Diana's Dalliance

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Diana's Dalliance Page 1

by Ella Gottfried

  Table of Contents

  Book 1: Diana’s Dalliance by Ella Gottfried

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Book 2: Her Affair Journey by Ella Gottfried

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Book 3: Lonely Wife Swinging by Ella Gottfried

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Diana's Dalliance

  Book 1: Diana’s Dalliance

  by Ella Gottfried

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  Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter One

  Diana woke up two minutes before her alarm beeped and turned it off. It was 6:28. Diana always woke up cheerful. She didn’t understand people who complained about having to get out of bed in the morning. There was such a wonderful world out there. Why would anyone want to sleep it all away, tucked in under their blankets?

  Humming to herself, Diana walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready for her jog. It had been a decade since she had discovered the magic of endorphins. She loved her morning run.

  At seventeen, Diana had thought she was clumsy. Her decidedly, not so graceful adolescent phase had left her convinced that she was doomed to be chubby and clumsy her whole life. But at seventeen, her gym instructor had decided that Diana would be her personal project.

  The formidable Miss Watson had had Diana running, climbing ropes, tumbling and much more. In about six months, Diana had discovered that she was actually quite graceful and athletic – enough to become quite passable at rhythmic gymnastics. Miss Watson lamented that if only she had gotten to Diana earlier, she might have made a name for herself as a gymnast.

  Still, a decade later, Diana kept herself fit and found it a pleasure.

  She found most things about her life pleasurable. She loved her job. She loved her colleagues. She especially adored her boss, Richard Walker.

  Altogether, Diana was an extremely happy young woman as she pulled her straight blonde hair through her baseball cap and set off for her morning run.

  Living in Boston meant that she could choose from quite a few jogging tracks. Diana knew how lucky she was to live where she did.

  But then, that was one of the perks of being a real estate agent. You knew where the best deals were, even if you were only looking for a rental. One day, Diana wanted to own her own home – with a white picket fence and a big swing in the backyard. But that day was at least a decade away. For the moment, Diana was intent on her career.

  She was very good at what she did.

  Deciding on a loop around Fresh Pond, Diana set off happily, cheerful music from her current J-pop favorites playing in her ears.

  She cut an attractive figure as she ran. Her movements had the grace of an athlete whose body was toned and lithe. She was dressed in yoga pants and a tank top that showed off her firm curves. Her blonde hair looked as cheerful as she was. If anybody got close enough to get a good look at her face, they would see sparkling blue eyes, a tip-tilted nose and full, wide lips that were always ready to smile.

  One of these days, she thought as she ran, she should drive out to the harbor, park somewhere, and jog along the waterfront there. Of course, it would be crowded, but she didn’t mind crowds and people. Diana thrived on energy.

  Her mind turned to work. Diana didn’t have a problem with that. She truly enjoyed her work and liked the challenges she found every day. Besides, it didn’t really seem all that much like work. She loved putting people and homes together. She preferred showing and selling homes to office spaces, though she took pleasure in both.

  But she loved the possibilities she gave people. It was never just four walls and a roof. It was all about finding a space that suited the client.

  Sometimes, when people wanted to sell homes that had been in the family for years, they asked for Diana. They always felt like Diana cared. Which was easy, really – Diana really did care. When somebody was selling their home, Diana made it her mission to make sure it was bought by somebody who would make a home of their own out of it. It was important.

  She would forever be grateful to Mr. Walker for giving an Art History graduate a job in real estate, she mused. Her own father had passed away when she was fifteen. It had been the only real blip in her life.

  But Mr. Walker had become a father figure to her. She knew that he had been entrusting her with more and more responsibilities every day. He never said anything about it either, but she knew that he had been considering retirement – or at least, part retirement.

  It would be good for him, Diana knew that. He worked so hard to establish his company. She was determined to live up to his expectations. After all, she had been trained by the very best.

  She loved their team, too. They were fairly close and knew each other very well.

  The only problem, as far as Diana was concerned, was that she didn’t have a boyfriend. It wasn’t like she needed a boyfriend. It would be nice to have somebody to snuggle up with in the evening, or to wear sexy lingerie for.

  She had no problems admitting to herself as she rounded a curve. She missed the sex.

  That was her last thought before she plowed straight into a hard, male body that had rounded the same corner at the same time as she had.

  Chapter Two

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, are you alright? No, don’t move, let me check,” said a voice.

  Hands. Large hands were patting her body. Everywhere.

  Instinctively, Diana shoved the hands away.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she said, trying to get up.

  “No, don’t move, you might have broken something. You went down pretty hard.”

  The voice, she could see, came from a very handsome young man who looked very worried right now. Apparently, neither of them had been looking where they were going. She seemed to have sustained most of the brunt of the collision.

