Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 10

by Sarah Bailey

  Brent brought my coat and helped me into it. Dante led me out to the car and got me settled in the back before climbing in next to me.

  I stared at the partition between us and the driver, unsure of what to say. I was sure at least ten minutes had gone by when I felt his breath on my ear.

  “I’m glad it fits you,” he murmured.

  “What does?” I squeaked.

  His hand brushed over my thigh.

  “The dress. Do you like it?”

  My pulse went into overdrive. I could hear it pounding in my ears.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Do you remember what to say about how we met?”

  I nodded, swallowing. His fingers caught my chin, turning me to face him. His blue eyes were dark with a heady cocktail of lust. The smile on his lips accentuating his handsome face. And my lips craved the touch of his.

  “You look like you want to ask me something,” he said.

  “Where have you been?” I blurted out without a thought to what the hell I was saying.

  He seemed amused by my question rather than annoyed.

  “Why, have you missed me?”

  I felt my face burning. I didn’t want to admit it to him. The truth was I had. He’d made me want him.

  His eyes flicked down to my mouth.

  “I… No. You didn’t answer my question.”

  His smirk was downright irritating and yet I found myself quite unable to pull away or tell him where to go.

  “You’re not a very good liar.” He brushed his knuckles across my jaw. “Tell me, what did you miss the most?”

  “I didn’t miss anything.”

  “No? I think I need to remind you, don’t you?”

  Dante’s mouth met mine before I had a chance to respond. His lips caused an inferno inside me. It coiled in my stomach, razed through my veins and intoxicated me completely. His hand curled around the back of my head, whilst the other went to my waist underneath my coat, trailing fire in its wake.

  My lips parted on instinct, allowing him access. His tongue drove between, curling around mine. I adored the way he tasted like berries and honey. I pressed closer, my hand circling the back of his neck. I’d really missed his kisses even though we’d only shared a handful of them.

  “Christ, I fucking want you,” he growled.

  I barely had time to process the words. He pressed me backwards until I was half squished up against the door, his hand pushing up my dress. His breath was hot against my ear, his teeth grazing the lobe.

  “You’re going to have to tell me to stop if you don’t want the first time I fuck you to be in the back of a car.”

  How on earth had this escalated so quickly? His fingers darted between my inner thighs, trailing their way upwards until they met my lacy underwear. I jolted under his touch. I could barely move with him pinning me to the seat and my head wedged between it and the door. He stroked me and I completely lost the ability to breathe. I gripped his shoulders, struggling to maintain any sense of composure.

  “I want to take my time with you, draw out every ounce of pleasure until you’re a trembling mess below me, whimpering and begging for a release.”

  I dragged air into my lungs, trying desperately to think of a response.

  “Tell me, how would you like me to fuck you the first time? In my bed or would you prefer it if I tied you up and whipped you first?”

  I arched into his fingers, still brushing against my clit. I couldn’t think straight. How did he expect me to answer that when he was commanding every inch of my body with one simple touch?

  “Dante,” I whimpered. “Please.”

  What the hell was I begging for? I needed to get a grip. I was never like this about sex. Never. Not once had I felt this level of need and urgency to have another person between my legs.

  He pulled me down the seat until my head was resting on it. My dress was bunched up around my waist, knees bent and he was between my legs. His blue eyes were like pools of never ending darkness. They spoke of his need for me and I was sure mine said the same thing.

  How did he manage to keep his distance from me for two weeks then completely unravel me within the space of ten minutes? I really didn’t understand him or his many, many masks. All I knew is I was pent up with all kinds of intense lust and desire for the man staring down at me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his mouth inches from mine.

  “So are you,” I replied, the words falling out of my mouth without my consent.

  He smiled and it met his eyes. My mouth went dry at the sight of a real, genuine smile from him. My heart did several backflips in my chest. He trailed kisses up my jaw until his mouth met my ear again.

  “The bed or the cross, Liora. Which is it to be?”

  If I could’ve answered him, I would’ve. The problem was I really didn’t know. I wanted to have sex with him, denying that to myself was pointless. I should want him to take me in his bed, but the thought of him whipping me sent a shiver down my spine and heat flooded my veins further.

  “I can’t answer that,” I whispered, settling for complete honesty.

  “No? Do you want both? Shall I fuck you first, before I whip you and fuck you again?”

  I took a breath. That’s when I realised the car had stopped moving. There was a knock on the partition followed by a cough.

  “Mr Benson, we’ve arrived,” the driver said through the intercom.

  Dante muttered something under his breath, pulling away from me. Whilst I felt like jelly, I couldn’t stay half lying on the seat with my underwear on show. I shifted away from him, sitting up and tugging my dress down. I fumbled with my purse, pulling a mirror out and checking my appearance. I looked a mess.

  Dante stared at me with amusement. He reached over and brushed my hair down, making sure it wasn’t sticking up. I re-applied my lipstick and gloss and adjusted my make-up until I looked presentable again. I eyed Dante for a moment. He had lipstick on his face from our kiss. I held back a smile.

  “What?” he asked, eying me warily.

