[Love in the End Zone 01.0] Out of Bounds

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[Love in the End Zone 01.0] Out of Bounds Page 12

by Jillian Quinn

  “She went crazy. So, what? It wasn’t the end of the world.”

  Peeling her disgusting fingers from my shirt, I take a step back. “Don’t pretend like you understand what that situation was like for Tori or for me. After she found me in bed with another girl…”My voice trails off because I see no point in finishing my thought. This conversation is fucking pointless.

  “It was a misunderstanding,” she says, throwing her hands onto her narrow hips. “If she weren't such a bitch, she would’ve let you explain.”

  “It shouldn’t have happened in the first place. That’s the part you don’t seem to understand.” Shaking my head, I can’t stand the sight of her or the smug expression splayed across her face. “This arrangement of ours is over. Get it through your head, Harper.”

  “How about I go back to the SAC and tell Tori all about the scholarship she earned?” she says, using air quotes. “I’m sure she will think differently about you once she finds out what you did to keep her on campus. It’s pathetic.”

  “What’s pathetic is you and this conversation.” Pivoting my foot away from her, I glance at her one last time. “Don’t show up at my house. Don’t follow me to class. And don’t come near Tori again. Are we clear?”

  She grinds her teeth together and spits out. “Crystal.”

  I turn on my heel, walking away from her when she calls out, “You will regret this, Bash.”

  “No, I won’t,” I yell back, my eyes focused on the walkway in front of me. “The only thing I regret is not doing this sooner.”

  I wasn’t joking when I told Tori that I enrolled in all her classes. She cannot avoid me anymore. Our relationship is back on track along with Tori’s health. She can fight me all she wants, but we are together again, whether she likes it or not. I know she still loves me.

  As I slip into the desk next to her, I get a look so evil from Tori that her eyes could slice right through me. She likes to sit in the back row of every class, making this easier than I had thought to get close to her once again. Acting as though she’s about to relocate, she clutches the edge of the desk, thinking about her next action with her gaze focused on the front of the classroom.

  I reach out and cup my hand over hers, holding her in place. The heat that travels between us is intense but calming. When it comes to Tori, we have always had a special connection. We both feel it. She cannot deny that what we share is more than our physical attraction for one another.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” I whisper to Tori.

  She stills in her chair, allowing me to thread my fingers between hers, the energy she radiates coming off her in waves. “I don’t forgive you,” she mumbles under her breath. “I can’t believe you left me alone and for that skank Harper, of all people.” Turning her head to look me in the eye, she finishes, “Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was for me, sitting with your friends after you ditched me?”

  “I didn’t ditch you. The only reason I went with Harper was to get rid of her. She’s jealous of you and wants to cause problems with us. But I won’t allow her to get in the way. I handled the situation. Don’t feel threatened by her. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “As if she would ever threaten me.” She rolls her eyes at me, the corner of her lip turning up in disgust. “But don’t expect me to forget that you chose her over me.”

  “It wasn’t a choice between you or Harper. I was trying to take the path of least resistance. To get Harper out of our lives, I had to deal with her.”

  “So,” she says with anger in her tone, “did you deal with her?”

  I flash one of my boyish smiles in her direction, hoping it will lower her guard, and it does. “She won’t be a problem anymore. I promise.”

  “Harper is a spoiled brat, just like you, and used to getting what she wants. You fed into her bullshit. I don’t have time for these games or the drama that comes with being your girlfriend.”

  By stroking her skin with my thumb, I get her undivided attention. She locks onto me, staring into my eyes. We share a moment where her lips part, along with her thighs. I never miss the response I get from Tori.

  Staring down at her legs, I lick my lips. The professor begins speaking into the microphone, but I cannot stop thinking about what I want to do to Tori, especially when she’s wearing a skirt that allows me easy access. Her thighs are tanned and toned, and when I reach between them, tiny bumps dot her skin. She should stop me. I should stop myself. But I want to feel her, connect with her on a more intimate level.

