Once Upon a Devilishly Enchanting Kiss: #1 The Whickertons in Love

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Once Upon a Devilishly Enchanting Kiss: #1 The Whickertons in Love Page 29

by Wolf, Bree

  Harry frowned. “As though we do not always attend even in lieu of this additional reason.”

  “When you say risk, it sounds very dire,” Chris remarked with a small smile upon her face. “Perhaps it’s simply our family’s good fortune.”

  Anne nodded in agreement. “Perhaps there is something magical at work here and it will see yet another one of us happily married next year.” Her gaze drifted to Juliet, who as the eldest sister ought to have married first. The look upon Juliet’s face, however, betrayed that she doubted she would be the next one to tie the knot.

  Or even at all.

  “I would certainly like to attend again next year,” Tobias replied diplomatically before he smiled warmly at his young wife. “It is a wonderful reminder of the beautiful start of our lives together.” Anne sank into his arms.

  “I quite agree,” Phineas whispered to Louisa as everyone began talking at once, planning future visits and speculating if indeed one of the sisters would find herself proposed to next time around.

  “You need to tell me more about your old friend from Eton,” Louisa said suddenly as they moved a bit farther away from the cacophony of voices.

  Phineas felt a twinge of guilt. “I’m truly sorry about—”

  Louisa shook her head. “Not because of me, but because of Leonora.”

  “Leonora?” Phineas frowned. “What do you mean?”

  After glancing over his shoulder—no doubt at Leonora—Louisa then leaned closer and whispered, “I mean that something happened between the two of them.”

  “What do you mean happened? You mean…?” His brows rose meaningfully.

  “No, not like that.”

  “Then what do you mean?”

  A hint of exasperation came to her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  “She didn’t tell you?” Phineas asked, concerned that some underlying resentment still lingered in Leonora’s heart after Louisa had taken so long to confide in her about her inability to read.

  Louisa did not seem pained, though. “She said she didn’t know. She said she needed time to…analyze everything.” Her nose scrunched up a bit. “But something happened,” she insisted, her green eyes blazing with certainty as she looked up at him. “When they met, they were strangers, and when I came upon them again, they…were not.” She shook her head, not finding better words to explain the feeling that had settled in her heart.

  “Very well,” Phineas replied, seeking to calm her. “I’ll speak to him, and we’ll keep an eye on them. If she needs time, then give her time. It was what you needed as well, was it not?”

  Begrudgingly, Louisa nodded. “I’m not good at waiting.” A huffed breath drifted from her lips.

  Phineas chuckled, “That, I know.” He pulled her into his arms again, resting his chin on top of her head. “Neither am I.” He inhaled a slow breath, enjoying the feel of her so close. “We have a wedding to plan.”

  A moment of silence passed, and Phineas wished he could see Louisa’s face. When she spoke, a hint of amusement lingered in her voice. “You don’t want to wait?”

  “Heck, no!”

  Louisa laughed, muffling the sound by burying her face against his shoulder. “Neither do I.”

  “Do you think your father would object to a special license?”

  Lifting her head, Louisa looked up at him, her eyes shimmering in a dark green. “He won’t deny me anything that’ll make me happy.”

  “That is good to know.” Phineas’ hands settled upon her waist, pulling her closer. “I’m a rather impatient man myself.”

  “We are a perfect match in that regard.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “And in all the others?”

  Louisa smiled at him, a teasing gleam in her eyes. “We shall see. I suppose only time and practice will tell.”

  “That sounds most promising,” Phineas agreed, growing more impatient by the minute to finally begin this new life that awaited him. Marriage had always rather seemed like the end to his carefree and exciting days. Now, however, it seemed the most exciting adventure was only about to begin.


  January 1802, London

  A Fortnight Later

  The New Year had barely begun, and yet, Louisa’s life had changed so completely that she still experienced moments of utter disbelief.

