Motorcycle Daddy's Captive: An Age Play DDLG Motorcycle Club Romance

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Motorcycle Daddy's Captive: An Age Play DDLG Motorcycle Club Romance Page 14

by Daisy March

  Then they’d turned and there was the lake, mountain capped with snow behind it, the water still, reflecting the cloudless sky.

  They left the motorcycle in the parking lot, walking together around the edge of the lake until they stopped to rest on a fallen tree trunk.

  “How you feeling?” Slater asked.

  “About what?”

  “About everything.”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer. She was glad she was no longer in danger, scared in case Slater grew bored of her, excited to finally be by the lake. “Guilty,” she said at last.

  “What for?”

  “My father’s dead. Billy’s dead. I’m not supposed to be enjoying myself.”

  “Who said?”

  “It’s not right, is it?”

  He kissed her cheek. “You’re allowed to feel whatever you want to feel, whatever you need to feel. I know grief, Beth. We’ve been close friends for years.

  “You’ll never forget what happened but you will learn to live with your feelings. It’s only been a couple of days. Don’t beat yourself up. Just look at the view for a while.”

  “How did I get so lucky as to meet you?”

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  They sat arm in arm for a while before taking a slow stroll back toward the motorcycle.

  Beth sat holding Slater tight as they rode home.


  Her home.

  She was living with him. She wasn’t going back to the apartment ever again. Already Eleanor was taking pride of place on her bedside table. They stopped outside a clothes store, Slater telling her she could pick out anything she liked.

  “You need a full wardrobe,” he said.

  “I can’t afford it.”

  “One, I didn’t mention anything about you paying. Two, you’re going to be working for the club from now on so you’ll be earning a wage.”

  He nodded as she looked back at him in shock. “Which means you’ll be able to spend your money on anything you like. But right now, I’m treating you so get in there and start trying things on.”

  They had to arrange for the bags to be delivered to the house. There was no room for them all on the motorcycle. The clothes arrived at Slater’s place an hour after they got back.

  They spent the rest of the evening making room for her things. As the sun set, the two of them settled on the couch, a movie on the TV, Beth snuggled into her Daddy’s arms.

  For a long time afterward, she remembered it as the most perfect day of her life.

  It ended with dinner together and then Beth climbing into bed with Slater a couple of minutes behind her. She lay perfectly still in her pajamas, wishing he would kiss her.

  He read her mind, leaning across her, crushing her with his bulk yet gentle at the same time. She dreamed of being naked for him, walking down the street with everyone looking at her body. She woke up from the dream with her body tingling. Slater was asleep beside her.

  She didn’t have the heart to wake him. She climbed out of bed, deciding to make Slater breakfast, hoping to distract herself from thinking about everything that had happened, especially to Billy.

  She headed through to the kitchen. First, she rummaged through the cupboards, quickly realizing the washing up needed doing.

  She hummed to herself, thinking about looking after her man. She wanted to look after him like he was looking after her. They needed each other and that was just fine by her.

  She managed to burn the bacon, thinking she had enough time to visit the bathroom while it was cooking. When she came back, thick black smoke was rising from the pan, an acrid coating sticking to her throat. She pulled open the front door, wafting it back and forth.

  Looking down, she noticed a newspaper folded in half. She lifted it up and read the headline. “Mayor arrested on drugs charges.”

  “What you doing?” Slater asked behind her, yawning loudly. He was only wearing boxer shorts and he looked good. “Trying to burn the place down?”

  “Look at this,” she said, showing him the newspaper.

  “It’s over,” he replied, reading quickly. “You’re safe.”

  “Thanks to you.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you, Beth. Getting rid of Cake will save a lot of lives.”

  “Too late for Billy though.”

  He nodded, taking her into his arms. She cried then. She cried for Billy, for her father, for her mother, and for herself. The tears soaked into Slater’s chest but he didn’t let go for a very long time.

  The funeral was hard but she had her Daddy by her side. He looked after her throughout. Afterward, they went back to Lake Slade, sitting together, Beth floating a leaf boat out onto the water, a lit candle on top, flickering slightly as it drifted away.

  They watched it for a long time, saying nothing. Only when it was out of sight did she turn to look at Slater. “I love you,” she said, reaching up to kiss him.

  “I love you too,” he replied.

  They embraced as the sun began to set behind them. They rode home in the dark.

  Beth didn’t care. She’d always been afraid of the dark but not anymore, not with her Daddy to protect her.

  She didn’t think she’d ever be afraid of anything ever again. She’d been accepted by the president of the Devil’s Warriors, and that was just fine by her.



  Six months later…

  Slater slowed to a stop at the parking lot he’d come to know well over the last couple of months. It was the place he spent the most time, except for Lake Slade.

  They were going there next.

  After this quick stop.

  He reluctantly disentangled himself from Beth, leaving her sitting on the back of the motorcycle. They’d wouldn’t be riding out like this much more often. Not with a baby on the way.

