Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance

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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance Page 21

by Ford, Mia

  I drove us there, and we took the kids out to walk over to the massive bus. Everyone else had family and friends gathered around and I found a spot for my own. I hugged Braden first, reminding him that I loved him, and we’d talk every day on the phone. I told him to take care of his mom and sister for me and hugged him again. Rosie was easier, and I held her for a moment, hugging her tightly as I told her that I loved her. She didn’t know what was happening as much as her brother.

  Cammie took the kids as I turned to Aubrey. I cupped her face and kissed her tenderly as she moaned against me. I kissed her again, and she slipped her arms around my waist before I pulled away. “I want you to have another baby.” I whispered in her ear as she gazed at me with tear-filled eyes. Aubrey nodded and told me she wanted the same before hugging me again. She kissed me, and I heard Steve calling out that we needed to head out.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box. Aubrey looked at it and started to cry as she took it, shaking her head at me. “You know it’s tradition,” I whispered before kissing her again. I always got her something when I was touring on my own, but it wasn’t diamonds every time. It was something that made me think about her at the moment that I bought it. “I love you.”

  “I love you so much.” Aubrey told me as I smiled at her. “Call me when you’re in Utah.”

  “I’ll call before then. Take care of yourself.” I told her as Cammie came over from kissing Brent goodbye. She wrapped her arm around her sister and their strength made me feel better. The kids gathered around them and waved at me as I waved and blew them a kiss.

  It was hard as fuck to get on that bus, but I did it. I led the guys and brought my bag to my room, looking around the space. It wasn’t big, but it was private, and I appreciated that. Voices filled the vehicle as the engine turned and I knew that it was time. I sat on the bed and put a picture of my family beside it, looking out of the window that offered one-way glass. I could see everything and cover it if I needed to, but nobody could see me. I was a mystery.

  When we pulled out of the parking lot, I saw Aubrey watching me. She looked sad but strong and gorgeous as she held Rosie and Braden clung to her leg. I knew that she had this. I watched until they were gone and went to join my band for the first part of the drive as I always did. Brent looked a little worse for wear and I clapped him on the back as he glanced at me. “The girls have this.” I told him as he smiled and nodded.

  “They’re amazing,” he told me as I leaned back, listening to the enthusiasm of my boys. The other bus was behind us and we’d be playing tomorrow night to a sold-out venue.

  I called Aubrey in a couple of hours and she was at Cammie’s place. That was also a tradition and they would likely spend the night there. She cried about the Koi pendant that I bought her with the sparkling tail of diamonds, blubbering to me as she thanked me. She wanted a tattoo of one when I got back, and that necklace made me think about her when I saw it. I talked to her for a while and then video chatted with the kids before I decided to watch a movie in my room to go to sleep to, missing my girl.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  My days became moments. I got the kids up at whatever house we slept at, fed them breakfast and took Braden to school. From there, I’d bring Rosie back with me or take her somewhere fun until we picked her brother up.

  I’d feed them dinner and after they went to bed, stay up late writing. I hated sleeping in bed without David here and often slept on the couch closer to the kids.

  I missed him with all my being. I talked to him or we sent messages a lot and he’d chat with the kids. I wondered what it must have been like for the men in the war when they could only write letters. I loved the nights I spent with my sister when we’d sleep together in whatever master bedroom we happened to be in while the kids slept together.

  I had the best talks with Cammie on those nights. We’d talk about mom, our men, our lives and what we dreamed about. This was not it for us though we were happy. We just always thought ahead to new projects and ideas for the freelance business or something to do with the kids.

  I wondered if another baby was my next project when I was alone at night. We never tried to stop that, but it seemed as though it took a few years in between babies for me. We didn’t have a limit yet as to how many we wanted, and I knew we’d know when that was. David came from a larger family and craved that for his own kids while I just wanted them close like I was with my sister. I also watched some YouTube videos of their shows when I was trying to go to sleep. David would always have that thing onstage and I still felt nervous when I thought back to the night we met. I knew that my life changed in that moment and that any heartbreak from Kyle was gone. David was always for me.

  I never wanted it to end and I cursed the insecurity that filled me when he was gone. David was gorgeous, and women knew that. They always had. They hog on him as much as they did before me if not more. The challenge of a wife and kids must mean a lot to some of the groupies out there. I’d heard stories of them blackmailing men or women before for money, using the truth about their infidelity against him.

  That wasn’t David. He assured me that he put the women off before he met me, a few years in fact. I knew that the kids and I were his life and he was doing all of this for us. I rolled over in Cammie’s room and looked around the photos that adorned the walls, wondering where she was. It was safe to assume that she was cooking for the kids since we took turns in the morning. I glanced at the clock to see that she’d probably taken the older ones to school and only had the littles now.

  I rose and used the bathroom to clean up, tugging my long hair back before I pulled on clean leggings. I added a long-sleeved loose shirt over my camisole and left the room, heading down her long hall to the kitchen. I smelled bacon and grinned as I passed the expansive living room and walked into the open kitchen, seeing her cooking over the stove. A quick glance told me that the kids were playing in the corner that she had set up with every toy imaginable as well as a shelf of books. “Morning,” I greeted her as she smiled at me.

