A SEAL Always Wins

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A SEAL Always Wins Page 28

by Holly Castillo

  “We’ll do what we can. Are you all right? Has he hurt you?”

  “No. I’m okay. Jonas is going to tell his driver to allow someone to help with the tire. Don’t worry about me, Phantom. Just—be careful, please.”

  “Always. Jonas, we will do as you ask. You don’t need to continue using Elena. Send her out.”

  Jonas chuckled. “He’d like that, wouldn’t he? What kind of fool does he think I am? You’re staying with me from here on.”

  Elena turned, about to speak into the crack, and he pulled her back roughly. “You’ll only speak when I tell you to. I don’t want to have to treat you like one of the hostages and bind and gag you and put you in one of the cages, but I will if I must.”

  Elena tried to conceal her shudder, but Jonas saw it and laughed. She straightened her spine and faced him squarely. “You are nothing but a bully and a coward, Jonas. You can try to scare me as much as you want, but I know you’ll never succeed. No matter what you try to do or how you try to use me.”

  He shook his head, leering at her. “You just don’t get it. I’m the one in the power position here. They have no leverage. As soon as that tire is fixed, the hostages are going on the trailers, and you’ll escort me to one of the trucks. My friend has already made the arrangements for us to disappear as soon as we arrive in San Antonio. They can try to follow us. Hell, they can even put tracking devices on the trucks. None of it will work, though. I told you before I have connections. My friend has made it so that I’ll get every demand I ask for.”

  “Who is your friend, Jonas?”

  Jonas rolled his eyes. “Do you really think I would tell you such a thing?”

  “You’ve told me practically everything else. Why not something as simple as a name? You’re so confident I’ll be with you anyway… What does it matter?” Elena’s hands trembled. If she survived, she could gather important information for Phantom and the team.

  Jonas smiled. “I’m not telling you any real information. I won’t take that kind of chance. I know they are planning to try to stop me, but they will fail. Or we’ll both die. Are they the type of men to sacrifice you to achieve their goals?”

  Elena didn’t answer. She had no idea how to answer. She was certain, though, that they wouldn’t let Jonas get away. Especially with the hostages. Maybe they’d let him attempt to escape, but they would stop him at some point.

  His confidence in his friend’s plan once he reached San Antonio made her nervous, though. What if Phantom and the team couldn’t stop him? What if Jonas’s friend had put together a full-proof plan that they couldn’t stop?

  She drew a deep breath. She had faith in Phantom and the entire team. She said a silent prayer to give her strength and strength to the team. She needed to be ready to take action when the time came.

  Chapter 27

  “What the hell are you doing?” Santo asked, squatting down next to Phantom.

  For several moments, Phantom didn’t answer, his eyes fixed on the spot at the base of the beam supporting one of the barn rafters. He drew a steadying breath as he lifted the odd square panel and grinned when he saw the box held within. He looked over at Santo. “I know this puzzle. Elena taught me—it’s the Rubik’s Cube.”

  “Yeah, we all know what a Rubik’s Cube looks like. Do you mean to say she taught you how to solve it?”

  “Yes. I can solve this puzzle, Santo.”

  “How do you know it is in the right sequence? If it’s out of order, we could be blown to bits.”

  “Think carefully. Have you seen any wiring anywhere connected to these puzzles that make you think there is a bomb?”

  “I’ve seen plenty of wires. That’s how all these panels keep opening up.” Santo hesitated, studying the wires connected to the Rubik’s Cube. “But you’re right, none of them look like what I’d expect for a bomb.”

  “Do you think Jonas would really put his life in danger like that? Look at everything we know about the man. He’s selfish and greedy. He wouldn’t take a chance that he could be blown up if his plan fell through. He’s been bluffing all along.”

  “What do you think solving this puzzle will accomplish?”

  “I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot. It could open up another area so we could take him by surprise. Right now he has the advantage. We need to take it away from him.”

  “I’m at the ranch. I’ve locked onto their frequency.” Buzz’s urgent voice came to them through their coms.