  No one can see us back here. We’re all alone and in the last row. The class sizes at Strickland University are bigger than other schools. With the desks situated up high enough that no one can see, I tell myself it’s okay to keep going.

  Unable to think of anything other than what’s underneath the thin material between her legs, I slide my hand further up her leg, rubbing the silky fabric. If we were alone, I’d kiss every inch of her, make her come with my tongue and then, thrust my throbbing cock into her wet pussy. But she will have to settle for the next best thing.

  Moving her panties to the side, I slip my fingers inside her. As always, she’s soaked for me. I love that I have such an instantaneous effect on her every time we are together. If she would have given in years ago, allowed me to plead my case. I’m not the monster she once thought. Now, I think she’s starting to see that and believe it for herself. Or so I hope.

  Regardless, she’s allowing me to give her an orgasm in the middle of class, biting down on her lip, as she tightens her grip on my fingers. Her eyes shut the further I bring her to the point of release, her body shaking in the process.

  Leaning over, I speak against her ear, my voice a whisper. “Your pussy is so fucking wet. The next time you get pissed at me, just remember that I did this to you. Now, come for me.”

  Stifling the soft moans that escape her lips, she covers her mouth with her hand, doing her best to keep quiet as she comes on my fingers.

  Disregarding the other students in the room, she doesn’t seem to care because it feels too good for her to want me to stop. Not like I would care if someone found me with my hand between her legs. In fact, the idea of being caught excites me. But Tori would die from embarrassment if that were to happen.

  In under a minute, I gave Tori the one thing she didn’t realize she had needed before I sat down. My cock is rock hard and ready for more of her tight pussy. I can never get enough of her.

  “Come with me,” I say, removing my fingers and pushing her panties back into place. “We need to finish this.”

  She stares at me, as I suck her juices her from my fingers, not giving a fuck that we’re in the middle of class. With the scent of sex in the air, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone figures out what we just did. They can look all they want. It wasn’t the first time I have done something like this in public. But with Tori, this is different.

  “Where are we going?” She mutters, out of breath.

  “Anywhere but here.” I keep my voice low. “I don’t care. Get your bag and follow me.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Bash always finds a way to get everyone to do what he wants—including me. He bent me to his will, making me succumb to my desires, and in class, of all places. I feel so dirty and cheap, like one of his whores. But at this moment, I don’t give a fuck. I have zero fucks to give after Bash gave me another mind-blowing orgasm. And I want another one.

  I follow him out of the classroom as if on autopilot from the high he had just given me. His fingers were like magic, commanding power over me, taking me to the brink of ecstasy.

  We run down the somewhat vacant hallway with our hands intertwined. Our excitement buzzes between us, the electricity between us palpable. Even though I know that what we did was wrong, it feels so right. With Bash, every feeling I once had for him has come flooding back to me ever since the night of the football game.

  From the start of the school year, I wanted to hate Bash. But he
makes it impossible. It’s hard not to like Bash when he smiles at me as though there’s no else in the room with us, his bright green eyes burning a hole through me. Or when he tells me how sorry he is for letting me walk away. Most of the time, I believe him. I want him back in my life, and I want us to take our relationship to the next level.

  The rooms are locked when not in use, but Bash manages to find one that is vacant. We step inside, and he locks the door, pulling down the shade to cover the window, leaving us in darkness. The room is on the small side for a biology lab, not much larger than the classrooms I’ve had for English Lit. He leads me to a long laboratory desk toward the front, cups my ass with his big hands, his erection digging into me, and lifts me up and onto the cold marble top.

  Bash spreads my legs, finding his place among them. Planting hungry kisses on my lips, Bash doesn’t waste any time exploring my body, his hands traveling up my shirt and beneath my bra to cup my breasts in his big hands. He massages my nipples, giving them a little pinch, as his tongue tangles with mine.