  “There’s coffee,” Cammie told me as I nodded, taking her in for a moment. It reminded me of the past when Mom would be cooking for us in the kitchen and Cammie held herself the same way as Mom did. I stepped forward and poured a cup, leaning against the counter.

  “Did the others get off to school?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “The babies even stayed asleep for the ride. It was fabulous.” Cammie smiled at me and I gazed at my sister. She did everything with so much ease unless she was fretting over Brent being gone. That made her sad, and I knew that we were both worried we’d lose them. We lost Mom who was everything to us and there would always be that fear buried inside of us.

  “You are my hero. You make it look so easy,” I murmured as Cammie shot me an amused smirk.

  “It’s not easy but we have it better than Mom. They’re gone a lot, but they come home and act like kick ass dads. We’re not doing it all on our own even though it might feel that way on days like today. Our kids are well adjusted and happy. We are blessed, and I just have to think harder about that sometimes.” She spoke slowly, reminding me of everything in my life that I loved.

  “You’re right. I just zoom in on how much I miss him sometimes.” I whisper as I looked at Rosie, playing with a doll that I hadn’t seen before.

  “He misses you, too. Brent misses me. They both miss their kids and will be home before you know it for the holidays.” Neither of them toured around Thanksgiving and Christmas now that there was a family to celebrate with.

  “I know. I’m so glad.” Cammie and I made a production of Fall and Christmas. We took the kids to a lot of events and did crafts with them, something David allowed me to do. I only worked for me and didn’t need the money. I just needed that part of my life as well as the family since writing was a part of my soul. David understood that and supported it. “Do you have the itinerary written up yet?”

  “No, but I’m starti
ng to research.” She replied as I giggled. “I want to find stuff that’s good for all of them.”

  “I know.” The little kids were impressed by a simple strand of Christmas lights while the older ones wanted to explore a bit more. It wasn’t always easy to make it work for everyone. “It’ll be fine.” I took a sip of coffee and watched as she piled bacon on a plate covered with a paper towel. “What did the others eat?”

  “I made them toast and also cut some fruit. I promised there would be bacon for them later.” Cammie waved at the two empty packages of meat beside her and I shook my head. “I am going to make eggs, too. Scrambled okay?” I nodded and looked through her kitchen window to the lush green fields and flowers. It was beautiful, and I blinked as I walked to the fridge.

  “I’ll get them started.” I offered as she smiled. I grabbed a heavy blue bowl and opened the new package of eggs, cracking several before I added milk and some salt and pepper. Cammie finished with the bacon and took the bowl, pouring it into the bacon grease as I laughed. It was probably horrible for us, but it was so good.

  We plated the food and sat at the table with the kids secured in their seats beside us. “Want to take the kids to a movie?” Cammie asked as I wrinkled my nose at Rosie.

  “I don’t know how that would go over. How about that big play park?” I suggested, knowing it would wear my daughter down better. The kids all loved the place and we could sit and relax for at least a minute.

  “Sure. We can go after school and then do pizza for dinner.” She grinned, and I nodded before biting into a crispy slice of bacon, rolling my eyes as one flew across the table in front of me. “Rosalind. Stop throwing food.” I didn’t need to look to know it’s her.

  “Tanner did it first.” I shared a long look with Cammie as we counted to ten. He might not have this time, but they were both known to act up at the table, despite our best efforts.

  “Neither of you are supposed to throw anything.” Cammie reminded them as she forked some eggs, taking a bite. I sighed and finished my food, thankful for the peace the children bestowed upon us. We let them play in the corner again as we cleaned up, listening to some music over the speakers. The others weren’t out of school for about three hours, so we had time for naps and getting ready to go out once we left.

  I showered after Cammie, pulling on comfortable jeans and a tight black sweater. I added some boots and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. I didn’t wear a lot of makeup and went down the hall to see her getting jackets on the kids.

  I thought about the three weeks remaining before David was home. It seemed like forever, but we did plan to go see them at the two shows close to home. We could drive with them and Cammie had a friend that helped her out sometimes. Violet would come along and be there to watch the kids if we felt like they wouldn’t want to be at the show. It was loud and hectic after all. I blinked as Cammie called my name and glanced at her. She gave me a sympathetic smile. “I do the same thing… drift off like that.”

  “I never see you,” I argued. She always seemed to be on top of things.

  “It happens a lot. I fight it and try to hide it, but I do it all the time.” She breathed in slowly and stood up, reaching for her son’s hand. I grabbed Rosie, and we walked out into the garage. We secured the kids, and she started the large SUV, backing out and heading to the school around the corner.

  We picked up Aurora and Braden and she drove to the building that housed the play area. We parked and took them in, paying and letting them run screaming into the colorful mess of toys and activities. Cammie ordered us coffee, and we sat down at a table that had a great vantage point to keep an eye on them.

  We chatted about dinner that night and decided I’d sleep at her house again. I missed my own house and bed, but it was lonely there after the kids were asleep. I had shows to watch and books to read but there were nights I just wanted David to hold me. Being with Cammie was more like old times or a sleepover or something like that.