  She still wanted to ride with him everywhere but he’d surprised himself by how quickly he’d begun to worry about her.

  She was three months along and just starting to show and he had a horrible fear of her falling off the motorcycle while they were out somewhere.

  He’d bought her a car. It was a beat up second hand one but as he said, “You’ll never be able to build up enough speed to kill yourself.”

  This was going to be their last ride out together before the baby was born. Until he had the little thing safe in his hands, she was going by car or not at all.

  “I’ll miss this,” she said, holding a hand out toward him. “What if you never let me back on. What if you don’t want to go riding with me anymore.”

  “I will always want to ride with you.”

  “That’s lucky because I’ll always want to ride you,” she’d said with a wink.

  He smiled before heading over to the building site. Dooley was yelling at someone on the top of a load of scaffolding.

  “Dooley!” Slater called as he walked over. “How’s it going?”

  “They’re still causing problems. Look at this horseshit.”

  He pointed at the pile of bricks behind him. “That was up and drying out yesterday. We’re going to have to up security on site.”

  Slater swore under his breath “Drake’s sending some of his guys over to help out. Anything else I should know?”

  “I hear a rumor the mayor’s going to get out on appeal.”

  “Bullshit. They’ve been saying that ever since the trial began.”

  “I don’t know man. Money talks in this world.”

  Slater let out a groan.

  “Backwoods Boys fucking with the building work and the mayor getting out,” Dooley continued. “We’re back to square one.”

  Slater shook his head. “Nah, we’re not even close. We’ve got a new clubhouse on the map. We got rid of Cake and we got the town on our side for that one.”

  “Tell me about it. How’s it feel to be one of the good guys for a change?”

  “I’m not gonna lie. Feels weird.”

  “That’s what you said abou
t becoming a father.”

  “Things change, Dooley,” he said, glancing back at Beth who waved back at him. “I’ll catch you later.”

  He headed back to Beth. The Backwoods Boys were reduced to trashing the building site. That was about right. He’d up the security and they’d vanish back to wherever they were hiding out.

  Most of them were gone, heading out when the police started rounding them up. The few that remained would get caught sooner or later. They weren’t his concern at the moment. He had something much more important he needed to do.

  First, he needed to get to Lake Slade.

  “Ready to go?” Beth asked as he climbed back onto the hog.

  “Sure am.”

  They rode out to the lake in time for the sunset, their favorite time of day. They sat on the fallen tree trunk they’d both come to know well. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Slater said, reaching into his jacket pocket.

  “Sure is,” Beth replied with a sigh. “Not getting bored of it yet?”

  He slid off the trunk, landing on one knee, reaching up with the box in his hand.

  “What are you doing?” Beth asked, looking from him to the red velvet box and back again. “What’s that?”

  “Beth Grodin-“

  “No, Slater. What are you doing?”

  “Will you marry me?” He opened the box, revealing the sparkling ring inside.

  “Of course I will!” she said, throwing her arms around him.

  “Hold on,” he replied with a smile. “You need this on your finger first.”

  “You really want to marry me?”

  He slid the ring onto her trembling finger, kissing it softly before sinking onto both knees. “What are you doing now?” she asked.

  He slid her knees apart, feeling his way up her thighs. “No underwear,” he said as he reached under her skirt. “Naughty girl.”

  “But you told me not to wear panties today.”

  “So I did.” He reached higher, stroking her inner thigh. “And you were a good girl for obeying me.”

  “I always obey you.”

  “No, you don’t. If you did, you’d never need spanking.”

  “Maybe I like being spanked.”

  He brushed over her clit, drawing a gasp from her as she spread her legs wider.

  “Do that again,” she said quietly.

  “I give the commands here,” he replied, taking her left leg in his hand, kissing his way slowly upward. As the sun slowly vanished below the horizon he inched his way higher until he was tasting the sweetness he loved so much.

  She was soaking wet already, his hands toying with her folds as he buried his head between her legs.

  It took no time at all for her to reach the edge. He kept her there for as long as he could, teasing her until she begged to be allowed to come.

  Only when he could resist no longer did he move his tongue fast enough to tip her over the edge. She cried out into the night air, her body shaking as he kissed her clit one last time.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she said as he came to sit beside her again.

  “Good to know,” he replied. “Would be awkward getting married if you didn’t.”

  She shoved his shoulder playfully, making him laugh.

  They remained there until it was dark. Riding back with only the front light of the motorcycle to light their way, Slater smiled to himself. He thought of being married to Beth. It was a nice feeling.

  He had one more thing to show her. They rode past the compound to a house that stood alone a quarter mile down the road, Sold sign hanging outside.

  “What’s this?” she asked. “Why aren’t we going home?”

  “We are home,” he said. “Put the deposit down a month ago.”

  He held a key out toward her.

  “A month ago?” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me.”

  “I had to do something to it first.”


  “Come and see.”

