Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8) Page 7

by Kelli Callahan

  “He’ll probably have my job one day. Hopefully I get a promotion before you give it to him though.” Mark chuckled nervously and flipped to the first slide in his weekly presentation.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Mark.” Erik leaned forward and smiled. “Provided that your team keeps producing results like these.”

  “It was a good week.” Mark flipped to the next slide. “We closed several accounts and sent them off to the renovation team, so I’m sure they have their hands full.”

  “What about Hal’s Pub and the two surrounding buildings?” Erik looked at the screen and then over to Mark. “Those are top priority right now.”

  “Gina’s still working on it, but she’s too determined to give up without closing the deal. I remember how hard I worked on my first account. Nobody wants to come out of the gate with a miss.” Mark’s eyebrow twitched as he switched to the next slide.

  Mark continued with his presentation, which confirmed what we already knew—business was great. Erik and I had already discussed a promotion for him, but it wasn’t time yet. Our plan to expand to New York was still a secret to our employees, but once we put it in motion, there would be a lot of promotions for those that were willing to relocate. Hal’s Pub had become critical to that expansion. We needed to impress Angelina so that Quintin Stone would help us shake hands with the right people—and if things worked out like we hoped, Quintin would be working for us once we opened our New York office.

  “Thanks, Mark, keep up the good work.” I smiled and nodded as he finished his presentation and stood up from the table.

  “You got it.” Mark left the conference room, walking with a purpose.

  “He held it together pretty good, but did you see his reaction when you mentioned Hal’s Pub?” I looked at Erik and chuckled.

  “Yeah, he’s about to go light a fire under Gina’s ass that will still be burning Monday morning.” Erik leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

  “A little motivation is never a bad thing.” I shrugged and reached for my tablet. “Okay, what’s next for us today?”

  “We’ve got that lunch meeting with the people who run the animal charity, and then the Renovation Manager will be presenting their department results after we get back.” Erik reached for his tablet and confirmed what he said with a quick glance at his calendar.

  “And then tomorrow…” I looked at Erik and grinned. “Tomorrow we finally get to meet our virgin.”

  “Damn, it’s been so fucking long, bro. I hope my dick still works.” Erik shook his head in disbelief. “I thought billionaires were supposed to get laid all the time. I barely have time to sleep, much less fuck.”

  “We’ve got unique tastes.” I shrugged and aimlessly scrolled through my tablet. “I’m sure we could find plenty of willing women out there if we weren’t looking for one that was still innocent.”

  “What do you think about the other part? Do you really think Angelina is going to introduce us to someone that we’ll actually want to be with—like, longer than just one night?” Erik raised his eyebrows and tilted his head.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it a lot since she said it. She was right about us not feeling a connection. It’s just lust and then it’s over.” I reached up and scratched my head as I spoke, contemplating what had been on my mind since our meeting with Angelina.

  “Yeah.” Erik nodded in agreement. “I agree, but I’m not sure it’s possible for us to feel that kind of connection.”

  “I know.” I sighed and stood up. “Okay, I need to delete some emails before lunch and it’s easier to do that at my computer.”

  “Same here.” Erik stood and followed me out of the conference room.

  Erik and I had spent a lot of time analyzing our shared desire. We knew the origin of the fantasy, but we didn’t know why it was so hard to move on from it. Both of us lost our virginity at the same time, to the same girl, who was as innocent as we were. It made our brotherly bond incredibly strong, and that was the feeling we were trying to reconnect with. We tried it with other women, but it wasn’t the same. There was something erotic about watching a virgin quiver when she was touched for the first time—to see her desire manifest into something beautiful. We chased that need like an addict looking for a fix, and it had been a long time since we had felt that sweet addiction on our breath. It was long overdue.

  “What do you think she’ll be like?” I paused when I got to my office door. “If she’s the perfect girl for us to share and to continue some sort of relationship with, what would you need?”