  I looked at my kids as they chased each other into the plastic balls, shaking my head. “They’re insane.” It was a term that David used for them a lot and I sighed as I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my jeans. I grabbed it and looked at the screen, seeing that my husband was texting me. I smiled and sent him a response and a small film of the kids playing. He seemed thrilled to see them and we had a long chat as he waited between radio shows. Brent was sending messages to Cammie as well, and she looked happy as she read his words.

  This was our life. We might have guys that were gone a lot of the time, but they loved us. They were working hard for us and wanted to see us as much as we wanted to see them. We told them how much we loved them before we took the kids to an early dinner and picked at salads as they chomped on cheesy pizza. I sipped diet soda and looked at Cammie as she rolled her eyes. It seemed like every time the guys went on tour, we decided we were going to eat better and try to lose some baby fat we swore we still had. It lasted for half of the time usually. David and Brent laughed at us and told us we were beautiful as did our kids.

  We took the sleepy group home and gave them baths. We tucked them into bed and met on the couch for wine and dark chocolate. I was in my lounge pants and a shirt of David’s as I sipped the white wine. We planned the trip and made reservations at the hotel the guys were staying at for a pair of suites that would work for Violet and the kids. The rest of the band stayed on the tour bus and they came to be with us for the nights we were there to get a break. It was a nice tradition when we couldn’t go with them. I lived for stuff like that.

  We finished the wine and went to her room to go to bed. I could sleep in a guest room since the kids shared rooms girls with boys, but I always wanted to be close to my sister. We teased each other about washing the sheets and other things but this was great. We snuggled under the comforter and I set my alarm, so she could sleep in tomorrow. I allowed her to have more wine than I did for that reason, knowing that a morning with four kids was not going to be easy. She fell asleep quicker than I had, and I turned to my side, trying to nod off as I yawned.

  I heard my phone and reached for it on the table by the bed. I saw that David was calling me and slipped out of bed, going to the den to talk to him.

  “Hi, baby. You okay?” I asked as I dropped to the soft, oversized recliner.

  “Yeah. We just finished up, and I had a beer and… I miss you. I miss all of you.” He sounded sad, and I knew that I needed to get him through this moment.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I needed her voice and closed my eyes as I rested against my pillows. I needed more than her voice, but I reminded myself that we just had three weeks left of the tour. I also knew that I’d be seeing them soon for the shows they were coming to.

  I told her how much I missed her, and her voice softened as she told me that she loved me. I knew that she got lonely without me and I slid my hand over my groin with a soft moan. I needed to be inside of her but for now, I’d have to settle for her voice. I told her what I wanted to do with her as I stroked myself, needing to come to the sound of her moans. It didn’t take much to get her on board and she whispered to me as I gripped myself, stroking slowly. I told her to touch her clit and make herself wet before urging her to use the other hand to tug on her gorgeous nipples. I knew that she was from the sounds she was making, closing my eyes and imagining her spread out before me as I watched her.

  Aubrey used to be self-conscious about doing this anywhere but behind the closed door of our bedroom. Now, she knew that Cammie slept heavily and there was a place to go. She couldn’t scream my name like the caveman in me wanted her to, but she could find the release that I knew she needed. I tried to give them to her as much as I could when I was with her even if it was in something of a rush most of the time. I hoped they’d bring someone for the shows as they usually did so Brent and I could spend some time with our wives. The suites were big to begin with, but Aubrey knew that she could lose some control without embarrassing h

  I told her to fuck herself as I tightened my hold on her, slowing down my orgasm. I loved watching her slide her fingers into her wet pussy as she rocked forward, crying out my name. I watched it often on nights when we had time, loving that I brought this out in her. She was panting as she came, and I jerked hard, coming in the towel that I had beside me for this very purpose.

  “I wish you could meet me at the next stop, Aubrey.” I moaned as she laughed softly at the other end. I wish you could just sleep in my bed on the bus and see everything that I am.”

  “Do you ever wish it was just us again?” Aubrey asked as something close to anger flooded me before I calmed down.

  “Baby, no. Not like you think. I love that you’re there caring for my kids and bringing them to see me in just over a week. I’d never change that, but I can tell you that I miss you.” I told her as she let out a slow sigh.

  “I know. I guess I just think weird things sometimes.” She admitted, and I smiled as I dropped the towel beside me. She did, but it made me love her more.

  “Is Cam bringing her friend with you guys?” I asked as she affirmed that she was. “Good. I am going to need some time alone with you. I am going to make love to you all night and spend the days I can with you and the kids.”

  “I like that idea.” She said softly as I closed my eyes, trying to remember what it felt like to have her beside me.

  “I want to be there to lick you clean, baby. I want to make you come around my tongue.” I heard her moan and shift, imagining her circling her clit with her finger. “Are you touching yourself again?”

  “I am,” she told me breathily as listened to her moan. “God, I miss you.”

  “I love you,” I whispered as she kept moving, coming with my name on her lips. “Baby, I love you. Come for me.”


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