My Greek Project

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My Greek Project Page 9

by CB Colin

  Chapter IX-


  It was raining. I wasn’t surprise at all, but I didn’t think to take an umbrella or something. I was seating at the airport, looking around for a cab. The British city was very crowded even at the airport, with many people trying to run away from the cruel weather.

  I had a small bag at me, holding it tight, fearing to not wake up without it, and at the fourth finger was seating the new ring from Laurence. I wanted so bad to arrive at the destination with the taxi, no matter how much euros would cost me.

  When I was about to take one, an old man was faster then me, taking it.

  “What an asshole.” I said angry.

  What should I do? But something distracted my attention, namely a double-decker red bus. Maybe was a good idea, and cheaper of course to take the bus. Therefore I went straight to it, seeing the zone where it was heading, knowing that Damian’s address was there.

  I got in, paid and took a seat somewhere in the back, watching the rain splashing the window. My mind flew to the last day in Greece. Laurence proposed me to be his wife, and by the condition, which brought me in London, I said yes. I couldn’t be indifferent by Damian’s situation, I had to see how he was doing. I somehow was afraid that was a little too late, that he made a stupid gesture especially that I didn’t heard from him since he left Greece. Maybe I was doing a wrong thing with Laurence, to become the future Miss Mill, Abigail Mill.

  With a little help from Mara, I found out where Damian should be in London, and that dream address was false, I didn’t wake up with it written on a piece of paper, but my intuition was yelling at me to go and see this problem maker boy. So, with a little faith in my soul, the last one for him indeed, I arrived from Athens to London, and I was so glad when Laurence didn’t argued with me about this, especially that he let me alone coming to England. I really wanted to fulfill my plan, even though all the summer in Greece was a plan made by me and the rest of the world, the only one who didn’t took part was Damian.

  I was waiting quiet at my place, until I will get down. A lot of thought were crossing my mind, like a water torrent. I didn’t know what I should tell Damian, in the moment I will meet him, I really didn’t know.

  I put my head on the cold window, staring into space, my mind flew at him and at the situation I was in.

  Maybe wasn’t such a good idea to visit him, and I was guided just by a silly dream, a plan. Anyway, I was insight that he would not be the same, I mean that he will not be like I last saw him. The bus stopped, and I ran out hurrying, noticing that I end up in a neighborhood full of houses. I saw a little sign and I headed at it to read the name of the street I was. Yep, was the street I was searching for it, and I was just had to find the number 22 house. I sighed and putted my hood on my head, to not be soaking wet until I will get to him. I felt the blood rushing throw my veins, giving me emotions and fearing in some way my meeting with him. I watched the signs on the each house I passed it, which was written the number. 19, 20, 21 and finally 22. The house was pleasant like aspect, far for being cared, especially the lawn, which was like a swamp. I entered with courage in the courtyard, opening slowly the creaky door and tried to go on a path straight to the house door. Arrived there, with emotions what so ever, I knocked softly on the door. I had in mind to knock again and to run away, but I couldn’t do that, I came all the way to do what exactly? To run, then to spend all my life full with regrets? I knocked again, but no one answered. Something told me that Damian saw me when I entered in the yard, and was now was refusing to open the door. I knocked again, but this time with a bit of more straight, like a cheap jack. Nothing. I was already discouraged, was no one really home? I saw a ring bell button and with some power, I pushed it, to be heard. I waited in silent, and my heart came into my throat when someone was coming at the door. It opened and a read head woman with green eyes came into the picture. She had a little round face and the skin white as snow.


  “Good day, I’m sorry to bother you. It’s Damian here?”

  The woman didn’t answer, only looking ugly at me like I cursed her or something, I noticed that she rolled over her eyes, sighting.

  “Who is looking for him?”

  “A colleague of his. Abby, Abigail Woods.”

  The woman made big eyes when she heard my name.

  “The project partner?”

  “Yes…you can say that.”

  “I am so sorry. Please, do come in.”

  She moved over making me space. The lobby was almost empty. Beside the stairs for the next floor, was in the left side and a brown dirty carpet on the floor. I slowly entered, looking all over the place.

  “Let’s go please in the kitchen. I am so sorry about the mess inside. I really wanted to start cleaning.”

