My Greek Project

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My Greek Project Page 6

by CB Colin

  Chapter VI-

  A brilliant mind, a weak soul

  Abby W.

  I open my eyes suddenly, with a strange feeling of loneliness. I throw my looks at my watch, from the desk and saw that was only 11 a.m. Of course, I had to buy something from a fast food, considering that I wasn’t at the breakfast. I got up slowly from the bed, like I was sick or something and go lazily to the bathroom. I wash my face with cold water for stretching it and I looked in the mirror, seeing a long face and softly pale, with a mark of concern at that time. I wonder what happened because my intuition is…Whatever, I really didn’t want to listen to my inner self to much, because I divined that wasn’t a good omen. Therefore, I unbind my tress and start to comb my hair, grimacing my face sometimes, even if I refused to cut it and have short one. All the time I was fascinating about my mother’s long hair, even if mine’s wasn’t that long like hers, I had to take care of it like 5 hours per day, I just preferred to have it long enough to not kill my free time. After I mastered it, I put my blue fillet and get back into the room, being in pajamas. I took my white t-shirt and the short blue jeans, even if the shirt was airy, the jeans were killing me, and clearly was not recommended to get out in them on the heats, but what to do, I always was a rebel into breaking the ethic in pieces and of course, what is “normal” for everybody. I had that gift to attract troubles. I took my black purse and I searched in it, taking in my hand wrappings and throw them in the garbage. Speaking of devil, someone has to take it away. I looked on the window straight in the parking lot and I didn’t saw nothing unusual. Same street, same cars and of course Helen’s car which stand out by how was parked. I smile, but still my intuition did not left me alone. I had to calm down otherwise I could end up making disasters. But the intuition had something with Damian. Only his image pops-into my head, like he had something to say to me, althoughgh honestly I didn’t wish to stay and chat with him no longer, considering his attitude. I don’t want to be the bad guy, but I don’t think was convenient to talk with him and to wake up that he starts to scream at me, accusing me for my lack of intelligence, just because I am with Laurence. Anyway, I need to speak with him to see how he is. Like I said, my mind doesn’t leave me alone. So I took my purse and I left my room through the door, closing automatically by its self. But I sat a little scared, while I the elevator came, checking if I had the keys on me, to not wake up climbing the hotel to my room, on the always open window. I love the breeze how it tickles me. I enter the elevator but got off fast. Better for me if I will not go to the reception first but to make a visit to mister sulky Jones. So I get off from the elevator, before the doors would smash me and the cleaning women to find me there, half cut with my mouth opened. I climbed fast the stairs to the next floor having this sort of red mocheta --Clearly I want this type of mocheta when I will have my own house-- and arriving finally to room no. 23. I knocked softly on the door, waiting bored but no answer. I put more strength in the knocking thing, this time harder then I expected to do with my feast, but same no answer. Maybe he took a pick on the vizor and saw who it was, he went back to bed. I stood still thinking at what is the worst. Maybe he took a walk or maybe he doesn’t want to open the door for me. Even if the second thought was much plauzibil for me, I gave up and called him, while I went straight to the reception. He didn’t even answer the freaking phone, weird. Arrived to the reception, I looked in the left and into the right, like I waited Damian to arise from somewhere or someone please to tell me what is going on with him, because I started to worry.

  “Abby, so glad that I catch you!”

  Helen started to get closer to me, with her blue and old fashion high hills. I didn’t understand why in the word she would wear hills when outside was a deathly heat. But I didn’t said nothing, trying to look at her face with over makeup.

  “My dear…I have something for you.”

  “Hey Helen, what is it? It’s something wrong?”

  “Yeah.” She said serious, handing me a white envelope.

  “This is for you.”

  I incrunt and turn the envelope to the other side, sawing an elegant, beautiful writing, and right next to it was a smiley face.

  ”For Abby”

  Even if I knew Helen was dying to find out what was in the envelope, I thanked her, as if I said that she could go.

  “Listen Helen, what you know about Damian?”


  She looks in another direction. I was already white as a piece of paper.


  “Damian handed over his room key this morning.”

  “W…what? He left?”

  I was so shocked. Not again, why I always have to find out details from Helen? I was very shocked. I turn white and my knee started to shake; in that moments I felt a left over, abandoned, lost. How could he leave? I did not understand.