  “Any chatter?” Stryker asked from his position outside the barn, watching over the two box trailers and the drivers. Brusco and Snap were helping the one driver with his tire. They had approached the truck cautiously with their hands up to show they weren’t armed. The driver never knew that Stryker kept his gun trained on him. Fortunately, Jonas had done as Elena said he would and had notified the driver he would get help. Brusco and Snap were doing everything in their power to delay the process and make it more difficult.

  “None. What’s happening there?” Buzz asked.

  “We were able to puncture one of the tires to delay the driver,” Lobo said from where he stood at the other end of the facility. “As you know, Jonas ordered for us to help the driver with the tire, but we’re taking our sweet time. We can only stall for so long, though. Once that truck is ready to go, I suspect Jonas is going to move the hostages.”

  “Phantom, what are you planning to do?” Stryker asked.

  “I’m working on that right now. Regardless, those trucks aren’t leaving, and neither is Jonas.” Phantom’s mind flashed to Elena and he closed his eyes briefly. He couldn’t let her get hurt. He couldn’t lose her.

  He realized he should have told her before he left for Mexico that he had fallen in love with her. He had been afraid, though, afraid she would reject him once she knew that he had kept his role as a SEAL secret from her. So he had held on to his profession of love, deciding it would be best to wait for her reaction to the news. His heart clenched painfully. Now he might not ever get to tell her. He couldn’t let that happen.

  He studied the cube closely, remembering Elena’s fingers on his, guiding him as he rotated each part. They had laughed and shared kisses between each move, until he had finally solved the puzzle on his own. The one he looked at in Jonas’s barn didn’t have the colors that a usual Rubik’s cube had. Instead it consisted of wood, brushed nickel, gold, polished steel, simple gray metal, and copper.

  He drew a deep breath and reached for the block, only to have Santo’s hand grab his. “Are you sure about this? Are you sure you know what you’re doing? What if this closes us in here? What if the panel goes up and we’re flattened like pancakes?”

  Phantom turned his eyes to his best friend and gave him a reassuring smile. “I learned from the best. You and I have always lived life on the edge. Why stop now?”

  Santo slowly smiled. “You realize you owe me a steak dinner in Laredo.”

  “You’re going to gloat about that now? Yes, you were right. I love her, Santo. I can’t let anything happen to her.”

  Santo nodded. “I’ve got your back. Solve the damned puzzle so we can take down that bastard.”

  Phantom turned back to the cube and squeezed his hands into fists before reaching for it. Elena had taught him how to solve it with just a few moves. He had to do it perfectly, or everything Santo feared could happen. He had no idea how Jonas had the system rigged.

  He moved the first two sections quickly. With each move he heard a click behind the wall. His hands began to sweat. He knew once he completed the puzzle, something would happen, and he had no way of knowing whether it would be good or bad.

  Twelve steps. Elena had shown him how to complete the puzzle in twelve moves. He could almost hear her voice in his ear, gently coaching him through each step. He moved a couple more sections, and there were more clicks in the wall.

  “Phantom, the tire is almost
repaired,” Stryker spoke.

  Sweat trickled down his temple and he moved two more sections. “Can you delay them any longer?”

  “Not with the tire. It will be finished soon, and there isn’t anything else we can do,” Stryker answered.

  “Admiral Haslett just arrived,” Lobo said tensely.

  Phantom squeezed his eyes shut. He had no idea Haslett would arrive so quickly and hadn’t anticipated this additional complication to their situation. He had no idea what Haslett thought he could accomplish by coming into the situation. He became an extra person they had to protect and keep safe.

  “Looks like he brought an entire team with him,” Stryker said.

  “Please tell me the drivers haven’t seen them. Please tell me some good news here. I sure could use a little.” Phantom wiped at the sweat hastily before returning his focus to the cube.

  “They came in the same way we did,” Stryker said. “I don’t think the drivers saw them. There’s no indication they have, at least.”