  “A voracious appetite?” Erik smiled and shrugged, but then a somber look spread across his face. “Truthfully, she’d have to be amazing in every way. She’d have to understand that we work hard and we’re not always available.”

  “Which is why we never date.” I nodded in agreement. “Even if we could find something special, we could never give a woman the attention she truly deserves.”

  “She’d have to put up with my temper and your mood swings.” Erik nodded as he continued listing the qualities.

  “Mood swings?” I scoffed and shook my head. “You’re the diva.”

  “Fuck you, why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you how much of a diva I am.” Erik grabbed his dick and assumed a vulgar, macho pose.

  “She’d have to appreciate Viking culture, right?” I tried to change the subject. “I mean, we are direct descendants of Erik the Red.”

  “Allegedly.” Erik chuckled and nodded. “Even if I am named after him.”

  “Okay, I have emails to pillage and plunder. Talk to you later.” I walked into my office and laughed as I sat down behind my desk.

  She wouldn’t even have to be perfect. I really would like to have someone that I could come home to after a long day. Fuck, maybe I am the diva.

  Saturday night

  “A mask? I’m not wearing a fucking blindfold.” I stood in middle of a hotel room, looking at the black velvet mask Angelina handed me.

  “It’s important.” Angelina reached out and touched my arm. “This is fantasy. You have to be willing to let go of the man you are and lose yourself in the moment.”

  “Yeah, I’m with Olsen.” Erik held up his red blindfold. “How am I going to get a hard on if I can’t see her?”

  “You wanted a virgin and I have one waiting for you in the next room, but you have to trust me.” Angelina reached out and touched Erik’s arm as well.

  “But we can’t see her?” Erik shook his head and scoffed. “That’s half the fun.”

  “This is how your Endless Fantasy begins. You’ve never connected with a woman on a spiritual level. It’s always been about lust. Trust me, she’s everything you want and more.” Angelina let her hands drop to her side.

  I guess we can try something new tonight.

  “Okay.” I slid the mask onto my head and let it sit above my eyebrows. “Why not? Maybe it’ll be fun.”

  “I predict we’ll be accidentally grabbing each other’s dicks before this night is over.” Erik growled and put on his mask. “Okay, lead the way.”

  “I’ll take you to the room, and then your virgin will belong to you until tomorrow morning. No peeking until then. It’ll be worth the wait, I promise.” Angelina walked to the door and pulled it open.

  This is going to be a strange night, that’s for damn sure.

  Chapter Nine


  I woke up the day after my dinner with Angelina with our discussion fresh on my mind. I tried to convince myself it was just the alcohol that lowered my inhibitions, but I knew that wasn’t the case. I had fought against Angelina’s plan as long as I could, and I no longer wanted to fight. It was time for my Infinite Fantasy to truly begin. I was going to walk the same road that Harmony walked, and hope it ended with the same happily ever after she found. Maybe Angelina was right. Maybe my friendship with Harmony was so strong because we shared similar desires that I hadn’t even discovered yet. The only way I was
going to find out was by putting all of my trust in Angelina and letting her lead me straight into the arms of two men that would take my virginity as a part of their Infinite Fantasy.

  What kind of man needs to take a woman’s innocence to fulfill their fantasy? Not just one man—but two—at the same time. Are those the kind of men I could build a life with? I can only lose my virginity once…

  Friday was a hectic day at work. My boss was in a bad mood and I seemed to catch most of his wrath because I hadn’t made any progress towards acquiring Hal’s Pub. I had bids in for the surrounding buildings, and the scouts said they should be easy purchases. Joaquin was the key to closing the account, but I was afraid to see him again until I had taken the next step on my journey. The connection I felt with him was so strong that if he kissed me again, I wasn’t sure my virginity would still be intact when I met the two men who were supposed to take it. What Angelina said about being drawn to the one I was destined to be with seemed to be true, because all I really wanted to do was rush to Joaquin and feel his lips crush mine again.

