Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8) Page 2

by Kelli Callahan

“The floor is comfortable. I’ve landed on it enough to give an expert opinion.” Charlie chuckled as he waited for his third shot.

  Charlie was a regular at Hal’s Pub, which still bore my father’s name even though he had been dead ten years. Charlie was almost as old as the pub itself. When he got enough liquor in him and a big enough audience, he liked to proudly tell people he was the first paying customer my father ever had. I didn’t know if that was true, but my father never corrected him if it wasn’t. There was a time when I felt bad about enabling alcoholics like Charlie to keep throwing their lives away, but they were going to drink somewhere.

  I started a pot of coffee and sipped it as more regulars came in. I didn’t see many new faces at the pub. It was usually the same crowd—South Side locals who wanted somewhere to throw back drinks with some of their own. I was their enabler, sounding board, psychiatrist, and sometimes their friend. I loved my job, even if the pub wasn’t very profitable. I usually ended the night with more money on open tabs than cash in my drawer, but that was how my father ran things, and I couldn’t exactly mess with tradition. I served drinks until shortly after noon when a cute redhead with long legs walked up to the bar.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” I poured a beer and put it down in front of her.

  “I told you to stop calling me that.” She narrowed her eyes and took a sip of the beer. “I’m not going home with you again, no matter how much you try to charm me.”

  “Fine—Olivia. I’ve waited out more than one boyfriend.” I chuckled and shrugged. “You always come back to me when you get your heart broken.”

  “Yeah, because I need a fucking drink!” Olivia grumbled under her breath and sipped the beer again.

  “And sometimes you need more.” I winked and started pouring a drink for a customer on the opposite end of the bar.

  “Yeah, like an actual date instead of a quick fuck.” She shook her head and grumbled again.

  “I don’t date, gorgeous. You knew what you were getting into from the beginning.” I walked the drink to the customer on the opposite end of the bar and returned to Olivia.

  “If you want to do more than get your dick wet, you should try it. You might actually get a girlfriend instead of banging everything with tits that falls for your charm.” Olivia leaned back and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Meh.” I shrugged. “I’m too busy for a girlfriend.”

  That was always my excuse, but that was exactly what it was- an excuse.. I tried the dating thing once, and almost got married, but then my father died. I had to come back to Chicago to take care of his estate and while I was gone, my fiancée got cold feet. That hurt lingered for a while and I wasn’t eager to put myself in that kind of vulnerable position again. Instead, I just stayed in Chicago and ran my father’s pub. It wasn’t the life I dreamed of, nor was it the one he wanted for me when he saved up enough money to send me to college, but it was comfortable. There were plenty of bartenders with college degrees, so I just skipped the formalities.

  “Can I get another whiskey?” Charlie lifted his glass and tapped it with his fingernail.

  “If you’re going to drink until you pass out, could you at least move to one of the tables in the corner?” I poured him another glass and sat it down.

  “What? No way, Joaquin. This is my stool.” Charlie looked at me like I had just told him to jump off a bridge. “You can serve drinks around me. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “Can I get a gin and tonic, please?” A woman’s voice called out for a drink, and when I turned towards her, my jaw practically fell open.

  Holy shit. She’s not a regular.

  “Yeah, give me a second. I don’t get many requests for mixed drinks around here.” I picked up a bottle of gin and flipped it in my hand. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

  “Angelina.” She smiled and tilted her head. “But that line isn’t going to work on me either, Joaquin.”

  “You know my name?” I narrowed my eyes and tried to figure out if she was someone I had simply forgotten as I fixed her drink.

  “I know a lot about you.” She nodded and took the glass when I walked over. “I knew your father once upon a time.”

  “Well, that sounds interesting.” I leaned against the bar. “I don’t know anything about you—why don’t you tell me your life story over a few drinks?”

  “Are you asking me on a date?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “No.” I chuckled and shook my head. “You can tell me your life story sitting right there.”