  Phantom slowly moved the pieces two more times. The colors were beginning to align. Half of the puzzle was complete. Only a few more moves to make—

  “They’re using their radios,” Buzz said over the coms, his voice urgent.

  Phantom hesitated in his movements for a moment as he waited for Buzz’s next report. It didn’t take long.

  “The driver of the second truck just notified Jonas that the truck has been repaired and they are ready to receive the cargo. The chatty driver told Jonas they were wearing military tactical gear. He now knows there are at least four of us out there.” Buzz sighed heavily.

  “How many men did Haslett bring with him?” Santo asked, scanning their surroundings as the clicks continued in the walls.

  “At least ten—maybe fifteen soldiers. They’re approaching now.” Stryker’s com went silent for several moments as he talked to Haslett. Phantom concentrated on the cube. He only had two more moves to make.

  “Haslett says these trucks don’t leave here. We take Jonas down before he even exits this barn.”

  “And what about Elena? How do we ensure her safety?” Phantom clenched his jaw tightly. He already knew the answer.

  “If she’s collateral damage, we have to take the shot. We have no other choice.”

  “Then I’ll make another choice.”

  “Phantom, I know you care about Elena. Hell, we all do. We can’t let Jonas leave.” Snap sounded as frustrated as the rest of them.

  “Phantom?” Elena’s sweet voice floated through the walls to him, and his heart pounded harder in his chest. Jonas must be ready to make the move. Which meant he needed the team to be ready to make theirs.

  “Stryker,” he said softly so Jonas couldn’t hear him, “get two of the men Haslett brought to replace the drivers in the trucks. Keep the drivers in their trucks and have them respond to any messages from Jonas, but with our guns on them so they don’t reveal what we’ve done.”

  “What are you thinking, Phantom?” Snap asked.

  “We’re going to let Jonas think the hostages are being loaded onto the truck, but we’re going to move them a safe distance away from the building.”

  “Phantom?” Elena called to him again.

  “I’m here, Elena.”

  “Jonas wants the hostages loaded onto the trucks. They’re going to come out the door he took me through.”

  “We’ll be ready for them,” Phantom answered. He spoke softly again so only the team could hear him. “Team, come into the barn. Take up positions at the openings to both of the halls that unsealed earlier. We’re going to take Jonas down.”

  “On our way,” Brusco said.

  “Jonas just told the drivers to report to him as the hostages are loaded,” Buzz said.

  “Stryker, are Haslett’s men in place?” Phantom asked.

  “Yes. They have their orders to keep the drivers talking.”

  “The first driver just responded,” Buzz said. “He asked Jonas if he wanted them to open the back of the trailers or have the hostages do it. Jonas is answering…” Buzz paused for a moment as he listened to the discussion. “Shit. Jonas ordered the drivers to get out and open the doors for the hostages, load them, and get back on the radio as soon as the trailers are secure.”

  “Brusco, Snap—escort the drivers to the back of the trucks. Keep them there until we have the hostages safe.” Phantom drew a deep breath. Everything had to play out just right for him to save Elena.

  Phantom and Santo stood at the corner of the hall, their guns trained on the spot where Elena had vanished several minutes earlier. The door slowly swung out, and two naked Hispanic women timidly stepped forward. Their hands were bound in front of them by coarse rope, and black bandannas were wrapped tightly around their heads, gagging them. Their eyes widened when they saw Phantom and Santo.

  Phantom nodded his head toward the other direction, and the women slowly walked out toward Snap who stood point at the end of the hall. The hostages continued to file out of the room, and Phantom felt queasy at the sight of the children. Jonas would pay for his crimes. But not until he had Elena safe.

  There seemed to be no end to the hostages. The line of them continued to file out until suddenly the door slammed shut. Phantom looked over at Santo. “It’s time to make our move.”

  Santo watched him closely as he rushed back to the Rubik’s Cube and turned the next to the last piece. “The drivers just radioed Jonas that the hostages have been loaded and secured,” Buzz said, his tone urgent.