  “Abby, are you ok?” Helen asked me.

  “Yeah. I will go to take a walk…fresh air.”

  So off I go from the hotel outside, starting to cry. While I was walking down the street, with my purse in a hand and the envelope in the other hand, I cried so much that I didn’t saw nothing where I was going, even if the people around me started to stare curious at me. I thought to go the seaport, maybe this time I will catch him again there. I refused to accept this thing; he couldn’t go and to left me alone. He was the only person on that island in which I put faith. That type of person which listen to you, to free yourself from thoughts and ideas and I tried so hard to keep him on the island, considering that the idea to leave Crete, knocked his mind from the moment he step the first foot in the Greek land. The seaport. I was more then shocked. No ferryboats were. I cobor the stairs, jumping them, and ran onto the port how much I could, praying without stopping to find him there, to see him with his luggage, waiting the ferryboat to Athens. Arrived there, first I went to the casa de bilere.

  “H…hello” I managed to say, from running.


  “I want to know if the ferry to Athens already left.”

  “Yes my friend, left two hours ago. The next one will be only evening.”

  I remained a statue, feeling the world spinning around, wasn’t possible.

  “Are you sure?” I asked her.


  Was clear. I made room to a man to take his tickets, and I put my hands on my head. He left, this time he really left and left me on the island. I couldn’t say to no one my plan with Laurence beside him, Damian Jones, in which I had the most powerful faith. But seemed to be that he couldn’t stand Lars and because he find out the truth from Mr. Bines, he washed his hands and…

  I felt guilt because of his living; I exit the port, and went to our terrace. I just wanted to scream, that how much angry I was, still trying to call him but he still didn’t answer. I wasn’t surprised, probably he left for good, wanting to forget everything; in that moment I was curious to read his envelope, and probably I would find out curses special for me and for Laurence. I smiled to the waiter and he smiled back, watching me with interest. I took a seat to a table, without vlaga, and took off from my purse a little mirror. I icnet when I saw my makeup was all over my face because of crying; now I found the answer why people stared at me. They saw me in the hell I was, so I took off quickly my demachiant and started to use it on my face.

  “Do you want something?” Said the waiter, scaring me.

  “A…a coffee please.”

  He smiled again, probably having fun on me, but I was to preoccupy with my face. After all my mascara was gone, I started to put a new and fresh makeup, being careful too not ruin again.

  I put them back in my purse and sighed, taking the envelope. Feeling it cold but in the same time so familiar. I watched the sea.

  “Damian. Why did you do this?”

  I opened the envelope, being very curious and started to read it:

  ”My dear Abby.

  Trust me that I stay right now with my pen over this paper and I really do
not know what possible should I write down, even if what I feel, what I think or even what I speak could not be written, so this letter to you would be a trying.

  Now probably you are sitting and wonder why I did this, why I decided to leave, for the second time. The answer is very simple: You. You because I know I did not had the chance to express my love to you, and probably you would burn my feelings if you would find out about them. I am happy that I have an intellectual American friend, beautiful, who do not put herself to the first place from the rest of the world, believe me you are a rare example of this type, and this words are coming from a boy without experience in the world of friendship and love, but what is the most beautiful beside truth? That honesty. Maybe it is my fault, that I did not told you from the beginning what I feel for you, but I consider that this way it is the best, Abby. You are much happier with Laurence then with me, I know that, I can read this on your face when you speak of him, and with me…what is left? I could not stand the idea of us being just simple friends from the moment I liked you so much, from the moment I wished so bad for us to be together, at least to have a chance to know that wonderful and mysterious feeling for me. Love. I love you, it is true, but the pain to know you belonging to someone else, kills me. Probably know when you are reading these words are laughing or not taking serious what I say, but it is true. I was in love with you, with your angelic face, with your sweat perfume, which dizzy me all the time…but…

  Anyway, I just have one rugaminte. Please be careful with Laurence, and I am not saying this because I am jealous or something, but because of him, you know what I am talking about, the illness. Do not forget that he hits you! And he will do this again with the help from Alex. Try to go home fast, everything is set, our project it is ok, and our secret I will carry with me into the grave. Be calm.

  Yours: Damian E.J.

  P.S.: I hope that the blonde bimbo, Helen, did not read this. The sigil I hope was at his place. If you are Helen who reads this, I have something to say to you: Go to Hell!”

