Comet's Blazing Love

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by Jenna Brandt

  Comet’s Blazing Love

  Holliday Islands Resort Series

  Jenna Brandt


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Locale and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events, or actual locations is purely coincidental. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email [email protected].

  Text copyright © Jenna Brandt 2019.

  Original cover design by Erin Dameron-Hill

  Praise for Jenna Brandt

  I am always excited when I see a new book by Jenna Brandt.

  Lori Dykes, Amazon Customer

  Jenna Brandt is, in my estimation, the most gifted author of Christian fiction in this generation!

  Paula Rose Michelson, Fellow Author

  Ms. Brandt writes from the heart and you can feel it in every page turned.

  Sandra Sewell White, Longtime Reader

  For more information about Jenna Brandt visit her on any of her websites.

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  Holliday Islands Series

  After growing his Alaskan resort empire into the “honeymooner’s paradise of the world,” Gordon Holliday is ready to retire. But there’s no way he can cruise the globe in his luxury yacht until his sons are groomed and polished into proper executives to take his place. There’s just one catch: He’s convinced their biggest current job requirement is marriage!

  To help find the perfect matches for his nine billionaire playboy sons, he secretly enlists the help of a high-end matchmaker, Evelyn Reese of True Love Connection, Inc. ( She visits the islands under the auspices of becoming a future investor and begins to work her magic. What ensues is a delightful romp of sizzling new business “partnerships” and dates, laugh-out-loud mayhem, and sweet holiday attractions. You won’t want to miss a single one!

  Book 1: The Dashing Groom — Jo Grafford

  Book 2: Dancing to the Altar — Christi Bortner

  Book 3: Love Came Prancing — Danni Roan

  Book 4: Her Christmas Vixen — Ginny Sterling

  Book 5: Comet’s Blazing Love — Jenna Brandt

  Book 6: Cupid Takes a Wife — Marie Higgins

  Book 7: Donner Let Her Go — Amelia Adams

  Book 8: Blitzen the CEO — Lisa Prysock

  Book 9: Rudolph’s Runaway Bride — George McVey

  Book 10: Mommy’s Kissing Santa — Kit Morgan

  Comet’s Blazing Love

  He’s a Olympic gold medalist athlete, she’s a wellness coach, and they have to learn to run a fitness island resort together.

  Blake “The Blazing Comet” Holliday is an internationally famous gold medalist runner. Known around the world for being a playboy billionaire and sports icon, the last thing he wants to do is settle down and run the fitness island his father has put him in charge of at the family resort. What’s worse, his father has hired a wellness guru who thinks it’s her job to tell him how to incorporate a spa and wellness program into the island’s offerings.

  Peyton Belmont is a renowned wellness coach who has spent the last decade building up her brand. In order to take her company to the next level, though, she needs a cash infusion. So, when Gordon Holliday offers to hire her for a hefty sum to help overhaul his fitness island at his family resort, she decides she can give up a couple of months to get the money she needs. What she doesn’t plan on is putting up with Blake Holliday.

  Can Peyton and Blake learn to get along? Will they give into the attraction they are fighting to deny? And can they make Comet Island the best fitness destination in all the world without destroying it in the process?


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  A Note from the Author

  Also by Jenna Brandt

  Join My Mailing List and Reader’s Group


  About the Author

  For my Daughters:

  You make me laugh every day and helped me come up with the intensely funny scenes that fill the pages of this story.

  Chapter 1

  The flashing lights of the cameras and endless myriad of questions were getting on Blake Holliday’s nerves. He should be used to it by now, considering he had dealt with it for the past decade; ever since he won his first gold medal in the 100-meter sprint. It never gets easier though, and added with the fact that all sorts of unpleasant memories were surfacing now that he was headed back to his family’s resort, he wished he had fought harder against his forced return.

  “Blaze, Blaze, can you tell us why you’re headed back to the Holliday Islands?” one of the reporters shouted from his spot behind the chain link fence near the private airport in Madrid.

  Blake shot a withering look over at the reporter, not liking the fact the stranger thought it appropriate to use his former Olympian nickname without his permission. He had been dubbed “The Blazing Comet” after his first gold medal victory in the Madrid Olympics ten years ago. A reporter had written that when he ran, he looked like a blazing comet shooting across the sky. He often wondered if his father had planted that first story to flourish his reputation in the industry. Considering Comet was his middle name; he didn’t see how it was possible any other way. Over time, it had been shortened to “Blaze” by friends, and he had begrudgingly allowed it. When complete strangers used it, however, especially the paparazzi, it made him heated with anger, though he hid it as best as he could.

