Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3)

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Carter's Devotion (Blackwater Bears Book 3) Page 3

by Lynn Howard

  Laying her hand on the wound, she shuffled to the bathroom for a quick shower, then she had to get ready for work. What did Carter do for a living? By that body, it had to be something physical. No one looked like that from sitting behind a desk.

  Tilting her head under the spray, she tried to conjure as much of last night as she could, but it was a drunken blur, playing in flashes, images and sounds. Maybe breaking the ice with so much liquor wasn’t such a great idea. As her stomach churned with the urge to puke, she realized it was a terrible idea.

  “Oh no,” she grumbled, and barely made it out of the tub without falling on her face and hung her face in the toilet. She hated puking. Since Shifters didn’t get viruses or bacterial infections, puking tended to be pretty rare for them. So she always felt like she was drowning when she drank too much and ended up worshipping the porcelain goddess.

  Once she was confident nothing else could possibly come up, she climbed back in the shower to rinse off the soap, then groaned every step as she turned off the water, dried off, then made sure she brushed her teeth. Twice. She still felt gross. But she had a feeling no number of showers or toothbrushes would erase that feeling.

  And then there was the anger and confusion over getting scarred by probably the hottest guy she’d ever laid eyes on in her life. Maybe it was like he said, no big deal. She could hide it with concealer and leave her hair down when she was on the prowl. If she ever met her true mate, she’d just explain what happened. If the bond was nearly as strong as she’d been told growing up, he’d understand. And since she’d always planned on pairing with a fellow leopard, he’d mark the back of her neck, anyway. Or maybe she’d ask him to cover that mark with his own. Why not change things up? The laws had changed, so why couldn’t tradition change right along with them?

  June found an old bottle of Pepto-Bismol she’d bought the last time she’d imbibed a little too much and downed half its contents. Then she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was glowing, but that did nothing to help with the circles under her eyes or the puffiness. She was a mess. Whatever. She was just going to work at a local greasy spoon, not walk the runway in New York.

  The problem she’d always had with being a Shifter was trying to navigate life as someone else. She’d had to search hard for a job that would pay her cash so she wouldn’t have to file taxes or anything else that would require a full identity. Other Shifters tended to open their own businesses, but like her, they had to come up with fake crap to get around the whole tax thing when the time came. Her kind always had to stay as far under the radar as possible.

  While other Shifters might not be able to work with the public, June had never had that problem. Her leopard was fairly submissive. Not to the point where she feared everything or would let anyone walk all over her, but June tended to be the more protective one, the one who did most of the thinking, and her cat just kind of went along for the ride.

  She’d heard her friends talk about their leopard talking inside their heads, or about fighting their animal to keep their skin. Not a problem June ever had. She could Shift on command and her leopard stayed silent. The way she saw it, she had a pretty easy life as a Shifter.

  At least it’d been easy before she’d taken Carter home last night.

  Carefully, she applied a thick layer of makeup and concealer over the already healing marks and positioned her hair to cover them. What the hell had he been thinking? What had she been thinking? It would be way easier to blame Carter for taking advantage of her drunken stupor, but she’d marked him, too. And, obviously, he’d been just as toasted as she had been, because he had just as little memory of the night before as she did.

  Carter slammed his hand against his steering wheel as he pulled his truck to a stop outside of his cabin. He’d marked June? She was a complete and total stranger. A fucking one-night-stand. Oh, and not only did he mark her, but she’d marked him. At least his was easily hidden…as long as he didn’t get naked to Shift in front of anyone.

  But what happened when he found his mate and got naked in front of her? Could she possibly understand why he’d allowed some stranger to mark him for life?

  He’d fucked up. Royally. And it wasn’t like he could tell any of his Clan brothers; they all looked up to him to make all the responsible decisions. They’d think he was weak as fuck if they ever found out.

