelope marked Enos. I made a copy of what’s on it. It’s in a file called Earth Angel photos. I haven’t had time to look at it yet. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I’m headed to bed. I’ll see you later, Burt.”

  “Burt, would you help me with it?” Enos asked. “I’m not as tech savvy as Jake’s temperament will allow.”

  “Sure. It’s like another language. You’re good at languages. How many are you fluent in already?”

  “Six. Victor insisted. I’m hoping to get Mia to teach me Demon. I think I’ll be able to do it; we have similar palates.”

  “I have some film on her speaking to the half-million. If you want, I’ll have Jake copy it for you.”

  Enos smiled. “Thank you. I know that, right now, we have a truce with Hell, but Victor says we should enjoy the good times but prepare for the bad.”

  “That sounds a lot like Nicholai,” Burt mused.

  “He was Victor’s mentor. I want to be Nicholai when I grow up. Imagine being able to guide generations of birdmen and birdwomen.”

  “I admire your dedication.”

  “How did it go last night with the boys?”

  “I had Varden sleeping with me as you suggested. He’s such a softy. I hate to imagine his future is to be a warrior.”

  “Angelo is one of the greatest warriors and he’s very emotional.”

  “I never thought of him as a warrior,” Burt said honestly. “Who would win in a fight, Victor or Angelo?”

sp; “It depends what they were fighting about. Or who they were fighting for,” Enos said.

  Mia came to mind, but Burt didn’t say so. “Brian was kind. He could tell his friend was missing his home. Noah is a sweet child. He seems to live in and out of this world. I wonder if Mia has ever tried to read him?”

  “We’ll have to ask her. Do you think it will help?”

  “On second thought,” Burt said, “let’s leave that be. I don’t think it’s trauma that makes Noah the way he is. I think it’s his gifts. Let’s look at those photos. Jake, could you please open the Earth Angel file, select the last day of photos shot, and display them on the big monitor, one by one, with a fifteen-second delay. Oh, and have the computer pick up any anomalies.” Burt explained to Enos, “Sometimes the computer, and/or Jake, can see things we can’t. Rarely, it’s the other way around. I do this with film cells too.”

  “I’m going to ask Murphy to join us. He’s down in his workshop.”

  “You settle in. I’ll go and get him. I’ve not been down there yet.” Burt walked out of the office and across the garage where Enos had already started to assemble materials they would need on this investigation. He knocked on the doorjamb of the open stairs. “Stephen, may I come down?” Burt asked.

  “Please. Be my guest,” Stephen answered.

  Burt walked down the stairs that Jesse had designed as a straight shot, wide enough to bring large pieces of furniture up from. At the bottom of the stairs, another door stood open. Just to his left was a door that resembled a door to a safe. “A Brian-proof door,” Burt said, walking by it and into Murphy’s workshop.

  The ceiling was high, and there were a few clumps of spring herbs drying. Murphy was sanding a strange piece of furniture.

  “What is this?”

  “Ted designed it. A television screen is supposed to rise out of the top of it, but also, another screen will be in the front. I’m also making drawers to go here and here.” Murphy patted the sides. “He calls it a gaming dresser. It’s for the playroom on the third floor.”

  Burt ran his hand over the top. “Smooth.”

  “I can’t tell,” Murphy said. “Cid’s hands are too calloused to be of much help. Nanny Berta says, he and I are the dead leading the blind.”


  “She can be direct.”

  “Did all this survive the years?” Burt asked, walking around.

  “Most of the tools that are metal. Otherwise, Jesse replaced every wood piece. He thought it was important that I have familiar surroundings. I hated to tell him that I’d rather be outside. He’s a talented guy.”

  “He’s an interesting guy in a paranormal investigation. You don’t know if he’s going to cut and run if he sees a china-faced doll or charge in like a Titan tossing old iron nails he’s collected.”

  “I’m making him something. He brought the boys Chinese puzzle boxes, so I’m thinking he must like them. I’ve asked Ted to design one that will have a square space that will trap his finger.”


  Murphy tossed Burt a colorful woven cylinder. “Do you know what that is?”

  “I think it’s a Chinese finger trap.”

  “Well I didn’t know, and Brian and I got stuck. Jesse laughed himself silly. There I was, pulling Brian up and down. Mia said I should have dissolved, but I’m not that smart. It was very embarrassing.”

  “I gather then that this is revenge.”

  “Yes, not only will his finger get trapped but a tiny clown will pop out and hit his hand with a crutch. That’s Cid’s improvement on the plan. Mia lifted her nose and called us children, but I can tell she likes the plan.”

  “She’s very mischievous. Do you know what happened in the hospital last night?”


  “Something did. I don’t know if it’s because she came home to find the Bravermans, the Popovs, and Ralph and Bernard here, but she hasn’t told Ted yet.”

  “She’ll get around to it in her own time I expect. It can’t be easy being the food source to twins, the mother of three boys, and taking care of all us children.”

