Cocky S.O.B.

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Cocky S.O.B. Page 11

by Vanessa Winters

  “Okay, okay,” Daniela says. “You’re right. There’s a lot to learn. I just wish your happiness didn’t have to wait until you’re able to start your business.”

  “I’m happy,” I assure her.

  Daniela gives me a skeptical look.

  “I am! I have you and my other friends. I have a job that pays well and that offers me the perfect learning opportunities. I’m happy, I swear.”

  “I’m going to pretend I believe you and order us another round.”

  “And green tea shots?”

  Daniela laughs. “And green tea shots.”

  We do our shots, drink our beers, and continue to talk about anything but me, Cameron, my job, or my future. Daniela and I have had the same basic conversation for months. I’m sick of going in circles. She doesn’t get it. Maybe it doesn’t really make sense. I don’t care. I know the steps to take to achieve my dream. I won’t let a guy get in the way of that.

  After a few hours of drinking and talking, Daniela and I decide it’s time to go.

  “I love you, you know that right?”

  I nod and pull her in for a hug. “I love you, too.”

  Daniela calls her taxi and I wait with her until it arrives. After she leaves, I head for my house alone. I’m tempted to ask Cameron to come over, but that would get messy fast. Instead, I pull up my business plan and go over it despite being a little drunk.

  “Someday,” I whisper to the stacks of paper. “Someday, you’ll be my reality.”

  I fall asleep dreaming about the day when I can finally make a difference in the world, one healthy soft drink at a time.



  I have no idea why my dad postponed the judging until Monday. I worked all week on my proposal while Melody tried to figure out Jack’s plan. I was successful, she wasn’t.

  I have a feeling that Jack is behind the postponement. He probably couldn’t come up with a new plan in the time he had, so he convinced my dad to wait until Monday.

  The office is quiet. The only people here on Saturday afternoons are a few workers in the call center. They field questions about our supply, fill orders, and deal with unhappy customers. Thankfully, the latter are few and far between.

  I’m only here because I want to talk to Melody and Emma. I asked them to meet me at one. They have about ten more minutes to get here. In the meantime, I’m going over my proposal with a fine-toothed comb. I have no doubt my dad will be happy with my work. As long as Jack doesn’t come up with a miracle, I’m a shoo-in for this week’s win. That leaves just one more, and I already have a plan for the big company-changing proposal my dad expects by Friday.

  The elevator whirs to life and Melody and Emma walk out. They’re both dressed in casual jeans and t-shirts. My eyes rake over Melody’s body as subtly as I can. Her hips sway as she walks towards me. Is she trying to torture me?

  “Hey,” Melody says. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. Thank you guys for coming in on a Saturday. I know it’s not in your job descriptions, but…”

  Emma scoffs. “Please. This is the least obnoxious thing you could’ve asked.”

  “Yeah, seriously. I’d much rather talk with you guys than organize spreadsheets again.”

  “Okay, yeah. I get it. Shall we go into the conference room to talk?”

  We usually use my office or one of the girls’ desks, but I figured we can all be comfortable today. We’re not hiding from Jack. He would never set foot in the office on a weekend. I don’t think he even opens his work email outside of regular business hours. I, on the other hand, tend to be on call twenty-four/seven.

  We settle into the conference room with me at the head and Melody and Emma on either side of me.

  “Thank you again for coming,” I say.

  Melody laughs. “This isn’t a board meeting. We can be casual, right?”

  “I don’t really know how to be casual.”

  “I noticed,” Melody mutters, eyeing my button-down shirt and slacks. It’s not my fault I like to look nice no matter the circumstances. I know my brother has the carefree look down, but that’s never been my style. I could never show up to a meeting with an investor or a vendor looking like I just walked out of a rock concert.

  I decide to change the subject. The last argument I want to have right now is the one about my clothes. Emma tells me pretty much every day that I should wear something less stuffy.

  “Anyway, I wanted to get together to see if we have any suspicions about Jack’s plan and for our own plan moving forward. Dad is collecting proposals on Monday and we can’t risk him winning.”

  “I’m sorry, guys, he hasn’t told me anything. I thought he might, but he’s been radio silent. He hasn’t even told me what his proposal is.”

  I sigh. I worried this might be the case. Jack can be secretive when he wants to be. He must still be suspicious of Melody if he’s not trusting her with his proposal.

  “That’s fine, Melody. It’s not your fault.”

  She bites her lip. “I know. I just feel so useless.”

  I put my hand over hers. “You’re not useless. We couldn’t have tricked Jack last week without you.”

  Emma’s phone rings, interrupting our moment.

  “Shit, sorry guys. I need to take this.”

  Emma steps out into the main office space to take the call. Melody and I haven’t been alone together since that night. The awkwardness is palpable between us.

  I open my mouth to say something when Emma walks in. “Ugh, I’m so sorry, but I have to go. My sister needs someone to babysit my niece. She got called in, and she’s the bottom of the barrel at the hospital so she can’t say no.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll update you on everything. Can we meet again tomorrow?”

