Red Light Hero

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Red Light Hero Page 20

by Kory Shen

  Alan pulled Violet forward in a hug. "Thank you. You've been working on this for a while?"

  They stepped apart. "If you count the initial prototype, over a week," Violet said.

  "How did you know I'd need it? That I'd be back?" Alan asked.

  Violet's cheeks turned crimson. "I…I didn't. I wanted to be ready if you came back. I knew Godmother had plans—"

  "I don't care about Godmother's plan," Alan said in an annoyed tone. "What was your plan?" He stepped forward again, holding Violet's face in his hands close to his. She had been genuinely good to him, sacrificing her own wishes for his. In another time, could he have settled down with someone like her?

  He felt a stab of guilt, but was unsure why. He brushed away the thoughts as his lips met Violet's. A gentle kiss turned into hot, panting breaths.

  "Is it safe?" Alan asked.

  "Safe?" Violet mumbled through locked lips.

  Alan broke away. Violet's open mouth reached for him for a fraction of a second before she stopped herself.

  "I thought viral strains weren't compatible unless you were a prime or beta," Alan said.

  "I'm your beta," Violet pointed out as if explaining the obvious to a five-year-old.

  Alan coughed. "I know, I mean. I finished…a little while ago."

  Violet made a disgusted look, all traces of romance vanishing from her expression. "I see. It's true. Although the risk of a violent reaction is lower, members of a beta circle aren't necessarily compatible. In your case, the risk is likely higher since some of your beta members have independent alpha genesis events."

  Alan made a confused sound.

  "It's like organ donors. Siblings have a decent chance of being compatible organ donors. Adopted siblings don't. You being the omega means you have both natural betas like me and adopted ones like her."

  She still refused to say HumiliT's name to him. Alan sighed. It was his fault for bringing it up, but he didn't want to risk hurting Violet. She probably wouldn't want to go further at the moment.

  "So, it's not safe?" Alan asked.

  "Direct contact is dangerous, I agree. However, once her viral strains re-integrate with your omega genome, there shouldn't be any further risk. That's the nature of the omega. Any residual unprocessed alphavirus would be a risk, but the alphavirus is unstable outside the human body. It's part of the reason why sexual contact is the most efficient transmission vector."

  "So, it's safe?" Alan asked.

  Violet's brows furrowed. "Are you making fun of me?"

  Alan suppressed a small smile. "No. I'm trying to seduce you. If you think it's safe."

  "It should be safe, in theory. We're in uncharted territory, though. Nothing like you has ever existed." She paused in thought. "I'll need more data. Given the circumstances, personal risk should be minimal." She eyed the messy sheets again. "Sacrifices have to be made in the name of science." She pushed Alan onto the bed.

  Alan grinned as he fell backwards. "Right. For science."


  Cover Girl tugged at the metal collar around her neck. While wearing the ring of electronics, she couldn't leave her room without being jolted by 50,000 volts.

  Even if she somehow disabled the perimeter tracking, she couldn't sneak away from the Institute, either. The rim of the collar would light up with a high frequency light pattern that would render her power useless. If she turned invisible, a bright light would still be visible around her neck. She had tried.

  Cover Girl stopped fidgeting with the metal collar. She still couldn't believe it. It had been two days since Maiden had imprisoned her. Would Maiden keep her here forever? Would she kill her?

  Escort stepped into her room. Cover Girl gasped. Was Escort here to finish her off?

  Escort scowled. "Stop looking at me like that. I know what you're thinking. No, that's not why I'm here." Escort looked down at the tray of food in her hand. "At least not today," she muttered.

  Cover Girl took her day's allotment from Escort. A pitcher of water and a loaf of white bread. Page Glory would have died rather than live on carbs. But Page Glory wasn't here. Cover Girl tore a hunk of the bread and swallowed it as Escort watched.

  "Please," Cover Girl said.

  "No," Escort replied.

  "Just one quick hop. You can get this off me." Cover Girl tugged at her metal collar again. "No one will know it's you."

  "No!" Escort's blonde hair swung in front of Cover Girl as she turned to leave.

  "Wait, Escort. Please. We've been in the field together so many times. Please, you can't leave me like this. Please." Cover Girl scrambled over on her knees, grabbing Escort by the ankle.