  I start to laugh at the last sentence, but felt much horrible then I was a minute before, when I was sad that he left. I could not believe the fact that he care too much about me not because he saw me like a sister but much more then that. Yes, I loved him, but I was too in love with Laurence, and Damian somehow disappeared from my mind. Again, my tears start to flow. Quick, I clean myself fearing my mascara will die. Sorb coffee and throw my look again towards the sea. If I knew…But…How many neputincioase things and I realized that only after I loose something, someone, I appreciate the most. My thoughts were that everybody goes throw this, meaning that after they loose the realize something like in my case. After all I lost a precious friend because of my stubbornness, because of the love I have for Lars, even if the love word is to much saying. I sat on my chair and playing with the little spoon in my coffee, watching in gol. I really didn’t know how to react, I was sad of course, mad on him that he left without saying goodbye. Only in a poor letter, but the letter of his was too much to ask, considering that he wrote it with honestly, with everything he thought, felt for me, and I was too blind to see something.

  I got up, leaving my half drank coffee and get out from the terrace, thinking to go back to the hotel to take a fresh shower. The phone started to ring and I answer it fast, thought that was Damian.


  “Hey sweetie, how are you?”

  “Ah. Lars, hey. Nothing special, I…just went with Damian to the ferry.” I lied

  “Really? He left?”


  “To bad. I really wanted for all of us to go somewhere in a beautiful village tonight in the mountains. Is Saturday and my parent’s best friend invited us to her place. At least you’ll come, right?”

  “Yes, I think so. At what time you’ll be here?”

  “Now it’s 1 pm, but at the evening love, like 7. Ok?”

  “Ok Lars, I have to go now.”

  “Good. Hugs and sweet kisses for you. Miss you.”

  I hang the phone, not wanting to stay and chat with Laurence about my mind absence in that moment. I started to think that Lars was happy that Damian left, of course I exaggerated because Laurence all the time talked about Damian with respect and some admiration about him, plus that Lars invited Damian at his place so many times, even if he refused the invitations.

  I arrived at the hotel, most precisely to my room, which seemed so empty, knowing that someone left from this hotel. But really what can I do when I knew that I was left alone in the Greek’s world, abandoned by my only safe source. Yes, I was mad and furious about him.

  Laurence was always beside me but not spiritual, meaning the fact that I cannot discuss everything with him. For example, why I was truly in Greece, what was my goal and I know that he wouldn’t react with a smile on his face if he would find the truth. Damian’s words were playing in my head, making a sentence:

  ”Do you think that the scientists are sleeping with their lab mice?”

  So weird. Point number one is that I never had sexual relationship with him, even if he proposed this thing to me. I do not want my relationship with him to cross to another level, at a high level in which would be possible for me to run away, I would make the biggest mistake ever. After all, I wanted to know Lars much better, to get deeper and deeper into his mind, to find out exactly the source of his illness and try to reduce it, althoughgh one night because of me, Alex came above. I was too curious about him, and who said: Be careful what you wish for, was right. I remember so perfect that day.

  Like usual and irrevocably, I was late with everything. Laurence promised me that he will take me out for a romantic dinner, and me like a girl who respects herself, I had to look impeccable. I had a flowing blue dress. The jewelries having thee same color like my dress, my hair in curls, falling elegant on my empty shoulders. I couldn’t appear with no make-up on my face, or to not smell fresh as the spring. I tried my luck with some pairs of high hills, borrow them from Helen. I really don’t get it how that woman could move in those killing feet, especially on the streets of Greece, I could easily kill myself on them, but tonight I have to look perfect. I prayed to not meet with Damian on my way to the hotel’s entrance. I was so sure that he would get upset again and he will lock himself in without speaking to no one. I knew that he couldn’t stand Laurence, and I came with his medical files to save Damian’s ass to work on this case. Anyway, I was sorry for doing that, because he wouldn’t go away. Coming back to the story from the past, I went down to the reception and called Laurence:

  “Hey, where are you? I’m ready.”

  “I’m in the front of your hotel. If you are that beautiful dressed in blue girl, then I have to tell that I will cheat you with her.”

  I laughed, going out in the night’s chill from Crete, and I’ve seen him smiling, seating on his expensive and silvery car. He was too dressed elegant, in a black suite, and his perfume got me crazy, stunning my senses.