  “Oh, I’m not that interesting.” She waved me off and I spotted a ring on her left hand.

  “Ah, you’re married.” I nodded and took a step back. “Sorry—I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay. I’m flattered, even if I know I’m not the first woman you’ve hit on today.” She grinned and sipped her drink.

  And you won’t be the last.

  “Only because I didn’t see you first.” I chuckled and walked over to pour drinks for someone else.

  But that wedding band would have stopped me dead in my tracks, so no loss there.

  Angelina didn’t belong in my pub. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her fancy clothes and perfectly applied makeup. There was no way she was from the South Side of Chicago. I could have figured that out without hearing her accent, which sounded a little too East Coast for the Midwest. I continued pouring drinks for others as the pub filled up but my attention kept drifting back to Angelina. For a married woman, she didn’t seem to be able to take her eyes off me. It was almost like she was studying me—or judging me—I wasn’t sure which one it was. When her drink was empty, I walked back over.

  “Another one?” I took her glass and tilted my head inquisitively.

  “Sure, you make the best gin and tonic on the South Side.” She smiled and nodded.

  “Probably the only gin and tonic on the South Side.” I chuckled and started fixing her another drink.

  “Perhaps.” She nodded again. “So, why don’t you follow that cute redhead’s advice and actually ask someone out on a date instead of just trying to get them into your bed?”

  “I’d rather ask questions than answer them.” I leaned against the bar next to her. “How did you know my father? You don’t look like someone who’s ever seen the inside of a place like this, and he rarely left his spot behind the bar.”

  “It’s a long story and I don’t have that much time.” She shook her head and sipped her drink. “I’m here for you, anyway.”

  “Me? Here for me? What the fuck are you talking about, lady?” I tilted my head apprehensively. “Are you about to serve me with a lawsuit or something? You look like a lawyer.”

  “Put that South Side gruff away, Joaquin. I’m about to make all your dreams come true.” Angelina put down her glass and leaned back on her stool.

  “Really? So—you’re a leprechaun?” I chuckled and shook my head. “Cause, the only dreams I have these days involve a pot of gold—or I’ll take it in cash.”

  Lord knows I’m going to need some of that if I’m going to keep this place going much longer.

  “I’m going to leave after I finish this drink, but I’ll be back. When I return, I’m going to sit down next to a woman that is so pretty, she’s going to make your heart skip a beat.” Angelina smiled and tapped the bar with her index finger. “You’re not going to hit on her, though. You’re going to ask her out on a date—a real one.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I blinked in confusion. “Are you just messing with me now?”

  “No.” She shook her head back and forth. “I’m telling you the truth. Don’t ask questions, don’t read too much into it—just do what comes natural.”

  “Yeah? Well I got a whole bunch of freaking questions.” I stared at her in disbelief, trying to process what she said.

  “Keep them to yourself. Everything will make sense in time.” Angelina lifted her glass and finished her drink with a quick gulp. “I’ll see you soon, Joaquin.”

“You’re late.” I turned my head and looked at the clock on the wall when my only waitress, Amy, walked behind the bar.

  “Really? I brought you food and you’re going to complain about me being five minutes late?” Amy tossed a brown paper sack at me and I caught it before it hit the floor.

  “It’s already getting busy as fuck. I’m running myself ragged.” I tore open the bag and pulled out the sandwich she bought me.

  “Well, take a seat and let me earn some tips.” She smiled and walked over to Charlie. “Another whiskey?”

  “Ah, Joaquin—you got pretty. I really am drunk.” Charlie chuckled and sat his glass on the bar.

  “Yep, you drank so much I grew tits.” Amy ignored him and poured him a glass of whiskey. “You might not pay your tab tonight, but don’t forget that I expect a tip.”

  “If you sit on my lap, I’ll give you more than the tip.” Charlie’s chuckle got louder as he took his glass.

  “If you’re sober enough to take me home, I might let you… introduce me to your wife.” Amy glared at Charlie and then walked over to the next customer.