  The more he touches me, the more I lose all control. Right now, Bash owns my body. And whether I care to admit it or not, Bash has always owned my heart. He claimed it a long time ago.

  I let out a soft moan as his hand slides between my thighs. My panties are so wet. I cannot think of anything other than immersing myself into mind-blowing sexual bliss with Bash.

  When he stops kissing me long enough to look into my eyes, he smiles one of those crooked smiles that go right to my core. Bash leans in, and I thread my fingers through his shaggy brown hair and slip my tongue in his mouth. He palms the back of my head, deepening the kiss.

  Each kiss grows more passionate, more impatient. Heat spreads from my cheeks, down my arms, and to my thighs like wildfire. An intense burning, a desire only Bash can satisfy, makes my body quiver in anticipation, but I’m also a little nervous about having sex with Bash. This isn’t our first time. Even so, it sure feels like he’s stripping me of my virginity all over again.

  He slides his hands up the back of my shirt and unhooks my bra. I sit back, staring into his eyes, as I pull my shirt over my head and set it on the counter behind me.

  Bash grabs the straps of my bra and slips them down my arms. He stops for a moment, his gaze traveling from my breasts to my face, before holding my gaze. He lets out a loud sigh. “You are so fucking beautiful, Tori.”

  I smile, his words melting my heart along with my panties.

  Just as his tongue is about to glide over my nipple, the sound of people talking fills the once quiet air. Before I can prepare myself, the door at the back of the classroom flings open, students filing in without even noticing we are there. Still dressed, Bash blocks me with his muscular frame and reaches behind me to hand me my shirt. Acting fast, I put my shirt back on in record timing, sans bra, and use Bash as my shield.

  As students begin to take their seats, someone has enough sense to flip the light switch, drawing their attention to the front of the room. The shock of such a compromising position makes me want to crawl into a ball and die. Bash tucks my bra into his pocket, pretending as if this encounter had never happened. He was always the cool, calm, and collected one. I was always—and still am—a giant ball of nerves.

  He grabs my hand, leading me out of the room without a word. Not until we make it outside do I get some sense of relief. My chest is tight from holding my breath. Instead of freaking out, as I want to do, Bash laughs. At first, he starts with a light chuckle that turns into loud, guttural laughter that shakes through his body.

  I smack him on the arm and shake my head. “I cannot believe you are laughing after what just happened.”

  He hooks his arm around me, his muscles flexing against my back. “C’mon, Queenie, don’t be so uptight. You have to admit that was pretty damn funny.”

  “Well, I am not laughing,” I say, trying to stifle my laughter. But I fail because a few seconds pass before I join him.

  We’re hunched over, getting a kick out of what could have been an awful situation for both of us. What else can I do but see the lighter side to this situation? And it’s not like anyone even noticed what we were doing. If they did, he’s Sebastian fucking Prince. Heaven and Earth move for him. I doubt we would’ve even had as much as a lecture from a professor.

  He pulls me in tighter as he glances at his watch—a gold Rolex, of course. “Looks like we have another class in thirty minutes. Wanna kill some time in the movie room at the SAC?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and it’s fucking cute.

  I shrug. “Sure, why not?”

  We stroll through campus, Bash with his arm around me and me with my hand in his jeans pocket. It’s as if we never stopped dating. Everything feels so natural around him that I have to keep reminding myself that Bash was almost my undoing last time. I have to be careful not to get too close until I know for sure I can trust him again.

  But it’s nice to have this level of comfort with him. In all honesty, it would be nice to have this with anyone. Because how often does someone who you have amazing chemistry with come along? Other than Jessica, Bash is the only person on campus I had an instant connection.

  When we first me, he was the perfect gentleman, despite his reputation. He had me fooled, placed under his well-crafted spell of lust and attraction.

  “Do you remember the day we met?” I ask, curious if the day is just as fresh in his mind as it is in mine.