  “From where did you steal that?” I ask curious, knowing that he didn’t have his personal car. I even didn’t know that he drives.

  “Well, I borrow it from my dad.”

  “And he knows about this?”

  “Of course. He works in the army; I think you will not want for him to chase us with tanks, do you?”

  I laugh and kiss him softly.

  “I like you so much.” He said so charming.

  He gave me a kiss on my cheek, and then opens the car door, like a gentleman. I watched on the left and on the right very carefully.

  “What you are looking at?”

  “Helen. I don’t want for her to see me.”

  “Your fitness teacher? You are not allowed or?

  “Something like that.”

  I got in, and put on my seat belt. I didn’t like lying, but I don’t have a choice. How would be if I will tell him the truth? Well you know, I look after Damian to not see me with you. Why? Laurence smiled at me and started the car. I watched him how he drov
e cautious. He was so dear to me and he looked so well in the suit.


  I look at him curious.

  “So what?”

  “I really suck at romantic things, but I wanted to make a special night just for two of us.”

  I smiled and stopped at the red light. He puts his hand on mines and looks directly into my eyes, making me blush.

  “Abby, I really like you a lot. And…You are the only person who understands me, especially what I am.”

  I didn’t say anything. Somehow, I wanted to cry, to get out from the car and to run back to the hotel. I was making a huge mistake, letting him love me, thinking that I care about him just because I wanted to help him, to discover the source and to put an end to it. I was making mess trying to clean up. The lights turned green and off we go.

  “You know Abby, I don’t know, with you I feel much myself. I feel so good.”

  Silence. I was looking on the window, wanting to break it because of the anger, with my stupid head. I was a totally bitch, because he puts hope in me, nadejde even his warm heart in my arms and I wasn’t even honest with him. I had the impulse to apuc his neck and to yell at him:

  ”You fool, you are my cobai, and you didn’t get it?”

  And then to wait in silence untill Alex arrives to kill me, I deserved it. Damian was right about this. The silence was broked by him.

  “You know. It’s something with me that I don’t think you’ll going to like when you’ll find out.”

  I turned to him. Was he telling me his ill?

  “What you’ree talking about?” I played dumb.

  “It’s complicated. I have a part of me not ok.”

  “Lars, I think everybody has a dark side.”

  “Yeah but not like me.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “This is the point. And if I would tell you, probably you would freak out and you would run away from me. And trust me, this is the last thing I want to do.”

  In his masculine voice, I could distinguish some fear. I knew that he didn’t lie to me, and even if he would told me the truth I had to pretend amazed, considering that I already knew what it’s all about “Lars, if you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine. When you’ll be ready then…”

  “Maybe I will never be ready. I don’t know what to say Abby; I like you to much to loose you.”

  “Gosh Lars, how bad can it be? Do you have a disease or something? Do you have AIDS, or what? Leukemia?” I started to act.

  He laughed.

  “God no. It’s complicated.”

  I kept silent, so as him. He steered the wheel to the left and parked slowly the car on some rocks, stopping the engine. In our eyes you could see the Aegean sea, softly disturbed, and above the foaming water set the shiny moon.

  “We’re here.” He said happily.

  I realized that wasn’t a single building around, nothing like.

  “Lars, where did you take me?” I asked easily scared.

  “Hey!” He said, taking my face in his hands. “ Don’t worry, I will never harm you.”

  Then he kissed me with passion, taking my fears from my shoulders. I had a lot of faith in him and I knew that he was honest in every single word he says. We took off our seat belts and get out. The sea breeze was playing in my hair.

  “Nice place Lars. To bad you didn’t tell me that the restaurant was invisible.”

  He laughed.

  “Did I say restaurant? I said that I will bring you to a special place to dinner.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I am stupid that I understood something else.”

  “Come on, don’t be bad with you.”

  He came to me, kissing my hand and together, like two lovers, we went down on some wood stairs. Like a idiot I had high hills, to stand out in his eyes and that mask I had to bring it off, considering that was sand everywhere. So I took my hills off, and Laurence took his shoes off too holding them in his left hand and together we step barefoot on the soft and cold sand. Was so good to feel it between my toes. Laurence turn towards me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Turn around please, trust me.”


  I wasn’t shore what he wanted to do, but I agreed, turning my back to him.