  He followed her up to the front door, waiting while she unlocked it. Once they were inside he flicked on the lights, taking her hand, leading her upstairs to the second door on the right.

  “Two rooms to show you,” he said, pushing the door open. “One, the nursery.”

  She gasped at the sight before her. He’d spent a week decorating it when he first signed on the dotted line. It had taken all of his savings but it was worth it to own a place big enough for their family to come.

  “Don’t get too excited,” he said, turning her back out into the hall. “There’s another room to show you.”

  He took her further along to the end of the hall, pushing open the door in front of him. “What’s this?” she asked.

  “This is your playroom,” he said. “To make up for not having one when you grew up.”

  She put her hands to her mouth as she stepped inside. There was a reading area, a TV with a huge couch in front of it. Stuffed teddies piled up in the corner.

  Eleanor took pride of place on the windowsill, watching over the room. Beth walked around, running her hands along the pictures of Lake Slade that covered the walls.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, reaching down and picking up a coloring book. “For me?”

  “For you,” he replied with a nod.

  “What did I do to deserve this?”

  “You let me in.”

  He kissed her forehead as she began to cry.

  Later, they sat together in the kitchen, Beth with a hot chocolate, Slater with coffee. “We’re really going to live here?” she asked, looking around her. “It’s huge.”

  “I’m planning on a big family.”

  “Oh, are you now?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “Let’s start with one and see how we get on.”

  “I set the bedroom up already. We can stay here tonight if you want to.”

  “Of course I want to but it’s not bedtime yet, is it?”

  “You want to play for a while?”

  “Can I?”

  “That’s what the playroom’s for. Up we go.”

  She played and he watched. It was the perfect way to spend an evening. Sure, the remnants of the Backwoods Boys were still out there somewhere but he’d deal with them sooner or later.

  The detectives chasing her weren’t getting out anytime soon and neither was the mayor.

  He guessed Dooley could be right. The mayor could use his influence to turn the jury. If he did, Slater would just have to administer his own version of justice. There was no way he was letting Cake back into his town.

  Leanne was safe, Beth was safe. That was what mattered. It was over for now. He could live with that.

  “Time for bed,” he said.

  “Aw,” Beth replied, looking up from her drawing. “But I’m not done.”

  “It can wait until morning,” he replied. “No arguing.”

  “But I don’t want to go to bed.”

  He got to his feet, folding his arms across his chest. “You know what happens when you disobey me, don’t you?”

  She shot up onto all fours, pushing her ass toward him. “I have to get into this position, don’t I?”

  He walked behind her, spanking her ass a second later. “Going to argue with me some more?”

  “No, Daddy,” she replied.

  He leaned between her legs, stroking softly. “Getting wet when I spank you. You naughty girl.”

  “I can’t help it. It just feels so good when you touch me.”

  He spanked her again, listening as her breathing changed. He could hardly resist fucking her there and then but he managed to complete the dozen smacks, the routine punishment for a minor offense.

  When it was done, he got her to her feet, carrying her through to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. He undressed in front of her, revealing his rock hard cock to her hungry gaze.

  “Can I taste it?” she asked, clasping her hands together. “Please, Daddy.”

  “Only if you promise to go to sleep afterward like
a good girl.”

  “Of course I will.”

  He stepped forward, taking hold of her head, pushing her down onto his cock. Her lips slid over his shaft, making him twitch with desire. It was a feeling he would never grow bored of, being buried in the back of her throat like that.

  She sucked him greedily, her hands on his shaft, moving her head back and forth as he watched her.

  Suddenly, he stopped her, pulling free. She pouted but he shook his head. “Too close to coming,” he said. “You’re too good at that.”

  “I aim to please.”

  “Then get on your back right now.”

  She lay back, pulling her dress off. She was naked underneath. He glanced at the swell of her belly then up at her breasts, her nipples pointing upward.

  He clambered onto her, taking them into his mouth one at a time, sucking them as his cock continued to twitch.

  Reaching down, he slid into her, kissing her in the same moment, breathing in her enjoyment. With a thrust, he was all the way inside her and then they were rocking together, rolling around on the bed until Beth was doing what she loved most, riding him.

  He lay back, looking up at her as she bounced on his shaft, her boobs wobbling, her mouth wide open, her hands balancing on his, impaling herself on his length again and again.

  “Come for me,” he said as she reached down and began stroking her clit. “Come for Daddy.”

  She slammed herself down onto him, crying out as a climax raced through her. The sight of it was enough to tip him over the edge and a second later he was coming too, groaning out loud.

  “Good girl,” he managed to say as the last of his cum spurted up into her. “Always such a good girl.”

  She smiled as she came to lay beside him. He tucked himself around her, kissing the back of her neck. “You make me so happy,” he whispered.

  She held her ring finger up into the air, admiring the jewel on the end. “You make me happier than I’ve ever been,” she replied. “My Daddy.”

  “My Little Beth.”

  It wasn’t long before the two of them were asleep, their steady breathing the only sound in their new house.



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