  Escort didn't turn around. "I should have killed him the first time, like Maiden ordered. Instead, I listened to you. Not again." She turned her head to look at Cover Girl in her prone position. "Maiden's changed. She's taking it out on the rest of us, too."

  Escort spun, kicking Cover Girl off her. "What if Sire has enough of her antics? What if he gets rid of her, like he did to Hotshot? What happens to the rest of us then?"

  "It wasn't right," Cover Girl croaked. "Killing him, or his friends. I know you agree with me."

  "You don't get it!" Escort screamed. "I'm not talking about that. This is you, all you! You couldn't keep your fucking panties on. When you fucked your boyfriend Alan, you didn't just betray Maiden. You betrayed all of us."

  "How can you go on living like this? What if there's another way?"

  Escort wasn't like the others. Idol had a cruel streak, and Pearl, well, even Maiden had a difficult time keeping Pearl in line at times. Escort was different. She had been young and idealistic once, similar to Cover Girl. She had believed that becoming an alpha was the same thing as becoming a hero.

  For a moment, Escort's face softened. Cover Girl held her breath, waiting.

  "There's no other way," Escort said in a cold voice. "Sire's asked Fisher to activate a national red alert. Fisher." Escort spat the man's name out. Cover Girl's eyes widened in shock. Sire and PIERCR never cooperated. The entire establishment would be gunning for Alan soon. Even Godmother couldn't stop the entire country.

  "See? Understand now? This is what you did," Escort said. "It won't matter how magical your boy's cock is. He's not going to last a week." Escort turned to leave again.

  "No, Escort!" She reached out towards Escort from her position on the floor.

  "Touch me, and you lose the hand."

  Cover Girl froze, her hand inches from Escort's feet. Escort vanished.

  For five minutes, Cover Girl didn't move. Escort had been the only one left to beg. Escort hadn't taken Cover Girl's hand, but she had ripped away something far worse. Hope.

  She would rot away in her prison, waiting for whatever further torture Maiden devised. Her powers would fade away, too. Once that happened, Cover Girl didn't know how long she would survive. In truth, Maiden didn't have to do anything else. There was a good chance that Cover Girl would kill herself once she was no longer an alpha.

  Oh, Alan. No rendezvous, no midnight thrill was worth this price. Tears streamed down Cover Girl's face. She was the same stupid teenage girl as ten years ago. Chasing boys. Making bad decisions. Becoming a celebrity as Page Glory hadn't changed that. Neither had becoming an alpha.

  She had built her image so carefully. Richard had helped. Page Glory and Cover Girl had parallel hordes of adoring fans. Their jobs couldn't be more different, but the attraction was the same. She was cool, glamorous, perfect. The one other girls wanted to become.

  They didn't know the truth. She wasn't a hero. Her life was one big publicity piece. Her life wasn't glorious. It was hell. She was one more fake in a world of fakes.

  Escort was right. She had ruined Alan's life and put everyone else at risk out of her own selfishness. This was all her fault, and she was getting what she deserved. But not Alan. He deserved better.

  Her mouth moved in a desperate, irrational prayer.

  "Godmother, if you have any power, please,
keep him safe."

  * * *

  Alan waited in the large chamber that served as a drop-off point for visitors to Godmother's underground complex. He adjusted his wrist band, checking the numbers again. AGI 92, END 96, SPD 94, STR 97, and VLT 56.

  His viral load from Violet was lower than the ones from HumiliT. Violet had said the numbers would vary depending on the specific viral strain and beta. The higher counts from HumiliT's strains wasn't surprising, given her former status as an alpha one.

  "Make me one of those, too, will you?" HumiliT asked Violet.

  They were waiting for Stalker. Alan had wanted to meet Stalker alone, but the other women had balked at the idea. They would be present in case of an ambush, leaving Alan only after they were satisfied Stalker wouldn't double-cross them. Each of them could veto the arrangement if they noticed something off.

  Violet stared straight ahead at the tunnel. "Didn't your parents teach you to say 'please'?"

  "How about I order you to build me one? Learn your place," HumiliT responded. She nudged Alan. "Is she always so impertinent?"