  “Please, close your eyes.” He whispered, giving me chills.

  I followed his instructions and woke up blindfold.

  “Lars…what are you doing?”

  “Hush. Please, trust me Abby.”


  I couldn’t do anything, I trusted him, but on some dark bitch with a guy easy crazy, the trusting could be measure. But I let myself away, even if from my astrological sign I had to weight the situation --yes, I was Libra-- I had to trust a Taurus.

  He took my hand and I started to walk, holding my hills so strong like a grenade, if I would feel the salty sea or some pain, to use them as a launcher. I could hear his breath, somehow accelerated, the sea, which was breaking the waves to the beach.

  We stopped. My heart was exploding because of the emotions, but not in the good way of the word, I was skeptical. I was expecting by the minute to be thrown on the settle to eat some sand, my clothes being ripped apart.

  “We are here beloved.”

  I felt my eyes free and my first looks were two white lounge chairs, a flaming torch. Between the chairs was a little table made of wood, on it being some beautiful candles, and down at the table was a bottle of wine in a bucket full of ice. On the table, I could see two plates with spaghetti, looking yummy.

  I remained very surprised with my mouth opened, literally.

  “Do you like it?” Lars asked me, even him being nervous by the way he was rubbing his hands.

  “If…I like it? Wow Laurence…how…”

  The words were refusing to come out, so I pleased my self only to jump in the air and to give him a warm hug, thanking him with a sweet and passionate kiss.

  “Did you made all this?”

  “Yes. I made it for us. You told me that you are a romantic type of person, and you prefer to eat in the nature, than in a fancy restaurant with others watching you.”

  “I said that somehow in a joke mode, but wow, you left me speechless. You are so sweet. Thank you.”

  I couldn’t believe my own eyes. Never, but never, a boy wasn’t romantic with me, especially to have sort of a picnic on the beach by night time. I was shocked to discover that a good thing can happen even to me in life. The only romantic thing, if I can say this, happened once to me was back in high school, when my ex boyfriend, Dean, thought to have a picnic on the roof of his house. I was not surprised when I found out that he had a sexual fantasy there. Lars took my hand softly and drove me to the lounge chairs, taking a seat.

  “Ah…I forgot,” He said, making me curious.

  From his chair, even if I didn’t see, took a buchet of white beautiful roses.

  “Wow…Lars, you are…the sweetest boyfriend.”

  He was happy by my reaction and I was this close to explode because of the enthusiasm. He got closer to me, and handed the roses to me.

  “Abigail Woods. I love you very much.”

  He was serious and honest. He looked into my eyes, making me wanting him more and more.

  “I love you too, Laurence Mill.”

  He kissed me again, mangaindu-mi softly my chicks, was so divine. He smiled then he took a seat back to his chair.

  “I hope that you are hungry”

  “Yes. I didn’t eat anything, just to eat with you tonight.”

  “Good appetite, then.”

  “Same. Thanks.”

  I had to admit that that spaghetti was wonderful.

  “Where did you buy them?” I asked.

  “What, you don’t like them?”

  “Of course. They are delicious, that’s why I ask.”

  “I made them.”

  Again, I remained a little dizzy.

  “You know how to cook?”


  “Wow, my congrats Mr. chef.”

  “Thank you. Abby, I want to know more about you. How it’s Abigail Woods home. Friends, at what time she goes to sleep or she wakes up, what movie she watches…everything. You are a part of me now, and I want to know you.”

  He was so sweet that I couldn’t refuse him. I smiled, while I was eating slowly. He took the bottle of red wine and open it, pouring in glasses.

  “Lars, you are the driver.”

  “Not for tonight.”

  “You want for us to stay here all night?”


  “But…Here its no mans land. I’ve seen a sign in which says something like private propriety.”

  “Why are you making so much worries, Abby? Instead of enjoying the moment…For your sake, I rent this place for us tonight.”

  Could I repeat the word, amazed? I couldn’t find more synonyms for this word, I was over the amazed what he done for me…He was a divine boy, very rare this type. I should send a letter to my teacher with many thanks because she sent me in Greece.

  “What you want to know?” I asked him, drinking from the wine.

  “Everything. For example, how was your first kiss?”

  “Do you really want to know that?”

  “Of course I do. That’s why I asked.”