  I didn’t say a word, only looking again around, hoping to see Damian’s face popping from a corner. I went to the kitchen, and to be honest, the mess was less saying; unwashed dishes in the sink, plants almost dried and to not continue. Seemed to be that the depression putted its marks pretty serious on the house.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?”

  Of course, so British.

  “Ah, yeah why not.” I said polite.

  “Sorry, if you desire something else, tell me, we drink tea a lot.”

  “No, no, it’s fine, really.”

  “We will stay in the living room.”

  She purred in two white cups, boiled water over some tea bags, with her hand shaking, was she thinking why I came?

  She smiled to me, and invited me to take a seat on the floral wallpaper sofa in the living room. It was somehow, with just an idea, more pleasant then the rest of the house, having yellow walls all around. A huge painting with a ship on a storm sea time, took over my attention. A big plant in the corner of the room was somehow like thrown there. Mrs. Jones puts the cups on the front sofa table, and I took a seat smiling.

  “So. What is the occasion Abby?”

  “Well, I came to visit Damian.”

  “He is not home right now.”

  “Really? Do you know where he is?”

  She drank from the cup, like she was avoiding intentional the subject.

  “No. He told me that…he would go with some mates in town and…He does know when he will return.”

  She was lying. I knew that, not in vain I was passionate about psychology. She didn’t looked in my eyes when she told me that lie, plus that she had some hesitations and pauses in the speech, which made me think that she was thinking at a lie.

  “And he doesn’t have a phone number, to call him that I am here.”

  “Oh no…No…He didn’t take his phone with him.”

  Again, a lie, and again she drank from the tea, putting back the cup with her hand shaking so bad, that I was afraid that she could shed on me.

  “Are you sure? Then would you mind if I will wait him here?”

  “Unfortunately yes, I would…I have a lot of work to do.”

  “I can help.”

  “He might get back very late.”

  “That’s strange. Usually Damian was alone, not having friends and he isn’t the type of guy to hang out with a gang in the town. Did he suddenly change?”

  “Something like that. He returned from Greece very cheerful.”

  She was so lying to me. I knew too much Damian for him to have friends, and to go out with them. I drank too from the tea and I told her.

  “You know, I really wish to see him. I came all away here to reach him.”

  The woman didn’t say anything, watching the window.

  “Damian is not…”

  “Why aren’t you telling me the truth?”

  She remained amazed by my attitude. On the other hand, I was smiling honestly, waiting for her to tell me the truth.

  “Do you…do you think I am lying to you?”

  “Yes. Mrs. Jones, where is actually Damian?”

  A black thought came into my mind, thrilling me, fearing that
someway was too late. Because she wasn’t speaking, I got up watching the window.

  “You know, this will sound weird but Damian’s dad came to me in a dream. A young man, with blond long hair…I dreamt a very beautiful mansion, Mrs. Kate. Was royal after his family, but he quit the title for you. Am I wrong?”

  After the broking cup sound, I realized that I shocked her. She looked me very amazed but scared in the same time.

  “How…How do you know all this? Even Damian doesn’t know.”

  “I told you, I dreamt him. And your husband send me here. It’s seems strange but I believed him. Damian is not safe, that’s why please be honest with me. Where is Damian?”

  “Ok, you deserve to know. The truth is the he loved you very much.”

  “How do you know that?” I said suspicious.

  “Because he was calling me from Greece, crying. Was jealous, you were hurting him.”

  I was too in shock, and from her serious voice, I realized it was like that. I didn’t know what to say in that moment, to apology for everything?

  “So…Where is Damian?”

  “Damian is interned, at a center.”


  “Yes. He changed so much, since he came home. He is no longer him, I don’t recognize him anymore.”

  “So I came too late. He closed himself in.”


  Silence, I was hearing only the raindrops outside and my thoughts, being so tortuous and weird. I didn’t know what to say next, or to say that I was afraid to loose him, which I did, my nightmares came reality, he died…That Damian I knew died, I will never see him again in my life.

  “You know, I really wish to see him.”

  “I do not think it is such a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “How I said before, Abby, he is not longer himself, he changed, he is a completely different person now…I do not wish for you to see him as he is now, but to remember how he was back then.”