  Truthfully, she had only been married for about an hour, but every time she looked at her new husband, seated next to her at their wedding breakfast in her family’s London townhouse, Louisa felt as though she had strayed into a dream.

  She had married Phineas Hawke! Phineas Hawke, her nemesis! The man she had loathed for the past two years! But had she truly? Loathed him, that is?

  That question had occupied her mind as of late, and Louisa had begun to wonder if her hatred would have been so overwhelmingly complete if she had not in truth cared for him. Would he have been able to wound her in such a profound way if her heart had not opened to him?

  She rather doubted it.

  “You’re frowning,” Phineas commented in a hushed whisper as he leaned in, his gaze quizzical. “What did I do?” They were standing in the drawing room now, the voices of their friends and family echoing around them as everyone chatted and laughed, enjoying their special day.

  Snow glistened outside the tall windows, reflecting the sun and brightening their day. Despite the chill, spring seemed to already linger nearby as though only waiting for the cold to retreat before reawakening the sleeping world under its snowy blanket.

  Louisa laughed, slapping his shoulder, wondering if anyone would notice if she were to pull him into a kiss. “Don’t worry,” she told him, sliding her hand up his chest as she moved closer. “You’re safe.”

  His breathing paused as his gaze drifted down to her exploratory hand upon his chest. “I’m glad,” he muttered, then lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Then tell me which unfortunate creature managed to get onto your bad side.”

  Biting her lower lip, Louisa marveled at the tingling sensations chasing each other down her back as her husband’s hands settled upon her waist, his dark gaze speaking of other things than his words suggested. “You,” she finally whispered, savoring the slight frown that came to his face.

  “You confuse me,” Phineas replied with a grin, clearly not bothered by her contradictory comments at all.

  Nodding her head at an acquaintance across the room, Louisa turned her attention back to her husband. “I was merely thinking of that moment two years ago,” she told him honestly, noting the slight tension that came to his shoulders as he nodded in understanding. “Perhaps I never did hate you. Perhaps I was merely furious with you for wounding me.” Her fingers curled into his lapels as she pushed closer still, his head lowering to hers. “Don’t ever do it again!” Her eyes held his, and despite her instinct to hide her every weakness, Louisa allowed him to see how much she depended upon him for her happiness.

  “I can be a fool sometimes,” Phineas told her earnestly, his fingers grasping her chin, his gaze never veering from her, “but I’m not suicidal. I’ll never risk what we have. I’ll tease you and irritate you to see your eyes light up, but I’ll never break your heart. I promise.”

  Touched by his words, Louisa pushed onto her toes and kissed him. To hell with anyone who might disapprove!

  Phineas responded instantly, his hands pulling her against him until their hearts beat against one another. Still, she could feel his restraint, which, of course, was advisable since they had an audience. An audience, which in the next moment, erupted in loud applause!

  Pulling back, Louisa felt her cheeks flush and found an equally self-conscious look come to her new husband’s face as well. Still, after an acknowledging nod to the small crowd, Phineas once more leaned down to her. “Tonight,” he whispered, the look in his dark gaze stealing her breath.

  Unable to form proper words, Louisa merely nodded.

  “I shall take my leave.”

  Turning around, Louisa found Lord Pemberton had approached
rather soundlessly, his face once again not betraying even the slightest emotion. In fact, the man seemed continually bored or at least rather unimpressed by life in general. “So soon?” she asked, slipping her arm through Phineas’ and leaning into him in a hopefully inconspicuous way.

  Lord Pemberton nodded. “I have an appointment I was unable to postpone.”

  Louisa frowned, wondering if she had truly detected a hint of disapproval in his voice for their rather impromptu wedding. Indeed, even she had had to cancel a prior engagement with a friend to marry Phineas this very day!

  “I’m glad you were able to come today,” Phineas told his old friend, gently placing a hand upon Louisa’s as he spoke, the pad of his thumb drawing lazy circles over her skin. “What a coincidence to find you the Whickertons’ new neighbor!”