  Amy had tough skin, which was almost mandatory to work at a pub filled with degenerates. She was the only woman in the pub that I didn’t hit on—mainly because I couldn’t risk having her quit on me like the last one did when she got a boyfriend that didn’t like her working with the guy she regularly fucked before he came along. Amy got hit on so much it probably wouldn’t have garnered a reaction, anyway. She flirted shamelessly and I was pretty sure she made more in tips than I made selling booze most days.

  With Amy on duty, my mind drifted back to what Angelina said. Her visit left me with a lot of questions, and she didn’t even give me a chance to ask them—not that she seemed very forthcoming with answers, anyway. My eyes scanned the bar a few times, but I didn’t see any sign of her. Even if I thought her visit was strange, I couldn’t help but be a little intrigued by what she said. One of the stools opened up, and before someone new could sit down, I noticed a woman sitting at a table in the corner. She was so gorgeous, she nearly took my breath away—and my heart literally skipped a beat. A second later, I saw Angelina step through the front door of the pub and walk straight to the woman’s table.

  Holy shit. Is that the woman she was talking about? No fucking way.

  I was mesmerized for a moment—no, longer than a moment. I was fucking entranced. The woman sitting at the table had long brunette hair with light auburn highlights, and emerald green eyes that were almost haunting. Just like Angelina, she didn’t look like she belonged in Hal’s Pub, nor did she look like she had ever been to the South Side of Chicago. Her black dress was expensive, and it clung to curves that made my cock start to get hard before my eyes made it further than her tits. My feet were moving before I realized I was walking, and they were carrying me straight to her table. I felt nervous and I never felt that way. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth when I finally made it to her table, but I finally managed to speak.

  “Hi, I’m Joaquin.” I blinked away my confusion and tried to get ahold of myself.

  “Let me guess.” The woman looked up at me with a bit of disdain on her face. “You’re about to ask me out on a date.”

  A date—right. That’s what Angelina said.

  “Um, yeah. Are you going to say yes?” I tilted my head to the side.

  “She is.” Angelina looked up at me and then back to the woman in front of her. “Right, Gina?”

  Gina—what a beautiful name. It sounds like a sigh in my head.

  “Tell me why I should go out with you.” Gina leaned back and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Well, I’m kind of a local celebrity. I own this bar.” I motioned to the room with my hand.

  And I’m smitten—even though I just learned your name a few seconds ago.

  “Oh, so you’re the owner of this dive.” Gina chuckled and nodded. “I see. Well, that is—something I guess.”

  “This is my table, Joaquin. There are plenty of people at the bar who need drinks.” Amy walked over and bumped into me with her shoulder. “Ladies, is this guy bothering you?”

  “Hey, I’m just talking to my customers.” I shot Amy an angry glare.

  “Charlie wants to talk.” Amy pointed at the bar.

  “It sounds like you’re busy.” Gina chuckled and looked at me again. “You should probably take care of your customers.”

  “Yeah.” Amy nodded and pointed towards the bar again. “Back behind the bar. There will be plenty of desperate girls for you to choose from at closing time.”

  “Fine.” I grunted and turned my angry glare towards Angelina. “I guess you don’t know as much as you think.”

  I watched Gina for a few minutes once I returned to the bar, and it looked like she was involved in a rather heated conversation with Angelina. She was certainly beautiful, but she didn’t seem very interested. The spark was entirely one-sided. I stayed busy for nearly an hour, occasionally sneaking a look towards the table. I would have loved to stare all night, but people were thirsty, so I looked when I could. After a particularly long line of empty glasses, I glanced at the table and it was empty. My heart skipped a beat again—but that time it was because Gina was gone. At least I thought she was, until I saw her at the end of the bar, motioning towards me with her hand.

  “Where’s your tip jar?” Gina leaned against the bar with her tits practically popping out of her dress when I walked over.