  “Does this have to do with the promised unveiling of several new attractions on the islands during the holiday season and in the new year?” a second reported probed.

  “Do you know that several of your brothers have been seen returning to the islands, too?” a third reporter asked, followed by two more rapid questions. “Does this mean that your father is stepping down as CEO of the resort? Are the “reindeer brothers” taking over?”

  A shake of his head caused his dark, brown hair to shift around his face. He let out an annoyed sigh. One nickname was bad enough, but to have a second one was the stuff of nightmares. Leave it to one of their cousins on their mother’s side—jealous of their money and lifestyle—to go to the press and sell the exclusive story that their eccentric father, who was obsessed with Christmas, gave them each a reindeer middle name. When several social media sites got wind of the story and started blasting it all over the internet, it made it even worse. They couldn’t escape it now.

  “What are your plans for Comet Island?” a fourth reporter shouted. “Several new buildings have been raised in the past year. What are you going to do with them?”

  Comet Island, the bane of Blake’s existence. Why did his father not only have to name an island after him, but expect him to turn it into a world-renowned fitness destination for celebrities, sports icons, and fitness guru
s? Blake didn’t want to be back at the resort. His father, however, made it clear that if he didn’t return, Blake would lose all his perks tied to the family name and money, including his massive trust fund. Granted, Blake had accumulated plenty of wealth and prestige on his own, but his father could make his life miserable if he didn’t agree. Plus, part of him still wanted the old man’s approval, despite the fact Blake was certain he would never fully get it. After all, he had let his father push him to focus on sports, even though he wanted to pursue other passions. His father hounded him all the way to the Olympics, wanting a gold medalist in the family, and still it wasn’t enough for Gordon Holliday.

  “Is Crista Reed joining you on the island? We hear she’s the reason you broke things off with Tara St. James. Is it true?” the first reporter followed up with a new round of questions.

  Blake lifted his hand and shielded his face. Normally, he would smile for the cameras and wave, give pleasant but vague answers, and thank the reporters for their time. Today, he just wasn’t able to muster the façade for the looming paparazzi. Instead, he headed up the metal staircase, made his way into the lounge area of his family’s private jet, and plopped down in one of the plush leather armchairs.

  He pulled out his phone that was buzzing again and glanced down at the screen. Of course, the vultures were still circling the carcass of his love-life, which only days before had gone up in flames.

  “Mr. Holliday, welcome aboard,” a pretty blonde stewardess greeted with a warm smile. “Can I get you anything? Perhaps, your usual glass of Macallan single malt Scotch?”

  He gave a small nod, still looking down at the article describing how he jilted yet another girlfriend after hooking up with a different woman. He hated all the unwarranted bad press he was getting lately about his love life. Ninety percent of the time, the stories were solicitous and riddled with fabrications that made him look like a complete jerk. This wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  Letting out an even heavier sigh than before, Blake leaned his head back against the headrest, preparing himself for the long flight back home.

  As Peyton Belmont stepped out of the private jet, her teeth immediately started chattering. She pulled together the edges of the jacket she was wearing as tightly as possible. She was definitely going to have to purchase a new, thicker one as soon as possible.

  Peyton had thought she had packed well for the frigid weather her mother warned her about when she took the job at the Holliday Islands Resort in Alaska. Nothing could have prepared her though, for the chilling wind that blasted off the Prince William Sound.

  “We have spare coats for our guests, Miss Belmont,” the stewardess offered from behind her. “Can I get you one?”

  Peyton didn’t want to admit she needed the loaner jacket and decided to make a quick dash for the waiting Land Rover. The snow flurries were getting thicker by the moment, and if she didn’t hurry, she wouldn’t be able to see two-feet in front of her.

  She slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder and rushed down the metal steps, which as it turned out, was a mistake. Her foot slipped on the last step, and before she knew what was happening, the ground was moving out from underneath her. The world tilted, and she knew that at any moment, she was going to make contact with the ground.

  To her surprise, a strong, firm hand grabbed her by the arm and saved her from her own blunder.

  “Thank you,” she gasped out, trying not only to steady her voice but her wobbly legs.

  “You’re welcome,” a deep, masculine timbre said, prompting Peyton to glance up to see the face that matched the magnetizing voice.

  Even through the snow, she could tell the man was handsome. With a tall, chiseled physique and facial features that rivaled any model, Peyton found herself floundering to find a follow-up to her initial response as she stared into his coffee-colored eyes. After all, it wasn’t every day that a woman found herself being rescued by a handsome stranger.