  I just hope I’m not making a huge mistake with these two mysterious men…

  I gathered all of the courage I could muster and met Angelina at her hotel on Saturday night. I was ready, but I still had lingering doubt. I just couldn’t erase it, no matter how much I tried. There was a constant war being fought inside my soul, but I pushed against it as I put all of my trust in Angelina. She led me to a hotel room and when the door opened, I half expected to see two men waiting for me. Instead, I was greeted by an empty room. Angelina walked inside and I followed her, feeling my heart beating hard in my chest. My head was spinning and that spinning seemed to get worse with each step I took.

  “You’ll need to wear this.” Angelina opened up a box that contained a pink velvet blindfold.

  “I’m going to have to wear a blindfold when I lose my virginity?” I took the blindfold and held it up.

  “Yes.” She nodded and pointed to the bed. “And there’s more.”

  “More?” I blinked and turned my attention towards the bed. “Are those—restraints? Fuck, I’m already here. You don’t have to tie me to the bed.”

  “I believe you will enjoy it more than you think.” She took my hand and led me to the bed. “One more thing…”

  “If you tell me they’re going to start whipping me or something, I’m out.” I took a step back and tilted my head in concern.

  “No, nothing like that.” Angelina chuckled and shook her head. “You won’t be the only one that is blindfolded tonight.”

  “They’ll be blindfolded too?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “That sounds… dangerous.”

  “You’ll understand when the time is right.” She motioned to the bed. “Go ahead and get undressed. Don’t be shy.”

  “Everything?” I crossed my hands across my chest, feeling vulnerable just from her suggestion.

  I still struggled with my doubts as I reached behind my back and started to remove my dress. I let it hit the floor and hesitated for a moment before I removed my bra. My panties were the last barrier between me and the restraints waiting on the bed. My hands trembled as I slid them into the waistband and let my panties fall to the floor. I was naked—exposed—completely vulnerable. I apprehensively crawled into the bed and took a deep breath as I laid back and let Angelina wrap the leather restraints around my wrists. I had given up control—every bit of it. Angelina slid the blindfold over my eyes and the room went dark.

  “When the door opens again, it will be them.” Angelina’s voice was followed by the sound of her walking away from the bed. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning, but do not take off the blindfolds until I return—do you understand?”

  “Why?” I blinked against the blindfold.

  “You’ll understand when they come off, but if you take them off before then, you’ll ruin everything.” Angelina opened the door and I heard it slam.

  No turning back now…

  Being restrained with a blindfold over my eyes was a strange feeling. I tore into my thoughts, but it did something else. When I started pulling at the restraints and feeling the helplessness sink into my soul, I felt my pussy tingling. I… actually liked feeling helpless. Being tied up wasn’t a fantasy I would have ever sought out on my own, but it definitely turned me on. My mind flashed back to my conversation with Harmony when she revealed her secret desires. Maybe there was something to it—something I didn’t quite understand due to my inexperience. My pussy got wetter as I tugged on the restraints and when I heard the door opening, I felt my heart nearly beating through my chest.

  They’re here.

  “Where are you, sweet virgin?” I heard a soft whisper and then a thud. “Fuck! There’s a wall right there.”

  “Watch out, that’s me you’re touching.” I heard another whisper, followed by slight laughter.

  “I’m, um—on the bed.” I turned my head towards the door and whispered, even though I couldn’t actually see anything but darkness.

  “Walking towards your voice…” I heard the first whisper again, followed by a second thud.

  “Shit! What the fuck is that? Table—fucking table.” I heard a groan.

  “Marco?” I called out lightly.

  “Uh, Polo?” I heard a whisper that was fairly close.

  The thought of two men stumbling around with blindfolds as they tried to find the bed made me giggle, and relieved a little bit of the stress weighing on my mind. I called out a few times, and then I felt a weight on the edge of the bed. One of them had found me. A hand touched my left thigh. A few seconds later, I felt another weight on the bed and a hand was on my right thigh. The bed creaked as they joined me and I heard the sound of clothing being removed. The hand on my left thigh moved along the surface of my skin until it was on my pelvis. He began to explore, sliding his hand down between my thighs and letting his finger graze my pussy. I immediately moaned when his finger brushed against my clit.