  Burt roared with laughter. When he settled down, he said, “Enos wants your expert eye on the photos Ted recovered from your lady in distress’s camera.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Chapter Nine

  Mia slept long enough that she dreamt. When she awoke, she found her husband snoring beside her. She sat up slowly, not wanting to disturb him. His snores ceased anyway.

  Mia turned back and looked down into his open brown eyes and asked, “Hello, have we’ve met?”

  Ted’s hands pulled her down, and he curled up so his face was very close to hers. “I think we’ve met before. You look very familiar.” He took her hand and kissed it, very aware that lovemaking was weeks away for them. Idra had warned him that she had gone through a lot of trauma. Idra would set things right in six weeks’ time.

  Mia kissed the bridge of his nose. “I remember that nose. It’s an honorable nose, a classic.”

  Ted chuckled. “You took my breath away when you walked into the office. I didn’t recognize the skirt. The top left little to the imagination. It falls about you like cashmere, yet it’s only washed out cotton.”

  “I have to warn you, sir, that I’m a married woman.”

  “Your husband will have to forfeit you for leaving you alone like this. For I am the dread pirate Martin, and I claim you as my prize.”

  Mia kissed him.

  He pulled away.

  She hushed him. “Let me love you,” she whispered, moving her hand down his stomach.

  He caught it. “Not until I can love you,” he said.

  Mia rolled on her back, frustrated.

  “Tell me about last night.”

  “Not in our bed. Let’s go for a walk, away from little ears,” Mia said. She picked up the phone and pushed J for Jake. “We’ll be walking. I have my phone on me.”

  Ted pulled on his shoes. He was worried but knew that whatever happened was now in the past, and he couldn’t do anything about it. They slipped down the stairs and were out the door before anyone knew they were up.

  The beauty of the woods wrapped around them as they walked hand in hand.

  “It started when Father Santos was summoned to give last rites to a man they found in the graveyard. They thought he was a victim of the same accident. Perhaps a pedestrian. But it was Sariel…” Mia told him all she had seen, heard, and done. She left nothing out. “When Michael came and took me, I was no longer me. I was just a conduit. A hot spark, if you will. Angelo had kept me alive. It takes a lot of blue-star energy to combat death when it’s an angel. I embraced the grace Michael gave me, and in turn, he took the monstrous claws and talons away. Michael returned me to my room where one of Raphael’s angels had been masquerading as me with Angelo there to run interference if she misspoke.”

  “Angelo,” Ted said through his teeth.

  Mia stopped and took Ted’s hands. “This is where the story gets good.” Mia told him an edited version of her conversation with the birdman and of the revelation that occurred. “It was so simple, but I never could find the right words. It took Soren’s reasons for Angelo not being considered a suitable candidate for Mia 2200, to make sense. Basically, he and I are selfish assholes. We like to think of ourselves as heroes, but we’re adrenaline junkies. Our mates must be strong enough for us to listen to, cautious and smart enough to show us there is a better way. I had already found you, who are, in my not so humble opinion, the best man for me. Angelo realized that he will have to move on and find someone to balance him. It was as if Heaven opened and showered me with happiness. No more Angelo stress.”

  Ted lifted Mia up and swung her around as he twirled. When he was dizzy, they sat down in the summer flowers.

  “There’s more.”

  “The Caribbean skirt.”

  “I’ll get to that, but first, Altair.” Mia told Ted
about Altair staying with her until Nanny Berta showed up. “He showed me how to use the grace I had been bestowed with. I can close my eyes and see my loved ones. With practice, I can become aware of all of you at once. The bummer part is that he doesn’t believe Angelo.”

  “I have my reservations too,” Ted admitted.

  “I’m going to go on the assumption that it is all taken care of until it’s not. You guys are not going to burst my delusional bubble.”

  Ted hugged her. “Now tell me about this wonderful skirt.”

  “This is a six-sided die of an explanation. Not all good.”

  “Go on.”

  “I was getting yelled at by Doc Walters, and he was sending me to get an MRI, which you and I know, with the crap under my hood, isn’t advisable.”


  “All of a sudden, time stops.”


  “He takes me and our daughters to his cove.”

  “Two negatives.”

  “He tells me he can’t get to me here because of your force field.”

  “A positive.”

  “He gives me the same advice Altair was trying to get me to listen to: that I’m to be a counselor and not a combatant.”

  “Yes. But you do have to follow your instincts too.”

  “God, I love you,” Mia said. “Where was I?”

  “The other two sides of the die.”

  “Roumain said that the crossroads demon found Sariel and put him where he could be found. Evidently, Sariel must have been knocked into his realm when the van hit the memorial. Roumain paid off the demon, which puts me in his debt.”

  “Why do you owe Roumain? It’s really Michael’s debt to pay.”

  “That’s not how Roumain thinks. I offered to infuse him with blue-star energy - which would help me to bleed off some of this stuff. He’s going to think it over. He sent me back.”

  “No wonder you had to take a nap. You’ve had a hell of a night.”

  “Observations?” Mia asked, tickling Ted’s nose with a wildflower.


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