  "You fucking bitch—"

  "Come on," Alan said in a raised voice. "We're about to meet Stalker. Let's not get distracted."

  "I'll be fine," HumiliT said. "It's little Miss-Know-It-All here who's the jealous one."

  "Jealous?" Violet shrieked. "You think I'm jealous?"

  Alan put his arm around Violet. "Violet, relax. She's doing it on purpose."

  HumiliT put her own arm around Alan and laughed. "I thought she was supposed to be smart."

  "HumiliT." Alan's voice was firm.

  "What?" HumiliT's voice was mockingly innocent.

  Alan sighed and gestured forward. "A car's coming."

  A black car came out of the tunnel and drove a short distance to stop in front of them. The rear door opened, and a tanned woman in sunglasses, gray business skirt, and a cream-colored blouse stepped out. Slightly curly dark hair flowed past her shoulders.

  The woman stared at HumiliT. "I don't believe this." She shook her head. "But that's between you and Sire. Or your betas. I'm here for him."

  HumiliT nodded, her voice tight. "Stalker."

  That's right. HumiliT was an old comrade of the other alphas. Of course they would know each other.

  "I'm Alan," he said, stepping forward to meet Stalker. The others matched his pace like two bodyguards. Why did they even bother? He was invulnerable, or close enough.

  Stalker nodded from several paces away. "I know HumiliT and you. Who's the last one?"

  "Toybox, pleased to meet you," Violet said.

  "What do you do?" Stalker asked.

  "Quiet. She's pumping us for information," HumiliT warned. Despite her bickering with Violet, Alan couldn't complain about her commitment to the mission.

  "Let me check her." HumiliT raced over to Stalker. Before anyone could react, she had patted down the new woman and pulled out a small sidearm from underneath her clothes. HumiliT dangled it in her hand for a second, then bent it in half. "Stalker," she said in a stern voice.

  "What? I'm not like you." Stalker shrugged. "I need a way to defend myself if I'm walking into Godmother's lair. Can't blame me."

  HumiliT rushed back over to Alan. "You should be safe. Relatively. Don't show off and waste too much of your powers on her."

  For once, Violet agreed. "Don't use…you know what I mean. Just don't."

  HumiliT raised an eyebrow. "I've already seen it. I wouldn't bother. Didn't add much."

  She was lying. Alan wanted to defend himself and Violet, but not while Stalker was watching every word of their interaction.

  Alan coughed. "I'll be fine. I'll see you two later?"

  HumiliT and Violet looked at him. Both nodded, then walked away, deeper into the base. At least they had agreed with each other for once. It was progress.

  "Interesting beta circle you have there," Stalker said.

  He had been absentmindedly watching the two women walk. Alan turned to face her. She took off her sunglasses, revealing hawk-like eyes.

  "You're not afraid of someone seeing your face?" Alan asked.

  Stalker laughed. "What are they going to do? Take a picture?"

  HumiliT had warned Alan to remove all electronics. He had agreed, except for the band that Violet had given him. That hadn't seemed like a threat. He looked down at the flashing display now. It read, HI QT.

  Alan looked back at Stalker. "Really?"

  She smiled like a cat hunting prey. "Let's get down to business. Why am I here?"

  "Wait. Godmother didn't explain?" Alan had the sinking feeling he already knew the answer. Damn it. He had hoped that Godmother had pulled a miracle to get Stalker's cooperation. Apparently, that wasn't the case. "Why'd you come here, then?"

  "Information. I'm here under truce, but you're a wanted man. Plus, I couldn't resist the chance to explore Godmother's headquarters." She seemed distracted, as if listening to another conversation. "I couldn't pass up the chance to access Godmother's…" She trailed off. "I've drooled over this place many, many times."

  "What? Godmother invited you here so you could hack her system?"

  Stalker grinned. "It's not a formal invitation, but it's pretty clear what I'll do if I get within range."

  "Why would she do that?" Alan asked. Godmother was risking her whole operation for him?

  "You tell me. She said I had to meet with you." Stalker swore. "More dead ends," she muttered to herself.

  Alan stared at the slender woman. "Are you hacking right now?"