  Lord Pemberton nodded once again, not another word passing his lips before he turned and walked away.

  “He is rather tight-lipped, is he not?” Louisa remarked, not certain if she liked the fact that Lord Pemberton had been the one to purchase the townhouse next door, Sarah’s old home.

  Phineas nodded, a chuckle passing his lips. “I believe I can count the words he spoke during our time at Eton on one hand.”

  “But you found him to be of decent character?” Louisa asked for it had not escaped her attention that Leonora had taken an odd interest in their new neighbor ever since their first encounter at Windmere Park a mere fortnight ago. Unfortunately, after today, Louisa would no longer be around daily to keep an eye on her sister.

  Perhaps she ought not have rushed their wedding after all! Still, one look into her new husband’s dark, smoldering gaze convinced her differently. Indeed, they had wasted enough time bickering!

  “A good heart does not need words,” Phineas told her. “He might seem dark and forbidding at times, but I have no doubt that your sister will be safe with him.”

  Whirling around, Louisa stared up at him. “What? How do you know I’ve been worried th—?”

  Smiling down at her, Phineas once more pinched her chin. “Your concern for Leonora has been written all over your face ever since…” His voice trailed off, and a shadow passed over his face. He, too, still felt regret and anger whenever that fateful night resurfaced in their conversation.

  Louisa sighed.

  “Additionally,” Phineas added with a smirk, his gaze straying to the window and coming to rest on something beyond her shoulder, “I can see her sneaking away this very second.” He nodded his head in the very direction that had caught his gaze. “That is her, is it not?”

  Once more whirling around, Louisa stared out the window at the lone, cloaked figure, carefully picking her way through the snow toward the hedge growing on the property line to the neighboring townhouse. In years past, Chris and Harriet had often sneaked through a gap in the green to visit with Sarah. Or Sarah had ventured over here.

  “Oh, no, she wouldn’t!” Louisa muttered as she stood with her hands pressed to the cool windowpane, watching her sister glance over her shoulder before squeezing through the gap in the evergreen hedge.

  “Seems to me that she would,” Phineas remarked chuckling.

  “This is serious!” Louisa exclaimed, looking back and forth between her new husband and the spot where Leonora had been standing only a moment ago. Now, however, it lay deserted. “Why would she sneak over to his place?” Her gaze narrowed as it swerved back to Phineas. “Do you know anything?”

  In a show of innocence, he lifted his hands. “I’m as ignorant as you in this matter, I swear. I know no more than you do.”

  Again, Louisa turned to the gardens, her hands settling back onto the glass as though she could summon her sister back by sheer willpower alone. “Why would she seek him out? Why would she risk her reputation?” She spun to face him. “What if she is discovered there? We have to do something!” She was about to rush off, but Phineas caught her arm and pulled her back.

  For a moment, they stood silently, nodding to a few guests, who had looked up at Louisa’s outburst. “We need to do something,” she hissed under her breath, holding onto her smile until most eyes turned from them.

  Phineas held on tightly to her hands, his gaze seeking hers. “Have you ever known Leonora to make a rash decision?” he asked, a cautionary tone in his voice.

  Louisa swallowed. “No.”

  “Then trust her now,” he urged her, his gaze gentle as his fingers once more grasped her chin, the pad of his thumb brushing over her skin in a soothing gesture. “Speak to her, but do not interfere. We may not know the reason for—”

  “—this lunacy?” Louisa could not help but throw in.

  Phineas chuckled, “But whatever it is, it has to be a very good one for her to do this, don’t you agree?”

  Reluctantly, Louisa nodded, knowing that Phineas was right. Never had she known Leonora to act rashly or without thought. Indeed, every step was generally well thought-out…except for the one that had led her to the masquerade that night! “Still, I cannot help but wonder why she would…speak to him and not to me.”