  Rubbing the mark on his chest, he pushed the truck door open and tried to get inside before anyone saw him. He knew there would be a shit load of questions the second anyone realized he was home. And of course, no matter how quiet he tried to be, every single member of Blackwater, except for Noah and Hollyn, heard his truck pull up and hurried onto the porch.

  Luke smirked and shook his head, feigning disappointment. Colton had a wide, shit-eating grin, and Shawnee looked hopeful.

  “Well? Do I have a new sister-in-law?” Shawnee asked, bouncing down the stairs with a wide smile on her face.

  He’d barely even made it to his front porch and they were all ready for details.

  “It wasn’t like that,” Carter said, seriously not wanting to have to tell a female member of the Clan it had been a one time fuck.

  “Sure looked like you two were into each other to me,” Shawnee said, trying to follow him up the stairs. “And I can smell her all over you.”

  Carter looked to Colton for help, raising his brows and widening his eyes. He really, really didn’t want to talk to Shawnee about his one-night-stand.

  “Leave him alone, honey. He’s doing the walk of shame. No one likes an audience for that,” Colton said, his grin as wide as it had been from the start.

  Shawnee looked over her shoulder at her mate, one hand on the railing, then back up at Carter. “Wait…did you just hit it and quit it?”

  “What? Since when do you talk like that?” Carter asked as his cheeks lit on fire. It was like hearing your sister talk about sex; uncomfortable as hell.

  “Well? Did you? Was that a booty call?” Shawnee asked, slapping her hands on her hips. “She seemed really nice and you just dragged her off somewhere and—”

  Carter held up his hand. “It was her idea and we went back to her place. I didn’t hit it and quit it,” he said with a chuckle. “I stayed the night. And now, I’m tired and need some more sleep.”

  Shawnee crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “You boys are impossible. We need more females. And cubs.”

  “So, go have a couple of cubs,” Carter said as he pushed open his front door.

  “You know what I mean.” She turned and stomped off his porch. Why the hell was she up so early, anyway? She’d been there when Carter had left, and that had been fairly late. Noah and Hollyn were, no doubt, still sleeping.

  When a moan came through the walls of Noah’s cabin, Carter shook his head and hurried into his own place. They were definitely not sleeping. And the last thing he needed was a reminder of last night. The night that would go down as his greatest conquest and his biggest fuck up.

  He thought about taking a quick shower before lying down, but he wanted to keep June’s scent on him for a little while longer. Who knew if he’d ever get the chance to feel her under his hands again. He might’ve fucked that chance up royally. But she’d marked him, too. At some point, they’d been so lost in lust, they must’ve decided they were mates. Shame he couldn’t remember much.

  Carter searched his memory, but everything came in flashes: her bee stung lips, her light gray eyes contrasting beautifully with her caramel colored skin, burying his face in her full tits, that plump ass in his hands. Maybe he didn’t remember everything, but he sure as fuck remembered some of the best shit.

  His dick was hard again and Carter was tempted to wrap his hand around his shaft and relieve the pressure. That wasn’t what he wanted, though. He wanted June again. Only this time, he’d make sure he was sober as a preacher on Sunday.

  Eventually, exhaustion caught up with him and he fell asleep. But it was restless and didn’t last long. It was Saturday,
his day off work. He should get out of bed and do something. Anything other than once again obsess over the woman who’d made his blood boil with a bat of her lashes.

  She’d said he was supposed to be a boost to her ego. And she’d immediately covered her belly when he’d taken off his shirt. How could a woman like her not see how fucking hot she was? Maybe she didn’t wear a size four and her belly wasn’t concave, but that wasn’t what he’d wanted. He liked curves, he liked the softness of a full woman, he liked the big tits, the big ass, the wide hips of a woman like June.

  Did that mean someone had convinced her she was less than beautiful? Otherwise, why the hell would she need anyone to boost her self-esteem? Although, it was kind of flattering that she’d used him for that. He’d loved the way her eyes roamed his body as they played the game, the way she’d tightened her grip around the ridge in his pants when he’d shown her exactly what her body did to him, the way she’d become a wild cat the second her inhibitions were lowered.