  “Ok. Well it happened to me in the first year of high school. Like everyone. I received a note in my locker, saying something like, I’ll wait you in the gym class after school. I didn’t know who sent me that note so I went very curious in the gym class, and when I saw the person who sent that note, I remained stoned. Was the most popular guy in the school. He got closer to me, he told me that he likes me and the of course, he kissed me.

  “Just like that?”

  “Yeah. Just like that. But after that I found out that he just wanted to sleep with me.”

  Laurence started to laugh and me after him.

  “And he founded you. Poor boy.”

  “Yeah. He had something…so. Ok, I had my time of humiliation, now your turn.”

  “To tell you what? He said, with a sneaky smile on his face.

  “How was your first one?”

  “Let me think. I had so many girls in my life, that I don’t have enough fingers to count them.”

  I raised my eyebrows, but left them down when I saw that he was laughing.

  “You really believed me, right? No, I had just two girlfriends. With my ex one I had my first real kiss.”

  “Hold on. You’ree telling me that I’m the second one?”

  “Yes. Abby, I’m that kind of guy who doesn’t like to pass to a girl then next to the other. I had a lot of proposes but I just refused them polite. I prefer to have a good one for the rest of my life. I cannot love that easily other person.”

  I smiled, looking at my wine glass, but I raised my eyes when Lars started again to speak.

  “How was it…hmmm, pretty funny. Even if I’m a guy who loves sports, to be in shape all the time, and because of this I always give the impression to the others that I’m an arrogant piece of ass, but it not true. I’m old school. Same at me happened, was in junior year of high school. I was in Vancouver, Canada and I was seating to a table in the library, writing from a book for a school project, and suddenly I wake up with a note thrown in my face. I take it, open it and read it: I heard that you’ree looking for a school project partner, I don’t have one either.”

  In that moment, I looked around to see from which was the note, and then I saw her. Her blue eyes, short and black hair; wearing a little bow…I fall in love at the first sight. Then were days when we worked together at the project. In one of the mornings, she told me that she cannot longer pretend, and she kissed me.”

  “And she was the first?”


  “I don’t want to be leaky, but how did you broke up with her?”

  He sighed then looked away.

  “She died.”

  Without knowing, my glass fell from my hand. Laurence giggled and handed me another one.

  “You are so clumsy.”

  I smiled to him, but more retained. The shock that his ex girlfriend died causes his condition. Probably he closed itself and Alex came to hunt. I felt sorry for him, somehow it remained me about Damian, considering that he was silent, and wasn’t so far from schizophrenia.

  “Yeah, I know. I am so sorry Lars.”


  “For what you’ve been throw. I really wouldn’t know how to react if I was you.”

  “Don’t worry. It has been a while, even if somehow, maybe it’s seems ridiculous to you but I see her in you. Both of you have the same beauty inside, same smile which drives me nuts. I’m happy.

  I wonder if I was the one who could erase his ill.

  “Thank you. I don’t know what to say.” I said clumsy. I really didn’t know what to say to him, fearing to know make it worse the situation.

  He takes the wine bottle and pours in my glass. I drink a little, and felt how the blood was rushing.

  “Laurence. Can I ask you something?”


  “Did you close yourself after she died?”

  He looked at me, very serious but with a little smile on his face.

  “Yes. My parents wanted me to go to a shrink or to talk with someone, but I refused it. I just wanted to be in my one world.”

  I smiled.

  “Do you know if here it’s a toilette or something? Or I have to swim a little?” I said, making him laugh.

  “It’s one there.” He said, pointing me the direction. “It’s with blue or something like that. You will see in English the toilette sign.”

  “Ok. Be right back.”

  Probably was a public bath, but I really needed one, especially that I drank wine and the sea was making everything worse. Was like when you want to go to bathroom and you hear the flowing water. I got up slowly and passed near Laurence. He stopped me, pulling me down, kissing me.

  “Don’t be late, ok?”

  “What you think I will do there. Sleeping?”