  I pointed at his cheek.

  “You have something…”

  He snatched the mirror from my hands and grunted when he saw what I meant. I tugged a pack of tissues out of my purse which I always kept on me for just in case moments. I handed him one and he gave me a nod before wiping the lipstick off.

  “Leave your coat in the car,” he told me.

  He reached over and knocked on the partition. I slipped it off as I heard the driver door open and a moment later, the door next to me swung back. I climbed out with the help of the driver and Dante got out the other side.

  The flash of cameras almost blinded me. Dante was at my side, wrapping his arm around my waist and herding me into the building. He ignored the calls of the reporters and strode through the doors. I hadn’t realised the press would be here. I hoped I wouldn’t be plastered all over social media as the mystery woman on Dante Benson’s arm. What if all my Uni friends saw it? What if my parents saw? What if Harrison did?

  My heart sunk. I shouldn’t be thinking about him. I still felt awful about the way we’d broken up. Harrison seeing me with Dante on social media would confirm what I’d told him though. It’d make it clear I was seeing someone else. Perhaps it would be a good thing.

  Dante’s hand around my waist felt like a brand on my skin as we walked through the lobby where there were a lot of people milling around. I’d barely had time to compose myself after the incident in the car. He scanned the crowd before making a beeline for the three sets of double doors. They led into a huge ballroom with tables laid out and a stage at the far end.

  He scanned the seating plan for a moment and then his eyes flicked over to a specific table. There, standing next to it, was a man I recognised. Dante’s father. There were two dark haired girls who looked exactly alike and standing with his arms across his chest was a younger version of the man next to me.

  I froze next to Dante who was trying to move towards them with me. He looked down at me with a frown.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I turned to him.

  “I’m not ready to meet your family. This is too much, Dante. How am I going to remember everything you told me? What if I can’t convince them we’re together? Your father… I…”

  His brow smoothed out, his other hand coming to rest on my bare arm.

  “Stop panicking and breathe.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to squash down the nerves coiling in my stomach.

  “You are going to do this. You don’t want to disappoint me, do you?”

  I shook my head. Hell, I knew what would happen if I did. I winced at the memory of the bruises he’d left last time. The only small mercy about him leaving me alone for two weeks is there were no further punishments. If he wasn’t around, I couldn’t get into fights with him.

  He tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “I want to reward you and I think you want that too.”

  I swallowed. The look in his eye told me the reward I’d be getting was sexual in nature. Despite what happened in the car, I wasn’t certain I was ready for sex with Dante. It felt like giving in. And I shouldn’t give into him. Not if I ever wanted to get away from the man in front of me. Something told me that was wishful thinking. Dante was never going to let me go.

  He took my hand, entwining our fingers together and gave me a nod. I let him lead me towards his family, my stomach sinking with every step.

  “Hello son,” Zachary said, his piercing blue eyes falling on me.

  Dante didn’t respond, merely nodded at his father. The twins openly stared at me, their mouths twitching in unison.

  “Who’s your date?” one of them asked.

  “Liora, this is Jen and Fi,” Dante said, pointing at each twin in turn.

  The twin’s dresses matched except they were different colours. Jennifer was in red and Fiona in fuchsia pink. Their dark hair suited the colours. I didn’t put my hand out to them.

  “Um, hello, it’s nice to meet you,” I said.

  “Are you Scottish?” Fi asked, her eyes going wide.

  I decided the twins suffered from lack of tact. Dante told me they didn’t have much between the ears when he’d described them to me.

  “Yes, I’m from Edinburgh.”

  The twins exchanged a look and then levelled their gaze on their older brother.

  “You’ve never brought anyone to one of these before,” Jen said.

  Dante shrugged, his fingers tightening in mine.

  “Because any girl with sense stays away from him,” James muttered.

  I looked over at Dante’s brother. He straightened when he realised I’d heard him, his arms dropping to his sides. He stuck his hand out to me.

  “Sorry, I’m James.”

  I shook his hand, feeling a little awkward and wondering if Dante had heard him too.


  “Don’t mind my little brother, he hates forced family fun, don’t you, James?” Dante said, eying the two of us with an amused expression on his face.

  James scowled, rolling his eyes. This is what Dante had meant by not getting along with his siblings. I could feel the animosity rolling off James and the twins were whispering to each other behind their hands. I shifted closer to Dante, feeling uncomfortable. He responded by letting go of my hand and wrapping his around my waist.

  Zachary had been silent during this conversation. I noticed the way he watched me. It was up to me to be a convincing girlfriend and I wasn’t sure I’d been doing a very good job so far.

  I reached up and straightened Dante’s bowtie which was at a slight angle. I rested my hand on his chest, giving him a smile. His returning one made my pulse spike. He leant down, nuzzling my ear.

  “I’m going to introduce you to my father now,” he whispered.

  I giggled, pretending he’d said something funny to distract me from the sick feeling I got in my stomach at his words. His hand pressed into my back as he ushered me towards Zachary Benson.

  “Zach, I don’t think you’ve ever met Angus’ daughter, Liora,” Dante said.