  “Don’t be jealous,” Phineas told her gently, a warm smile upon his face as he pulled her into his arms, settling her head against his shoulder. “She’ll speak to you when she is ready. Give her time.”

  “I will,” Louisa mumbled, closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath, enjoying the comforting warmth of her husband’s embrace. “But it will not be easy. I’m not a very patient person.”

  Phineas smiled—she could all but feel it in his voice when he spoke. “I could distract you,” he whispered, the tone in his voice temptingly suggestive. “I already have something in mind.”

  Intrigued, Louisa looked up at him. “Do you now? Tell me more.”

  “Tonight,” Phineas whispered, that mischievous grin back on his face. Once, it had riled her. Now, she couldn’t imagine living without it.

  Craning her neck, Louisa huffed out an annoyed breath when she saw that only half an hour had passed since she had last checked the time. “It seems we have more waiting to do.”

  “It’ll pass quickly.”

  She frowned at him. “Do you promise?”

  “I’ll promise.” His grin deepened. “If not, I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Phineas laughed, and Louisa once more glanced at the tall grandfather clock in the corner, impatience humming in her blood.

  Another two minutes had passed.

  In that moment, Louisa was utterly glad that she had not postponed her wedding, for she would certainly not have been able to be patient much longer.


  Thank you for reading Once Upon a Devilishly Enchanting Kiss!

  Be on the lookout for Drake and Leo’s story!

  You can pre-order Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss now!

  In the meantime, check out other novels by Bree Wolf!

  In the meantime, have you checked out other novels by Bree Wolf? Read on to find an excerpt of the first installment of the Love’s Second Chance Series: Highland Tales: Tamed & Unleashed – The Highlander’s Vivacious Wife!

  Claudia Davenport sets out to find her child, only to receive unexpected aid in her quest from a handsome stranger. A man who seems more familiar than he ought to be. A man she has met before. If only she could remember him!

  Get your own copy of Tamed & Unleashed and fall in love with this emotionally gripping quest!

  Or read on for a sneak-peek!


  Gretna Green, Scotland, Summer 1808 (or a variation thereof)

  Upon waking, Claudia Davenport, sister to Viscount Ashwood, found her head throbbing with such intensity that she feared it would split in two. Groaning, she rolled onto her side, her hands reaching up to cover her face in a futile attempt to shield her from the blinding sun penetrating even her closed lids. Had the world gone mad?

  Never in her life had Claudia awoken to such pain. Never had the sun been her
enemy. Never had she felt sick to her stomach.

  Not quite like this.

  Pinching her eyes shut, Claudia buried her face in the pillow, slowly forcing one deep breath after another down her throat and into her lungs. To her relief, she found that holding her head still eased the pain somewhat, and so she simply lay there for a long while, breathing in and out.

  After a small eternity, her ears began to pick up on various sounds drifting in through the closed windows as well as the door to her room. The sounds of people going about their business. And yet, the sounds were not quite as she remembered them.

  As they ought to be.

  Something was different, and a frown emerged on her face.

  Slowly, she cracked open an eye and peered at her surroundings.

  A moment later, Claudia bolted upright in bed.

  Instantly, her head rebelled at such treatment, sending jolts of pain through her being that would have brought her to her knees had she been standing. Her hands flew up, pressing hard onto her temples in the hopes of easing the pain. Still, it took a long while before she dared open her eyes again.

  Squinting, Claudia took in the small chamber, the simple and sparse furnishings, the lack of luxury. “What happened?” she whispered to herself. “Where am I?”

  For this was definitely not her bedchamber back at Farnworth Manor.

  This was a room she had never seen before.

  Swallowing the panic that began to rise, Claudia closed her eyes once more, trying to remember how on earth she had ended up in this place. The last thing she could recall was attending Lord Campton’s ball.

  Once more, she heard the soft notes of the music drifting through the large rooms. Again, she found herself standing with the other young debutantes, eyes gliding over the gentlemen in attendance until−


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