  She’s nice and wet.” The one to my left pushed his finger inside me until it was against my hymen. “And definitely a virgin.”

  “Are you ready for us, virgin?” The man on the right leaned forward and I felt his lips against my ear.

  “Yes.” I moaned and exhaled sharply.

  There was a familiarity in the voices, but I couldn’t place it because they barely spoke above a whisper. Before I had a chance to give it much thought, both sets of lips were against my skin and making it sizzle. They kissed my neck, teased my earlobes, and made me moan as the desire swept through my body. One of them moved away from my neck and then I felt his lips against mine. He held my jaw and forced his tongue into my mouth. I gasped for air, and then melted into the kiss. It was sensual, passionate, and made me burn with even more desire. It was reminiscent of what I felt with Joaquin, but the man kissing me was a lot more forceful. He kissed me until I thought I would suffocate, and then his lips pulled away. A second later, I felt a second set of lips against mine. The other man kissed me with the same ferocity, ravaging my mouth as he pushed his tongue across my lips.

  “We’re going to take our time with you, sweet virgin.” I heard an echo in my ears and a hand on my arm. “Oh, you’re tied up. Interesting.”

  The man that was kissing me broke the seal our lips had formed and I felt his breath on my skin. “Did you try to run away? Is that why you’re tied to the bed?”

  “No.” I gasped and shook my head. “You can let me go if you want—I won’t run.”

  “I like you better this way.” The man on my right chuckled. “We can do anything we want to you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “Right now, we’re going to make you cum.” The man on the left pushed his lips against my ear. “I’m going to devour your cherry and then we’re going to fuck you so hard you’ll see stars even with that blindfold on.”

  “Oh god.” I gasped again and moaned and lips traced down my body.

  They kissed my breasts and let their ton
gues swirl around my nipples until they formed hard nubs. Their lips continued down my abdomen and one of them moved between my legs. I felt his breath on my skin and then a tongue pushed against my labia. It was an unbelievable feeling and made me tremble with desire. Another tongue rolled around my belly button and then moved down to my clit. Fingers pushed the hood away and a tongue started to circle the tight bundle of nerves. I moaned louder as pleasure erupted through my body. The tongue that was against my labia moved up to my wetness and began to push inside me. The combination of pleasure made the fire burning inside me turn into a raging inferno of bliss.

  “That feels so good!” I started to breath hard and my breasts heaved each time I pulled oxygen into my lungs.

  “You’re going to cum so many times before we’re done with you.” The tongue that was against my clit pulled away for a moment.

  My body shifted and squirmed on the bed, and I tugged against the restraints. Pulling against them increased my feeling of helplessness. The darkness amplified it even more with the blindfold pressed against my eyes. I was their toy to play with. They could do anything they wanted and all I could do was take it. That helpless feeling made my head spin as I embraced a desire I never knew I had. It was a slight fantasy, one that I considered more of a joke than an actual kink. I had no idea how much it would truly turn me on. I certainly didn’t know how hot it would be to lose control to two men at the same time. I had fought against Angelina, yet she was right—she was right all along.

  “Please don’t stop!” I arched my back and moaned so loud it echoed in my jaw.

  Two tongues eagerly worked to bring me to the point of bliss that I had never experienced at the hands of another person. I had fooled around a little bit, and one guy tried to do what the two men in bed with me were doing, but he was awful at it. He couldn’t even make me cum. I had no doubt that my two masked lovers were going to accomplish that and so much more. The fire inside me was raging and I felt a pressure building that was more intense than anything I felt when I brought myself to climax with my finger. I chased the feeling as I moved my hips against them, and they kept their tongues moving fast. One circling my clit. One plunging inside me until it grazed my hymen each time.


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