  “You were at Amy’s table. You can leave it there and she’ll pick it up.” I pointed towards the table.

  “This isn’t for Amy.” Gina held up a one-dollar bill.

  “Gee, thanks—a dollar.” I took it from her and held it up. “Should I check and make sure it’s real?”

  “No, but I’d recommend you look on the other side.” Gina walked towards the door before I could respond.

  “The other side?” I flipped it over in my hand and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head when I saw a series of numbers written in black ink.

  She gave me her phone number. Holy shit.

  Chapter Three


  “I gave him my number. Is that good enough?” I walked out of the bar and saw Angelina waiting for me on the sidewalk.

  “It’s an important first step.” Angelina nodded and smiled. “But it’s just one step.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I eyed her suspiciously.

  “This is the beginning of your Infinite Fantasy, Gina, but like Harmony—your destiny doesn’t lie with just one man.” Her smile widened.

  “Fuck!” I glared at her and felt my nostrils flaring. “I knew it. I fucking knew you didn’t just show up to introduce me to someone. I’m not interested in being set up with a bunch of guys.”

  “You can try to hide from it, but you’re not going to find happiness unless you give in to your true desires.” Angelina walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulders. “You’ve seen how happy Harmony is.”

  “Yes.” I exhaled sharply. “And I know you’ve got some kind of fancy shit that is supposed to match people with the person they’re meant to be with—which is the only reason I gave Joaquin my phone number in the first place.”

  And that’s where it ends. I doubt I’ll even pick up the phone when he calls now that I know what you’re really trying to do to me.

  “Harmony was resistant at first as well. Most people are. I don’t choose the journey or the number of passengers. I just help people find the path they’re meant to walk.” Angelina tilted her head to the side and smiled. “If Joaquin was the only man for you, my work would be done. I ran the algorithm multiple times. It always comes back the same for you.”

  “So, two people that are best friends just happen to be destined to have the same kind of strange relationship?” I shook my head back and forth.

  “Perhaps that is why you’re such good friends to begin with. You share a lot of the same desires—desires you’ve probably never even discussed.” Angelina nodd
ed and patted my shoulder. “Go on a date with Joaquin, but just get to know him. I’m not suggesting that you sleep with him—in fact, I insist that you don’t.”

  “Why? I mean, I wasn’t planning on losing my virginity to someone on the first date, but why can’t I sleep with him if we’re destined to be together?” I tilted my head, feeling a little intrigued by her statement.

  “Because, my dear.” Angelina patted my shoulder again. “Your virginity is someone else’s Infinite Fantasy.”

  “Of course it is.” I sighed and pulled away from her. “I’m not playing this game, Angelina. Go back to New York or wherever you live now. I don’t need your help.”

  Why the fuck did I ever take her card to begin with?

  “Oh my god! You have to do it!” Harmony’s eyes were flickering with excitement when I told her about my meeting with Angelina.

  “Harmony—don’t.” I held up my hand and felt my jaw tightening. “I know you sent her to find me. It’s too fucking convenient that she showed up right when you did. Let me guess, you were on the same flight? You plotted and planned all of this before the plane landed?”

  “No!” Harmony’s face twisted to disgust. “I would never do that to you.”

  “Then what the hell is Angelina doing in Chicago? There’s no way she came all this way just to see me.” I leaned back against the couch.

  “Angelina does what Angelina wants. Trust me, I wanted to strangle her more than once when I was on my journey to find the men I was meant to be with, but in the end, she was right about everything.” Harmony shrugged and shook her head. “I don’t know why she’s here, but I think you should trust her.”

  “She told me that I couldn’t sleep with the guy she introduced me to.” I looked up at Harmony. “She said my virginity was someone else’s Infinite Fantasy.”

  “That’s… interesting.” Harmony grinned and her eyes lit up again. “Do you think it could be one of your old boyfriends?”

  “God, I hope not.” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have anyone in my past that I want to reconnect with. That’s why they’re in the past.”


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