  We laughed together and then I went straight to the toilette with y little purse. Was pretty far, but I just loved to walk on the soft sand. In my head were spinning many things. Was not surprising the illness, which he had and I really did not want to know what was in his hurt soul. Probably in his place, I would go crazy, or who knows what I was capable of doing. Was a little hut, I got in and was indeed a bath with mirrors and toilets. I looked myself into the mirror and noticed that I was all red. I went to the toilette and took a seat on. I thoughgh to myself that was a bad idea, trying to meet Alex, considering that Laurence was very cautious about it. And he was trying to stop him coming above, but I was to damn curious about him, thirsty of knowing. This thing I loved the most for my future job, to meet people, which doesn’t have a connection with the reality, to study them all over. I went out from the toilette cabin, washing my hands. I took out the red lipstick from my little bag and a little make-up to look fresh.

  I heard some noise outside, talking something in another language. I thought that were tourists. I started to put the make-up very closely, that noise, transformed into laughs, and I could hear them much clear. In the little hut entered three drunk boys and when they saw me, they stopped in the threshold.

  „ Mein Gott! Was für schöne Arsch Sie haben”

  Me, knowing German, I turned to them. They said something about my bottom, but I wasn’t late to replay to them, on their native language:

  „Mein Arsch ist nicht für eure Gesichter.”

  I told them, that my ass is not for their faces. Those losers started to laugh and one of them was getting closer to me.

  „Woher kommst du, schönes Mädchen?”

  „ Amerika.”

  They asked me, from where I am. I wasn’t planning to draw water to their mill. When they heard from where I was, they were amazed.

  “So…baby, what do you say about a gang-bang?”

hat do you say about killing you if you’ll not get lost?”

  “The chick is dangerous.” Said one of them.

  And without expecting, the first grabbed my hands, and held me tight, getting on my back, immobilizing me. I started to scream, and the second one pulls up my dress. But I didn’t gave up and hit one the bastard in his balls, making him lay down on his knees. The third one came and smacks me, hitting me very close to the temple, to arcade, breaking it.


  I started even louder to yell. The guy, which hit me, pulled up my dress, trying to pull out my underwear. In the little hut came Laurence and I didn’t saw exactly what happened, but the guy who tried to rape me was smack down on the floor by Lars, taking kicks in his stomach. The German, which kept me, thrown me down, dashing to Laurence, but nothing. He looked mad and angry, beating him hard, until the German collapse down. Laurence took out a knife and when I saw that he wanted to hurt the Germans, I shouted no. But was like he didn’t hear me. One of them, throw himself over Lars, but he didn’t wait a second and sticks the knife in his shoulder, making blood everywhere. The bleeding guy yelled and after that he with his friends ran out. I was looking at Lars terrified. He was with blood all, breathing jerky and watching me with a look that frights even your soul, having the knife in his hand.


  “Lars? No honey, I’m Alex.”

  I went from red to white, realizing that Alex just arrived.

  He started to laugh and thrown his knife away, coming to me and pulled me up. He went to the sink and started to wash his face.

  “Hum. I don’t know who this Lars is. But instead, I know you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your name is Abigail, right?”


  “Good. Don’t need to thank me that I saved your precious ass.”

  In his voice I notice the rudeness and the irony. I started to wash myself, especially that I was full of blood because of the arcade.

  “Are you ok?” He asked me.

  “Not really. My head hurts like hell.”

  “You’ll be fine. I’ll go now, see ya.”

  “Wait! You cannot just leave me here!”

  He turns around to me, with a maliciously smile. The thought that I will be abandon on the beach, scared me.

  “And what is my problem? You’ree a big girl, you can handle it”

  “No! I came with you here. You just cannot leave me on the streets.”

  And without any warning, he caught me hand.

  “Listen! If you care about your precious life, I suggest you to leave me alone…Got that?”


  “Got…that?” He said, emphasizing the last word.

  I didn’t say anything, being scared. He let me got, and really walked away, leaving me with my broke arcade and with a scare that wasn’t passing that easily. Still, I didn’t gave up, and after a couple of minutes, I went out on the beach after him.

  “Alex, please! You cannot leave me alone here! I can be again attacked or…I even don’t know where we are…you brought me here.”

  He stopped walking and turned to me with a killing look.

  “I brought you here?”

  I gave some miles back. Lars, or whatever, Alex came fast to me.

  “You are scared, right? You are scared that someone can attack you. If I will be the one which will hurt you.”

  “A…Alex, please…”


  I was not able to talk anymore because of I was frighten. He was standing in my front and I could feel his anger, as if Laurence had an evil twin brother.

  “You know what? I will not hurt you. Just because you are beautiful and still I saved you.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I was just looking at him with fear. He put his hand on my shoulder and felt how I was shaking.