  He’d give just about anything to see her like that while he was sober. He’d give just about anything to remember a single orgasm from last night. There had been three rubbers tossed toward a trash can as if neither of them had the energy or desire to get up and throw them away properly.

  He’d been awake for ten minutes and he was already back to obsessing over June. He had to get the fuck out the house. He needed something to keep his mind occupied. Because even though she’d agreed to be friends, he wasn’t sure if he could be around her and keep his hands to himself.

  A truck rumbled to life and crunched on the gravel outside. A glance at the clock let Carter know it was Noah and Hollyn heading into work. Noah had been a workaholic before Hollyn had been hand delivered by one of the panthers of Ravenwood. Now that Hollyn worked alongside him every day, the dude had become almost pleasant. Almost. He was still a grouchy bastard when he was at the bar.

  That was what he should do, head to Moe’s. It was a little early, but he could drink a beer, have some food, and play some pool. No. That wasn’t a good idea. It would be obvious as hell how desperate he was if she showed up there now. And, just like with every fucking thing else, the Clan looked to him to be the wise one, the mature one, the one with the answers.

  He could always go into Big River territory. But again, it would look odd if he showed up alone in the late morning. They hung out a lot, had cookouts at least once a week, but he’d never show up alone unless he needed to speak with Gray. There was no reason to get everyone upset or freak them out for no reason.

  “Oh Carrrrterrrr,” Shawnee sang from outside his cabin.

  With a groan, he pushed from the bed, stomped through his house, and yanked his door open. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “Nope. I don’t go in for another two hours.”

  He crossed his arms and waited for what exactly she wanted.

  “I’m hungry,” she said after a few silent seconds.

  “So? Tell Colton to make you something.”

  “I’m in the mood for some bad-for-me food.”

  Shawnee had been told by her parents she was too heavy, had been told her whole life to lose weight. But she had curves, too. Not quite like June did, but to Carter, and obviously Colton, she had a perfect body.

  Aaaand his mind was back on June.


  “I want you to take me,” she said.

  Carter leaned against the doorframe with a deep frown and narrowed his eyes at her. “What are you up to?”

  She huffed out a breath and shoved her hands in her pockets. “I just wanted to talk to you. Away from everyone else. And then you could drop me off at Moe’s after.”

  Carter looked toward Colton’s cabin. The youngest member of their Clan sat in a wicker chair with his feet propped up on the railing. “You cool with this?”

  Colton knew damn well Carter would never make a move on his mate, but he wouldn’t be disrespectful and assume Colton knew shit, either.

  He waved his hand in the air. “Take my girl out for breakfast. But don’t hit on her, asshole.” Even without looking at Colton, Carter could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I might just steal her away,” Carter teased back. “Let me take a shower.”

  “I’ll meet you here in ten,” she said, then practically skipped back to her own porch.

  Carter hurried through his shower, not bothering to shave, leaving a little scruff along his cheeks, chin, and jaw. He hated to shave. If he thought he could pull it off, he’d grow a beard like Noah.

  A pair of worn in jeans, a t-shirt, and his favorite boots and he was ready. It would be too cold for a t-shirt soon. It was already late October, but it had been a warm ass October in Missouri. For now, though, he’d roll down his windows in his truck and enjoy the scents of country life.

  “You ready?” Carter asked Shawnee as he stepped onto his porch.

  “Yep,” she said a little too cheerfully, pressed a hard but quick kiss to Colton’s lips, then yelped when he smacked her ass as she walked away. “Love you. I’ll see you tonight,” she called to her mate.

  “Love you more, Kitty,” Colton said in his deep voice, the slight twang stretching the words.

  Shaking his head at the sappiness of those two, he held the door for Shawnee and only offered his hand to her as she tried to climb up into the passenger seat. No way would he put his hands on her hips.

  Once she was situated, he closed her door and rounded the hood. “Where we going?”

  “Into town,” she said, looking through the passenger side window with a smile and a wave for Colton.