  “Of course. How could I forget it? You’re not an easy person to forget, babe. It was the Delta Sig Halloween party. You were with Jessica and a few other girls.” He tucks me under his arm to make the room for a group of boys running toward us, barreling down the sidewalk like a herd of cattle.

  “Watch it, assholes,” he yells, interrupting his train of thought about our first encounter.

  “Sorry, Bash,” one of them calls out after they pass, which calls to attention the fact that everyone knows Bash.

  Bash and his star power are all everyone talk about on this campus. Between Bash and the Mafia boss’ son who goes to Strickland University, it’s as if we have local celebrities walking among us nobodies.

  “Where were we before we were interrupted?” Bash says, the warmth from his hand on my back leeching into my skin, leaving a brush of fire in its wake.

  “We were talking about the night we met.”

  “The best night of my life.” He smiles as he says this, and it has a mirroring effect on me.

  “I find that hard to believe,” I quip, smirking up at him.

  “Well, believe it, babe. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I was an asshole before I met you.”

  “You’re still an asshole,” I interject.

  “Hey, that’s not fair, and you know it.”

  “Okay, fine, you’re less of an asshole than before.”

  “Are you going to keep interrupting me or let me finish the rest of the story, smart ass?”

  “Continue, my prince,” I say with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

  “Like I was saying, you were with Jessica and a few girls you stopped hanging out with years ago. I can’t even remember their names.”

  “That’s because none of them are important,” I add, thinking about the bitches who had bailed on me after my temporary mental breakdown.

  “Anyway, you were dancing with Jess and those girls in the living room at the Delta Sig house. You were wearing a sexy nurse costume and the hottest red lipstick. My God, babe, your lips were what caught my attention first. All I could think about was, you know, what I wanted to do with them.”

  “Figures,” I deadpan and roll my eyes at him. “And here I was thinking you were about to go all deep and meaningful on me when in reality, all you were thinking about was me sucking your dick.”

  “That wasn’t the only thing I was thinking about,” he shoots back, defensive. “Will you just let me finish or not?”

  “I’m dying to hear the part where you did not sound like an asshole, so please proceed.”

  “Whatever,” he says, pretending to be annoyed. “The point I was trying to make before you also interrupted me is that I was a different person before I met you.”

  “But you went back to being that person after we broke up.”

  “Okay, fine. I guess to some extent I went back to being a jerk, but I am not like that when I’m with you. And even you can’t deny it.”

  “I guess I will give you that, Prince.”

  He bends down to plant a kiss on my forehead, still holding my tight against his chest as we walk toward the SAC. “You make me a better man, Tori, always have and always will. I even play better when we’re together.”

  “At least I’m good for something,” I joke, laughing as I speak the last word.

  “You’re good for more than sending me positive vibes on the field.” He nuzzles his face against my hair, as he opens the door to the SAC for us to enter. “That much I plan to show you after dinner tonight.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I counter, nervous about having sex with Bash. But I want it to happen. I need to feel connected to him in that way once more.

  “Dinner is happening.” His voice is low enough that only I can hear him. “And so is what comes after it.”

  The corners of my mouth curl up and into a wicked grin. For once, I don’t even care about all the people who stare at us when we enter the movie room. Girls can be jealous all they want. Bash is mine.

  True to Bash form, he ignored my request to wear my clothes and had a dress sent over for our dinner. I hadn’t even been home for ten minutes before one of his teammates had knocked on the door and hand delivered a box from Nordstrom. Inside, I found the short, tight black dress that Bash paired with a diamond necklace.

  Must be nice to be rich. I’m sure my wardrobe cost more than what my father makes at the steel mill in six months. But it’s Bash. He never spared any expense. All the lavish gifts had always made me feel somewhat uncomfortable when we were dating, especially in the beginning when I had least expected them. He knows how I feel about over-the-top presents, but since it’s our first date in years, I decided to honor his wishes and wear the dress and necklace.


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