  “I’m fine. No, seriously, I’m fine,” insisted Diana, shoving his hands away more firmly.

  “I’m so sorry. I was on the wrong side. I wasn’t thinking. I’m just… Are you sure you’re fine?”

  He really was cute, thought Diana. His hair was blonde – darker than her sunshine hair, but still more blonde than brown. His worried eyes were green, she saw now. He wore glasses. She always liked guys with glasses.

  “All limbs functioning fine. See?” said Diana, with a smile, moving each arm and leg in demonstration.

  He smiled.

  He had dimples.

  She had always been a sucker for dimples, too.

  “How about coffee?” he asked.

  Well, that escalated quickly, thought Diana with a grin.

  “Is coffee the recommended beverage for bruised pride and a sore bottom?” asked Diana.

  He laughed.

  “I’m Robert. Ple
ase don’t call me Bob,” he said.

  Diana smiled.

  “See, now you make me want to call you Bob. How about Rob? I’m Diana,” she replied.

  He stood up and offered her a hand. Diana placed her hand in his. He pulled her up lightly an effortlessly.

  Handsome, charming and strong, mused Diana. If she had to run into somebody quite so literally, it could’ve been a lot worse.

  “Rob is fine. Just not Bob. I spent a few years in London and everybody decided to call me ‘copper’ because a bobby is a policeman,” he explained.

  “My sympathies, then, Rob. Coffee does sound great,” said Diana.

  Diana noticed that her hand was still in Rob’s. It felt warm and nice. She could feel a slight tingle starting in her hand and coursing gently through her body as his thumb moved slowly, stroking her hand. Diana made no move to pull her hand away.

  “There’s a really great little bakery just a bit farther down. Jog till we get there?” he asked.

  “That’s what we’re here for,” agreed Diana and they set off.

  They didn’t speak as they ran. Rob set a pretty demanding pace, anyway – Diana needed her breath for running. She liked that he didn’t slow down for her. He just assumed she could keep up.

  Surreptitiously, she fell behind just a step so that she could check him out. He looked like he kept himself in shape. That was important to her – she liked a man to take care of himself. After all, she took care of herself.

  When they reached the café, Diana smiled. She knew that one. They had excellent croissants.

  “Cappuccino and croissant, please,” she told the waiter, sitting down outside.

  “Same here,” said Rob.

  They turned to each other.

  “So, do you pick up a lot of women when you are out jogging?” teased Diana.

  Rob grinned.

  “That was the first time I’ve literally run right into someone while jogging… and it’s led to coffee,” replied Rob.

  “I haven’t seen you around here before. I run pretty regularly,” commented Diana.

  He really was cute, she thought. And he was well-spoken.

  “I usually run in the evening. I like sunsets,” said Rob.

  Diana smiled. When she really smiled, she could light up the world. Rob was dazzled.

  “Sunsets are beautiful. So are sunrises. I love beginnings and endings. There’s such potential in both,” said Diana.

  The waitress brought their coffees and croissants.

  “Don’t they smell wonderful? There’s nothing like coffee and croissants for breakfast,” said Diana enthusiastically as she reached for both.

  Rob grinned.

  “You seem to be pretty special,” said Rob.

  Diana smiled at him.

  “Rob, I think everyone is special in their own way. We’re all different. The world is an amazing place and we’re all lucky to be in it,” she said.

  Now, Diana was definitely sure that he was hitting on her. She was pleased. A good-looking, charming man was hitting on her and it was barely seven in the morning. What a wonderful start to her day!

  “So what do you do when you’re not jogging, Rob?” asked Diana.

  “Nothing very exciting, I’m afraid. I’m an accountant. Just a cog in the machine,” said Rob.

  But that wasn’t how Diana would look at it.

  “That means you can work magic with numbers. The kind of magic that can save or lose a great deal of money, I imagine, and money can really make things happen. So that’s power. That makes you a powerful man. Powerful men are always interesting,” said Diana.

  Rob grinned.

  “Nobody has ever put it quite that way before,” he told her.

  Laughing, Diana raised her coffee in a toast.

  “Then here’s to looking at everything in a new way, from today forward,” she said.

  Rob’s grin turned wider as he raised his coffee in a toast, too.

  “And here’s to the most unexpected and pleasant of mornings,” said Rob.

  She watched him as she sipped, making small talk. He liked movies, but didn’t find time to watch too many. He wasn’t musically adventurous.

  He had really nice hands. Diana had a sudden flash of his hands on her breasts, cupping them, his long fingers running over her nipples lightly as they got hard and taut.