  “You don’t have to be fear me. I am not killing beautiful girls. On the contrary…”

  “What you mean about this? I said.”

  “I adore…to love them.”

  “Alex…we are together”

  “Since when? Maybe you’ree together with that Laurence…I’m not making love stories.”

  “Well, then when you said that you adore loving them…”

  “In other way…to love their body.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  The horror started to install in me faster then ever. He came closer to puts his hands on my hips, kissing me.


  “Hush, relax and enjoy.”

  I was shaking, I took away his hands but he didn’t stop to put back on my hips, going up with them under my dress. I pushed him away from the instinct, and he felt on the sand. I didn’t think twice and started to run to the car, but he reached me faster.

  “YOU BITCH! How the hell you dare to confront me!”

  I arrived at the car and he smacked me down on the car’s capote.

  “You’ll going to love this.”


  But nothing, he grabbed my hair and whispered.

  “If you care about you life, then I suggest you to obey.”

  I was trying in vain to give him away from me. I felt how he pulls down my underwear and he opens his pants. I was much more then traumatized, in that moments of terror Laurence died for me. while he was rapping me, I called whispering Damian, like I’d hope that he would jump from a bush and save me, but was not there. I will remember all my life that horror episode.

  After the rape finished, Alex pushed me away from his car, throwing me down, while he got in and started the engine, leaving me alone on the beach. I was crying so hard, that I thought my head would explode, taking the sand on my hands. I was there and think that the solution to leave the island, was the best idea ever in that minute and Damian was so right about Laurence. His disease almost killed me, to not mention the fact that he scoffed me, leaving me deader then alive, being full of blood from my arcade. I was praying to God for calming down my mind, often when I had a bad situation in life, God helped me to find a way, a good path. Therefore, I got up, uncontrolled crying and went on the chair, arranging my dress full of sand; of course, my hair had some of that, being all over the place. I took out a little mirror from my purse and start to clean myself with a towel, filling it with blood. My luck was that I take regular contraceptives, meaning that I’ll not wake up to be a mom to soon for Alex, because the monster who rapped me was not a bit Lars. But no more matter, I had to stay away from Laurence, until will not be too late. Was ironic the situation, just because I wanted so bad to meet Alex, and guess what I almost died. What could I do, another lesson learnt.

  I look in the phone, searching for a random number and reached Damian’s one…no, I couldn’t call him and to make him worry about me so therefore I continue to look for another one, and Helen pop-out into my head.

  “Hello?” She answered with a rusty voice, sign that she was sleeping.

  “H…Helen, sorry that I disturbed you, I’m Abby…please, help me!”

  “Abby? Honey, what’s wrong, are you ok?”

  “No. I was on a date and I end up raped and abandoned on the beach, can you please come and take me?”

  “YES, God, just tell me where exactly are you.”

  “You know where the Green House is?”


  “Good. I’m a little farther, on a private beach, belonging to the Kossos villa or something like that. Please hurry!”

  “In 10 minutes I’m there. Don’t worry.”

  “Ok. I’ll wait you.”

  I was no longer able to talk because of the fright and of the unstoppable crying. My head was exploding and I started to take all of the things from the chairs. I didn’t want to deal with him anymore.

  I was watching the sea, which was beautiful, and taking some deep breathes, thinking that the things will be good, waiting in silence for Helen to arrive. I asked for it, to have a crush on a lunatic. I was
giving to Damian all the right in the world.

  I startled when someone was knocking on my door. I was lost in thoughts, remembering that day when I met Alex; I got up and open it, me being impassible. Was Helen, all pinky and shiny.

  “Abby, lets go and shop. I prepared everything and…”

  “Helen, thanks for the invitation but honestly I don’t feel that well and plus I have to meet with someone.”

  “Oh…really? Just when I wanted to make a girls night out.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t you worry; I will go with the girl from the reception. She’s Greek, and she has some good taste.”

  “Cool. You’ll have to tell me what clothes are here.” I said, without interest.

  “Of course girl! B’bye.”

  “Bye Helen.”

  I closed the door, and looked in the mirror. The arcade started to heal, but still that memory, scares me. What will happen if I will go with Lars on that trip, and Alex will think to show himself? After he will rape me again, maybe will kill me too. I missed Damian so bad.


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