  Emma nods. “Tomorrow should be fine. Text me details.”

  She gathers her jacket and purse and waves as she leaves. Once again, Melody and I are left alone. She plays with her hands, scratching at the chipped nail polish on her nails.

  “So,” I start. “Do you have any ideas?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. It would be easier if we knew what Jack’s plan was…”

  “I know. I have no idea what he has planned. I think he had something to do with the competition delay, though.”

  “Really? I thought your dad was busy Friday and couldn’t come by?”

  I shrug. “That’s the rumor, but I’m not sure I buy it. I think Jack orchestrated it somehow. Like maybe he packed Dad’s schedule or something. I don’t know. I have no proof, just suspicion.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised at this point.”

  This sucks. I wish Jack wasn’t such an asshole, I wish the board wasn’t up his ass so I could actually tell them he’s a cheater, and I wish things between Melody and me weren’t so hard right now. It’s like we’re the same people we were that first week when I couldn’t stop insulting her. I thought we’d moved beyond that. Now, I’m not so sure.

  “Why don’t you tell me about your final plan?” Melody asks. “I know what your proposal is for tomorrow, but I haven’t heard about your big submission.”

  My lips turn up in a smile. I love talking about my plans. This is easy. Maybe it’ll help us get back to where we were last week.

  “It’s a full green initiative,” I explain. “It’ll basically change everything about our factories, our production, and these offices. It’s a culmination of all the plans I’ve ever submitted, but it’s presented in a fresh way with new ideas on top of the old ones. That way I’m bringing something new but using the old proposals I’ve already submitted. It means a lot less work on my part.”

  “That sounds awesome. What are the pieces?”

  “I can show you the whole thing if you want.”

  Her eyes widen. “It’s done already?”

  “Not all of it. But I have the bones. Do you want to see?”

  She nods. “Yes, of course!”

  I run to my office to get the prop
osal from my locked drawer. I changed the locks yesterday, so Jack can’t get in.

  I hand her the proposal. It’s a lot longer than the ones we’ve been doing so far. This one is almost a hundred pages long. That’s longer than Dad said it had to be, but I want to cover my bases.

  Melody goes over the entire thing, asking questions as we go. I’m happy to talk about my work. I’m most comfortable discussing this stuff. The personal stuff is harder for me, though it was easy when I was with Melody on our date. Something about her makes me want to talk.

  “This is amazing, Cameron,” Melody says after almost two hours of discussing my proposal in detail. “I’m in awe of you.”

  I blush. “Thanks. I’ve always cared about this company and making it better.”

  “I think you’re going to be the best CEO. There’s no way Jack will win when you have this prepared.”

  “That means a lot, Melody. Especially coming from you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I fiddle with my hands. “You worshipped Jack when you first got here. It’s just a nice feeling having you on my side.”

  “There was no competition,” she says. “I’m so, so sorry that I ever thought he was the one coming up with the better plans.”

  “It’s okay, really. He can be very convincing.”

  “I should’ve known, though. I saw the reusable bags in your office when I knocked that first day. That should’ve been the first indication.”

  I laugh. “I keep those in case I need to bring work home. I hate briefcases.”

  “Which is surprising, considering what you wear.”

  “Ugh, I get enough of that from Emma.”

  “She’s a smart girl,” Melody says. We’re both quiet for a full minute before she continues. “I truly thought that Jack was the one who wanted to make the company greener. I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  “You’re not stupid, Melody.”

  Her eyes meet mine. Without realizing it, my fingers push her hair out of her face. She closes her eyes and I lean in, thinking we’re on the same page.

  Then she pulls away quickly.

  “Sorry, I can’t,” she says.

  She grabs her purse and practically runs out of the room.

  I guess we’re not on the same page at all.



  I have a tendency of running away when things get hard. Like when the guy I like tries to kiss me, but I can’t force my brain to accept that this is a good thing because I’m so afraid he has a secret girlfriend and will break my heart four years after we start dating.

  I hit the button for the elevator as hard as I can, but it doesn’t speed up the approach.

  “Melody, wait,” Cameron calls from behind me.

  I take a deep breath and will the elevator to arrive. It doesn’t, so I turn around.

  “I’m sorry, I need to go.”

  He puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Please, don’t go. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. I’m sorry.”

  I bury my face in my hands. “It’s not you, I swear. I like you so much, it’s just…”

  Cameron takes a step back. Just far enough for me to know he’s there, but he’s not overcrowding me. Like he’s saying he’ll wait as long as I need.

  This guy is way too good for me. I don’t deserve someone as sweet as Cameron.

  “I don’t want to push you,” he says. “But I really like you, Melody.”

  “I like you, too,” I admit again. “There’s just a lot in my past that makes it hard for me…”

  “I have skeletons, too,” Cameron says. “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe we can work through it, or I can ease your fears…”

  I sigh. Again, he’s way too sweet for me. Kyle was never this kind. He was actually an asshole most of the time. I let it slide because I thought I loved him.