  Closing her eyes for a moment, Diana let that image remain in her mind. She was naked, and his hands were touching her. She felt her pussy tingling, and she knew she was getting wet. Now, if those hands moved down her body, she would spread her legs and he could feel how wet she was. His fingers would slip and slide smoothly along inside her pussy lips. They would move inside her softly, gently. She would open for him.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him, knowing that the desire would be obvious in them if he had the wherewithal to look for it.

  “Can I walk you home, Diana?” asked Rob.

  Diana smiled. This smile was full of secrets and seduction.

  “Of course, Rob. I would’ve been insulted if you hadn’t,” she told him.

  Chapter Three

  Diana felt that the entire walk home was sexually charged. He reached for her hand and she didn’t draw away. Her hand was long and narrow, but it felt tiny inside his.

  His thumb brushed against the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. She felt that tingle coursing through her body again and accepted it.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Diana,” said Rob as they got closer to her home.

  That wasn’t original, but it was true, reasoned Diana. Besides, from the way his fingers were tracing light circles on the sensitive parts of her hand and wrist, it seemed like he was far better with his hands than he was with his words. She wondered if he could put his tongue to better use, besides just sitting there with her, talking.

  “You’re a handsome and charming man, Rob,” she replied, enjoying what she imagined he could do.

  “I live here,” said Diana, gesturing to a building with more character than maintenance.

  “I’m on the second floor. You can walk me to the door, but I’m not inviting you in,” said Diana.

  “Today,” she added, with a smile that promised something more, perhaps at another time.

  “Then I will settle for walking the lady to the door,” said Rob, and walked inside with her.

  There was no elevator in her building. His fingers moved up and down her bare arm, making needs and desires rush through her body as they walked up the stairs.

  “May I kiss the lady goodbye outside her door?” asked Rob as she turned to him, outside her door.

  “You may,” said Diana, leaning back against her door and looking up at him.

  Rob braced his hands on either side of Diana and bent down to her. Diana’s lips were parted in anticipation. She felt the tingle become a rush as his lips brushed against hers, tentative, testing.

  Then he dived in, his tongue slipping inside her mouth, seeking hers. With a moan, Diana pressed herself against him, crushing her breasts against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him.

  Rob’s hands moved to her body, cupping her shapely ass and pulling her closer to him. She could feel his cock growing hard as she gave him her tongue, exploring his lips, sliding against his, moving in his mouth.

  His hands moved up her back, moving to the front to cup her breasts gently. His fingers found her erect nipples easily, and brushed against them, back and forth, until she could feel that pulsing inside her aching pussy.

  Her head swimming, she broke away from him and looked up at him, desire blatant in her eyes.

  “I’d ask you in, Rob, but you haven’t even bought me dinner yet,” she said with a smile.

  Slipping her key from her wristband, she turned and opened the door.

  Walking inside, she turned to Rob.

  “You know where to find me, Rob,” she said, and closed the door.

  It was a few seconds before she heard him go back down the stairs.
  Diana just stood there, trying to catch her breath. That had been some kiss, she thought. Now she was wet and needy.

  Taking off her clothes and tossing them in the hamper, she walked to her bedroom and opened her goody drawer. She found what she was looking for – her jack rabbit.

  She was so wet already that she didn’t even consider getting the lube out. Diana lay back in bed, her legs spread, and slipped her hand between her legs.

  Closing her eyes, she imagined Rob’s large and skillful hand moving between her legs, sliding between her pussy lips and moving back and forth, grazing her clit with every move.

  He would move his fingers in circles around her clit, making her tremble in anticipation. When she was wet, like this, he would slide his finger inside her.

  She slid two fingers inside herself and slipped them in and out, the friction making her legs tremble with pleasure.

  Turning her vibrator on, she rubbed it around her beckoning pussy, letting it vibrate against her clit and up and around her needy slit. She moaned as she imagined Rob watching her as she set it there, so wet that she was dripping.

  Unable to wait any longer, she slowly pushed the dildo inside her, letting it rotate slowly and gently as it worked beautiful magic on her clit.

  Moaning, she imagined Jack’s hands on her breasts, rubbing her juices all over her nipples as he let his fingers brush back and forth over them. She rubbed her nipples lightly, then pinched them gently as the vibrator slowly built her up to an orgasm she so desperately wanted and needed.

  She could feel the vibrations deep inside her. Her pussy walls started clenching, tightening around the artificial shaft as she imagined what it would be like to have Rob’s cock inside her as her fingers massaged her clit, bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm.

  “Rob,” she moaned as she imagined him ripping her clothes off right there in the hallway, outside her door, taking her right there.

  She moaned as she felt her release build, wave after wave, each bigger than the last, until she could no longer hold it back.

  Her body shuddered and jerked as the much needed release swept over her, making her quake, over and over again.


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