  "I don't like the word hacking. I'm communing. Like with nature, but only better." Stalker giggled. Her eyes focused on something far away. "Nothing here." She sighed. "So why are we meeting? Can we go deeper into the base?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

  Alan had no idea what kind of preparations Godmother had made for Stalker's visit, but taking her deeper into the base didn't seem like the smartest decision. He peered at the black car. A driver, one of Godmother's men, was waiting inside.

  "I think all we need is the car. We can ask the driver to take a walk."

  Stalker gave Alan a questioning look. "The car? Are we driving somewhere?"

  "Not quite." Alan rubbed his head in embarrassment. "We only need the, uh, back seat. Here, let's get inside the car and I'll explain."

  Stalker stared in confusion for a second. Then her lips curled into a smile. "Oh, I see."

  Alan winced. "Yeah, sorry, you know how it is."

  "What? No, I was talking about Godmother's network. I've bypassed the first set of defenses."

  Alan stared. She was dangerous. He had to finish this business and get her out of here as soon as possible. "The car?" He pointed.

  Stalker shrugged and walked back to the parked vehicle.

  * * *

  It turned out that convincing Stalker to sleep with him wasn't difficult at all. When Alan explained what he wanted, Stalker had paused for a second while engaged in some digital tasks elsewhere.

  "Sure," Stalker said.

  "That was quick. You don't even know why I want your powers," Alan said.

  "You want to, as you say, hack something that belongs to us. It doesn't matter. Anything you do, I can do better. There's Electrophile, too." Stalker leaned against the window. Did she get better reception like that? Where was her antennae, so to speak? Her head? Damn. He had to stay on task.

  She didn't see him as a threat. "Okay. Well, let's get this over with, then."

  Alan awkwardly reached for his belt.

  "No, no, no." Suddenly, Stalker was no longer gazing into the distance absentmindedly. "I like to take my time. I need to get in the mood."

  Stalker reached deep into the seat cushions of the car and pulled out a phone. Alan drew back. They were supposed to keep all electronics away from Stalker. Whose phone was that?

  "I left this here before getting out," Stalker said, answering Alan's unspoken question. "HumiliT's not bad, but she's still more muscles than brains. She didn't even both
er to check the car."

  "What's that for?" Alan asked. If it was just a phone, it couldn't be that bad, could it?

  "Don't worry. We're not doing anything wrong. Not if no one knows."

  Alan had been worried about his safety, not getting into trouble. What the hell was Stalker up to?

  Stalker didn't move a muscle, but the phone in her hand flickered to life. Images flashed across the screen. "Let's try a live channel."

  Alan craned his neck to see what was on Stalker's phone screen. It was a video of people having sex. The video flickered to a new scene, then another.

  "What the…?" Alan looked at Stalker, dumbfounded. "These aren't happening right now?"

  Stalker grinned. "At any time, approximately 100,000 people around the world are having sex. Approximately 1% of those are in view of an electronic device with a camera. Here, at The Strip, the odds should be a lot higher, but I've never been able to penetrate this network." She peered through the window. "Godmother's letting me take a peek, isn't she? How sweet of her."

  "That one looks exciting!" Stalker cried out.

  Alan found himself trying to see what was happening on the screen. He pulled back in disgust. This is what Stalker liked? Damn, she was creepy.

  Stalker's eyes were glued to the screen. "No, he didn't. Oh my god, he did." She glanced up at Alan. "You don't want to watch?"

  "No, this is—"

  "Boring? Let me do a global search." More videos flickered across the phone screen in a jumble. Stalker closed her eyes briefly.

  Footage of a bright hotel room appeared on the phone screen. "You'll recognize this actress," Stalker said. The video changed again. "Or what about the Princess of—"

  "No, I think I'll pass," Alan said. This was going to be more difficult than he had thought. How was he supposed to seduce a creepy, well, stalker?

  "I know," Stalker said. "You like it personal, don't you?"

  "Wait, what are you doing?" Alan cried in alarm.

  Images of himself appeared on the phone screen, then video clips. Some images were quite old, from his college years. Others were more recent.

  "Surveys indicate that about a quarter of Americans aged twenty-one to forty-five have sent nude pictures to someone else. Lucky for me, ECHELON saves all of them."


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