Crystal Ice

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Crystal Ice Page 52

by Warren Miner-Williams

  Later that same year Ngaire Rakena left her uncle’s Forest View Farm, near Mangatupoto, to collect a newspaper from the local dairy. She never returned. Even though the police and volunteers searched the surrounding environs and much of the nearby Pureora Forest, she was never seen again.

  Although Dr Frančiška Ribič, research virologist at the Institute of Immunology in Zagreb, and the sister-in-law of Captain Goran Sumovich, was interviewed at length by both the Croatian Police and representatives of the American government, no evidence was ever found to implicate her or any other researcher from the institute. Although similar genetic copies of the H5N1 subtype of the disease were found at the institute, they were not completely identical. The case remains open as to who engineered the viruses and supplied them to the terrorists of whom Tomaž Rozman was reportedly the leader. Twelve months almost to the day after the aerosol release of the influenza virus, Dr Frančiška Ribič was found dead in her car, having taken her own life by carbon monoxide poisoning.

  Matej Korošec escaped to Albania the day after his second-in-command, Tomaž Rozman, was kidnapped by American agents. Korošec was never implicated in any of the terrorist attacks and remains at large today.

  One year after the outbreak of the H5N1 bioterrorist attack on the United States, Captain Phillip James received the Medal of Honour for his investigative work that saved countless lives both in America and abroad. The citation read:

  Regardless of any thought for his own health, Captain Phillip James repeatedly put himself in hazardous environments, talking to patients who had contracted the disease. Through his courageous efforts he and his team identified the release method the terrorists had chosen to attack the United States of America and undoubtedly saved the lives of many thousands of innocent people both here in the U.S. and across the World.

  Captain James was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

  Lieutenant Colonel Mike Morrison received a Presidents’ commendation for his tireless and exemplary leadership in directing the teams of investigators that ultimately led to the discovery of how the influenza virus was released on an unsuspecting American public. He was promoted to full Colonel.

  Sonny Rewaka is still the leader of the Skorpions and although the Anderson Street drug house was later abandoned, no evidence was ever found to implicate him or any of his gang with the production of influenza viruses at The Finches. With respect to charges relating to the manufacture of methamphetamine at the farm, there was insufficient evidence to charge him.

  Petera Mokaraka is still currently wanted by the New Zealand Police in connection with the manufacture of methamphetamine at the Runciman Farm. Although he was suspected of fleeing to Australia this was never proven. Petera currently runs a pig farm in Tasmania with his wife Anna and his two sons Hondo and Maha, (named after two of his favourite motorbikes). He has never been in contact with Rewa Isaacs since he left New Zealand. Rewa is still unmarried and lives happily with her son Robbie.

  Tony Graham-Collins was apprehended, charged and found guilty of manufacturing methamphetamine at The Finches. He served a term of ten years in Paremoremo maximum security prison, just north of Auckland. As Graham-Collins was not a New Zealand citizen he was deported the day he was released from prison. When he arrived at Heathrow Airport, he was re-arrested and charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act for the manufacture of a weapon of mass destruction and gaoled for life. He is not expected to be released.

  Nadine Graham-Collins and her two daughters Carol and Naomi were deported from New Zealand once her husband Tony was gaoled in Auckland. She divorced Tony and has since remarried. She lives happily with her new husband, Ray Price, in Bristol.

  Alex MacLean received a commendation from the New Zealand Customs Comptroller for his role in the discovery of the meth lab at the Runciman farm. He is no longer employed by the Customs Service, having been head hunted by the New Zealand Secret Intelligence Service, (SIS). He and his wife Leanne still live in Auckland and have a son called Patrick.

  Dino Sutic was arrested in Port Douglas not long after he escaped from New Zealand. He was immediately deported back to New Zealand, where he was charged with terrorism-related offences, although there was insufficient evidence to convict him. However, he was found guilty of numerous charges relating to the manufacture of methamphetamine with intent to supply and other offences against the importation laws of New Zealand. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison and is currently held at Paremoremo maximum security prison in Auckland. He cannot apply for parole. Law enforcement agencies of the United States are currently applying for his extradition.

  Three years after Lisa Pearson (nee Davis) was released from Arohata Women’s Prison she gave birth to a daughter who she and Scott called Sharon. Scott now runs his own architectural consulting company in Nelson and has another branch opening soon in Christchurch. Lisa is a full-time mum and is expecting their second child.

  Warren Miner-Williams has a doctorate in clinical biochemistry and has published many scientific papers in prestigious journals and co-authored chapters in nutritional textbooks. He has published a number of educational textbooks in the U.K. helping teachers conduct and assess scientific research in schools. Allied to this in the 1990’s he was a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Committee awarding grants for research projects in U.K. schools. Although not trained in virology his first research publication was made possible using material from Porton Down, Britain’s Chemical and Biological Weapons Defence Establishment. He now lives in New Zealand with his wife and two married daughters. Amongst his many hobbies he has drawn expertise from Kendo; Sub-aqua diving*; Caving*; Cave diving; Hang gliding; Motorcycle racing; Parachuting; Skiing* and Photography both underwater and caving, (* as an instructor).




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