  I’m not sure I know what love even is after that screwed up relationship. Then again, my parents got married in high school and are still together to this day. That is what love looks like. I want that for myself. Could I get it with Cameron?

  There’s only one way to find out.

  “I dated this guy from work at my last job,” I explain. “He was the CEO of the company, actually. Not my boss, but still the man in charge. We were together for four years when I found out I was his side chick. He had a live-in girlfriend the entire time.”

  “Shit, Melody,” Cameron says. “That guy is an asshole.”

  He clenches his fists like he’s stopping himself from punching something.

  “He is. And I’m over him. But he used us working together as an excuse to keep us a secret. I’m just afraid that dating someone at work will turn out the same.”

  Cameron frowns. “I don’t have a secret girlfriend. Or a not-secret girlfriend. And if we went out, it wouldn’t be a secret. I’d scream it from the rooftops if that’s what you wanted.”

  I giggle. “You’re sweet, Cameron. I’m just…”

  “I get it,” he says, cutting me off. “I won’t push you. But you should know that I’m here if you want to give it a shot. I think we could be good together.”

  We could be good together. Everyone thinks so. Emma mentioned it to me once. Daniela hasn’t even met Cameron and she’s convinced we’re perfect. I see it, too. In the way he looks at me and the way my heart thuds when he’s close.

  He doesn’t have a secret girlfriend, my brain says. He won’t keep you a secret.

  I can’t keep living in fear because of how Kyle treated me. Daniela was right: Kyle is the exception, not the rule. It’s time I start dictating my own life.

  “You know what?” I say. “Fuck it.”

  I close the distance between him and kiss him hard. He’s startled at first, but Cameron’s lips quickly meet my fast pace.

  “Hang on a second, are you sure about this?”

  “Are you engaged?”


  “Living with your girlfriend?”

  “Definitely not.”

  “Are you single?”

  “Very much so.”

  I kiss him again.

  “Then there’s no reason for us not to do this.”

  Cameron’s hands find my hips and pull them against his. His hard cock presses against my center. “If we do this, it’s not just right now. Promise me.”

  “I promise, Cameron. Now fuck me.”

  He grins. “Let me show you my office.”

  For the first time, I’m grateful Cameron’s office is fully private. I doubt anyone else will show up on the executive floor on a Saturday, but you never know.

  He pulls me inside and pushes me up against the door, causing it to slam.

  “Shit, sorry,” he says.

  I kiss him, nibbling on his lip. “No apologies, just sex.”

  “Sex I can do.”

  We kiss passionately, our hands roaming over each other’s clothes.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  I my teeth graze his neck. “Seriously, right now?”

  “It’s relevant.”


  “One of the first times we met, I had this fantasy of bending you over my desk and fucking you right here.”

  I glance at his desk then back at him. “Well, Mr. Colter. How about we make that fantasy a reality?”

  My jeans and panties are on the floor within seconds. His pants and boxers join them. I put my hands on his desk and wiggle my ass for him.

  “Fuck, Melody. You’re beautiful.”

  He takes his position behind me, pressing his cock against my ass. I turn my head to kiss him and he catches my lips hungrily.

  “Are you ready?” he asks.

  “Please,” I practically beg.

  His giant cock enters me in one swift motion. It fills me up just as good now as it did our first time together.

  “You’re tight, baby. You fit me like a glove.”

  Cameron pulls out and thrusts back in, burying himself balls deep in my s
opping pussy.

  “I love your big cock, Cameron. Give me more.”

  His thrusts get quicker and quicker, each one slamming me against the desk. Cameron’s hands find my breasts and squeeze at my nipples. My fingers swirl around my clit, increasing my pleasure.

  “I’m not gonna last long like this, baby,” Cameron says. “Are you ready for my cum?”

  Our lips meet in another frenzied kiss. “Please, cum inside me, Cameron. I want it.”

  He pounds me faster until he finally pushes in one last time, his cum filling up my waiting pussy.

  Cameron’s fingers replace mine on my clit. “It’s your turn, baby.”

  His breath is hot in my ear. His softening cock is still halfway in my pussy. It’s all too much. My orgasm builds quickly, and I erupt, my body shaking against the desk.

  Cameron kisses and bites my shoulder as I come down from an incredible orgasm.

  “That was amazing,” he says.

  I nod, unable to find the words to agree. I’m still out of breath from our office lovemaking.

  We stay leaned against Cameron’s desk until we’ve both calmed down.

  “So,” Cameron says.

  I grin and kiss him lightly. “So.”

  “Can I take you out tonight? Are you free?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  “Perfect. Do you like that mini golf place that’s kind of near your house?”

  My face lights up. “I love it there! I’ll kick your ass in the batting cages. I played softball until I graduated high school.”

  “I was never very athletic, but I’ll take the challenge. I’ll pick you up at… five? So we have plenty of time?”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.”


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