  Zach? Does he not call him, dad or father?

  “It’s my pleasure, Miss Stewart,” Zachary said, his eyes telling me it was the exact opposite of a pleasure.

  I shook his hand. His grip was far too tight. I tried not to wince. It was most definitely a warning to be on my best behaviour.

  “My business with your father is very important to me. I do hope you will look after my son,” he continued. “He needs the right woman in his life.”

  The underlying threat in his voice made me tremble. If he had his way, I wouldn’t be Dante’s at all.

  “Who’s Angus?” Fi asked.

  “A business associate,” Zachary replied.

  “Is that how you met?” Jen piped up, pointing at Dante and me.

  “Yes,” I said. “It was quite by accident. My father brought me to London after I finished Uni to celebrate. Whilst waiting for my dad, I walked head first into Dante who was just leaving your father’s offices. To cut a long story short, he invited me to dinner and the rest is sort of history. I moved down after my graduation ceremony a couple of weeks ago so we didn’t have to be apart.”

  I looked up at Dante, hoping my eyes showed my affection for him. This wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. Yes, I was lying about how we’d met and what we were to each other, but being next to Dante, who was stunning to look at, I felt a tiny ounce of pride. Even though this was pretend, I was still the only girl Dante wanted. He’d waited three whole years to have me with him. In a really fucked up way, that meant something to me.

  “Hold on, are you saying you’re in a relationship, like it’s serious, she’s your girlfriend?” James asked, his eyebrows raised.

  “Yes,” Dante replied. “Liora is special.”

  I could see the disbelief in his brother’s expression. I wondered why James suspected us so much. Having Dante say I was special warmed my heart. Then I scolded myself for being such an idiot. I shouldn’t want his compliments or anything else. I was here to play a part not get wrapped up in a fantasy.

  “Dante’s in luuurve,” Fi sniggered behind her hand to Jen.

  I wanted the ground to swallow me up. Love was not something which would ever enter the equation between Dante and me. I was glad he chose to ignore her comment, although his eyes darkened.

  There was movement around us and I realised people were beginning to file in and take their seats. The twins and James moved towards the table. Dante turned me around, but Zachary caught my arm before I had a chance to move over to our seats. His breath was hot on my ear sending a chill down my spine.

  Dante let me go when he saw his father had stopped me, walking over to the table without me. I felt completely exposed without him by my side. How could he just leave me at his father’s mercy?

  “You behave yourself this evening,” Zachary hissed. “Don’t think you can bat your eyelids at my son and expect him to go easy on you. You are our property and you will do exactly as he says. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Mr Benson,” I whispered, swallowing hard.

  “Come, come, Liora, we’re family now, are we not? Call me Zach.”

  “Yes, Zach.”

  “Good girl. Now, run along to him and don’t forget your place or there’ll be consequences even he can’t save you from.”

  He released my arm. I took several unsteady steps forward, needing to be away from him. Dante was waiting by the table, he pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. I was in between him and James with Zach seated to Dante’s left and the twins beyond him.

  I trembled all over. Zach’s threatening tone completely disarmed me. I was in no doubt the consequences he spoke of would be horrific.

  Dante leant over to me.

  “You’re going to tell me what he sai
d,” he whispered.

  I nodded, looking down at my hands. I didn’t really want to tell him, but Zach’s words about obeying Dante rang in my ears. I was trying to behave for Dante, he just pushed my buttons too often. I couldn’t help but explode at him with his stupid rigid rule about no questions.

  He draped his arm across the back of my chair and rested his hand on my shoulder, nuzzling my ear.

  “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

  Surely, he knew I was petrified of his father. I turned to him, he was so close my mouth almost brushed against his.

  “He threatened me,” I whispered.

  His hand on my shoulder tightened. Dante’s expression turned grim. To the outside world, this likely appeared to be an intimate moment between a couple in love, but I knew better. He cupped my face with his other hand.

  “With what?”

  “Consequences you can’t save me from.”

  “You believe me now.”

  I nodded. There was no doubt in my mind, Dante hadn’t lied about how dangerous his father was. How he’d take me away from the man in front of me if I disobeyed or did something Zach didn’t care for.

  “I’ll be good for you,” I murmured. “I promise.”

  His smile made my heart thump. He brushed his lips against mine with the gentlest of touches.

  “Good girl.”

  He pulled back and settled his gaze over at the stage. I tried to breathe but my body felt tight from his proximity. I shrank back in my chair and fiddled with the cutlery next to my plate.

  “What did you do at Uni?”

  I jumped at the sound of James’ voice. Him directing a question at me was unexpected.

  “I… Um… Biological Sciences. Zoology specifically.”

  “She got a First,” Dante said.

  I hadn’t realised he was paying attention.

  “You like animals and you’re smart,” James said. “Tell me again what you see in my brother.”

  Other than the fact one simple touch from him burns me to a crisp and I can’t get the thought of him whipping and fucking me out of my head?

  Dante’s fingers dug into my shoulder. I bit my lip, holding back from telling him to stop it because he was hurting me.


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