  “You’re new around here,” the stranger stated, helping her to stand upright before letting go. “So, let me give you a couple pieces of advice. Dress warmer and don’t rush in the snow. Next time, there might not be someone to catch you before you hit the ground.”

  Too bad the handsome stranger was as arrogant as he was good-looking. Peyton stepped back, not liking the chastising tone that came with the advice. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a ride waiting for me.”

  He gave her a curt nod, before she turned to the side and headed for the waiting vehicle. Once safely inside, she waited for the car to start moving. When it didn’t, she politely asked, “Are we waiting for something?”

  “Yes, ma’am, we’re waiting for Mr. Holliday,” the driver said from the front seat.

  Peyton’s eyes grew wide with recognition of the name. She had no idea that Gordon Holliday was meeting her here. She expected to meet him for the first time on Comet Island, not here on Blitzen Island. She patted her coppery-brown hair and adjusted her outfit, hoping she didn’t look a wreck from her earlier snafu.

  A few minutes later, the car door opened and revealed to her utter surprise, the stranger. “What do you want?” The question laced with accusation tumbled from her mouth before she could help it. The last thing she wanted was to go another round with the man, no matter how handsome he might be, prompting her to add, “I’m waiting for someone.”

  “You are, are you?” he asked with a smirk, sliding into the seat next to her. “Well, I’ve arrived. My plane got here a little bit before yours. When the driver said the new hire was arriving shortly after me, I wanted to check you out.”

  “Who are you?” Peyton inquired, stiffening with apprehension. She hated being in the dark, and the stranger obviously knew who she was, though he had pretended otherwise just a few minutes earlier.

  “Blake Holliday,” he stated with a smug grin.

  Instantly, she recognized the name. She had done her research about the resort before taking the job. Blake Comet Holliday was Gordon Holliday’s middle son and one of the infamous “Reindeer Brothers.” He also happened to be in charge of the island she had been hired to help renovate. From everything she read about him, however, he preferred to spend his time abroad, and rarely saw to the day-to-day operations of the place. She had a sinking suspicion it meant she would be working with the pompous man.

  “I can tell by your reaction you know who I am. You should know, it goes both ways. My father told me he was hiring a wellness guru to help re-brand my island. He has some absurd notion I can’t manage to do it on my own, which I plan to prove otherwise.”

  Peyton took a deep breath and forced herself not to blow up at the man. She reminded herself it was only a three-month contract. She could withstand anything if it meant she got the cash she needed to take her company to the next level.

  “First off, Mr. Holliday, I’m not a ‘guru’ as you put it,” she said, giving him a disdainful glare. “I’m a wellness coach, which means I help people cultivate the best version of themselves by finding a balance between their physical, mental, and spiritual self.”

  “All I hear is a lot of cleverly strung together buzz words. You forget, Miss Belmont, I’ve been in the fitness industry for over a decade. I know for the majority of people in it, it’s more about how you brand what you’re selling rather than how it will actually benefit someone. I’m not like that though, and I don’t want my island to be either. I plan to make Comet Island the best fitness destination in the world, and I don’t plan to use any gimmicks to do it.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, since your father hired me to help you do just that. The wellness center and program I plan to implement will entice guests you’ve previously neglected,” Peyton pointed out.

  “I don’t neglect any of my guests,” Blake snapped back. “And I don’t need anyone helping me run my island. You should really just save yourself the trouble and head back to the mainland right now.”

  “Your father thinks otherwise, and since he’s th
e one who hired me, you should take it up with him if you have a problem with it.” Crossing her arms, she turned away from the infuriating man and looked out the window. She needed the money, but she was already regretting taking this job.

  Peyton had looked forward to coming to the winter wonderland, especially during the holiday season. She thought she was going to enjoy temporarily living in the lap of luxury, since she had been raised by a single mom on a small, fixed income. It hadn’t left any room for fancy cars, vacations, or meals. Just maintaining necessities like a roof over their heads and food on the table had been a daily struggle. It hadn’t changed much when Peyton set out on her own to establish herself in the wellness industry. Every penny she made, she invested back into her company, but even all of that hadn’t been enough to make it possible for her to reach the next level for her company. This is why she needed this job so badly.

  They drove the rest of the way in silence until they reached their destination. As Peyton stepped out of the vehicle and walked the short distance to the helicopter that was going to fly them to Comet Island, she fortified herself with a new well of resolve. She wasn’t going to let anything keep her from finishing this job, especially Blake Holliday.


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