  “Which town?” Depending on who you asked, going into town could mean the heart of Cedar Hill, into House Springs, or even further up into Fenton. Fenton was really the only place for shopping and had pretty much every restaurant and fast food place one could think of.

  “Cedar Hill. I want to check out Havanah’s. I heard good things about their breakfast,” Shawnee said, her eyes on the side mirror as she watched Colton fade behind them.

  “I didn’t know they served breakfast,” he said, flipping his turn switch when they got to the end of the long, gravel driveway.

  “Only on Saturdays.” She finally straightened in her seat since she could no longer see Colton or her cabin and grinned wide as she looked through the windshield.

  “Why the hell are you in such a good mood?” He turned and looked at her and realized she was glowing. “Holy shit! Are you pregnant?”

  Shawnee frowned over at him. “What? No. Why would you think that?” She shook her head, her red curls bouncing around her shoulders, and turned back to watch the road.

  He glanced at her again as he rolled to a stop light. “You’re glowing. And acting weird.” He turned back in time for the light to turn green and headed toward Havanah’s. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Well…you,” she said, chewing on her bottom lip. “I just thought…” She sighed dramatically. “Okay, so you and that girl looked like you really liked each other last night. And I’m tired of seeing you and Luke all lonely.”

  “I’m not lonely,” Carter lied. So he was. Didn’t mean he wanted the short redhead to worry about him.

  The parking lot was partially full already. “The restaurant’s in the back, but we can go through the bar. They serve food in both rooms. We’ll pick the one that’s less packed,” Shawnee said, her hand on the door handle, as if ready to jump from the truck the second it was parked.

  “I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine,” Carter said. He put the truck in park, then locked it with a fob when they were both out. There had been a crap ton of addicts walking around that area lately. He had no desire to have one of them stealing shit from his vehicle.

  He stayed fairly close to Shawnee, his hand hovering over the small of her back. He’d grown protective over her in the time she’d been with Blackwater. She was truly like a little sister to Carter.

  The front part of the place, the bar side, was prett
y empty, but the restaurant looked pretty packed. “We can eat down here,” Shawnee informed him, leading him to the bar.

  “Why don’t we get a table?” he asked, pulling her stool out as she did a little hop to get up on it.

  “What can I get –”

  That voice. Carter’s eyes slowly lifted and landed on the woman who’d occupied his thoughts since he left her house this morning.

  “Holy shit,” June breathed out barely above a breath. “I mean, what can I get you to drink?” she asked, quickly schooling her face and erasing the shock out of her eyes. Her hair was down and hanging directly over the damned mark Carter had left. His own throbbed as his eyes were immediately drawn to that spot as if he could see through the curtain of her hair.

  “Coffee,” he said, his voice a little gravelly.

  “I’ll have a Coke. Or Pepsi. Whichever,” Shawnee said, her grin wide.

  June finally turned and looked like she’d just noticed Shawnee sitting there. Then she turned narrowed eyes on him and he could’ve sworn she was trying to kill him with that glare.

  Turning quickly, she grabbed a cup of coffee for him and filled a glass of soda for Shawnee. When she set them down, she scooted two menus over. “Let me know when you’re ready to order,” she said sharply and walked down the bar to take someone else’s order.

  “You knew she worked here,” Carter said, turning an accusing eye on Shawnee. He might not be their official Alpha, but he was the oldest and looked at her like a misbehaving child. She wilted a little under his glare.

  “I just want you to be happy,” Shawnee said, her voice so small Carter felt a little bad.

  He had to remember she had no idea about the marks. She didn’t know they’d gotten rip roaring drunk, had crazy ass sex, and sank their fangs into each other. She’d merely seen the way June and Carter looked at each other, saw the way they ran out hand in hand. She was trying to play Cupid.

  Dragging a hand down his face, Carter tried to calm down. They weren’t at Moe’s. He couldn’t let his eyes glow. He had to keep his shit together as long as they were there.


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