  “Only the thought to not see him again hurts like hell, not to mention that I came here for him, for a reason. Please, I want to see him.”

  Nothing. Mrs. Jones just sighed, probably thinking that was a good idea and I sensed perfectly, because she stood up and said.

  “Ok Abby, you won. You have the right, but I am warning you. He is not the Damian which you met in Greece.”

  “It really doesn’t matter, if he is the Damian I know or not. I just want to see him, alive.”

  After a half an hour, Mrs. Jones and I were in her car, an English Ford, pretty cute, even if I sensed every single rock on the road. I was watching the crowded road, not knowing what to believe, just to stop planning and to stop thinking at the worst things can happen. Laurence wanted by all means to come with me in England, but I really didn’t want that to happen. Point number one that he wasn’t aware about my feelings for Damian, more then just a friend, and point number two, I don’t think Damian would like to see Laurence in his eyes, especially to find out that I will be his future wife.

  “We are here.” Said Mrs. Jones, taking away my thought to Laurence and making me watch an old white and brown building. I felt my tears in my eyes, knowing that Damian was there, and the treatments, which were applied to the patience, were horrible. My mom used to tell me stories about mental sick persons in the centers.

  Mrs. Jones parked her car very carefully, and that reminded me about Helens car, which was parked in such a way that the rest of the parked cars didn’t had space to exit; I smiled at that picture but not too much because was about Helens car.

  We got out, and Mrs. Jones gave me an umbrella and we walked on a cubic path to the enter of the building. There a woman, pretty big, like in those horror movies, stopped us. Mrs. Jones told her why we came there, and that Helga woman called a nurse, with a much good and pleased aspect.

  She told us to follow her, and in my mind came the image the day where I went to meet Damian in the hotel, but instead of the light, clean hallways, there were empty, white, cold ones. My heart was beating harder in my chest, because I didn’t know what would expect me to see, I didn’t want to see Damian put away in a strait jacket, with his mouth gagged.

  The nurse led us in a room with chairs and small tables, and in the corners were plants, like sick ones. In the room, was a woman dressed in white, with her head shaking, speaking to the wall. I took a seat on one of these chairs, and next to me, Mrs. Jones took one.

  After a couple of minutes, my heart came back into my throat. The nurse came back but this time with someone else, holding hands. Damian.

  When I saw him, I jumped in the air, and looked at him with my eyes swimming in tears. He was very thin, with dark circles around his eyes and his skin was pale. He looked like a corpse, and I was very shocked.

  “Damian, let’s seat down, shall we? Look who came here to visit, you mommy.”

  I didn’t understand why the nurse was speaking to him like he was an five old child, but I realized that he wasn’t that far from one.


  “My sweet boy.”

  I watched him run towards his mother, hugging her happy.

  “We go now home, right?” He said, scaring me much more then before, and I dried fast my tears.

  “Not yet my love. Soon, ok?”

  “Damian, let’s show your mother what you drawn.” The nurse said, and again some tears came out. Damian came fast back in the room, being happy, carrying a piece of paper. He handed it to his mother, where was drawn a house, a little sun on the corner and also three humans with smiling faces. I smiled myself when I saw it, not knowing how to control my tears.

  “Damian. Who are they?” Mrs. Jones asked, smiling to her son.

  “This is you. This is me and…” he said thinking, and then he turned his look to me, and with it flashed all my body.

  “Is her.”

  “Damian. Do you know who is her?”


  I smiled with all my mouth, having tears in my eyes. Damian smiled back and came to me, hugging me. A powerful warm took over my body.

  “Abby, my best and best and best and best friend.” He said laughing, making me do the same.

  “I love you Damian.”

  “Me too, A lot. And a lot.”

  I realized that the I love you thing said by me was truly for a guy my age, not to a closed child in that my age boy.

  Didn’t last long and the nurse told us that the visiting is over, so we had to leave. Mrs. Jones hugged her son with love, then was my turn. I didn’t know how to proceed, what to do, therefore I hugged him, kissing his cheek. He, like a child, blushed and turned away. I exit the room, watching him for the last time. Even if he remained in my soul, I will never forget that child face.

  The End.


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