  Phantom looked over at Santo as he turned the last piece. The clicks within the walls increased in intensity and they both turned together, facing the area where Jonas hid behind the interior wall with Elena. A creak and a groan sounded, and a panel in the wall in front of them lowered, exposing the area.

  Phantom’s heart pounded even harder. Elena and Jonas had to be within the area somewhere. He prayed Jonas hadn’t heard the noise and they were going to catch them by surprise. “Stryker and Lobo, we’ve opened up the interior where Jonas is. We could use some backup. Snap and Brusco, stay at the entrances in case he gets past us.”

  Phantom and Santo stepped into the area and saw the cages that had held the hostages only minutes earlier. Phantom clenched his jaw tight. Jonas deserved to be locked in one of those cages and treated just as poorly as he had allowed the innocent women, children, and men to be.

  “Get ready to move. I’m coming out with one final hostage. I want us headed out as soon as I’m in the truck.” Jonas’s voice drifted down the hall, and Phantom and Santo exchanged glances. Turning together, Phantom took the lead heading down the hall. Their steps slowed as they neared a corner. Jonas wasn’t talking any longer.

  Suddenly Elena emerged from around the corner and Phantom’s eyes quickly searched her for injuries. She appeared to be unharmed, but the expression on her face made him pause. She moved slowly around the corner, and he saw the black muzzle of a handgun pressed to her temple and wanted to curse out loud.

  “Did you really think I didn’t see this coming?” Jonas asked harshly. He came out from around the corner, though he kept himself behind Elena. “I’ve been several steps ahead of you this entire time. Now, I’m going to leave with Elena. You’re going to let me, or she’s going to die, and it will be all your fault.”

  “Don’t let him, Phantom. I don’t care what you have to do. You can’t let him do this.” Elena watched him intently. The same as with the other hostages, her hands had been bound in front of her with rope.

  “Shut up!” Jonas yelled, shaking her with the arm that held her shoulder. He glared at Phantom. “Who are you, anyway? How many of you are out there?”

  Phantom smirked at him. “Do you really think I’m going to answer any of your questions?”

  Jonas smiled at him. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. You can’t stop me.
Not unless you’re willing to sacrifice her. And I can tell by the way you’re looking at her that you can’t do it. Even if you do take me down, the drivers know to leave within the next five minutes with or without me and not to stop for anyone or anything. They’ll plow down anyone you have out there.”

  “He says he has a friend—a powerful friend who is—” Elena’s words ended in a gasp as he pressed the gun tighter against her temple.

  “Who’s your friend, Jonas? Who do you work for?” Phantom asked.

  “I don’t work for anyone!” Jonas growled. “I have connections. Good connections. They’ll make your lives miserable once I tell them about you. They’ll be able to track you even if you don’t tell me who you are. They have tools and skills beyond your wildest imagination. They’ll find you. And they’ll destroy you. Each and every one of you.”

  “You’re talking about the Puppet Master, aren’t you?” Santo said softly from where he stood at Phantom’s shoulder.

  A muscle ticked in Jonas’s face. “How do you know anything about the Puppet Master?”

  Phantom knew they had hit a nerve. Things were beginning to turn in the right direction. “How do you know this isn’t part of the Puppet Master’s plan? We’ve got the hostages. The auction will take place with or without you. You aren’t necessary any longer.”

  Jonas’s face paled. “I don’t believe you. I’ve been a valuable part of the operation for years. My knowledge and experience alone will help ensure our success with the plan. There’s no way I’d be cut out of it now.”

  “Whatever you need to tell yourself, Jonas,” Santo taunted.

  Jonas shook his head. “No. You’re lying to me. You heard about the Puppet Master somewhere, and you just think you know what’s going on. I would have heard about you. I’m too important to the plan!”

  “You’re done,” Phantom said. “Your usefulness is no longer relevant.”

  “Then there won’t be any hurt feelings if I kill Elena, will there?” Jonas sneered.


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